
Chapter 348 Can’t Stand It Anymore

Chapter 348 Can’t Stand It Anymore

He must go ahead if he can.

Even if he cannot, he has to do it anyway.

The men in the black fog think in this way.

Liu Zhongyi is walking in the black fog.

He looks at the three stones stacked up on the ground with a frown, with a not good mood.

After all, these three stones were stacked up by him as a mark. After walking for a while, he returns to the beginning. It is not simply because he has got lost. According to the ghost novels, he may have encountered the so-called ghostly blocking walls. He weighs and considers. Eventually, he doesn’t follow the solution recorded in the novels that he should break the spell by peeing. The main reason is that he is more than 40 years old, who is not a boy anyway. Thinking of this, he can’t help recalling the yore when he was running under the sunset. That’s his bygone youth.

He sits down to rest with his eyes closed.

When one is unlucky, he will probably be teased by ghosts.

Liu Zhongyi feels that it should be unrelated to his luck.

It is related to the black fog.

After thinking for a long time, he closes his eyes slowly and sits cross-legged.

He looks like a priest sitting in meditation.

In fact, of course he is not.

After all, basically, Liu Zhongyi is only a Confucian scholar.

It doesn’t have anything to do with the Taoism or Buddhism.

Sitting in mediation is kind of being quiet of the Confucian school.

He maintains all the things, himself and his heart quiet.

Everything is quiet and only he blooms.

He stays calm and keeps all the ghosts out.

Then when Liu Zhongyi opens his eyes again, his pupils glitter with a green flame.

The flame glistens vaguely. It feels as if the flame in the pupils will immediately extinguish if anyone sneezes in front of Liu Zhongyi.

Suddenly, the flame starts to sparkle.

It seems to be transformed into a state.

Just like the surrounding black fog, it can take shape by condensing, except that it is condensed into a strange shape.

The flame in his left eye is condensed into a monkey jumping up and down.

The flame in his right eye seems to be a neighing horse.

His heart is like a capering monkey.

His mind is like a galloping horse.

Liu Zhongyi clenches his fists.

“My student has encountered danger.”

“That’s my student. As his master, if I do nothing at the moment, how can I be his master?”

“Just this time. Only for this time. Can you just turn a blind eye? Okay?”

Liu Zhongyi keeps trembling.

Somehow, his face is full of tears.

The veins stand out on his forehead, which looks more like a horn that is going to come out of the skin.

Finally, the flames in his pupils gradually extinguish.

The flames are like being put out by the wind.

Liu Zhongyi falls on the ground heavily.

His two hands are stabbed into the earth.

“Can I do it for one time? Once. I only do it once. Can’t I...”

Nobody answers him.

He seems to be speaking to the wind.

Yue Xincheng finds that the rare beasts in the black fog can be wiped out.

Every time they are dispersed, they will be condensed even more slowly than before.

In particular, dozens of minutes ago, it took more time for the rare beasts in black fog to take shape.

Having killed three rare beasts in the black fog, Yue Xincheng gasps for breath.

He feels so tired.

He is worn out.

He really wants to find a place and have a sleep, regardless of anything.

However, when he just closes his eyes, Yue Xincheng suddenly sits up, which may make others think of a corpse coming to life.

“I seem to have heard my boss call me.”

Yet, when he tries to listen attentively, he hears nothing.

“It must not be auditory hallucination. Boss must have encountered trouble and he needs me.” Yue Xincheng says with a serious face.

Of course he doesn’t think of that his boss is in a thrilling game with a black serpent now.

Taking the Moon Peak as a small map, the rare beasts in the black fog and the magic array of black fog are like the small turtles running about on the ground as well as the small flowers.

The black serpent is the real big boss.

Luckily, it is not the evil dragon in the game. Pitifully, even if he kills the black serpent, he cannot save a princess. If he is given a princess, he is not willing to accept her. After all, nowadays, the so-called princess works in KTV.

For example, when a beautiful little girl walks in the street, if a man grabs her hand and says that she looks like a princess, the girl must not be happy. Maybe she will even give him a slap and curse that she is not a princess!

After all, this is an era of chickens and ducks being together.

The black serpent gets more furious.

However, it doesn’t bring any stress for Gao Ge. After all, the black serpent just wants to kill him. It doesn’t matter whether it is angry or furious.

Even if Gao Ge plays up to it, it will never make peace with him.

Although this is the first time that Gao Ge has met such an opponent like the black serpent, he has an instinct feeling that it must be more capable.

He is more curious about the background of the black serpent.

If the black serpent has been here all the time, the Dragon Court must have known it. Even if the Dragon Court didn’t notice the situation on the Moon Peak, as the owner of the Moon Peak, the people of the Chenqiang Sect shouldn’t be that insensible. After all, it takes a lot of time for a black serpent to grow up. It must take hundreds of years for this creature to turn into a serpent. During the long process, did the people of the Chenqiang Sect just bury their heads into the earth?

The black serpent irritated by Gao Ge launches an attack again.

It has completely come out of the deep pool. It wriggles over like an earthmover.

Gao Ge keeps retreating in the battle.

Faced with such a formidable opponent, he will make trouble for himself if he confronts the tough with toughness.

It is like throwing his arm towards the wall.

Only by stalling the black serpent can he find its shortcoming.

It is a black serpent, not black pepper!

Gao Ge keeps running about.

He doesn’t turn around but he can hear the sound of boom behind him.

At the moment, the black serpent becomes like an officer overseeing the relocation work. As it moves, the towering trees keep falling.

It is until then that Gao Ge can see its full appearance.

Undoubtedly, it is so huge!

“Man, take a rest. Xu Xian is not here!”

Gao Ge shouts out loud at the black serpent.

The black serpent doesn’t slow down. Instead, it moves in a faster speed.

A man with two legs still cannot outrun the black serpent with no legs. Why is that?


Gao Ge only feels as if a stick is harshly hit on his back.

He is thrown away again.

He falls on the ground, vomiting blood heavily.

He feels that he can’t stand it anymore!

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