
Chapter 78 77 - The Start Of Summer

Once the class was let free, there was a cheery mood in the air, as summer break had finally arrived. A lot of the other students left quickly hoping to get a head start on their vacation, but a few came up and congratulated Milo for taking the number one spot. Among them were his team from the in field experience; Chloe, Luke and Zach. Maria also came up to congratulate and ask Milo what he would be doing for the school festival, this was something Milo hadn\'t thought about yet and that\'s exactly what he told Maria. He told her once he had an idea he\'d let her know, before he and Zach left the class and headed for their dorms.

Once they arrived, Milo messaged the rest of the gang to find out their thoughts on the school festival. Chris and Mark had no idea what they would be doing yet, and Krista and Allana said that they weren\'t planning on running a booth. Milo was hoping to run a booth but had no idea what would be a good product for them. The group had the idea to use their abilities in some way which would cut down costs. The abilities they had to choose from were Beast Taming, Ice, Fire, and Physical Transmutation, the group got together and began to brainstorm their ideas.

Chris had the idea of doing a stunt course, using Milo\'s superb agility they could do flaming hoops or something for him to jump through, this was met with a resounding no from the group. Milo had no ideas to contribute, Zach was the same however he did have the idea to use Waki as a selling point or mascot for their booth. The final idea and probably the best was Mark\'s idea of a snow cone stand, his idea involved either Milo making the "snow" himself, or if that was too hard for him, they could use his ability to chip away at bigger blocks to make the ice shavings as well. The rest of the group began to add more, such as coming up with different names for flavors, the name of the stand, and also how much they should charge per snow cone. After all the planning they finally had their idea flushed out and just needed to execute it.

The group made their way into the city and started shopping, they bought all the supplies they might need. They even bought Waki a little perch where he could be front and center to attract customers. After getting all their supplies, the group let the instructor in charge of student booths know that they would be opening a snow cone stand. From there they were to select the days they would open, the festival was four days long and there were different events at the festival each of the days. The four boys decided that they would only open the first two days, that way they could have some time to enjoy the festival as well. The boys all wanted to go see the combat tournament which was on the last day, as the strongest second years in the school would all be going head to head. Milo also wanted to attend the equipment show, he was interested to see how good the students who focused on making equipment were, this was due to him eventually needing to find someone to make him new gear using the loot he had gathered from his in field experience and the rift from spring break.

After turning in their booth plans, the group got started right away, they would be provided with a tent by the school but in terms of signage, menus, and work spaces they would have to prepare all that themselves. Zach proved to be quite the artist, as he made a bright and colorful sign that said "Thunder Hawk Snow Cones" which was the name they had come up with for the booth. On the sign there was a little cartoon picture of Waki pecking at a snow cone, which brought the sign all together.

The group decided to charge 3 credits each for the snow cones, they then made a sign and came up with all the flavors, they were able to get 6 different flavors of syrup which meant that they would be able to offer 6 different flavors. The last thing they did was try to make an actual snow cone. Milo tried as hard as he could, but he couldn\'t make any pieces of ice small enough so they went with Mark\'s plan of chipping away at the ice with his ability. After turning his arms to metal, Milo made a decent sized chunk of ice and he got to work shaving away at the ice until they had a decent sized pile of ice shavings. Chris then took a scoop and made it into a ball before picking a random flavor and pouring the syrup over the top.

Looking at their first snow cone, it was decided that Milo and Mark would have to meet and practice a bit more as it still wasn\'t quite what they had in mind, but with enough practice they were sure it would work. Seeing that their idea would indeed work, the group finally sat down to rest. After running around all day preparing, having a break was nice. The group all gathered around the area they\'d been working and talked about the exams that day. Meanwhile, Waki hopped over to their primitive snow cone and began to peck at it, wanting to get a taste.

Over the next few days, the group got together and practiced making their snow cones and eventually they got to a point that they were happy with, and just in the nick of time too, as the next day, they would be open for business.

