
Chapter 47: Nightmare Effect!

Nikolai looked at the people in front of him, wondering why it has taken them so long to do it. They were all wearing masks, but Nikolai didn’t have many enemies willing to ambush him.

“Julian, huh?” Nikolai looked at the group, all wearing robes and covering their faces with masks. “Are you after this?” He took out the pin from his pocket.

As soon as the object came to light, the five people rushed forward to take him down. Nikolai grinned and pulled out his guns, firing several shots without stopping.

Even though the gunshot rang loud, there were no people around at this time. And this was a training field, so it was ordinary to hear such sounds without anyone getting worried.

His bullets seemed to have eyes of their own, striking his assailants where it hurts: their faces, joints, and most of all, their private parts.

“Indecent!” A shout came from one of the masked people as two of his comrades were struck in the groin. No matter how much a superhuman you are, that area will always be private.

“We are just getting started.” Nikolai grinned as he infused his bullets with mana. This time, it’s going to do a lot more harm than just hurt people. His crazed expression, a stark contrast to his usually stoic face, induced fear in the eyes of these students.

“Use your weapons and take him down!” The leader shouted, and despite sounding rougher, Nikolai was able to deduce the identity of this person. It was the lackey who appeared with Julian the other day.

“Try if you can.” Nikolai leaned his body forward, and the ground caved in beneath his feet. He bolted forward and appeared in front of the lackey, seizing him by the throat.


The lackey made choking sounds as Nikolai’s hand tightened around his neck. He began squirming and flailing to escape Nikolai’s grasp, but it was hopeless.

“Bastard, you’ll kill him!” One of the other students shouted and rushed forward. Nikolai raised his gun and shot a mana-infused bullet at him, making him scream.

Seeing their Nikolai take down their comrade, the other assailants rushed in with their weapons and shield. The shield holder rushed forward and deflected Nikolai’s bullet as they rained, ramming into Nikolai and sending him flying.

Nikolai rolled on the ground and jumped with his gun in hand. The lackey was heavily breathing after being released, trying to take in the air stolen from him.

“Work together!”

The lackey shouted, and the others rushed in with the shield holder in the lead. Nikolai fired several bullets, but they were useless. The shots left dent marks on the shield, but nothing more.

‘That’s why I need an enchanted weapon.’ Nikolai sighed and leaned forward again. He bolted forward as the shield user rushed toward him, the gap between them lessening by the second.

Before they collided again, Nikolai jumped to the side and ran across the facility’s wall. He then jumped midair and fired two bullets, striking the man’s knees from behind.

As the man fell to his knees, scraping them against the ground, Nikolai landed next to him and struck his neck. The man fainted and fell to the ground.

“What…” The others, who were preparing to attack, paused and stopped moving. Their friend fell listlessly on the ground without any resistance.

‘Kids,’ Nikolai inwardly thought as he bolted forward. ‘You’ve chosen the wrong person to antagonize.’

As Nikolai was about to fire his gun, he heard a sound from above. He looked up and saw that a newcomer jumped from the facility’s roof and plunged toward Nikolai with his fist.

‘Here you are, Julian.’ Nikolai thought as he blocked the blow by crossing his arms. Using his arms was the only way that he could avoid an attack on his vitals. A loud cracking sound rang before Julian, masked as well, kicked Nikolai away in his stomach.

“Cough!” Nikolai coughed up blood as his left arm ached. There was at least a fracture, but he could care less about it now. He raised his gun with his other arm, but someone appeared beside him and kicked it away from his hand.

The newcomer who appeared beside him kicked him again in the abdomen, making Nikolai roll on the ground several times until he struck the facility’s wall. Raising his body with difficulty, he looked at the remaining six who have surrounded him.

“Seven people just for me? I’m flattered.” Nikolai laughed. “Julian, do you think Valkyrie would acknowledge you just because I lost the pin?” None of the six answered him, but one of them stepped forward after a bit.

“She will realize how mistaken she is about you.” Julian took off his mask. “Today, I’ll not only break all of your limbs but your mind too. I’ll make sure you can never smile again.”

“Boss!” One of the lackeys panicked.

“No one will believe him.” Julian grinned. “I’ll make sure that no one does.” He walked over to Nikolai slowly, grabbing his hair. “You will regret the day you ever crossed me, trash.” He spat in Nikolai’s face.

“Yup, that’s a nice distance.” Nikolai suddenly took out an arrow from his bag and slashed Julian with it. In response, Julian leaned back and avoided it quickly, appearing prepared.

Nikolai’s bow suddenly appeared in his hand. He nocked the arrow and fired it instantly while applying a new effect on it.

[You infused the Nightmare Effect, consuming 3 Points.]

The arrow struck Julian in the chest as light exploded out. As soon as the light entered his head, Julian began screaming in a terrified voice.

“What is this? Get away from me! Why are you here again? You should be dead!” He began to attack randomly, striking his lackeys in the process.

“Julian! What’s wrong with you?!” A voice, Nikolai identifying as Erza’s voice, shouted in panic. However, Julian could no longer see them. He was in a long and terrifying nightmare, attacking anything in front of him.

Nikolai stood up and started to walk beside the wall, leaving the area. However, he saw someone walking over from a distance. The man walked over slowly; his steps measured.

‘What is he doing here?’ Nikolai gritted his teeth.

The man’s blond hair was long, falling beside him and tied in a hairband. He had a striking resemblance to Julian, who was out of his mind at the moment.

“I thought I would need to stop you,” The man shook his head as he looked at Julian. “Yet, you seem to be only capable of failure.” He stopped walking in front of Julian and struck him in his glabella.

Julian stopped flailing and fell to the ground. His older brother, which Nikolai knew from his past life, shook his head helplessly. Then, he turned to Nikolai.

“You’ve placed him in devilish torture. I doubt he’ll recover easily from this.” The young man said with interest, not with hate. “However, I still need to take care of him. Hand over that pin and never speak of this matter. I’ll make sure no one bothers you again.”

[Choose a response in thirty seconds!]

[Hand over the pin and leave.]

[Keep the pin and try to run away.]

[Keep the pin and fight.]

[Negotiate a way out.]

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