
Chapter 588 - Fryghts True Appearance

Chapter 588 - Fryght\'s True Appearance

The father looked down at the child in his arms and only after making sure that she would not be frightened any longer did he move away the hand which was covering her eyes.

Earlier, Fryght had informed the Earl about the suspicious behavior of his child and her etcher which caused him to rush over.

However, he would have to use an ordinary horse who could not hold a candle to Demon\'s speed.

Therefore, Rutherford had instructed Fryght to follow them and keep an eye on what they were up to until he could catch up to them.

The loyal etcher concealed his presence effortlessly as he followed his Master\'s child and her etcher.

The two were oblivious to the fact that someone was tailing them and relaying every bit of information he was obtaining back to his Master.

When Demon suddenly slowed down, Fryght had noticed how the child had leaned to the side and even loosened her grip over the reins.

Almost immediately, he informed his Master about the chances of her getting hurt after taking a fall.

This made Rutherford hurry at full speed but he was still a few minutes away from their position.

Left with no choice, the etcher had to take action lest his Master skins him alive for doing nothing and watching while his child got hurt right before his eyes.

Therefore, the moment Yvonne\'s body fell from Demon\'s back, Fryght had shot out of his hiding place and reached the spot where she would most likely land.

His little body would never be able to soften the blow that the child would sustain after falling from that height.

Thus, the etcher was forced to take on the form which he had not used for a very long time now.

When the child was midair, Fryght\'s little body was already beneath her.

In the next instant, he released a tiny portion of his aura which he had kept sealed for far too long.

This aura engulfed his body and just as he had adjusted to the aura, the child plopped right on top of him.

Fryght became the cushion for Yvonne who was waiting for the pain to arrive with her eyes still closed.

When his Master arrived with his horse, the child had tried to lift her body off what she had believed to be the ground.

However, while doing so, she had rested her body\'s weight on her elbows which jabbed his soft, furry body, eliciting the whimpers which had surprised Yvonne.

When Rutherford picked her off his body, Fryght remained in the same spot to recuperate the aura he had used up in these few seconds.

Sadly, his Master wasn\'t very understanding as he commanded him to transform back to his other form once again.

Whimpering in complaint, the etcher did as he was told and when the child\'s eyes were opened once again, he was back in his older form of the puppy she was used to seeing all along.

Yvonne rubbed her eyes as she stared at the puppy who was giving her a nasty glare right now.

\'I\'m sure that I saw something else.\' She frowned, suspicious of Fryght, the puppy.

Subconsciously turning her confused gaze to her father in an attempt to seek answers, she gulped after coming in contact with his scary eyes.

When Rutherford was rushing over, he saw his daughter laid flat on his fated beast\'s back.

Since he noticed no serious injuries in Fryght\'s body, he was more worried about the child who looked disoriented as she gazed around until she caught sight of him.

Jumping off his horse, he picked her up when she accidentally hurt his beast who was whimpering in pain.

Once the weight was lifted off the beast\'s body, he laid still to rest there while Rutherford reprimanded her.

When he let it slip that it was Fryght who informed him, the child turned back to the beast and her fear was visible for him to discern.

Therefore, he covered her eyes and forced his etcher to revert to his usual appearance lest he frightened her any further.

Now that he was facing her curious eyes which also held guilt in them, the father shook his head and gave her a brief explanation of what had taken place.

"That was Fryght\'s real appearance?" She questioned and saw him nod.

Turning to the beast who was back in the form of a puppy, Yvonne gulped as he was nothing like a puppy just a few seconds ago.

A huge body with thick grey fur streaked with black at random areas, large black eyes which were staring at her, and a fear-instilling face.

This was what Yvonne had seen a moment ago.

The puppy\'s true face was not cute in the least bit.

The frightening face of an enormous blood-thirsty hound was what she had come face to face with which had widened her eyes in surprise.

If it wasn\'t for Rutherford who had covered her eyes and commanded Fryght to take on his previous form then Yvonne wondered if she could have ever averted her gaze from those abyss-like eyes.

"Fryght\'s appearance is not something everyone can stomach." Rutherford revealed the reason why the beast took on the form of the puppy.

The beast once had the puppy\'s appearance back when they first met but it grew to become this massive figure which aroused fear in many hearts.

Not wanting for people to faint or run away after meeting him, the beast often stayed in the figure of the puppy.

If it wasn\'t crucial at that moment, he would never have revealed his true face to the child but he had to do so to ensure her safety.

Hearing this reasoning, Yvonne could not help but smile at the etcher who often stayed far away from her yet in moments of crisis, he put aside his feelings and came forward to help her.

\'But I did not ask for that help!\' The little girl glowered in her heart the very next second.

If Fryght had not interfered then she could have achieved her goal.

As though the father had sensed her sudden dissatisfactions, he turned her around so that she was facing him right now.

"Care to explain what you were trying to do?" He interrogated, the soft expressions from earlier were now long gone as he leered at her.

Yvonne\'s face was right before him and there was no way that she could lie her way out of this one.

Her father had caught her red-handed and it was all thanks to this etcher whom she had helped in the past.

\'I should have let you stay in the Lower Hall all the time!\' She grit her teeth as this was the second time Fryght had gotten her in trouble.

He had been the one who snitched to his Master about Tutu\'s arrival and today, he had revealed her whereabouts and foiled her plans.

However, there was nothing she could do other than silently cursing the etcher who had wrecked her plans.

Her father would not let her get away with what she had pulled as she could sense his anger simmering under that calm face he had put on.

Rutherford observed her in silence as he held her in place, letting her know that they would not move unless he got a reasonable justification for her actions.

His gaze fell on the spot where his etcher was laid and saw the now puppy Fryght rolling around in the grass, rubbing his back against it with his belly up.

This sight made him narrow his eyes and soon he realized why Fryght was acting like a fool right now.

"Is that sticky grass?" He muttered to himself but the child he was holding flinched at those words.

Rutherford fixed his gaze at her after his rhetorical question had already been answered by her reaction.

\'Sticky grass\', the one on which Fryght was rolling around, scratching his back against it, was named after its ability to attract smaller creatures towards it.

Its enticing smell brought the little creatures and once they laid on it, they would feel a strange euphoric sensation all around their bodies.

The only way to relieve themselves was to scratch their bodies which only added to the soothing sensations they felt.

This made them stick around for a long time as they enjoyed these feelings and would often return, unable to stay away from them.

While sticky grass was a haven for little creatures, it wasn\'t as amiable to humans.

Touching a single blade of sticky grass would cause rashes all over one\'s body and only after bathing in medicinal herbs for three days would those tiny inflammations all over the body subside and fade away.

From her reaction earlier, Rutherford had already surmised that she was well aware of what would take place if she were to land on the sticky grass instead of Fryght\'s fur.

Yvonne would be the one scratching herself all over and it would not look as cute as what Fryght was doing right now.

This only made the father glare at her for trying to harm herself in this way.

"I do not want to meet the King!" She blurted out the reason for what she had done after being on the receiving end of his frightening gaze for the first time in many years.

Rutherford stood frozen in place, stunned by the confession his child had just made.

People all over the Kingdom wished to meet their King and here was his daughter who was going as far as harming herself just so that she could get out of meeting that powerful and regal man.

"Why not?" He posed another question, curious to know why she was so against this meet and greet event.

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