
Chapter 55

“A trap!” Elliot thought grimly. “So they have mutated to such an extent huh? But a trap is only a trap’¦ if it can hold me in place! Giant Armored Mammoths, come on out!!”



Elliot grinned widely as he leapt atop one of the mammoths. He had spent an incredible 80 points to level up his Summon Giant Armored Mammoth skill earlier and had been itching to use them in battle. And with four Brood Mothers surrounding him, it was the perfect time for them to shine!

“Follow the hawk and smash the Northern Brood Mother into pulp!” Elliot shouted!


Two massive mammoths thundered down the remaining hundred meters to the North Gate and trampled tens of stronger than usual giant mutated spiders to death.


The Armored Giant Mammoth disdained to use the massive North Gate and instead smashed their way through the tall brick walls, breaking them apart as though they were a wall of sticks.

However, the sight that greeted them and Elliot after leaving the walled town was simply mind boggling.

A sea of spiders! Stretching out from the city walls all the way to the distant forest around a full kilometer away!

“How?” Elliot gasped in surprise. “First the trap, and now such incredible numbers. Did their reproductive system mutate as well? Or’¦” Realization suddenly dawned on Elliot.

“The Game Masters increased the difficulty of the game.” Elliot guessed accurately. “They must have released a Mythical Grade Brood Mother. That would answer why there are four Brood Mothers, why they could think of trapping me, and why there are so many spiders’¦”

“Damn it! Jessica! Are you alright?” Elliot shouted into his Stealth Communicator.

However, only silence greeted him.

Jessica had told him earlier that she would need to be completely alone for five days in order to successfully complete the mission, and would call him once she’s done, or if anything serious happened. “No news is good news.” She had told him at that time.

Elliot prayed that it was so.

“Well, if that’s the case, then I better wipe this area clean and kill every single damned spider! Mammoths, let’s play whack-a-spider! KILL THEM ALL!!”



They trumpeted loudly and commenced their massacre.

Elliot reverted back to his human form and took out his two mid-range laser guns and began carving up the sea of spiders with powerful laser beams!



Loud howls and roars coming from behind him indicated that his tamed and summoned beasts had also joined him in battle.

A ferocious mas- battle immediately ensued.

There were no tactics, no strategies, no formations. Just claws, fangs, giant feet and claws and laser beams and more claws.

Very soon, a sea of a slightly different kind began to appear. One that was made up of spider bits and pieces and a growing pool of spider juice.

However, the beasts were also taking a huge amount of damage from the corrosive spider juice. Their pain caused them to lose their fighting edge. Weak spider slashes using their sharp forelegs that they could have easily dodged earlier, began to strike home.

Elliot’s line of ferocious summoned beasts began to falter and fall one at a time. His tamed beasts were fine, though. The sheer number of kills they had accumulated had allowed them to gain level after level. And with each level they gained, they also gained more strength and more HP, allowing them to resist the spider juices much better than the level-less summoned beasts with static HP.

“Fight till your last breath! Push ahead towards the Brood Mother!” Elliot roared.

He transformed into his Primal Feline Warrior Beast form and immediately blazed a trail forward, killing spiders left and right with great ease using his extremely powerful Lightning Slash attack.

Behind him, his mammoths and tamed beasts surged forward along with him, inspired by his battlefury and attacking with renewed vigor and ferocity.


A massive five-meter tall Black Bear Lord suddenly materialized beside Elliot and charged ahead of him!

Elliot smiled grimly in his mind.

He was already expecting Brock to appear. For all his whining and excuses, Brock was a true warrior at heart. He would not shy from a real battle no matter how afraid he was!

With Brock at the lead, Elliot’s little gang of tamed beasts and two mammoths swept across the sea of spiders and wiped the ones in their path cleanly. The other spiders on their outer flanks were ignoring them for the moment while they attacked Elliot’s other weakened summoned beasts.

They would probably return and attack them from their rear once they were done with their victims, but Elliot couldn’t be bothered with them.

“I’ll kill that damned Brood Mother first before dealing with these little fries.” Elliot snarled to himself as he followed Brock into the forest.

Larger and more powerful spiders began to appear once they hit the line of trees. But they still posed close to no challenge to the group. Rex and Ellie might need an extra attack or two to finish up each spider, but there were no real problems.

The two mammoths had a more difficult time traversing the forest. They may be freakishly massive and tall at ten meters. But to the trees, they were merely “okay” in height. Ten meters? Cool. You’d make a good mid sized tree. Here, say hi to your big brothers. He’s a hundred meters tall.

Very soon, they had to stop entirely. The forest had become too thick for them to pass through.

The question was, should Elliot continue without two of his biggest firepower (read: feet power)?

It wasn’t much of a question, actually.

Elliot simply unsummoned his mammoths and continued to charge forward!

GROAR! ROAR!! AWOOO!! His beasts cheered and followed him deeper into the forest. They made rapid progress because for some reason, there were no more spiders that deep in the forest.

However, a mere minute later, they had to stop.

Because standing before them was an absolutely massive spider.

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