
Chapter 136: Blackwind Fortress

Chapter 136: Blackwind Fortress

The Blackwind Fortress.

It was the residence of the Royal family of the Darkshore Kingdom.

A convoy of four verdant carriages braked to a hall just before its huge gates created from pure darksteel. Unlike the other castles previously visited by Adrian, no platoon of guards enamoured with their royal colours or maids with exotic beauties came out to welcome him. The Royal Palace of Kraten was an exception of course

The atmosphere was as silent as silent could be. The old man driving the Emerald carriage, the carriage different from the other three hopped down to the ground before opening the carriage door.

Adrian stepped out of the carriage. His eyes scanned through the whole castle, from left- to right, from top- to bottom. The whole fortress was lustrous, reflecting the little moonlight that sneaked through the dark clouds. 

The structure before him was one of a kind. The whole establishment, that was definitely one of the biggest in the whole continent was made from darksteel- a special magical metal that was known for its durability, strength, sharpness and of course- its eerie dark colour.

The metal was rare, very rare; but that was only the case for the other nations in the continent- not Darkshore. Even the humongous and mighty Empire could not produce the same amount of darksteel produced by Darkshore. Hence, the Empire’s eyes were on Darkshore for quite the long time- for generations.

Adrian finally moved his eyes to the gates right ahead, guarded only by a pair of completely unmoving armoured soldiers.

Adrian gave both of them a look before stepping forward. 

The old man behind him closed the carriage door and bowed one last time at the Royal Advisor before jumping back on the coach man’s seat.

The front most carriage began to move forward and the rest behind followed. And soon, they were out of the scene. All four of the dignified vehicles parked themselves at the place for guests while the magical horses were taken to the royal stables- to be fed and taken care of as the royal guests they were.

Meanwhile, Adrian walked past the two unmoving guards, into the opened gates of the palace. The two remained completely still like mountains.

He walked through the narrow and dark corridor for a few seconds before he finally stepped foot into the hall. A wave of glaring silver light hit his eyes, prompting him to narrow his eyelids down. But it did not even take a moment for his demonic eyes to adjust to the light as he opened them to its previous condition.

Unlike the dim and dark exterior, the interior was contrasting bright silver. The marble floor below, the intricately designed ceiling above along with the marvellous big chandelier that hanged down from it, or the pillars that connected the two- everything was silver of different shades, of different hues. 

The hall reminded him of the one at Northguard. The huge room was lifeless, without a single soul in sight. None even bothered to come and greet him. But Adrian shrugged it off. He was somewhat expecting this.

He walked to the staircase and walked to the upper floor. He slowly walk past the silvery corridors, walking past the dozens of still lit lamps and a handful of exquisite paintings. 

Finally, he found himself in front of a silvery white metalled door.

He pushed open the door, not bothering to give it even a single knock. He entered the luxurious room and closed the door behind him.

The room was dimly lit by a single piece of lamp. But that hardly mattered to his demonic eyes. The room was grand with expensive furnitures lying everywhere. There were cupboards, a set of sofa, a desk, a bookshelf but the most dominant among them was the big bed right ahead of him. Someone was lying on it with blanket on top.

Adrian smiled as he ambled to the bed, and lied on the lavish and comfy bed, under the same blanket.

He turned his whole body to the left. The lovely face of a young girl entered his sight. He darted his eyes down, only to find her covering those young but juicy assets with a tight black bra. His right hand sneaked under the the blanket to her slender waist and gently caressed it.

“You are such a bad girl.” He said. “You did not even wait for me at the gates.”

The girl opened her mouth, but her eyes were still closed. “You would have found your way to my room anyway. So, why would I bother?”

“Cheeky girl.” He smiled as he guided his hand to her soft ass. Only a thin layer of panties separated the skin of the two.

He gave her bouncy butt one tight knead.

“Aah!” Her eyes abruptly opened, revealing a pair of shining silver orbs.

Her face flushed as she scowled. “Had enough? You remember the conditions, don’t you? I can call in a few maids if you want to relieve yourself.”

“Okay, okay.” He let her soft back meat go as his hands trailed back to her smooth waist.

Her face relaxed. “How have you been? It has been more than two years since we last talked.”

“My Academy days were both hectic and fun. So are my days as the Royal Advisor. Besides, you could have come forward to talk to me back then.”

“I wanted too.” She sighed. “But the drill instructors were ordered to keep an eye on me.”

“Figured.” He smiled. “And I have heard that a few youth accidentally ‘disappeared’ the past three years in the Military College. Your Academy days were not very bland I see.”

“Old habits die hard.” She smiled malevolently. “The palace has a constant influx of maids and servants while the College takes in hundreds of students every year. So what if a few of them decides.”

He remained silent as his hands kept rubbing against her naked waist.

“Besides…” She said. “Everything is your fault. You are the one who taught me after all.”

Adrian smirked. “Your tuition fee is still due.” His right arm moved from his waist and wrapped around her whole body, pressing his hard chest against her soft one.

She smiled at him before closing her eyes. Her left arm enveloped him. 

His eyes followed as they closed down. Both of them were fast asleep.


The next morning. 

The sky was unusually clear. But apparently, there was a downpour the entire night. The whole capital was flooded, water reached every passers’-by knees.

But the castle was unsurprisingly fine. It had the best drainage system after all. The interior of the hall looked even more dazzling as bright sunlight seeped through the tens of windows and reflected upon all the shades of silvers.

Both Adrian and the silver eyed young lady walked down the stairs and approached the large dining hall at the centre of the hall.

Both of them took the furthest two adjacent seats from the main chair. They stayed silent while the maids and servants were busy bringing in numerous dishes, of all colours, shapes and origins.

Both of them had indifferent looks on their faces as they waited for the other members of the family to come in.

“How’s your Mother?” No sooner had Adrian asked this when-

“Nepheeeeew!” A bewitching feminine voice entered his ears. A dainty middle aged woman appeared out of nowhere and wrapped her hands around the sitting Adrian. Her silver eyes were looking at the side of his handsome face while her ample soft breasts massaged his head.

“You missed me, didn’t you.” She said; there was a big smile on her face. “Else, why would you ask Sera about this old lady? I missed you too.”

Adrian smiled. “Yes Aunt, I missed you very much.”

Sera, the young lady with the silver eyes sitting beside Adrian, scowled at the newcomer. “He just woke up. Don’t annoy him.”

“Oh my.” The lady broke the hug took a step back. “I am sorry dear.”

She sat right beside her daughter, a chair away from Adrian.

Soon, three young men came in- one after the another. They just gave Adrian one glance with their silver eyes and sat at the other side of the table.

Though there were six members now on the table, none uttered a word. The atmosphere was tense, an air of hostility lingered around the table. 

Five minutes later, another woman entered the scene. She was beautiful and a majestic aura surrounded her. If that was not enough, the glittering crown would evince her identity as the Queen.

The three young men stood up and bowed. “Greetings, royal mother.”

The Queen nodded at the three nonchalantly before looking at Adrian. Both of their jet black eyes met.

A slight smile formed on her face. “Welcome.”

Adrian returned a smile and bowed while the Queen took his seat with her sons, just beside the head chair, the seat occupied for the King.

And soon, he arrived, the King of Darkshore- Sebastian Storm.

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