
Chapter 91 Revelations (2)

Eventually this suffering would lead to freedom and they would regain the fair and just world that they lost. Forever freed from the rule of the narcissistic Lord of Clairvoyant Moon and even the Great One himself.

One day he got the news that the artificial divine core was about to be completed.

The man shook in excitement, the day of salvation was not far! To think that he would experience this great era personally! Such bountiful blessings!

The Divine Land controlled many worlds in the Astral realm through the divine cores. The entirety of the Divine Domain was conquered and controlled just like that.

The original spirit of the world would be erased and the divine cores would take their place.

There by making the people reliant on the divine cores, and who controls the divine cores? The Divine Land.

The first and most essential step is to create an alternative to what the Divine Land offered. With these new artificial divine cores the people would have a way to fight back.

The man was then presented with a combat art. His superior had presented it to him and told him that if he mastered the three techniques of the combat art he would become as powerful as a true professional.

The man was shocked. This was a heretical method but what heresy has he not committed by now?

His superior told him that they had obtained this combat art from a foreign world. A world that was far away from the clutches of the Divine Domain.

However due to the differences between worlds it was extremely difficult to attain success in practicing this art. If he managed to do it then it would be his fate.

The man practiced diligently but he didn\'t see any results. He wasn\'t disappointed by that failure, he just had to wait until the Unseen Hand completed the artificial divine core.

However one day, the Lord of Clairvoyant Moon issued a draft order of an unprecedented scale. The order was forced upon most professionals in the three worlds in the Clairvoyant Moon region.

However they weren\'t going on a campaign to the outer worlds but to assist the Divine Land. It seemed like an accident had happened over there.

The Lord of Clairvoyant Moon himself was on the head of this massive army. Before he left, he retrieved the true clairvoyant moon from the Divine Land and stationed it here to protect the three worlds in his absence.

The moon that shined day and night over the three worlds was just a projection from the Divine Land, that was the true home of the betrayer who called himself Lord.

He also gave an order to close all teleportation gates and gave the keys to the Divine Land to the Overseers of each settlement, until his return the spatial nodes were to be sealed.

The sacred beast, the four-winged tiger was the Lord\'s own beloved pet from before his ascension to lordship. It was set to monitor and protect the region from the capital of the three worlds, Castamirphia, the phasing city.

Castamerphia was the alleged home of the Lord, who still kept pretenses. It was more like a vacation house when the Lord deigned to visit his subjects.

The people were in panic at such an event but the Unseen Hand saw it for the opportunity that it was.

With the most powerful professionals gone on the reinforcement campaign, the three worlds became their playground.

A council member from the Unseen Hand graced the city where the man worked shortly after that. A true higher-up! Someone truly special, blessed by true guidance.

Their operations moved much faster and they no longer cared to cover their tracks so much like in the past.

But it wasn\'t yet at the level where they can do whatever they wanted as long as the majestic capital still hovered over their heads.

Twenty years passed peacefully until one day the news broke out that the capital city had crashed into the ground at the center of this continent.

Some claimed to have seen a gigantic spear appear out of nowhere and pierce through the city. Some said it was a hand that pulled the city from the heavens to the earth.

The capital city of the three worlds Castamirphia was not just a pretty city. It was filled with state of the art weaponry, it had high grade sentinels and mana canons.

It was manned by third advancement professionals of all classes and had treasure troves of magic tools.

Even with most personal on the war trail, the city still had a mystic knight, an archmage and an Angel. Not to mention the sacred beast.

With this power it could invade and occupy an intermediate world without a problem!

On that same day, the resplendent Clairvoyant Moon was shattered and destroyed. The debris fell upon the three worlds and destroyed much causing all sorts of disasters and the three worlds fell into darkness without the light of the moon.

Some claimed that the Lord of Clairvoyant Moon had fallen as the moon was a representation of his position and might.

The professionals began losing their mystical powers and especially the magic casters who were cut off from the primal weave.

However the clergy of the congregation were quick to dismiss these claims and any who might voice out these thoughts was tried as a heretic and a traitor to the realm.

Moreover the actions of the clergymen started to become stranger and stranger everyday.

No ceremony was performed after that day and no new professionals were chosen, instead the adherents called for blood sacrifices.

Soon that was not enough, they began performing unseen before rituals and singing strange songs.

They claimed that they knew how to restore the moon so long as they showed enough suffering they moon would grace the three world once again.

As time went on the lost powers of the clergymen returned, but they were no longer as they were before, their miracles became foul and steeped in darkness.

After a certain time they claimed that only the blood of royalty could satiate the Lord. They wanted to launch an attack on the ruins of the fallen Castamerphia.

This plunged the city in civil war and order was no more. Perhaps, that was the true state of a world ruled by false gods, the man was happy to see them eat each other.

However what worried the Unseen Hand the number of strange monsters that started popping out everywhere at an incredibly pace, not only that strange occurrences happened like people burning into a crisp out of nowhere.

Some disappeared outright. Others grew to gigantic proportions and some grew extra limbs. Something untoward was happening but he didn\'t know what.

He was not qualified to know much. He knew that an insidious curse was brewing in the city. Without magic, contact between different settlements became almost impossible.

One day his superior called him and his three other subordinates telling them to protect the safe-house.

They had lost contact with the Organization and things in the city became extremely dangerous and tense, they had to do something to protect themselves.

He especially begged the man who was now a captain to protect the third floor\'s staircase at any cost.

The superior had to perform an incredibly important experiment upstairs. His superior trusted him greatly he even gave him control of all the budget when he was busy.

In the third floor, the captain of the guards and his men loaded many of the kidnapped people in cages to the third floor.

The man promised to protect the staircase to the third floor no matter what. That was his eternal duty.

It was small and even silly, such a small purpose but he was a small man to begin with, isn\'t it appropriate that way? Yet it was because he knew how small it was that he had to stay true to it.

In life or death he won\'t waver in his conviction.

As the man wore his armor and sharpened his sword he felt his heart beat with true devotion.


Aldrich woke up struggling with a massive amount of information being poured into his head.

He was having the mother of all headaches as he gasped, he was basically bathed in sweat his clothes were damp and stuck to him.

But Aldrich didn\'t pay that any heed, he simply sat down and penned a letter as quickly as possible. His handwriting was a complete mess and he only wrote two lines but he could sense his limit approaching.

With his supernatural willpower he managed to open the door of the apartment and opened the window in the hallway. From here he could see Brozas and his men patrolling the front yard.

"Brozas!" He shouted, Brozas looked up at him in alarm, "send…this ….letter!"

His voice was cracking and he threw down the paper and didn\'t bother to check on whether it landed safely or not.

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