
Chapter 201 Desperate Measures

Even when the calamities were finished, people were still being terrorized by the group of daemons. Maellan, Pavone, Volken, Rabuka….. And the new recruit, Sordido.

They have decided to spread and promote the name of the Lord of Darkness instead of the Celestus Gods?

Why? To lessen their powers, of course.

‘Tell them to inspire fear and pillage villages, no matter how small, Every person counts, especially Commoners. They are the ones that prays the most.’

Ronin had told them this while they were travelling, a little before the attack from Lovushka’s troupe.

He had come to this realization when he saw the Temple of Soma, and how many Commoners like Joyful Salope and her child relied on gods even at times in need.

Even when the gods do nothing.

‘Show them that their prayings are useless, and the only hope is to bow down to the name of darkness. Slowly plant the seeds of doubt in their mind.’

‘Until gods become so weak that they are nothing more but like Hero Mages who just happened to be immortal.’

And so, they followed his orders. Volken and Rabuka were happy to oblige, since they were the ones with the ‘offensive’ powers.

Meanwhile, the remaining three men were the defense. They were on the lookout for others to join their cause, and to exterminate any signs fo an uprising.

Through their connection with Espinella below, they determined that the remaining people from the Academy, specifically the group of women who had flown out the window….

Were under the protection of the Goddes Freya in her fortress at the Arctic Peaks, the highest mountain range in the Celestus realm…..

As well as the coldest, and most difficult to travel.

Because it was surrounded by thousands of ice golems, as well as frost spirits that can freeze anyone and anything that looks at them directly.

Not to mention serve as protection from any outside forces, using their own psychic shield.

Espinella only knows they were there because that was where he last saw the women headed to. But he could not read their minds even if he uses his connection to the Core.

“So we’ll never know what they are planning. The best we can do is wait until Ronin’s plan of lessening the god’s powers comes to fruition.” Pavone told Sordido.

“That way, we can kill those women and anyone who was under the protection of gods to serve as their champions, to be their defense against us as they recuperate.”

Sordido rubbed his hands together. “Then after his plan succeds… We should strike him while he has not turned Obsidian yet, right—”

“Shut your mouth.” Pavone told him. “Don’t you see that Maellan is still there?”

Maellan was transforming another person into a daemon, healing her amputated arm with the dark gift.

Which gave her instead a monstrous phantom arm that was like a spirit or poltergeist that can extend and reach its opponents at great distances.

It can turn gigantic, travel through walls, and turn as large as a boulder to crush anyone.

“He’s too focused on the new recruit. And I’m just making sure that your heart is still in our plan, Brother.” Sordido said, his arm full of wounds from so much scratching.

And yet he was still doing it until now,

“Remember, he believes that our daemonic revolution was something to bring the Commoners and Nobles together. To bring ‘equality’. You don’t believe in that foolishness, don’t you?”

Pavone glared at him. “Of course. But it will be difficult for Maellan to not believe that because of his Commoner lover that’s inside him.”

“I know that, but you seem to be slowly being drawn into changing Maellan too much. We don’t need him to build a new world, and he’s transforming just about anyone who knocks on his door!”

As proof of this, someone walked towards the ruins of the Temple of Calliope where they have set up their encampment in this kingdom called Azurra.

He was a simple hunchback, but he seems to be some low-ranking Noble from his clothes alone. His face was terribly disfigured, possibly since birth.

His hair was as purple as a bruise, and his face was blotted like ink. A hybrid, most likely. And because of his hybridity, his face had experienced unnatural growth.

Like a large chin, bulbous and thick nose, and uneven eyes. He was difficult to look at, and Pavone knew that he must bring his parents to shame.

Beauty was justice after all, for all genders. And calling the man ugly would be generous.

“G-Good day… Are you the Lord of Darkness that they have told us about? The one who will transform the world into a land where the gods who were revered shall be cursed?”

He asked the sweetly smiling Maellan who had just finished fixing up the woman with the phantom arm.

“Oh, I’m afraid you are mistaken.” Maellan said. “I am not the Lord of Darkness.”

“Then… are you his priest? I have heard that you can heal people.”

He went to kneel before Maellan, begging on his knees.

“Please heal me of this ailment I had since I was born! No women will accept me, and I have been mocked again and again by everyone, including my family!”

He cried. “I’m so tired of it….. All my brothers have been married while I was the sole bachelor in ouf house because of my face.”

Maellan frowned. “But you have no ailment. I can sense it in your body, there was nothing wrong at all—”

“I have been cursed by the gods! Terrible gods who had given me this body, this face! May they all die, I don’t care— I will serve your cause if you just made me the man I always wanted to be!”

Sordido gestured to the desperate man. “See my point!? He just let anyone come towards him and beg, then hand out the gift like a rich man handing out coins at a parade. He’s a fool, brother!”

It really was true that Maellan was too sympathetic, and he doesn’t think twice on whole helped. But Pavone was indebted to him, and he had come to admire Maellan’s boundless generosity.

He treats everyone like family, no matter how despicable and flawed they were. As long as they were oppressed, he will always have a soft spot for them.

The man was hugging Maellan’s thighs now, begging him to beautify him.

“Poor boy….. You are still young, and your life is long before you. You can still find a woman who would love you for who you are.” Maellan said. “Even I did—”

“That’s because you are a handsome man with fine features! Don’t even compare me to you, are you blind to not see it!? I’m hideous, HIDEOUS!”

Pavone could not help it anymore. First, he dared to cling to Maellan’s thighs and spread all is snoot on his pants. Now he had the gall to shout at him and call him blind!?

“We only accept people with actual problems and ailments, what part of that could you not understand!?” Pavone yelled at him.

He kicked him away from his revered Maellan. “If your only worry is women, then you are a pathetic excuse for a man!”

The man received a large bruise on his already swollen-looking face from that kick. He fell to the floor like a ragdoll, touching his face and whimpering.

“Pavone!” Maellan went to his side, helping him up. “Why did you do that? The poor boy was just frustrated with how society treated him, even when he is perfect the way he is.”

Pavone wore a look of distaste at this. “There was nothing wrong with how society treats him if he would be as desperate to be a daemon just to have good looks!”

Maellan frowned at this. “Are you saying that being a daemon is only something you’ll be out of desperation? Not because you believe in the revolutionary change the Darkness can bring?”

“That’s not what I mean! I….. I just……”

But Maellan was not listening to him, bringing the hideous guest towards his own bedchamber in the Temple, comforting him and telling him all kinds of sweet words.

He will be alright. He will be safe, There was nothing to worry about, for he will save him.

They were the same things he told him when they first met.

Pavone clenched his fist, and turned to Sordido. “You remember that Ronin had the ability to change his appearance, did he not?”

Sordido’s eyes widened in excitement. “What are you planning, Brother—”

Pavone closed his eyes, and steeled his Obsidian core as he focused. Eventually—-

(You will come to regret this—)

That was the voice of Espinella as Pavone used his Erasure Mage Focus to erase his skill! Now he would lose connection with everyone.

“You will be the new Ronin until we find a way to become the next Lord of Darkness. All it takes is to be able to survive the Beacon and bathe in it to become Obsidian, right?”

“You pretend to be Ronin, while I find a way so I can survive it.” Pavone gritted his teeth. “And Maellan will have no choice but to get rid of his foolishness and follow what I say once I become King.”

Sordido did feel that it was very desperate of him to only try to be King just so Maellan would pay attention to him.

But no matter. His goal of convincing his brother to take the dark crown was finally successful thanks to just one hideous man.

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