
Chapter 293 Wu Family’s Departure

Chapter 293 Wu Family\'s Departure

Finally, she grabbed onto Gu Yechen\'s hand and looked up at him with a smile, "Let him go this time. Everyone makes mistakes. . . His mistake this time may be bigger than others. Plus, nothing happened to Yebei. Hopefully, he learned from his mistakes this time."

Wu Chenxi nodded his head silently, and Wu Yin looked up at He Xinyan gratefully.

Gu Yechen glared at Wu Chenxi for a few more seconds before looking down at He Xinyan, his scary expression disappearing.

Finally, he nodded his head. Of course he listened to whatever his wife said!

"I do not want to see any of you ever again. I don\'t care where you go, but leave Country Z right away. Understand?"

Wu Yin immediately nodded her head as she ran forward and lifted Wu Chenxi off of the ground, who was crying by now.

"Thank you, Mr. Gu! Thank you, thank you." Wu Yin wiped away her tears as she continued to bow. She shot her son another angry glare before turning around.

"Let\'s go."

The three of them turned around and slowly walked out of the warehouse. At the backdoor, Wu Minger couldn\'t help but turn her head around one last time, her eyes meeting with Gu Yebei.

Then, she immediately looked away again and the three of them disappeared out of the warehouse.


An hour later, everyone was gathered in Xu Mengya and Gu Hanyu\'s house. Xu Mengay immediately burst into tears upon seeing them, and she ran over, pulling Gu Yebei into a hug.

Gu Yebei was obviously very surprised by his mom\'s action, since Xu Mengya usually scolded him whenever they met.

"Oh, we were so worried about you! Can\'t you be more careful?!" Xu Mengya pulled away and turned Gu Yebei around, looking him up and down.

"You aren\'t hurt, right?"

Gu Yebei felt a gush of warmth spread around his body before he shook his head, "No, I\'m fine."

Xu Mengya glared at him once before sitting back down on the couch, "Yechen, nothing happened right?"

Gu Yechen nodded his head, "Don\'t worry. Yanyan arrived just in time."

Xu Mengya looked over at He Xinyan gently, "Oh, thank you Yanyan! You are the lucky star of our family!"

He Xinyan chuckled and shook her head.

That night, they ate a happy dinner together cooked by Gu Hanyu and Gu Yechen together and they talked about many things, avoiding the topic of the Wu family.


The next day, the Wu family left their apartment early in the morning with all of their things packed in suitcases.

The three of them walked quietly with Wu Chenxi and Wu Minger walking behind their mom. The two of them didn\'t talk to each other, and both of them looked down at the ground as they walked.

Yesterday was a long and scary night. . . Although Wu Yin did help Wu Chenxi in the warehouse, that didn\'t mean she wasn\'t mad anymore. After they returned home, Wu Yin did indeed punish Wu Chenxi and also scold Wu Minger for several hours.

She also bought the closest airplane ticket to Country Y for the three of them since Gu Yechen had made it clear that they had to leave.

They entered a taxi and sat in silence for about half an hour before they stopped at the base of a mountain. Wu Yin got off and Wu Chenxi and Wu Minger quickly followed.

This wasn\'t an airport. It was a graveyard.

They walked up the mountain and stopped in front of a line of graves. At the third one, Wu Yin kneeled down in front of it, placing a bouquet of flowers and a container of food she had made in front of the silent grave.

Wu Chenxi and Wu Minger stared at the picture on the grave and the name that was imprinted.

\'Gu Hanwu\'

Wu Yin talked for several minutes to herself, seated in front of the grave. She talked about everything that happened and started crying as she did so.

Wu Chenxi and Wu Minger both stood guiltily behind her, listening to her speak.

Finally, Wu Minger bent down slightly and said, "Mom, it\'s almost time for the flight."

Wu Yin nodded her head and slowly stood up. Then, the three of them walked down the mountain and back onto the taxi.

About an hour later, they were waiting in line to check their tickets and enter the plane.

They stood in line silently, slowly inching forward every few seconds.

