
Chapter 846

However, thinking of the possibility of such a superstitious claim being true, the image of a certain someone’s face came to his mind.

If there was a fool in his life then only that person could hold that title.

In the next second, Horace and Sigma were surprised to find their Master shuddering as disgust veiled his entire face.

“I lost my appetite...” Prince Draco muttered as he pushed aside the soft cookies that his previous nanny, Governess Bloom had sent over to his Palace just a while ago.

Horace scratched his cheek awkwardly as he had no intention of bothering his Master.

Those words had just slipped out of his mouth and now he knew that whoever his Master had thought of was sufficient to ruin his mood instantly.


Sigma bit his lip to control his snicker when he noticed the embarrassed look on his colleague’s face.

However, he chose to not stand idle and hence moved forward to liven up the atmosphere.

“Master, preparations for the winter have been made and we’ve already received a report about it.” He revealed the information he had obtained earlier.

Earlier, the Prince had been inquiring about the current status of how things were going in the fief that he was set to inherit in the future so he had brought up the topic once again.

Though he had not gotten the chance to visit the Roschester fief in the last few months, he had assigned a few of his capable men to look after it.

They were moving according to the orders he had given and Sigma had just revealed that they had sent a report of how things were progressing there.

This statement succeeded in diverting the Prince’s attention as he gestured to his subordinate to continue speaking.

Thus without delay, Sigma disclosed the news he had gained from his colleagues who had been stationed in the Roschester fief.

The fief located to the north of Amarthea was covered with snow for a major part of the year but winters were excessively severe there.

If one needed to survive past the freezing winter, they would have to make prior preparations since even the roads would get blocked due to fierce snowfall.

Knowing how all movement could get restricted, Prince Draco had commissioned for a few changes to be made within this fief which was being run by a proxy, a stand-in Fief Lord who acted on his commands.

Hearing everything that Sigma was now reporting, it was safe to assume that his orders were being followed diligently.

The Prince nodded when the shadow knight stopped speaking before he fell into deep thought.

Draco had already received permission from his elder brother, the King, to move to the Roschester fief once his coming-of-age ceremony took place.

This meant that this would be the last winter he would get to spend with his family as soon, he would be staying in his maternal fief to look after it and lead it to a better future.

The time for his separation from his family was drawing nearer and while he was saddened by the distance that would be created between them, he was also excited to begin this new phase of his life.

However, before he could leave, he would do his best to spend most of his time with those whom he cared for as there was no way to know when he would get to see them once he left the Capital.

The two guards stood in silence when the Prince was lost in thought as they could guess what could be going through his mind right now.

They had given up their family lives after they had joined the ranks of the black shadow knights.

The one before them was still a youngster but was expected to make such sacrifices and he was willing to do the same without batting an eye.

His sense of responsibility, courage, and skills was worthy of their respect and awe.

This realization was what had always made Sigma and Horace glad that they had chosen the right master and even now they vowed to be true to him all the days of their lives.

The Prince had no idea that his men were praising him inwardly as he was focused on his thoughts about their future.

On the other hand, the one who had caused the young boy to bite his tongue earlier finally snapped out of her thoughts.


Inside the room where her daily classes took place, Yvonne raised her head when she heard footsteps coming closer to her.

A man who possessed a scholarly gleam was seen taking his seat on the chair opposite her but she knew that this was just a facade to cover up the gossipmonger that truly resided behind that composed face.

“What are you thinking about?” Marquess Sullivan Samed inquired soon after he got comfortable in his seat.

He had reached the St. Claire mansion on time but as always, this little girl had arrived earlier, waiting for him in their study room.

The maid who had brought him here was kind enough to inform him that their Miss had been kept waiting for over ten minutes.

‘But I’m right on time!’ He grumbled when he was shot an accusing glance which made it seem that he had bothered their Young Miss on purpose.

However, he was already used to encountering such occurrences in this household where everyone was wrapped around that child’s little finger.

Therefore, he did not mind the maid’s words and simply entered the room.

Here he found the child whose over-enthusiastic nature was making him look unpunctual even when he had arrived at the right time.

Her furrowed brows were visible at first glance and the cold energy radiating from her body was not what he had expected to find today.

Marquess Samed had been tutoring Yvonne for enough years to know that there was something on her mind that seemed to be bothering her.

Therefore, before the child could even greet him, his first query was about the thoughts that could be running around in that little head of hers.

When Yvonne was asked that question, she did not hide the exact thought that had been on her mind at that moment.

“Cheaters are scum.” She disclosed a single statement but that much was enough to make the Marquess choke on thin air.

Yvonne did not specify any gender as she believed that either was capable of committing such heinous acts.

If one could cheat on their spouse, regardless of what the reason behind it was, it was the worst thing they could do.

Betraying someone who had trusted them to keep their heart safe was not something that she could forgive.

Therefore, influenced by the thoughts that had surfaced in her mind earlier, Yvonne had disclosed exactly where she stood on this topic.

Marquess Samed had witnessed her speaking as fluently as an adult but had never heard her curse someone in such a blatant manner.

Therefore, his surprise was quite evident on his face as well as his ears which turned red soon after.

He had known that she was more sensible than other girls her age but this was still something he could not get used to even now.

“Ah, you must have finally heard about Earl Blaise’s foolish deeds.” He coughed while deducing that she was talking about the most talked-about gossip in the Capital.

Yvonne most certainly wasn’t thinking about the Earl when she had said those words but he fell under the same category so she did not correct the Marquess.

She had also heard about the latest gossip that was being circulated in the social circles so she simply nodded her head as this way, she would not have to reveal her true thoughts to him.

“How can he be so cruel to his wife?” Marquess Samed’s scoff reached her ears and she agreed with what he had just said.

In the time that the boys were busy at the Royal Academy, the women and young girls had followed their usual schedule without many diversions.

They met for tea, went shopping, and socialized each time they found a chance.

Among all of these activities, the only thing common was that they gossiped each time they met.

Thanks to this, the news of Earl Blaise’s mistress and Countess Blaise’s pitiful existence was now known to most of the nobles in the Capital.

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