
Chapter 100 – The assassin provides support

Chapter 100 - The assassin provides support

Translator: VALIANT

When we met again, Naoise had changed.

It wasn’t just his clothes, his personality was different too.

Miasma was leaking out of his body.

In other words, he had turned into some kind of monster or demon.

This was what the snake demon Meena meant when she said that she would make him her toy.

Now that it had come to this, Naoise no longer had a place to return to.

What a horrible thing to do to him.

[Did he really give up his humanity for more power?] (Lugh)

All the warning signs were there.

When I first met Naoise, he was convinced that he was special.

But after witnessing the Hero’s irrational power, he fell into despair.

Afterwards, even though he believed that we were equal, he became jealous of my success, and tried to show his worth by forming a knight order if he couldn’t win with his own strength.

However, I denied even that.

… And this was the result.

Maybe I’m the one who caused him to end up like this.

I walked to Nevan.

[Are you all right?] (Lugh)

[I just felt a bit of a chill run down my spine. But I must say, Lugh-sama, you hurt my feelings. You displayed such anxiety for my well-being… I am strong enough to buy you enough time to come to my rescue, you know?] (Nevan)

[Sorry, I guess I’ve underestimated you.] (Lugh)

By nature, Nevan didn’t overestimate herself, nor did she make herself out to be a bigger deal than she actually was.

After all, she was still going to be my companion.

If I incorrectly estimated Nevan’s power, I would be putting the entire team, including her, at risk.

There was no way someone as smart as her wouldn’t understand that and act pretentious.

I should spar with her sometime. I’ll then be able to evaluate her real strength.

Overestimation was dangerous, but underestimation was just as dangerous.

[Naoise became stronger, huh.] (Lugh)

Nevan and I stood side by side as we watched Naoise fight.

He was going toe to toe with Riogel all by himself.

I had my reasons for deciding to remain a spectator.

Even if I were to provide support, if I didn’t know what Naoise’s current combat capabilities were, it would be dangerous for both of us.

First of all, I needed to get a grasp of his abilities.

At the same time, all of us were preparing to strike whenever there would be a fatal opening.

Tarte coated her spear with electricity, Dia prepared to chant【Demonkiller】, and Nevan positioned herself to use her light magic in conjunction with the weapon I gave her.

[That sword is impressive.] (Nevan)

[Yeah, it’s ominous and mighty. If I were told that this wasn’t a piece of equipment, but a demon that had morphed into a sword, I’d believe it.] (Lugh)

[My idiotic childhood friend… No, my moronic childhood friend’s swordplay remains more than top-notch, but still far from the best. His physical abilities have improved, but compared to those who are outside the norm, there’s a clear difference. And his proficiency in strengthening his physical abilities with mana is still as poor as before, so there is much about him that leaves to be desired. However, the power flowing from that sword is so abnormal it could slay any monster. And most of all…] (Nevan)

[It can kill demons without letting them regenerate. I never thought such a weapon existed.] (Lugh)

The black greatsword Naoise was holding was incredible. It could withstand Riogel’s claws, which could easily cut through even steel, without getting a single scratch.

Not only did it strengthen its owner with the power of miasma, it also had the power to neutralize the demons’ regeneration while having the sharpness to cut through Riogel’s skin.

Additionally, it had the power to strengthen Naoise, whose strength wasn’t much different from before, to the level of a Hero.

Perhaps the modifications that Naoise himself underwent weren’t to give him strength, but to enable him to use that magic sword.

That magic sword was clearly over-engineered.

By researching the【Divine Treasures】, I managed to create gears containing magical powers that could be put to practical use if it was for simple actions. The result of this was Tarte’s spear.

However, I didn’t feel like I’d be capable of incorporating advanced spells such as【Demonkiller】to them at all.

To begin with, where’s that infinite amount of power coming from?

