
Chapter 236 - Two Star Weapons

Jian has finished refining the quenching liquid of Fire element and Ice element for the Daggers. He has told the system to start heating the cauldron.

He has decided to refine Fire type Dagger. After that he has added two ores, These ores were special as they were found near the hot region so they had good affinity with Fire element. 

But both ores only had same affinity but there quality was different so it took different for Jian to extract the essence from them.

He started to clear the impurities he could clear and just as he was about to start the tempering process the balance between two different essence got disturbed and the material were wasted. 

Jian has failed in his first try of refining the Daggers. He had not exhausted a bit so he cleaned the cauldron and started again. 

This time he started slowly and focused on what changes were happening during two ore merge. With he was able to slowly process the ores for the tempering.

It took him half hours just to get ready the ores for tempering. After that he started the process of tempering by removing the impurities. 

During tempering he had to maintain the balance the ores otherwise they would unusable. The tempering continued for five minutes before materials got destroyed. 

He has failed on second attempt of refining the Dagger. He rested for bit and recalled the tempering process. 

After resting he once again started refining but he failed once again as he was only able to continue the tempering for ten minutes before the materials got destroyed.

He once gain started but thus time he rushed but so the materials were destroyed. He didn\'t continued and calmed himself. 

He recalled the process and once again started. This time he was able continue the tempering for twenty minutes and he was able to see the changes happening while the tempering. 

Even though he has failed four time he understood the changes happening in the ores while tempering. Now he didn\'t has to worry about destroying the materials while tempering.

Behead rested a bit and once again he started refining the weapon. On his fifth attempt he move carefully and checked every move.

Due to this he was able to continue the tempering for an hour and he was only one step away from completing the tempering but he failed.

He rested because he has tempered the weapon for an hour. But this time he was confident that he will be able to temper the ores correctly and will be able to mold them according to the design. 

After resting he once again started and this time he was able to complete the tempering. After that he started to create the mold. After a Dagger was formed using Qi.

He started to slowly assimilate the tempered ore and the mold. He had already practiced this multiple time and this was the most easiest process so he didn\'t had to worry. 

He was successfully assimilated both the ores and design. Now only two steps were remaining to complete the weapon.

Now that he has assimilated the ores with design he has to start tempering the both if them so that it can take the shape of the Dagger and the end the refining by quenching it.

But he failed because he couldn\'t complete the tempering. He rested and once again started.

This time he was able complete the tempering and successfully assimilated the ores with the design and he even was able to give the shape to the weapon. 

But when he added the quenching liquid he hoped that he will be able to complete the weapon but he saw several cracks appear on Dagger and he immediately knew that he has failed in refining the weapon. 

He immediately asked the system because he couldn\'t understand why the refinement failed. 

"Host, even though you followed the process correctly you tempering was some what lagging and don\'t forget that you have used your own blood for the quenching so you should have tempered it more."

In refinement he has forgotten that he has added his own blood. He relaxed a bit and after getting in top condition he started to refine. 

He increased the amount of tempering he was doing by fifteen minutes in both before Assimilating and after Assimilating. 

The refined weapon was looking lot different from the last one. Now only one step was remaining.

He hesitated a bit hut then added the quenching liquid on the weapon. As the liquid touched the weapon it started to cool the weapon. 

Few minutes passed and there were no cracks so seeing this Jian was was happy. He hoped that the weapon would be successful.

After more few minutes passed a light was shone in the cauldron and when it calmed down a Dagger was floating in the cauldron. 

Jian immediately became happy, he picked up the weapon and started to check it ans he also heard the system\'s announcement. 

"Congratulations Host for refining your first Two Star Weapon. 

You will get to ask a question to the system without paying anything."

Jian was happy after hearing the system\'s announcement because it had confirmed that Jian was successful in refining the weapon.

But he was shocked after hearing the rewards he thought that he should have gotten good rewards. But he was still happy with Reward. 

He ignored the system\'s announcement and used Star Gaze on the Dagger.

Name: Dagger 

Grade: Two Star

Element: Fire 

He read the information, it was very brief and clear. He immediately started to check the weapon. 

The Dagger was dark in color and looked carefully then you would be able to see that the Dagger shone red in color meaning that it had the first element. 

He was happy with it. He kept it in the inventory and then he rested. Now that he was able to refine the Dagger he didn\'t had think lot about refining the other weapon.

Now he has to refine ice element Dagger. The process will be same only one the ores were different so he had to focus on refining them.

After resting he started to refine the ice element Dagger. As he had expected he failed two time because of different ores but later he got used to it.

After only four tries he was able to refine the ice element Dagger. He checked that Dagger and saw that was also dark in color but it shone blue in color meaning the it has ice element. 

He has successfully refined two Daggers of different elements for Ling\'er. He didn\'t realize that two days have passed. 

In these two days he has refined twelve weapons and two of them were two star weapons. 

But he didn\'t leave the Weaponsmith Hall because when he would go to take two star Weaponsmith exam he would have to refine a weapon chooses by the Weaponsmith Tower. 

So he had to practice all east three weapons designs. Since he has already refined the Daggers of ice and fire element and he had more than enough quenching liquid remaining he decided to continue refining. 

He chose two weapons to refine a sword for Yu Yang which will be ice type and a Saber for Yu Yue which will be Fire type. 

Since both of them has helped him alot he decided to give these weapons to them when they will reach Core Formation Realm. 

He believed that it would not take more than a month or two for them to reach the core formation realm. 

So he started with the sword as it had similar structure to Dagger and it would be easier to refine.

He uses the same ores and after failing twice he was able to refine the sword. This was his third Two Star weapon.

He checked the sword through Star Gaze and saw that it is qualified. Then he kept it inventory and rested. 

Now that he was going to refine a saber he had to see the process because the Saber was different from the sword and he had to refine the Saber suitable for Yu Yue. 

It took him five tries to successfully refine the two star Saber for Yu Yue. He took one day to refine these two weapons.

Now that he has three different weapons designs he was ready to take two star Weaponsmith examination.

After clearing everything he left the Weaponsmith Hall. He was done preparing for to star weapon smith examination.. Now he is going to focus on next profession. 

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