
Chapter 900 Introduce Yourself, Intruder


Princess\' Birth Attendant


The birth attendant screeched for help at the sight of tall men in white robes invading the Emerald Room in a rush.

Stepping backwards, she decided to shut her mouth and duck underneath the Princess\' bed but, there was no point in doing that when these strangers had already seen her, isn\'t it?

A large hand clutched her elbow firmly and pulled her upwards.

All she wanted was to run away but she had no destination in sight since they were trapped in the Emerald Room.

She winced and straightened her spine.

The insistent squeeze of his strong fingers on her fragile bones told her that he wouldn\'t take no for an answer.

She held back her scream as her limbs shook in fear.

No matter how much she had shaken it off, the grip wouldn\'t budge.

She dreaded looking over her shoulder. But when she did, her blurred vision caught a broad-shouldered man with thick silver-blond hair and skin with a shade of gold and bronze.

He had lowered his head to look at her, searching deep into her aging eyes for the secrets that he desired.

His perfect symmetrical face was devoid of emotion when he directed, "Tell me the things I have to know about the Princess."

For a second, her gaze flashed at her other Archdemon companion sleeping on the floor.

After all her efforts to make noise and wake him up, he still hadn\'t realized that intruders were present.

Weren\'t Archdemons supposed to be sensitive when their immortal enemies were near?

Instead of freeing herself from his touch out of desperation, the birth attendant went still when she glimpsed the beautiful angel wings spread behind the stranger\'s back.

She could only blink and gape when the Archangel placed his hands on her shoulders and forced her to turn around.

A Female Archangel stepped forward to stand next to the silver-blond Archangel while the Three Cherubims had assembled a bit far behind them.

She quickly realized they weren\'t enemies.

Heartbeat almost exploding, she took a breath and exhaled in relief.

As she tilted her head curiously at the Cherubim standing at the left side, her mild interest quickly shifted into dread.

The Cherubim seemed to be have a familiar person\'s arm around his shoulder, helping him to stay upright.

Bitiung her fingernails, the birth attendant dared to ask. "Is that the Vampire King?"

​ The Cherubim simply nodded with pursed lips.

The torn parts of his shredded garment were wrapped in white cloths to cover what-appeared-to-be acid burns, bloody wounds, and large purple welts on his ghastly skin.

The awkward angles of his unconscious form made it seem like he broke his bones.

She quickly turned her head to the side to avoid examining the Vampire King too closely and wiped the silent tears trickling at the corner of her eyes.

Feeling cold, she folded her arms around her body for comfort and to protect herself.

She was fond of the new Fae Prince and the Princess in that short period that it would break her heart to ask whether or not the Vampire King could still survive.

Archangel Azrael froze in his tracks when he caught sight of the emerald python\'s body shaped like an \'S\' close to the Princess\' bed.

It seemed like the snake didn\'t like them one bit.

The serpent\'s body was wound up tight while its dark elongated pupils in its diamond-shaped head had watched him with a predatory gaze.

It even propped its tail upwards, moving from left to right on repeat, as if the Archangel\'s presence annoyed him and he was waiting for the right time to attack.

The male Archangel scowled at it and assumed that the emerald python was a threat.

Without warning, he set it on fire before it could lunge and give his feet a nasty bite.

Her eyes bulged in terror and for a moment, she forgot how to think as she watched it hiss and squirm to death.

The birth attendant raised her hands with her palms facing the Archangel in a placating gesture. "I beg you not to kill the snake, Archangel." She said carefully, bowing her head to fix her gaze at the floor. She was afraid to offend the servants of the Highest God but the emerald phython was essential in her line of work. "This serpent\'s venom had been used by our Fae ancestors to numb the pains of childbirth."

She locked her fingers together as she settled it in front of her.

"As long as the serpent learns how to stay out of my sight, I wouldn\'t see that as a problem." The Archangel walked towards the Princess\' bed and leaned down to caress her silver hair with his fingers. "You should be aware that the Highest God had created \'women\' to tolerate this level of pain. It would be more natural for the Empress not to need the serpent\'s venom." He continued to patronize her while paying attention to the sleeping woman on the bed. "I assume she is strong enough to withstand it. Any chemical reactions might make matters worse during birthing."

The Archangel put out the holy fire from the phython\'s green scales in just a snap of a finger.

Terrified at the her friend\'s thwarted murder, the birth attendant crumpled and sank to the ground to throw emerald python to the other side of the chamber away from Archangel Azrael with magic.

Fortunately, the two Cherubims were already at it.

She didn\'t have to waste her time and energy on his grievances but still raged burned inside her at the Archangel\'s insensitive comment.

He should try engaging in a sexual intercourse with a Fae woman and give birth to their offspring in her place, then.

When the Archangel slowly returned to stand in front of her, she cleared her throat and began, "Lightning just came inside the Emerald Room before you arrived. Where you the one who sent it to alert me?"

"Yes, it is I who sent it."

"Would you care to introduce yourself and the reason why you are here, Archangel?"

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