[…Well, I got the gist of it. I’ll help him out. At this rate, he’s going to lose.] (Lugh)

[Indeed. That demon has an unusual learning ability. If they are still evenly matched at this time, it will only be a matter of time before he loses.] (Nevan)

Nevan asserted.

I was also of the same opinion. Riogel’s brain was a huge threat.

The drug I used had long worn off, and my instant mana output had returned to normal.

Even so, if I joined forces with Naoise, then we could still fight.

As I walked toward Naoise to help him out, I used my eyes and hand signs to give instructions to Tarte and the others.

If my expectations were right, then I would require their strength for this battle.

I readied my gun.

I realized something after watching Naoise.

No matter how much his physical abilities had improved, his proficiency remained the same as before. In fact, because he was brandishing his power without being able to control it, his movements were dull.

It was easy to anticipate his next moves.

What I had at the ready was a rifle I had stored in my【Leather Crane Bag】.

It was larger than a pistol, and the bullets it used were also of larger caliber.

The amount of Fahr Stone powder inside was far greater. This would be able to penetrate even Riogel’s flesh.

I took a deep breath.

I enhanced my Tuatha Dé eyes.

I used them to see a few tenths of a second into the future. If I didn’t do that, I wouldn’t be able to provide any backup in this situation.

It was impossible for any ordinary person to shoot only the enemy when both parties were engaged in close combat, clashing and moving around.

However, I was no ordinary person.

Even if I didn’t have the unfairly useful Tuatha Dé eyes, in my past life, I could even snipe a target through the window of a passing bullet train while riding a car running at 150 km/h.

I observed Naoise’s and Riogel’s movements, and I could predict how they would move next. In that case, the rest was only a matter of shooting accuracy and timing.

[……] (Lugh)

I silently fired a bullet.

Riogel was able to read Naoise’s moves and launch a counterattack, but the moment my bullet hit him in the face, his head was blown off.

Of course, unlike Naoise’s magic sword, that was just a plain old lead bullet.

The lion’s head immediately started to regenerate.

This sniping alone was meaningless.


[Thanks for the backup!] (Naoise)

Naoise gave Riogel a diagonal slash while he was defenseless.

Indeed, as long as I created openings, Naoise would take care of dealing damage himself.

Riogel’s blown off head has regenerated, but the deep gash running from his shoulder to his flank didn’t heal, and was bleeding profusely.

Seeing a demon bleeding was a refreshing sight.

After all, every demon I’ve met so far kept regenerating instantly, and as soon as one of them had his regeneration blocked, I immediately dealt him the final blow.

If this one were human, he would be unable to move properly after bleeding so much, but as a demon, I wonder if this has any negative impact on him.

As this thought ran through my mind, I vigilantly readied my gun.

[Take this! This! And this! Taste my power!] (Naoise)

I see. So in a situation where regeneration is no longer possible, demons can’t ignore the weaknesses common to all living beings.

Riogel’s movements had visibly gotten more sluggish.

Even so, he was sufficiently skilled in fighting to move accurately.

As the tables turned on Naoise, who was getting carried away and initiating a large sword swing, Riogel aimed for his throat with a minimal and short-ranged hand thrust.

A well-executed attack. It would hit Naoise before his sword could even reach him.

If it weren’t for me, he would’ve really turned things over.

However, I anticipated that move.

My bullet blasted his entire arm off, and Riogel lost balance.


Naoise screamed his lungs out as he swung his sword horizontally.

It wasn’t a shout to show his fighting spirit, but rather a cry as if he was trying to blow away the fear and disgrace from the possibility that he would’ve been killed if I hadn’t saved him.

And so, his attack was crudely executed, and Riogel managed to avoid a fatal blow despite losing his footing.

[That guy…] (Lugh)

I thought Naoise’s skills remained the same as before, but now, I stand corrected.

He had been swayed by his own power, making him hot-headed and not careful enough.

