
Chapter Side Story 38

"There is nothing for you to know. How is the emperor and the imperial castle reacting?"

"Well… For now, they are supporting King Pendragon\'s remarks. He is being entrusted to react to the issue."

Lucas felt rather confused that his father was referring to the emperor so casually, but he relayed everything he had heard.

"Father, please tell me. Did we really do something like…"

"I already said there is nothing for you to know!"

"F, father…!"

Lucas\' eyes quivered in response to Otto\'s roar. Although he was a little lacking in ability, Lucas wasn\'t stupid. It was clear from his father\'s reaction that Alan Pendragon\'s bold proclamation was true to some extent, that what he shouted in front of thousands of nobles and the emperor was a valid claim.

"Why did you do something like this?"

"You brat…"

Otto\'s eyes glimmered, but Lucas didn\'t stop.

"Did you want to expand our territory? Was it because we couldn\'t do so because of my incompetence? Even so, the land of Pendragon is located extremely far from us, and they have nothing to do with us. What do we have to gain by provoking Pendragon? They are part of the imperial family! They are in-laws to the emperor!"

"Shut your mouth! How dare you run your mouth without knowing anything!"


"Do you know anything about the long-cherished wishes of your father? What do you know about the dreams of our ancestors? You know nothing of our forefathers who dreamt of escaping from this cold, desolate, wretched land! I finally got a chance to turn my eyes to fulfill their goals after uniting Mirin, but thanks to the birth of a failure like you, everything was reduced to ashes! You know nothing of despair, of the disappointment!"


Lucas was speechless. His father was shouting in rage with bloodshot eyes.

Was that so?

Was that why his father always frowned and scolded him every time?

Was that why he was so happy to see Fiona?

"…I will resign."


"I will resign as the Captain of the White Skull Knights. I will head to the far north and defend the fortress with other warriors.

"Y, you…"

"I apologize for always being a disappointment. I will try to keep out of your sight from now on, father. Whether you want to appoint Fiona as the next successor or battle against the imperial army, do as you please."


Lucas loosened his sword from his belt and chucked it on the table. Then he gave a curt bow to Otto before leaving unhesitatingly.

"You bastarddd!"

The furious voice of the margrave resonated in the room. However, the son had chosen to leave behind his father before being abandoned. He did not hesitate as he trodded along.




A voice called out. Luas had been about to leave the room after packing his things. His eyes quivered as he responded.

"I am no longer the captain."

"Well, then, brother. Are you really leaving?"

Lucas smiled bitterly while looking up at his sister.

"You should already know, right? How angry His Excellency was."

"I heard he smashed all the furniture in the office."

"You should take care of him. I have no regrets."


Fiona felt slightly taken aback at her brother\'s stern attitude. She had never seen him act in such a fashion since they were little.

"It\'s not because of me, is it?"

"It is."


Fiona felt even more taken aback by the immediate answer. But it was a little weird. Her brother\'s expression was a little different from how he looked at her before. His eyes were no longer filled with jealousy and irritation. Rather, he seemed somewhat relieved, but at the same time, worried for her.

"Did you really think a child who was only ever scolded would truly like their sibling who monopolized all the love?"

"Ah, that\'s…"

"I do not want to make excuses, but that was the only option I was left with. So I tried my best. I tried as hard as my hate for you and for the desire to be recognized by Father. However, in return, he made decisions regarding the fate of Mirin without me, the eldest son, and with you. That is why I have no more regrets. Moreover, Father made a huge mistake. You probably aren\'t aware of the seriousness of the situation yet."

"Are you referring to the Knight King of Valvas and King Pendragon?"

"That\'s a relief. At least you know about the urgency of the matter."

"Hey, that\'s nothing to be worried about."


Fiona shrugged her shoulders, and Lucas stared at her with a frown.

"I\'ll take care of the Knight King and have King Pendragon become my husband. That should solve everything, right? Then His Majesty the Emperor will have no choice but to take care of Mirin because of his in-laws. Then father\'s dream will become fulfilled naturally as well."

"…Are you insane?"

"What? No, I\'m completely fine."


Lucas was dumbfounded. However, he became certain of his thoughts at the same time.

His father would never succeed. His sister, the strongest warrior of Mirin, was looking at him with a glimmer in his eyes. She was an idiot. She was as crazy as, or even crazier than their father. She was a muscle-head who knew nothing about the world.

"Listen carefully. King Pendragon, Alan Pendragon is not who you think he is."


"Did you not hear the stories of mercenaries and free knights?"

"Of course not. You know what they\'re like. The weak only know how to spew lies. Why would I bother sparing my time listening to the bluff of weaklings? They\'re not even worth a single cut from my sword."


He finally understood.

His sister Fiona was a natural warrior ever since she was a child. She had always been like this. She only listened to the words of the strong, and she only heeded the advice of those who were stronger than her. After she matured, she only ever listened to the words of her father, Otto.

