
Chapter 115: Vol2 Ch13: An assault

Chapter 115: Vol2 Ch13: An assault

Translator: La0o9

Killer J was whistling while dancing with his fingers, twirling a dagger in his right hand.

Looking at this hospital with unusually many patients, he smirked and walked in.


At another location, Negary flapped his dragon wings, looked at the crows in front of him and carefully checked the situation of the people he infected so far.

If Killer J existed to attract attention, then Noah’s existence was to act as his cover.

As if sensing something, Noah briefly checked his surroundings before he started running away. The two people monitoring swiftly followed and made their reports to the D.E.R division.

Unfortunately, the current D.E.R division had no leisure to deal with this matter. Firstly, the Disaster King was apparently coming under attack, and secondly, Killer J who had been doing nothing but making a fuss and pulling off pranks had suddenly done something with considerably more severe consequences.

He had just murdered the most welcomed guest of countless VIPs in the country, Zhao Shi Chang, the Authority Holder of [Medical Malpractice], a murder that was easier than killing a chicken.

While walking past him with a smile, he swiftly produced a dagger out of thin air, plunged it into Zhao Shi Chang’s neck, grabbed his head and abruptly leapt forward while twisting the dagger. He was swiftly beheaded just like that, a simple, skillful and old-fashioned technique.

After all, Zhao Shi Chang was only human. Even though he was an Authority Holder who controlled Disasforce, he wasn’t a fighter and had no battle awareness. On the other hand, even if Killer J seemed like a joker that couldn’t be taken seriously, his skill as an assassination was without a doubt top-notch.

When he walked past Zhao Shi Chang, he seemed like nothing but an idle tourist. Neither Zhao Shi Chang nor his bodyguards managed to perceive any danger at all.

And for Killer J, killing a scumbag who had no sense of danger was easier than taking candy from a baby. Even in death, he didn’t know what happened before his head was taken off and hanged onto Killer J’s belt.

Ignoring the screaming people around him and bodyguards who were rushing at him, Killer J continued whistling while joyfully dashing to his escape.

As he passed by a bush, he swiftly stopped and returned to see a lonely paper airplane resting on top of it.

“Almost forgot my payment” Killer J grabbed the paper airplane and continued to run while unfolding it. The 13-year-old little girl called ‘little Lin’ depicted on the flyer had a particularly dazzling smile that was pleasant to see.

This was the payment that he took from Wan Heng Yang. Rather than money, he liked things like these more. He then folded the flyer back into a paper airplane, placed it into a small box and stuffed it into his backpack.

Due to what was happening with the Disaster King and Killer J, Noah’s strange behaviour was ignored after they found that he wasn’t running to meet up with Killer J.

After Negary confirmed that the people of the D.E.R division had no time to take care of him, he turned his eyes towards the crows inside their large cage. Negary’s Dragon of Eternal Sin form began to twist, extending his tentacles into the bodies of each crow.

This naturally caused an immense Disasforce reaction, but now that the D.E.R division had no manpower to quickly arrive where he was, they couldn’t do anything but watch as the Disasforce reaction grew more and more intense.

Over 100 crows were modified, infected and came under Negary’s control. They could now continuously provide Negary with Soul Essence, allowing him to recover, after which there would no longer be any need to be as wary as he was before.

At that time, when Negary’s own safety had been guaranteed, he would be able to start exploring this world, look for the traces of the New Deity and Progenitor Dragon, as well as the secret of this world’s Disaster Authorities.

Negary then opened the cage, releasing all the crows at once. They would now roam the 6th domain, infect and breed more crows for him while also strapping a bomb on every single person in the 6th domain.

Still the same old thing, threatening them with the plague, which Negary believed that as long as there were still people with a little bit of IQ, they would choose to live in harmony with him.

After Negary recovered, he would be able to come out in the open. With his control over germs, he would be able to grant those in power longevity, which would render the chaos and losses caused by his previous actions essentially null.

As for the reason why he didn’t come out with this offer before that, that was naturally because all negotiations were meaningless when the two sides didn’t hold the same amount of power. Even if Negary had only transmigrated to this world without killing Xu Ming, if he was caught by the D.E.R division, he wouldn’t have received any special treatment.

He would only fulfil the prerequisite for a proper negotiation when he held power enough to be on equal footing with the other party and had a few trump cards up his sleeves.

Feeling the Soul Essence that the crows slowly sent to him, Negary’s weakened soul was finally a bit more comfortable. The burden of having to keep up the Dragon of Eternal Sin form for the past few days had made his soul suffer through every single moment.

In the end, the reason was still that his soul was too weak. Without a True Spirit, the quality of his soul was stuck at the peak of the first stage of release. If his soul’s quality was instead equivalent to the second stage of release, then the Dragon of Eternal Sin form wouldn’t have been much of a burden to him at all.

〖 I have to come up with a solution to continue improving my soul’s quality without the help of a True Spirit 〗

While Negary was thinking to himself, he saw a man who looked like he had just gone through a long journey running over with a look of desperation on his face.

“My crows! They’ve already paid the deposit!”

〖 Since that’s the case, I shall trouble you to give up a bit more. I need some flesh 〗Negary’s body leapt forward and fell onto the man. His tentacle pierced through the man’s skin and infected his body. His soul was weak before so he only maintained a body the size of a bird in order to reduce the burden, but now that he had the help of the crows, there was no need to maintain a small body any longer.


“Your Highness, please come with us first. It’s too chaotic here and might threaten your safety” the people around Fang Ze included a middle-aged man in a suit, a girl in sportswear on her morning run, and even thug-like people wearing golden chains and skulls.

In short, there were all kinds of different people, but at the first moment of chaos, they all gathered around Fang Ze.

Fang Ze wasn’t an idiot. He was actually wondering why Liu Shi was the only one who was sent to protect him, even if she was an Authority Holder, there were always situations when one person couldn’t handle everything. But now that an incident actually happened, he understood that he had underestimated the D.E.R division.

Fang Ze didn’t throw a fit and complain about violating his privacy with so many people monitoring him. He could lose his temper and demand his rights, but not right now. Only idiots would question those there to protect them at a critical moment.

And he wasn’t one of those idiots, in fact, he understood a lot more than he let on. For example, the girl Liu Shi who had been obedient and adorably airheaded in front of him was most likely just acting that way. She had probably studied some of his favourite animated characters in order to disguise herself.

It was impossible for an actual air-headed person to work for the D.E.R division, especially so at a position as important as this. If he actually believed that to be true, he would most likely be taken advantage of and drained of all his value. However, since her act was very convincing, he truly did have a soft spot for people with such a personality, and there was no need to make his relationship with the D.E.R division become tense, he didn’t mind keeping up with the façade.

He wasn’t a brainwashed anime protagonist who thought with the lower half of their body, or the hotheaded kind of protagonist always acting by their emotions. He was Disaster King Apophis, and he had the wits and talents to bear this power.

Before I gain actual strength, I should conform and hide myself.

This was Fang Ze’s current plan of action.

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