If I hadn’t covered for him, he would’ve died twice by now, and the Naoise I knew would have managed to perfectly inflict a fatal wound on his opponent without losing his composure.

Riogel jumped back, while Naoise desperately chased after him.

The latter didn’t even realize that the former was leading him on.


The wounded Riogel unleashed a roar with a shockwave towards Naoise, who jumped at him.

Naoise got blown away and lost his balance, and even though he was now wide open, Riogel left him as he was, and made his way straight towards me as he kept bleeding out.

[As long as I can just kill you…!] (Riogel)

It seemed that he had made an estimation of the level of danger each one of us posed.

And he had concluded that I was more dangerous than Naoise.

If it weren’t for my intervention, he would’ve killed Naoise twice already.

His eyes were focused on the muzzle of my gun.

He remained alert so as to be ready to dodge my bullets.

A wise decision.

And yet, it was also foolish.

I knew this guy would behave that way. Since he tried to kill Nevan in priority earlier, I knew he would come after me this time.

And since I foresaw this, I had my countermeasure ready.

I reached for a grenade with my free left hand and threw it.

Since Riogel’s attention was completely focused on the muzzle of my gun, he reacted too little too late.

The grenade exploded in midair.

It was an acoustic bomb, like the one I used for my trap.

His ears and nose were hit, Riogel was so shocked he stood still, his eardrums were damaged, and he was bleeding from his ears.

I could’ve stopped him with a Fahr Stone, but using one would’ve blown him to pieces, then he would’ve regenerated, and I would’ve been unable to go after him.

There was a reason why I only injured him not enough to turn him into chunks of meat, but enough to stop him from moving.

[I’ve been waiting for this moment!] (Tarte)

Tarte, who approached me little by little so as not to get noticed by Riogel, thrusted her lightning-coated spear into his side.

He was overrun with an electric current from inside his body, and the electrocution forcibly paralyzed him.

She took away his freedom as he was recovering from the sound bomb.

[【Demonkiller】. Finally, I was getting tired of waiting.] (Dia)

Thanks to Dia casting【Demonkiller】, his【Crimson Heart】started to materialize, shining with a red light.

Dia chanted that ultra-difficult spell perfectly.

[【Holy Light Amplifying Cannon】.] (Nevan)

And Nevan’s sharpshooting was the coup de grace.

She used a tool I created and designed to store and release light mana to enhance light magic.

It was a simple tool that solved the power output problem of light magic by taking in a large amount of mana in advance.

When it was fully charged, even if it was with light magic, which suffered from a lack of firepower, it could pack a serious punch.

That shot pierced the【Crimson Heart】at the speed of light.

From the beginning, I was thinking of using Naoise as a decoy. Knowing the demon’s personality, I knew he’d come after me.

That way, I could create an opening.

I let Tarte and the others know about my plan to take advantage of that opening.

That’s how we were able to defeat him like that.

There was a gaping hole in Riogel’s heart, and his existence started to fade away.

[Argh…! If… If only… If only you weren’t around…] (Riogel)

[That’s right, I’m the one who killed you.] (Lugh)

He desperately stretched out his claws to me, and before he could reach me, he turned into particles of light and disappeared.

Riogel, you were a strong opponent.

If we had made one mistake, we would’ve probably lost. I mourned his death.

At that moment, the sound of applause echoed.

[So this is the power of the【Holy Knight】Lugh and his squires. For mere mortals, you all did a great job.] (Naoise)

The source of the applause was Naoise.

He walked towards us with his typically graceful and elegant smile I knew so well, while spreading miasma around.

No, that wasn’t the smile I was familiar with. The Naoise I knew was never such a condescending man.

[Let’s have a talk, Naoise. A lot has happened since you disappeared.] (Lugh)

[Yeah, sounds good. I’ve also got something to tell you, Lugh.] (Naoise)

I tried to figure out what words to say to a friend who had changed.

Words that could reach his heart.

…So that we could laugh together again, as we used to.

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