Finally, it was their turn and Wu Yin first handed her ticket to the worker. She checked her passport and then Wu Yin disappeared down the boarding bridge, not waiting for her two kids.

Wu Chenxi was next, and he also quickly left, following after his mom.

Wu Minger moved forward, handing her ticket and passport over to the worker. The worker looked through them quickly before handing them back to Wu Minger.

She grabbed onto her suitcase, getting ready to leave. However, as she stepped foot onto the bridge, someone suddenly called her name.


She turned back around instinctively after hearing the voice, the voice that she knew too well. The voice that belonged to Gu Yebei.

She looked around the airport filled with bustling people, standing on her toes to look past the long line of people.

She scanned the entire airport but could not see who she was looking for. She stood there blankly for a few more seconds before she stood back down onto her heels.

Then, she turned around and slowly disappeared down the boarding bridge. She was probably hearing things. . .

A few minutes later, everyone had boarded the plane and the boarding bridge closed. After it did, a tall man walked out from behind a wall and walked over to the glass, looking out at the large plane.

From inside the plane, Wu Minger was seated on the seat near the window. She pushed open the blinds and looked out the tiny window at the airport. She could kind of make out the people inside bustling around, walking hurriedly around the airport.

She stared at it for a few seconds before turning back around, closing the blind, and closing her eyes.

From inside the airport, Gu Yebei stood there for a very long time, staring at the plane. Finally, he watched as the plane slowly drove away, entered the large railway, and then flew off into the sky.

Even after the plane was gone, he stood there for a very long time, staring blankly at the empty road. Finally, his eyes widened slightly as he suddenly thought of something.

He took out his phone and called his mother, who quickly picked up this time.

"What is it?"

Gu Yebei took a deep breath before saying, "Mom, I\'m going to leave."

There were a few seconds of silence before, "What?!"

Gu Yebei pulled the phone away from his ear from the sudden loud scream.

"What do you mean by you\'re going to leave?!"

Gu Yebei gulped as he turned around and began walking out the waiting area, "I\'m going to Country Y."

"Hm?! Why?!" Xu Mengya jumped up from the couch and walked over to the living room to go find Gu Hanyu.

Gu Yebei quickly thought for a few seconds before saying, "I heard my brother say that there is a project in Country Y, and they are planning on starting a business there. I want to quit the entertainment industry and go work there in the company."

". . ." There were several seconds of silence.

"Mom? Are you there?"

"Ah!!!" There was a sudden scream, "Hanyu, did you hear that?!"

Gu Yebei furrowed his eyebrows together, "Dad?!"

The screaming went on for several seconds before Xu Mengya finally calmed down, "Yes, yes, Yebei! You want to get into the business as well?"

Gu Yebei cleared his throat a little awkwardly because he knew he was half lying, "Um. . . yes. I am sick of the entertainment industry. I want to go work there. I have never visited Country Y before."

Xu Mengya excitedly patted her husband on the arm, "Did you hear that?! Yebei also wants to go to work now."

However, the next second, she frowned slightly, "But Yebei, why go to Country Y? It\'s okay, you can stay here. I\'ll have your brother give you a good position in the main office of the Gu Corporation."

"No, no, no!" Gu Yebei said hurriedly, "I want to go to Country Y! I want to help start the new company there. I can learn new things alone as well. Plus, Country Y is quite nice."

Xu Mengya thought for a few seconds and finally shrugged, "Okay. Country Y isn\'t too far away. When do you plan on leaving?"

"I need to get ready and brother has to arrange a post for me over there. I\'ll leave tomorrow."

"Tomorrow?! So soon!"

Gu Yebei shrugged, "I\'ll talk to you later, okay? Bye mom."

He hung up the call and walked out of the airport, entered his car, and drove away.


The next day, the entire family was gathered again at the airport to send Gu Yebei away.

Gu Yechen stared at his brother suspiciously, obviously not trusting him. He knew his brother too well. There was no way his brother just suddenly wanted to enter the Gu Corporation.

While they were waiting, Gu Yechen quickly pulled his brother aside and glared at him.

"You are going to Country Y for Wu Minger, right?"

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