
Chapter 127

“That’s true. In fact, I was a product of such a system.” Monkey King admitted. “Out of a million monkeys, the Monkey Clan successfully raised slightly over a hundred thousand Kings. And only five thousand managed to become Apostle Beast Masters. I was one of them.”

“Wait a minute. A hundred thousand Kings out of a million monkeys? That’s ten percent!” Jul’Taras’ mouth dropped open in shock.

“That’s just ridiculous. I can understand Elliot shooting up in levels in a few days because he had a few King Level beasts to kill for himself. But a hundred thousand Kings?! Just how many King Level beasts did the Monkey Clan kill for that to happen?” Jul’Taras frowned deeply.

Monkey King grinned widely at the two girls and shrugged.

“You and your clan have your secrets, my clan and I have ours.”

“The critical issue is energy. There’s only so much energy in every planet, and every King Level beast had to consume a huge amount of energy to get to its level. For a million monkeys to power up simultaneously, and have a hundred thousand succeeding in reaching King Level…

You’ll need to completely drain the energy of at least a hundred LIFE planets! Real PHYSICAL planets, not just the currency we’re trading with.” Jul’Taras wouldn’t let go of Monkey King’s revelation and her mind raced at full speed to figure out how the Monkey Clan managed to do such an incredible feat.

“You won’t figure out how we did it. Don’t bother trying.” Monkey King chuckled.

“I’m willing to pay for that information.” Jul’Taras said evenly as she squared her shoulders in preparation to negotiate. “I’ll pay you enough to break through perfectly into Emperor level twice over.”

“Hooo. Truly the mindset of a princess! As much as I want to sell this information to you so that I can breakthrough perfectly, this is a clan secret. I am sworn not to reveal it. I am physically unable to mention it.” Monkey King said half ruefully.

“Hmmm. I will get my uncle to talk to your Patriarch. I don’t believe I can’t find out the secret.” Jul’Taras said confidently.

“Sure, go ahead.” Monkey King said. “Why are you so adamant on getting the information anyway?”

“Don’t worry. I’m not planning on selling your secret away. I just… enjoy knowing things. I’ve been this way since I was young.” Jul’Taras explained.

“Yeah, she’s a walking encyclopedia and the undisputed, and I MEAN undisputed, number one book worm. Do you know that she has completely read or read concise summaries of AT LEAST a hundred MILLION books?” Jessica Sands said seriously.

“No way. Nobody can spend that much time reading and still have time to cultivate and train to the King Level.” Monkey King laughed in disbelief.

“I’m not lying. This crazy girl has THOUSANDS of dedicated readers working for her. They are all intellectuals and are assigned books that they have to read in their entirety. After reading, they have to write two page summaries for the book they have read. One page for the content, and one page for noteworthy quotes.

And when she finds an interesting summary, she’ll get the original book and read it. You won’t find a better read being in the entire universe!” Jessica Sands proclaimed.

“That’s… actually quite impressive.” Monkey King nodded in agreement. “An excellent system! The only issue is of course, gaining access to a huge pile of good enough books to make it worth your while. In this time and age, over information is a serious problem.”

At that, Jessica Sands burst out laughing! Next to her, Jul’Taras also smiled a little.

“I forgot to mention one little thing. Have you heard of the renowned and hyper-exclusive Taras Library?” Jessica Sands asked.

“The Taras Library! The library that everybody claimed to have every single important book in the Universe?” Monkey King said with a start.

Yes. Well, it belongs to her!” Jessica Sands boasted proudly to Monkey King.

“WHAT? SERIOUSLY??” Monkey King shouted in shock.

“Uh-huh. Why? Do you want a visitor pass? I have to tell you the queue is over a trillion names long and only ten thousand people will receive passes each month as the old passes expire. Five thousand will get those passes because of their queue number, three thousand by lottery, and two thousand by quotas and gifts by the Taras family.” Jessica teased him.

“Yes. I want a visitor pass if at all possible.” Monkey King said shamelessly.

“By the Gods, she actually is the owner of Taras Library!” Monkey King thought

Every single thing he needed and wanted to know about the Universe could be found there.

Every single thing.

Including the answer to his lifelong Life Quest.

“Sure.” Jul’Taras tapped her storage ring lightly and produced an ornate coin the size of an adult’s palm. “Here you go. This is a one-year Visitor’s Pass. Enjoy yourself.”

Monkey King looked at the coin that Jul’Taras was holding out for him in utter disbelief.

“I’m going to get the Visitor Pass to the Taras Library that the Patriarch had been trying to get his hands on for the last few DECADES, just like this?” He thought incredulously.

He looked at Jul’Taras in slight confusion.

“No strings attached.” She smiled at him sweetly. “It may be a big thing for you, but truly, for me, it’s nothing. So don’t think too much about it.”

Jessica Sands grabbed the beautiful golden coin from Jul’Taras’ hand and put it on Monkey King’s hand. “There you go. You’re welcome. Don’t lose it!”

“Ah yes. Thank you. Thank you very much! As you say, it may be nothing for you, but it is a big thing for me. If you ever find something that you need my help for, I will definitely do it.” Monkey King said with all seriousness as he held the golden coin reverently.

“Thank you for your offer. I will definitely call on your help in the future.”

“Please do.”

“Alright, enough talk about all this. It’s time for Elliot to get his rewards! Look! The dome around the area has lifted! I wonder what rewards the Gaming Commission will give him for winning the first ever Battle Royale?” Jessica Sands said excitedly.

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