
Chapter 236 - The Martial Sovereign's Staff Of Obliteration

[Entity -Atlas- now own 7/8 Legendary items from the Martial Sovereign\'s set]

[50% of the host\'s soul flame will be sacrificed due to the -The Heroes Curse-]

[Unable to sacrifice 50% of the host\'s soul flame due to the title -Transdimensional Migrator-]

[Unable to sacrifice 50% of the host\'s soul flame due to the title -Prideful-]

[Unable to sacrifice 50% of the host\'s soul flame due to the host\'s unique soul flame]

[Unable to sacrifice 50% of the host\'s soul flame due to the title -Possessor of C("£$os-]

[The Curse has been broken and lifted off the armor]

A strong surge of mana, something way beyond my current power shot out of my body, or in particular, out of my body that had been modified to become much stronger due to both the accessories and armor that I had just equipped.

However, even though I was temporarily intoxicated with the amount of power that was surging throughout my body, I did not forget to ask the important questions.

\'Why does it say 7/8?\' I resisted the urge to use my strongest attack to see how strong I was.

[Look at the mannequin]

I quickly looked back at the mannequin just to see that it had turned into dust. However, without warning, the dust that had fallen to the floor began to rotate aggressively before becoming a vortex of wind, mana, and dust.

Using my arms to block my eyes from the wind and dust in the air, I slowly got into fighting form just in case something dangerous were to come out of the vortex. I didn\'t think anything dangerous or alive would come out of the vortex, but in a world like this, you have to be on guard at all times... Just in case.

I watched as the vortex began to slow down while simultaneously becoming smaller and smaller until it became 5ft and a half feet tall. At the same time, I felt like a portion of my mana had been sucked into it, making it radiate with a magnificent golden light that submerged the entire treasure hall with its glory.

The vortex finally stopped spinning a few seconds later, making me lower my guard a little but not too much, just in case something bad would happen.

[I see...] Hela mysteriously muttered

\'What is it?\' I asked, making sure not to take my eyes off the thing in the middle, no matter what it is. Even though I had divine eyes that could look through walls and hundreds of meters away from me, I still could not see through the golden dust cloud. However, since the dust cloud was about to disappear, it would not take long for me to know what was behind it.

[Oh uhm... I was thinking about your personality change. You are a lot calmer yet a lot more reckless after \'evolving\' or in other words, assimilating part of the demi-god bloodline. But now you became really cautious... Why is that?]

\'I don\'t know? I just felt a little threatened by the thing behind the cloud of dust. Not only could I not get closer to it, it also stole some of my mana! Of course I\'ll be cautious\' I retorted.

[But you are not cautious over multiple people with liquidus stage power coming towards us? Isn\'t that a little strange?]

\'Ugh... Let us talk about this later. First we gotta go\' I sighed with contempt while shifting my attention towards the dust cloud that had almost completely dissipated by now.

It only took a few more seconds, but after those had passed, I could finally see what was behind the dust cloud.

A gloomy dark bo staff stood on the podium the armor had stood before. It had a metal so dark that whenever one was to look at it, they would feel as if they could be swallowed whole by the depth of the darkness within it.

In complete contrast to the soul swallowing darkness, there were countless tiny yet extremely complicated vibrant golden runes, almost identical to the runes on all the other pieces of the set, yet the only difference being that there were some parts of the runic formation that had a completely different sequence and drawings of runic patterns.

Each of the golden runes would constantly glow up before becoming dull again as if someone was holding a lever where they would slowly push it down to make the light dim and fade, before slowly pushing it up again to make the rune slowly become light up again while becoming less faded.

Both tips of the bo staff were pointed edges with golden-colored blades on both of them with just enough length to decapitated a human head or pierce through a humanoid creature\'s heart.

"Wow" I could not help but mutter, however, my daze only lasted a few seconds because the familiar voice of someone echoed from behind me.

"Your majesty! They have reached the hole! What do we do!?" The horse shouted in a panicked state, making me wake up from my stooper.

"It\'s okay!" I dashed forwards and grabbed the staff before running out without even analyzing it.

I immediately a low rumble go throughout the entire hideout, making e move even faster to get out.

*"No one else can have it"*

\'I can\'t let anyone have this other than me!\' I thought with a serious expression.

*"Yes... it is yours... Everything it yours and only yours"*

[Your affinity to Greed has increased!]

"What direction should we go-" Without realizing it, I had slammed into the wall right next to the entrance of the treasure hall, something I did not think would have happened at my current power with my current skills and abilities.


\'Stop laughing!\' I pouted

[Sorry... It was just so funny to see you get all serious just for you to run into a wall]

\'I didn\'t run into it on purpose\' I took a few steps back from the imprint I had left on the wall. I was simply too fast for my own good.

"Y-Your Highness! Are you okay?" The horse asked

"YES! Now lead the way" I waved her off awkwardly.

"YES YOUR MAJESTY!" She replied and started to gallop towards a nearby wall at a very high speed.

At the same time, I slowly moved my foot forward before tapping on the ground and pushing my body lightly towards the direction I wanted to go.


I found myself in front of the horse once again and crashed into the fall again, yet this time there was no imprint and instead, I went right through the wall as if it did not even exist.

\'Oh wait...\' I looked around and found out that I was in a secret passage and had crashed into the wall on the other side rather than the illusory wall that was put in place.

"Your majesty!" The horse shouted in distress

"Shush idiot! They might hear us" I put a finger up to my sealed mouth

"Oh... Sorry, your majesty!" The horse aggressively whispered while kneeling.. Countless other beasts also followed us into the secret passage and after the final one had entered, the horse tapped its hoof on a nearby wall, causing the wall we had just walked through to slowly become solid instead of a mere illusion.

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