
Chapter 265 - The "Miracle"

All of that was caused by how much energy that information he was receiving carried. Throughout the whole time, the Great Corruptor controlled everything perfectly, making sure that divine-like power was small enough to fit inside the body of a mortal.

All he did for Seth was nothing personal, but because Seth was the one that had survived. He would be the beginning of a new age, or the end of an old one.

Inside Seth\'s mind and body, everything was changing. Actually, it wasn\'t a change, but an adaption. He wasn\'t getting any stronger and his cultivation was not rising throughout the process, but the ancient information he was receiving would change his whole life.

Suddenly, the crimson energy circling him stopped completely.

The Great Corruptor lightly smiled and said: "At last."

With a wave of his hand, all that energy creating a colossal whirlwind out of corruption around him exploded, generating a blast that made all the corruption spread towards every corner of that corrupted world.

Seth\'s body was right at the center of all that activity, but it was just like he was bathing in a holy light. He wasn\'t being affected by that at all. In the middle of his chest, there was a red shard that golem had struck him with, still impaling him.

"Snort!" Seth looked towards it, feeling how low was the quality of the corruption energy that creature possessed and just by willing, the shard started to shrunk. His skin, bone and muscles grew once again, while using that energy as a fountain.

At the world outside, where time had stopped flowing, things slowly started to return to normal. Lan Xue looked towards Seth and she started to feel despair. When he received that hit, she was not unconscious and was able to perceive everything that was happening. She noticed his actions and how his situation had gone bad in just some few seconds. For her and everyone else inside that dark abyss, it was like a few seconds have passed and not three whole months.

Her body was still injured and many of her bones were still broken, since she received a hard hit from that crystal golem when they were still on the outside. That searing feeling of corruption spreading through her veins was getting really intense, but even so, she didn\'t stop trying to infuse her Mana inside Seth\'s body, hoping he would be able to recover faster.

In her panic, she tried to touch Seth\'s open wound, caused by that crimson shard piercing his body, drenching her hands on his blood. She hadn\'t noticed Seth\'s subtle movement of touching the gigantic spine, so inside her mind, he was thoroughly unconscious, when in reality, he was already about to stand.

Still inside that crimson world, Seth was now proudly standing before the Great Corruptor.

"How do you feel?"

Seth smiled and said: "Good."

His eyes were shining in an ominous red glow as he felt the closest he was able to feel until now, from the corruption. Right now, he was able to feel the concept, the essence of that thing called "corruption". He was able to feel how mythical it was and even though he wouldn\'t be able to touch all the concepts behind it yet, he was already deep enough to understand some things.

"I don\'t sense any fear coming from you anymore, but you have to keep one thing in mind. The Supreme Law of Corruption is not something for the weak and it will definitely not accept being controlled by someone that isn\'t strong enough, both physically and mentally."

"I\'ll keep that in mind."

"Very well. Time for you to leave, but before you go, there are some things you will need to do." The Great Corruptor tapped on his throne and the world wall behind Seth shattered, revealing a screen that pictured the whole sub-space where his real body and Lan Xue were.

Suddenly, a crimson wave appeared in the sky, covering the whole abyss like a veil. Seth was able to feel hundreds of thousands of creatures opening their crimson eyes and looking towards the sky through the screen.

He couldn\'t believe there were so many creatures hiding inside that place and he didn\'t understand why the Great Corruptor was showing him that.

"If you want to leave from this abyss, you have to kill every single one of those failures. The only motive they hadn\'t vanished by being corrupted is the fact their soul wasn\'t invaded by the Supreme Law. Those souls are too primitive... End their fate, since it will be a better fate than forever trying to achieve something impossible for them. While doing so, make sure you claim the gift I\'ve left behind for you. That spine is something special, since it is the only part still remaining from my physical body. It will take the appropriate shape while limiting itself to fit in your weak hands and be handled by your puny Mana."

Seth felt confused about his words, but he decided to believe them. However, he wasn\'t able to picture how this normal man made of the purest crimson energy, could have a two thousand meters tall spine on his past ancient body. There wasn\'t a way he could believe it.

Seth was about to ask him some questions, trying to clear some of his doubts, but just as he was about to open his mouth, the Great Corruptor suddenly signaled for him to stop.

"I won\'t answer your questions now. Once you break the shackles binding you to this realm and obtain at least the recognition of the sixth seal, you can come back here once again and I will tell you more about some old stories and even what you don\'t know about yourself."

After finishing his words, the Great Corruptor willed and Seth\'s soul body flew through the screen behind him, moving back towards his real body. He didn\'t even have the chance to open his mouth.

While he was going, he heard a last sentence from the Great Corruptor.

"Tell that little spirit, that she can find the answer of what she is seeking inside the corruption."


The screen closed and Seth felt he was back inside his body. He was shocked the Great Corruptor even knew about Lexi. Actually, he seemed to even know about what she was searching for, something Seth had just a vague idea about. Lexi was too reserved, but after living day and night with her, he was able to perceive some things. However, he would wait until she decides to tell him that by herself.

As his soul entered back inside his body, the first thing he heard was actually Lexi\'s anxious voice. It was an anxiousness born out of desperation and fear.

"Seth! What happened? Why did you disappear like that... Seth!"

"Lexi. Everything is fine. I will tell you what happened later."

"Later? I thought we had just died! If you had listened to me this wouldn\'t have happened! Look at you! How are you going to recover from that injury, even though your Mana is being suppressed?"

"What injury?" Seth suddenly stood up, and impressively, the shard piercing his body seconds ago had vanished. In their panicked state, Lexi and Lan Xue were not even able to notice how that had happened.

However, Seth\'s next actions completely shocked them to their core.

Seth breathed in and all the red fog hovering on the environment started to gather towards him. It was like a limitless flow of energy that he could use to do anything he wanted. The suppression around his energy veins were already long gone and in a single breathing technique, the Evergreen Essence activated at its maximum, sealing his wound in a pace that was at least a hundred times faster than what he could achieve outside this place.

Seth suddenly felt like a god at that place. He was finally able to control the corruption and fortunately there was a lot of it around the whole abyss.

After partially healing his body, he quickly extended his hand towards Lan Xue and by simply holding her hand, he sucked all the corruption that was already spreading through her energy veins out of her body. If she wasn\'t a Profound Mana peak-stage cultivator, she would be long dead already. But fortunately, the energy invading her was not strong enough to finish the deed quickly.

After Lan Xue felt Seth\'s warm touch on her hands, the constriction she was feeling on her energy veins disappeared. Together with it, the searing pain affecting her body thoroughly vanished and a mild green energy started to invade her body and heal her wounds.. She had just seen a scene that she would never be able to forget.

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