
Chapter 362 - Announcements And Honor


When he learned that Elreth was going in search of Gar, to tell him that she was formally establishing the tribe in a few days, he was eager to join her—even if his stomach went a little hollow. He\'d yearned for this day. Known she would do it. And he celebrated it. He couldn\'t wait to see the disformed finally take their place among the tribes.

Yet… he\'d envisioned himself at their head when that happened. And even though he knew Gar was going to be great… it hurt. It ached. It burned a little bit that she hadn\'t jumped as quickly into this before.

They found Gar at home, face lined and eyes puffy and with dark smudges underneath. He looked like he\'d slept even less than Aaryn recently.

When he opened the door, his eyebrows rose, but he just pulled it wider and ushered them inside. "What\'s up?"

Elreth stalked in, then turned to stand in the middle of the living area and faced her brother like she was bracing for an argument.

"I just needed to tell you something before dinner," she said, almost apologetically.

Gar glanced at Aaryn who smiled. He\'d let Elreth tell him.

"Okay?" Gar said uncertainly, looking between them.

"I told the elders this morning that we\'re officially establishing the disformed as a tribe in the next few days."

Gar\'s mouth fell open and he looked like he was about to fall over. Aaryn rubbed his face to hide a grin.

"You\'re… what?"

"We can\'t do this without them—you—Gar. We can\'t have obstacles in your way because the people are still hung up on this ridiculous prejudice. We need you in the position of power you deserve—and I need you formally recognized by the Alphas and the elders. We can\'t be dancing around this. Not to mention that you all are going to save the rest of us, apparently, so… you know. There\'s that."

Gar looked at Aaryn, then back at Elreth, his mouth opening and closing like a fish.

"That\'s… I mean… that\'s awesome, El. I just… I wasn\'t expecting—"

"The timing could be better," she admitted. "I still need you to train me and Aaryn. And we\'re definitely crossing the first minute it\'s safe. But… the more clearly I see all this, the more certain I am that we have to have all the pieces in place. No more hesitating because we\'re afraid of how people are going to react. The elders took it well this morning. They\'ll help me lead the people to do the same."

Aaryn almost choked. It was true the elders had come alongside this decision faster than he\'d expected. But he also wouldn\'t have described their response as "well."

"That\'s… that\'s amazing, El. Thank you."

It was, Aaryn though, the first time he\'d heard Gar sound humbled.

He\'d seen the male gentle, and caring. He\'d seen him good-humored and cheeky. He\'d even seen him submissive. But humbled? It wasn\'t a word he associated with the Prince of the pride.

"You\'re welcome," Elreth said quietly, her cheeks pinking.

There was a tense moment where they stared at each other, then Elreth stepped forward and put her arms around her brother\'s waist, resting her head on his chest.

"I\'m sorry I didn\'t see it, Gar," she said quietly. "I\'m really sorry. You\'re going to be great. And I\'m… I can\'t believe I\'m saying this, but I\'m relieved that it\'s you. For real. I feel like all the pieces are falling into place and you\'re a big part of that."

Aaryn looked away to give them a moment as Gar wrapped his arms around his sister and rumbled, "It\'s all worked out the way it\'s supposed to, I guess."

Elreth snorted, but she didn\'t pull out of his hug. "Um, no. But it will."

When they finally parted she folded her arms and held his gaze. "Has dad talked to you. Like, alone?"

Gar shook his head. "I think he wanted to, but there was so much going on yesterday…" He trailed off and shrugged.

"He will," El said, nodding with her conviction. "He saw it too, Gar. I mean, he\'s stubborn, but he saw it."

Gar scratched the back of his neck and glanced at Aaryn. "It\'s fine, El. Whatever. I mean—"

There was a knock at the door and they all startled. None of them had been paying attention.

Thoughtlessly, Elreth was the one who crossed the floor to open the door. She smiled when the light from outside fell on her face and turned to Gar with a flashing grin. "I told you."

Then she pulled the door open wider to reveal their father, standing in the doorway, his shoulders filling the space as he looked between Gar and Aaryn and Elreth, surprise on his face.

"Am I interrupting something?"

"Nope, we were just leaving," Elreth said, still grinning. She reached for Aaryn and pulled him towards the door. "You guys have a good chat!"

Then they were outside and she\'d pulled the door closed behind them.

He was about to ask, but Elreth\'s eyes lifted, across the meadow, to the front door of her parent\'s tree where her mother stood, arms folded, looking tense.

Without a word, they walked over to greet her.

She smiled at them and rubbed Aaryn\'s arm. "How are you two? Did you sleep at all?"

"We\'re fine," Elreth said, then lowered her voice. "Dad\'s going to apologize, right?"

Her mother smiled grimly. "Yes."

Elreth took a deep breath. "Thank goodness. Gar\'s going to need him before this is done."

Elia tipped her head and stared at her daughter, then caught eyes with Aaryn before she spoke. "We all need him, El."

"I know. That\'s my point. I told him I was sorry because I didn\'t see what he was doing and… I can see how he\'s been doing all this alone, too. Where I\'ve been able to come to you guys and get advice and… it\'s just good for us, I think, being able to hear what you guys think."

Elia smiled broadly. "I\'ll remember that next time you\'re haring off to do whatever you\'ve decided is best."

"Like establishing the disformed as a tribe, and raising the ban on Gahrye?" Aaryn interjected. It was mischievous of him, he knew. But he also wanted to see Elia\'s face. She\'d been working towards this even longer than him.

She didn\'t disappoint. Her eyes went wide and she turned back to Elreth. "Is he serious?"

El laughed and nodded, throwing her arms around her mother. "I\'m glad you\'re happy. The elders took some convincing."

"Happy?! Elreth, I\'m… Thank you! Sweetheart, thank you!"

She hugged her daughter and Aaryn found himself watching the scene, slightly detached. Something inside him churned and burned… the part of him that missed his mother and wanted her close, wanted her approval.

But the other side of him was so, so grateful for this family and they way they loved. Then Elia, with tears in her eyes, pulled him into the hug, too.

While both the females dripped tears on his chest and laughed nervously, embarrassed by their own emotions, he hugged their shoulders, and his heart eased.

Life was hard. But everything that was happening wasn\'t bad.

He was so grateful.

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