For her, the words of anyone else were simply excuses and lies told by the weak and the losers. And Lucas was certain that she counted him as such as well.


"Uh, yeah…?"

Fiona was startled. It was the first time in nearly a decade that her brother was calling her by her nickname. She soon became calm.

Her brother\'s gaze appeared to fill with emotions.

"I know very well that you only listen to people who are stronger than you, but just this once, listen to the words of your brother."


"Alan Pendragon is a cruel monarch. He does not forgive anyone who tries to steal away what belongs to him. Both the Monarch of the South and the legendary witch were killed by him. But you and father already tried harming two of his most precious people."

"If I explain it well, then…"

"So I am certain he will kill you."


Fiona\'s eyes filled with shock.

"But there may be a way to avoid death."

"What is it?"

Under normal circumstances, she would have discounted his words. However, she could not help but ask back because of how serious her brother was.

"We cannot have war."

"But Father\'s already…"

"You need to stop him somehow. If you don\'t want to see Mirin go down in flames, persuade father at all costs."


"And no matter what, you need to battle against him by yourself. Ask for a duel."

"Well, but the Knight King of Valvas is coming to see me, so I should…"

"The Knight King of Valvas is even crueler than Alan Pendragon. You will die if you fight against him."

"What? But I\'m strong."


Lucas closed his mouth. His sister was right.

She was strong – very strong.

He could not even last ten exchanges with her, and it was the same with all the warriors of Mirin, including the White Skull Knights. In a real battle, it would be difficult to trade five, or even three blows with her.

There was no woman like her in the world.

Even in the entirety of the empire, there would only be a few knights capable of holding their own against her.

"I\'m going to subdue the Knight King and then fight King Pendragon. I\'ll make him mine."

Such words would have been immediately dismissed if spoken by any other women, but this was Fiona. Lucas remained patient and responded.

"Have you ever fought with your life on the line?"

"I always do my best in…"

"Trying your hardest and risking your life are completely different things. I don\'t think you ever have, since all of your opponents would have fallen in one or two blows until now."

It was true.

She was already unrivalled in Mirin when she was sixteen. Lucas and his father were the only ones who were somewhat capable of going against her, and a number of curious knights had suffered a crushing defeat after challenging her.

As such, she could not know.

Fighting with one\'s life on the line was fierce and dangerous.

"The Knight King of Valvas and King Pendragon were always risking their lives fighting. Moreover, they were always pitted against the greatest knights and forces of the time. Of course, I only ever heard about it in stories, but the orc leader of the islands and the monster king of the southern forest fell under his blade as well. He sustained major injuries that would have crippled ordinary people and still managed to recover. You don\'t have any similar experiences."

"Exactly. That proves that I am stronger. You only get hurt because you are weak."


She was impossible to communicate with.

His sister was ignorant of the fierceness of the battlefield, never having lost a battle since she matured. She simply stared at Lucas with confident, cocky eyes. In the end, Lucas was more annoyed than worried at her innocent gaze.

"Do as you like. But you must stop the war."

"Okay. Anyways, so I just have to fight against him, right?"

"Yes. Alan Pendragon favors people who are strong and honorable, so maybe there is a way for you to survive. I\'m going."

Lucas turned around without hesitation. His father and sister could die, but it didn\'t matter. He had more important things to worry about. He was the successor of the margrave, and as such, he needed to place Mirin and his family before the lives of his relatives.

King Pendragon and the imperial army would not drive Mirin into ruin, since Mirin had its value. However, the barbarians were different. Once Mirin\'s Margrave and his family disappeared, they would surely invade.

So he needed to stop them.

After that, he would come up with a plan for Mirin to survive, even if he had to grovel in front of Alan Pendragon and the emperor. This was the conclusion that Lucas Mirin came to. Although he might have been just a jealous brother and an unfilial son, his concern for Mirin was genuine.


"Did you call for me, Your Majesty?"

"Hmm. King Pendragon. You may leave."

Ian dismissed the others in the room once Raven arrived. The officials and servants left the office after bowing, and Ian stood up from his chair and approached Raven.

"You seem busy."

Raven spoke with a smirk. There was no need for formalities without anyone else in the room. Ian responded in an irritated voice with a frown.

"Thanks to a certain someone, you punk. I\'m getting piles and piles of paperwork and appeals because of you."


Raven simply shrugged. Ian found his shameless attitude absurd.

"It\'s not because of how pretty you and your kingdom are. The empress\'s sister and nephew were almost kidnapped. Since you said it in front of all the nobles… The vampire\'s testimony was sufficient enough, so why did the Dragon Queen have to suddenly step out as well? I thought she didn\'t like the noise! So why!"

His headache only grew in intensity as he recalled how Soldrake entered the Golden Lion Hall following Berna.

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