
Chapter 142 140: Kagemori

"Get out. I don\'t want to see you till it\'s execution time" despite all the jokes one could make at Maria\'s expense, she really did not see the attack come her way. Her body had to reflexively dodge out of the incoming vase or she would have gotten hurt.

Princess Trisha had a far better time than her as the attack never reached her. She managed to follow Maria\'s lead and got out of the attack\'s way. However, all this commotion did not even make Kagemori lift her head up and glance a look at them.

"Hey, I would have you know that what you did was pretty rude" Maria called out as she stepped over the broken pieces of ceramic lying in front of her. She hated how high her voice had squealed in her fright but at least Trisha found her fright funny. Maria foul felt the laughs quacking the princess\'s frame.

"Kagemori, we\'ve come to break you out of here," Princess Trisha replied in an amused tone. Her mood seemed to have been lifted after seeing her friend relatively unharmed. And it warmed Maria\'s heart to see as well.

Now they only needed to get out of here and they would be done.

"Break me out? But why? I\'m supposed to be here" Maria stared at the demoness with a surprised glance. She had no answer for Kagemori since she had not anticipated such a situation to occur.

And neither had Trisha, if her startled expression was something to go by. The princess looked like she had swallowed a sour lemon and now was suffering the consequences. And really, the current situation could not be anything further away from that truth.

After all, what did one do when the one they were rescuing did not want to be rescued? Did they force their way out still? Or should they abide by their wishes?

"I\'m sorry, did I hear you right? We come all the way here, only to be told \'Why\'? Kagemori, hurry up, and let\'s leave" Maria was shocked but Princess Trisha seemed to be taking it personally. Her voice sounded really angry and tired as she almost yelled.

Maria had to put up a silencing barrier at the last second in order to maintain their secrecy. Otherwise, they would have been swamped by the guards a long time ago.

"My being here is not a coincidence. Listen, Trisha, I\'m a demon who was called here to protect you and that\'s what I\'m going to do. Once they kill me off, you\'ll be free to live your life" Kagemori explained in a calm voice. The detachment in her voice made it seem like she was talking about an unrelated death, not her own.

And that seemed to be tipping the princess off even more. Her expression was clouded in anger and worry at her friend\'s words. Maria knew the buildup and she knew it was not going to end well for anyone.

"Free? I don\'t want to be free if you\'ll not there with me. Please, let\'s leave" Princess Trisha was on the verge of begging and Maria felt like she was invading a boundary she should not be. This was not a place for someone like her to be in. It was supposed to be a private moment.

And yet, here Maria was. Right in between a private moment once again and her system also chose this time to inform her about an intruder heading her way. It really had the best timing imaginable. Ans by \'best\' she meant the worst.

"Look, I hate to break your reunion but someone is headed our way and we won\'t be able to leave now. We need to hide somewhere" Maria informed the pair, forcefully shoving her way in between their conversation.

The two looked startled at her voice, likely forgetting that she had even been there in the first place which was rude on their part. It was not her fault the other pair had a weird tension between them. They should really fuck it out and relax.

"It must be the president. The guards did tell me that I was planning to visit me before my execution. We can\'t let him find you two" Kagemori looked panicked and for good reasons.

Out of every imaginable person in Imu, the one who was most likely to foil their plans was President Rosewell. His mere presence was a huge obstacle in their path and he had been the primary trigger for the node to destroy Imu.

"Bathroom, let\'s hide there for now. Trisha, don\'t remove the chain or we\'ll be found out immediately" the princess nodded as Maroa dragged her toward the restrooms. It was the only place imaginable that could be used to hide.

Maria could see the president\'s position on her map just outside of the room door. The bathroom did not have a lock so it was entirely possible to walk in here and find the pair. That was why the ball was in Kagemori\'s court now. She was the only one who could distract elder Rosewell and also get the information in the process.

The sound of the door being opened reached Maria\'s ears and she held her breath in. She was afraid to even make any noise and give their position away.

"What a good day it is. Don\'t you think so as well, my dear princess?" The elder\'s cold and sharp voice reached Maria\'s ears. It sounded exactly how she had imagined it to be - powerful and in control. This person might be evil but his voice did have the charm needed to lead.

And his mere pressure asserted him as someone important. Maria was not in the room with the man but she could tell he was something else with his voice alone. This was the worst kind of one could face - charismatic enough to get followers but also smart enough to not change blindly.

"I told you, I don\'t have the key. It disappeared with my father. How many times do you need to get me checked?" Kagemori sounded bored and tired. Even her words sounded rehearsed to Maria\'s ears like she had said the same thing many times.

Princess Trisha took a sharp breath at the question. Maria knew guilt when she saw it and right now, Trisha was feeling a lot of it and all for the wrong reasons. It was not her fault her friend was a sacrificing idiot who decided to take on her identity.

Besides, Kagemori knew what she was getting into. Probably. But she did have a will to live. Maria saw it in her eyes so at least she did not have to worry about Kagemori\'s unnecessary sacrifice.

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