
Chapter 546 A Truce

Meng Renshu\'s wrath made the temperature drop significantly, making the others feel nervous around him.

Mr. Mu looked at two men standing stiffly in front of the young master, anxious that they would say something to aggravate the situation. He knew how terrifying Meng Renshu could be if provoked.

"You lost her? Did I hear that right?" Meng Renshu\'s cold voice felt like it could freeze to hell. "I hired you due to your professionalism and good reputation. But you have utterly disappointed me. You\'d better be prepared for the consequences."

One of the men, who seemed older than the other, bowed profusely. His square face broke out in cold sweats. He couldn\'t afford to let his yen years career be over here!

"We are truly sorry for the inconvenience we caused. We promised that we would do everything in our power to figure out something to solve this matter."

"All of this happened because of your complacency. I personally asked you to send your best men, did I not? Not some young and amateurish bodyguards," Meng Renshu spouted the last sentence as he looked down at the younger man of the two, causing the latter to shrink even more in his place.

"I paid you handsomely because I don\'t want to hear any news from you. The moment you report something to me means that something has happened to her. Didn\'t I clearly tell you that? Carelessness is not a valid excuse. I will ensure no one will ever hear anything from your company again."

Meng Renshu was much younger than them, but his domineering aura was very oppressive. They felt like their lifespan was reduced just by being at the receiving end of his deadly stare.

"Young Master Meng, we are terribly sorry for all the trouble we caused. We will provide you with a good explanation and countermeasures for this situation. Please believe in us one more time!"

The younger man couldn\'t stand the pressure and said out loud, almost shouting. "I will put my life on the line to ensure Miss Li is safe and sound!"

Meng Renshu quickly calculated the pros and cons and delivered his verdict, "I give you one hour to update the situation to me. You\'d better pray she is safe and sounds like you said, or face the consequences."

"Yes, sir! Right away!" Both of them responded simultaneously before scurrying away.

Once they were out of sight, Meng Renshu collapsed to the chair behind him. He covered his face with his hands, looking incredibly exhausted.

Mr. Mu carefully approached him. "Young Master, it\'s a good thing they report as soon as things don\'t go well. Now, the chance of saving Miss Li will be higher. Please don\'t worry so much."

"How can I not worry?!" Meng Renshu raised his head and lashed out. "I don\'t want her to get hurt. I can\'t lose her. Not again."

Mr. Mu was startled. Not only because Meng Renshu completely lost it but because of the fear and despair written all over his face.

Before this, his young master had never behaved like a wretched person like this. He was aware that his employer harbored a feeling for Li Caiyi, but he always thought of it as a simple high school crush, not something as profound as this.

"This is exactly like last time. She suddenly vanished without words…." Meng Renshu mumbled in a small voice. Trepidation was apparent in his tone. "Will I lose her again?"

"I\'m sorry? I didn\'t quite catch that."

Meng Renshu waved his hand, signaling Mr. Mu to stop asking him questions. "Keep an eye on those men. One of them is probably a spy."

"Yes, Young Master." Mr. Mu bowed before taking his leave.

Once alone, Meng Renshu once again felt like crap. He was sure he would be able to keep her safe this time because he had mobilized the best security team he could find, but they lost her track in the end. It was like fate always tried its best to force them apart.

There was no second to waste. He had to move fast if he wanted to save Li Caiyi. But those people just had to make him wait after making a big blunder.

​ Meng Renshu sat impatiently with a dark look. He really had to sue them this time.

An hour later, the two men from before returned with some new information. Seeing how Meng Renshu\'s face grew much darker than before, they silently prayed they could live through this day safely.

"Sir, we investigated and found that Miss Li wasn\'t in the nearby area anymore. We assumed she had gone somewhere far from the city\'s heart or probably outside the city."

"Why? And did you find her location?" Meng Renshu asked coldly.

The two men exchanged hesitant glances at each other before one of them said, "Unfortunately, we wouldn\'t be able to find anything for now—"

Meng Renshu stood up from his seat and walked past the two. They called out to him, but he had no time to waste on them anymore. He went into the car and took a deep breath.

Then he took out his phone before dialing a number. He didn\'t save it in his contact, but he remembered it just in case.

At first, he never expected himself to ask a favor from this person, but a desperate situation called for desperate measures.

Li Caiyi\'s safety was more important than his pride.

The call was connected pretty quickly. Once Meng Renshu heard the other person\'s deadpan tone, Meng Renshu got to the point immediately, "This is sudden, but do you know where Xiaoyi is?"

There was a brief silence from the other side before Dai Zhiqiang replied, "You called me at the right time. Let\'s call a truce for now and exchange what we know about the situation."

Meng Renshu didn\'t want to admit it, but Dai Zhiqiang sounded reliable just now. At least much more promising than the other useless two. "Right. That will be better for the two of us."

"First, let me fill you in on the situation first."

Dai Zhiqiang\'s voice was calm, but from how fast he spoke, Meng Renshu could tell he was trying to hide his fluster and anxiety. Understandable because after he finally heard the whole situation from him, he could feel his bone wearing out.

"So this \'Hu Jian\' person was the one who lured her out." Meng Renshu couldn\'t even fathom his deep hatred for Dai Zhiqiang now.

From the beginning, Dai Zhiqiang\'s existence was like a thorn in his flesh, but even more so when he officially got into a relationship with Li Caiyi.

Meng Renshu knew it was ridiculous to blame someone for a sin he hadn\'t committed. Still, whenever Dai Zhiqiang was involved, Li Caiyi would never hesitate to bare herself for him, including her life. In his eyes, Dai Zhiqiang\'s life was too messy and eventually would drag her into that mess.

\'And after I warned her repeatedly. She just won\'t listen.\' Meng Renshu thought helplessly.

And his bad suspicion was proven true right now. If it wasn\'t for the fact that he still needed his cooperation, Meng Renshu would probably flip at him for putting her in such danger.

"I could tell you omitted some bits in your explanation, but I\'ll make do with it for now. Now, do you have any idea where Xiaoyi would be?"

"No. I\'m currently still searching for her too, but we got a lead just now. If she wasn\'t in a nearby area, that narrowed down the list of places she could visit. We just got a new lead, too, from the taxi driver who drove her."

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