
Chapter 869 Entitled

Newest Chapter for the Highest Tier (March 2022)


Vampire King Apollyon


Luna\'s vibrant green eyes dulled and rolled at the back of their head.

Before Apollyon could catch his mate and the babe, he also staggered backward.

His mind swirled and his breathing was shallow.

What had Apollyon done to her?Â

What if someone else had controlled him to do that abomination?Â

Everything happened so swiftly that he found it hard to understand.

Yet, his chest felt tight, suffering from guilt and humiliation.Â

He wasn\'t even sure what was true and false but he had these memories planted in his mind that he couldn\'t remember doing where he had physically hurt her.Â

But, he knew he did something based on the emotions evoked from the flashbacks he had.

His insides turned into this bottomless pit of dread.Â

Harming his mate was also similar to harming himself.

  He just realized that striking at her, he might as well have struck himself.Â

Where was she right now if he was trapped in this dream?

Then nausea he felt crept up to his head and the world went black.

  How much did she have to suffer because of him?Â

All he wanted was to release this pain and agony that had already built up inside his heart.Â

Like her, he crumpled like a puppet whose strings had been cut before he fell into a heap on the floor.Â

  <<The Fates are right. I\'m going to end up dead, Apollyon. You almost killed me.>>

Upon hearing Luna\'s voice ringing in his head, he opened his eyes to see moonlit crystals hanging from the ceiling.Â

Apollyon couldn\'t move his limbs yet.

It was as if his body was trapped underneath a huge boulder.Â

With clenched fists, he gritted out. "This isn\'t true. You aren\'t her."

Apollyon breathed. "Lilith."Â

The Archdemon chuckled darkly.

"I see you\'re still delusional--"Â

<<—and you, Apollyon, still couldn\'t protect the one you love.>> She cut him off smoothly. <<You are pathetic.>> Her tone was now a mix of pity and amusement and he tried to stop his emotions from flaring up so that the wench couldn\'t use it against him.  <<You almost killed her—us—with your bare hands.>>

"I didn\'t. You are lying!" His wife had found a solution so that  Lilith couldn\'t take over her consciousness. Luna told him so.Â

She promised him that they wouldn\'t bother them anymore.

Why was she able to return?

"How come you are the one talking to me instead of her?"

<<We have already established that she is weak. I guess that her Archdemon Magic was too drained since she wasn\'t drinking Ravin\'s blood for the past few hours. Now, I had the power to access the mind link you have with her. It\'s just that, you know it\'s already me and there is no use in pretending. The good news is you can\'t hurt—>> Apollyon interrupted her by sending a psychic attack through the mind link.

  Her whimpers echoed in his mind as if she had been struck by lightning.Â

  <<Apollyon!>> Lilith gasped. <<You are hurting your wife\'s vessel.>>

"At least, she wasn\'t the one feeling the pain." He smirked in satisfaction.

Lilith\'s pain was music to his ears.Â

"Where is my wife?"

<<Your wife is so weak from trying to expel the babies out of her stomach. I\'m taking over and preventing them from coming out somehow.>> She said a matter of fact.

Lilith felt no guilt and remorse for trying to destroy his family… as he should expect from an Archdemon.Â

<<There is no point in stopping it. Whether the childbirth is a failure or success, your time in Luna\'s vessel is over.>>

<<—so is your wife, Vampire King.>> Lilith snarled powerfully in his head that he almost flinched. <<I would gladly go down with her if the inevitable happened.>>

"What made you think that I would just stand by and watch you ruin us?" Apollyon growled back.Â

<< I wonder how I could hold these baby girls in. Luxen\'s spawn desired to see this Realm so bad while her Father was busy burning it to the ground.>> She exhaled a mocking sigh and clicked her tongue. <<All of us are going to see each other in Hell after all of this is done. It\'s up to Luxen if whichever Realm he chose to reside. I couldn\'t care less about returning to Hell when I can\'t have your heart, mind, and soul no matter how hard I try—>> Did he hear it right? Had the crazy priestess given up on him? <<-- but no one else shall covet even the things I have discarded.>>

  "Your sense of entitlement knows no bounds, Lilith."

<< I\'ll drag this ugly chit and your daughter to Hell with me. No one is allowed to be happy while I\'m all alone and miserable!>>

<<You and Luxen\'s spawn have benefited from my wife\'s energy and clung to her like a parasite so that both of you could survive and be brought into this world. For what other purpose are you doing this?  I would understand if you tell me that you wanted to rule the Material Realm with Luxen—>>

<<Stop acting as if you have no idea, Apollyon. I have told you so many times but you refused to acknowledge it!" Now, she had started screaming in the mind link that he wished Lilith would burst a vein on her forehead and clocked out so that his wife could replace her.  <<I did all of these sacrifices because I—>>

<<Whether Luna existed in this realm or not, you know deep in your heart that I would never love you back. You are just one insecure spoiled little brat who refused to grow up. You couldn\'t even handle a simple rejection because it hurts your fragile ego.>> Apollyon\'s said calmly as if he was talking to a child. He was aware that it would frustrate Lilith to no end that he wasn\'t mirroring her hysteria. <<You think you are too precious to be abandoned? This is why you do everything in your power just so the false image you have carefully crafted for yourself wouldn\'t shatter. Get off your high horse and stop chasing after me, Lilith." Now, his voice had switched to dangerously soft. " You don\'t have respect for yourself and for other people. From what you are doing so far, I think you deserved to be alone. No one loved you and no one would look for you when you are gone. No one.>>

<<I\'ll make your wife suffer and die from stillbirth for your insolence.>>Â

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