Waking up the next morning, the four met up and made their way down to where their booth would be, while the boys were still tired from exams still, Waki was wide eyed and ready to go. The friends hung their sign at their assigned booth and set up their work area, after about an hour the festival had opened and people started to make their way around taking in all the sights and seeing was for sale at the booths. Most of the booths were all based around the abilities of the students who were running them, just like Milo and the gang. There were tons of booths, from drink stands, different foods, and even things like face painting and other activities. With the festival being open to the public, the different people of the acropolis made their way to the academy to take part in the festivities.

At the start Milo and his friends weren\'t doing much business, but overtime and with Waki hopping and flapping about trying his best to help the group of friends, people started to notice their stand, or more accurately their little mascot. Eventually they got busy enough that Milo was constantly producing new blocks of ice for Mark to shave away at. Waki continued to kill it at his role as the mascot of the stand and everyone who came to get a snow cone were looking at the little beast with glittering eyes. The group of friends each took one job, Zach was working the counter and taking orders, Chris would scoop the ice and pour the flavor on top, and Milo and Mark would produce the shaved ice. It was quite the system and it was efficient as well as they went through order after order without rest. The festival was set to close at six when the finals of the event in the colosseum were set to end, and by four the group was spent. Even with how tired they were, they soldiered through until eventually the festival was finally closed for that day.

After taking inventory, cleaning up their station and going to get more supplies they might need, the group went back to their dorms. They all collapsed in Zach\'s room as they talked about the day. Milo and Mark were barely able to function after using their abilities continuously for so long. Normally they wouldn\'t be able to but with them not doing very big or flashy moves with their ability, they were able to stick it out in the end. Eventually, Zach ended up finding a bunch of photos of Waki online from their stand and they all high-fived as they knew that using the little bird as a mascot would be a huge selling point, and seeing the buzz online about Waki proved that to be the case.

The next order of business was to get rest for their next day of work. Even though tomorrow was their last day being open, the event in the colosseum was more popular than the one on their first day which hopefully meant they\'d be even busier. The group decided that they wouldn\'t split the profit from the two days until they closed for good so as to not distract themselves. After some more talking the group finally parted ways as they were too exhausted to stay awake any longer.

The next day went the same as the first only they were even busier than before, Krista and Allana also came by to check on the guys and to get snow cones. In truth they wanted to just see Waki who was fulfilling his role of pulling in customers perfectly. While the guys all were hard at work, Waki sat at his perch chirping at all the customers and was loving all the pets and attention he was getting. Seeing how well he was doing his job, Zach decided that he would definitely have to buy him something nice. Eventually the festival closed and once again they cleaned everything up but not before making a special snow cone for Waki who seemed to love the frozen treats.

The group had worked hard for the past two days and after all their work, they had successfully made a total of 4,128 credits, which they went on to split four ways. They had made a lot more than they were expecting to but none of them were complaining. With this, they would have a bit of spending money for their summer vacation. After celebrating with a meal, the group split up and returned to their dorms to sleep.

Milo was happy to finally have some free time and went to the bathroom to check out his status screen before going to bed, nothing should\'ve changed but after a week he wanted to double check where his progress was at.

[Stats] [Tutorials] [Plunder]

Name: Milo Fenix

Title: [None]

Level: 25

Gold: 1,325

Abilities[4 / 6]:

1 - Reinforce: can reinforce the body to make it stronger (lvl. 4)

2 - Ice - Can freeze water nearby and control it, the higher the ability the better the ice can be shaped (lvl. 5)

3 - Beast Tamer - Able to read the thoughts and feelings of friendly beasts, also allows the user to imprint on and tame young beasts(lvl. 1)

4 - Hunter\'s Eye - Allows the user to overlay their vision that highlights the weak points of lifeforms(lvl. 3)

5 - empty -

6 - empty -


Free Stat Points: [0]

Strength: [44+8]

Agility: [39+3]

Intelligence: [44]

Stamina: [43]

Constitution: [38+6]

Magic Power: [30]


After refreshing his knowledge, he wanted to take a break from training himself more, and there was no better time to do it, with the school festival going on.

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