
Chapter 731 - Time To Find A Partner?

Chapter 731 - Time To Find A Partner?

Yvonne paid close attention to what her dance trainer was teaching and made it a point to no longer make any mistakes.

Observing her serious attitude, the tutor was appeased and no longer chided the little girl for being absent-minded.

\'If she continues at the same pace then I should assign a dance partner for her to practice with.\' The lady in her early thirties mulled over how she would go about with this plan.

The Countess had brought in a famous dance instructor who just like Marquess Samed was someone who was highly sought after.

However, she assigned only a limited portion of her day to teach her numerous pupils as she had her family to care about as well.

Her children were under the care of the nanny and she could return home only after she completed her classes with the different daughters of noble society each day.

Yvonne had dance lessons for not more than one hour and only twice a week.

Therefore, this tutor was one of the most infrequent visitors to the St. Claire estate yet her pupil was a sharp one.

The daughter of the Earl needed to be taught just a few times before she could grasp the steps and replicate them.

Yvonne\'s ability to follow these instructions in such a short amount of time was thanks to the classes she had attended in her previous life.

Though there were a few differences in the dance styles of the two worlds, the major portion of it remained the same.

Thus the little girl had no trouble in impressing her trainer from the very first day.

However, today she had been chided due to her lack of concentration but she was quick to remedy it and gained the praises of her tutor before the class could come to an end.

Since Yvonne had decided to complete all her classes, this meant that the dance lessons she took twice a week also needed to end.

Therefore, she was more than enthusiastic while following her trainer\'s instructions down to a tee because doing so might aid her to finish these lessons sooner than expected.

In her impatient attempt to wrap up her dance classes, she had invoked the trainer to think of a brilliant idea that would soon bring her and the men of her family even more troubles.

Sadly, she was unaware of what was going on in her trainer\'s mind and thus smiled expressing her gratitude for the high praises she had just received from the same lady.

On that note, her second lesson of the day had also come to an end and soon her classes with Marquess Samed would commence after a short break.

The moment Yvonne bid her goodbye to her dance trainer and exited this room meant for her dance practice, she met Jax who had been standing in wait for her.

The dance trainer was escorted to the entrance of the mansion by a maid so Jax wasn\'t required to leave and hence stood before his Boss, holding up an item that needed her attention.

Her inquisitive eyes were quick to find the envelope in his hand following which she looked up, waiting to hear more from him.

"The Earl asked me to hand this over to you before he left again." The quick-witted butler reported the information he was aware of.

Earlier, his Boss seemed to be in a foul mood so he had refrained from disturbing her but now she appeared to have calmed down.

Thus the young man informed her, not only of this matter but also some other bits and pieces of information he had obtained while he was waiting for her to complete her classes.

Yvonne accepted the envelope from him but did not open it, instead, she signaled him to keep walking.

They were heading to her room where she could wash the sweat off her face before returning to the study room she used every day for her history classes with Marquess Samed.

Her other classes did not cause her to work up a sweat so she would usually stay in the same place but only after her dance lessons would she express her desire to wash up before continuing with her other classes.

While the two made their way to her room, the little girl weighed the envelope in her tiny palms and found it to be heavy.

Noticing this, she already had an idea of what might be inside as she had asked her father of only one favor today, and looking at the heavy envelope, she was sure that he had completed it as well.

When they reached her room, her two maids were right outside as they too knew of her schedule very well.

Roselie was already carrying a tub of warm water for her to wash her face then hands and feet.

Jax stood obediently outside the room and once he was summoned, he entered just as the maids exited the room.

Roselie and Mrs. Jax usually did not intrude while the Butler spoke with their Miss and had done the same this time as well.

Yvonne\'s hair was tied up which kept it from getting soaked while she had washed her face and now appearing to be refreshed, she tore open the envelope which she had left on her bedside table.

As expected, her father had prepared a modified contract and followed the exact instructions that she had given to him.

This quelled a small part of her animosity towards him for what he had done today but she wasn\'t about to end her cold treatment any time soon.

Jax did not know what had taken place in that Office between his Boss and her parents, however, he was curious to know what she had received from the Earl.

"Boss\'s father had returned home for a few minutes then left as soon as he had ordered me to deliver this envelope to you." He explained what had taken place while she was busy in her classes.

This made Yvonne lift her head from the contract and her curious eyes made Jax reveal everything that he knew so far.

The first to leave the house were the Countess and the Viscountess who had planned an entire day of shopping and fun.

Yvonne had heard about this so she wasn\'t too surprised and asked him to move ahead.

Jax nodded before revealing that even the Viscount and his twin sons had hurried away soon after.

"But I could not get any information about where they were heading." He sighed as the servants of the Valente family living with them right now weren\'t as friendly with him as those serving the St. Claires.

This was a given as Jax had spent more time with these servants and had formed a deep sense of camaraderie and trust with them when compared to the servants of the Valente family who had been here for only a few days now.

"What about Papa and Big brother?" His Boss questioned, not minding that he was unable to find out where the Valente men had headed.

"The Earl was the last to leave the house but had returned soon after to hand over the letter." He divulged and the rest she was already aware of thanks to his reports from earlier.

Rutherford had only come back to pass on the contract to his child before he went away to take care of some other business that he had planned for the day.

Thus right now, no adult was present at home and it was only Yvonne and Howard who had stayed back without leaving the premises of the St. Claire estate.

"Boss\'s brother is studying in his room." He added with a scoff which she had caught.

Yvonne could understand that her brother wished to be prepared before his days at the Academy could begin but she could not decipher what had gotten into her employee to have scoffed at Howard for such a simple reason.

"Hmm?" She tilted her head in inquiry, making the other person blush in embarrassment.

The childish rivalry between Howard and Jax was known to everyone who had stayed more than a minute in their presence.

Even her father had gotten used to the idea of Jax following her around the mansion but Howard was still stuck in his ways.

The two young boys were opponents in sword fighting, physical training, and even fighting for her attention.

What annoyed Howard the most was that these days, his baby sister depended more on Jax than she had ever done to him.

Not to mention that soon he would become the second-in-command of CLOVER and the two would become inseparable.

This had caused Howard to toss and turn in bed last night, experiencing insomnia after what he had witnessed during the day.

After a sleepless night, he had even confronted the Butler who was currently his biggest competitor this morning.

\'He mocked me that I would not be able to handle the pressure and cave soon enough!\' Jax grumbled in his heart while recalling what had taken place this morning.

While Yvonne washing up after her class with the Captain, he had been waiting outside for her and this was when the young heir of the family had approached him.

After taunting him, he left soon after without even giving Jax a chance to retort.

This was the reason for the scoff he had let out while reporting that same boy\'s whereabouts to his Boss.

Since his Boss had inquired about what had caused him to scoff, he did not conceal this incident and reported this to her as well.

Rubbing her forehead, Yvonne sighed at the childish behavior both of them had exhibited.

"I will talk to him." She mentioned, promising to play the role of the peacemaker between them.

\'If they keep arguing then I might have a headache soon enough..\' She shook her head before signaling him that it was time they headed for the next class.

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