
Side Stories: Chapter 13

Side Stories: Chapter 13

“That’s good to hear.” Lara had no intention of selling the dragon parts, but she wondered what this brother of hers who seemed to be more empty-headed than an orc would say.

“What would you give me as payment?”


A dragon’s body was something that people couldn’t even buy with money, and accordingly, Lara had never heard of a dragon’s body being exchanged for a price. Since the dragon’s body was a treasure that held the world’s attention, rumors would’ve at least spread if such an exchange took place. The dragon’s body was just that valuable. If one tried to buy it with money, they would truly need to pile up gold coins as high as a mountain. Yet, looking at Feijadiru’s attitude, it didn’t seem like he would offer such an amount. As expected, the price that Feijadiru offered to pay made Lara’s mouth gape open in disbelief and astonishment.

“…You are offering only that much?” Lara asked.

“Only that much! You are completely full of yourself. This amount of money is enough to buy a castle!” Feijadiru said in shock.

Yet, a dragon’s body couldn’t be bought even with several castles.

“It sounds like you managed to save up quite a bit. Even if you are the Brownings’ heir, it would’ve been difficult for you to come up with that much for a single payment,” Lara said.

“I can’t give the total amount at once. I will pay some of it in cash and pay the rest in a span of ten years.” It appeared that most of this payment would be made through credits.

“…Do you even intend to do a proper deal?”

“Your greed is so overflowing that it can fill up a lake. What else do you want?”

“You are the one who wants this deal, not me. You should offer something that actually interests me.”

“That’s why I said I will give you an amount of money beyond your wildest imaginations.”

Lara snorted. If she thought of Zich’s party whom she traveled with, she couldn’t accept Feijadiru’s description of the proposed sum as going beyond her ‘wildest imaginations.’ Not only did Zich’s party have considerable wealth already, but they also possessed extremely rare metals like mithril and orichalcum. Many would find it impossible to get their hands on those metals, and Zich’s party members pulled such metals out like picking up stones off a rock. Thus, to Lara’s eyes, Feijadiru looked silly acting so high and mighty from the amount of money he offered; furthermore, he wasn’t even going to pay it all at once.

“It’s not something you can buy with that much. Plus, the amount you offered isn’t beyond my imagination or anything,” Lara said. Hans nodded from behind her.

However, it seemed that Feijadiru thought differently. “…Don’t you know how much trouble you caused to the family?”

“What sort of great trouble would befall a family just because one girl ran away? Above all, wasn’t that an outcome you wanted?”

“Personally, it only made me glad that my arrogant sister disappeared. But don’t you remember that you used to have a fiancé?”

“I did once.”

“He was the son of Duke Grashane. He was someone too great for you, and he belongs to the Grashane family—they hold tremendous influence over the Miftil Kingdom. When you one-sidedly broke off the engagement with a family like that, our family had to endure all sorts of difficulties. I trust that you would realize how hard it would’ve been for us even with that lacking head of yours.”

“So are you telling me to offer the dragon’s body as the price?”

“Like I said, I am planning to purchase it for a rightful price. However, considering your past actions, it seems only fair that you would offer it for free.”

If Zich had been with them, his mouth would’ve been quickly running off already to ‘kindly’ fix his opponent’s thwarted logic. Of course, as far as Hans knew, this kindness never resulted in benefitting the affected person. Even though Hans respected and admired Zich, he never understood Zich’s terrible hobby. It was a hobby that even Lyla gave up on fixing, and Hans would never dare to suggest for Zich to act differently. Therefore, using Zich as a reference point, Hans thought he should mind his behavior to not follow Zich’s footsteps in this specific path and genuinely thought he had been doing a good job following this conviction so far.

Hans was still thinking about this when he saw that there was still no change in the situation in front of him. Lara seemed at a loss for words in her astonishment, but Feijadiru took her silence to mean that she was overthrown by his high-level speech and continued to blabber about other things.

‘I should intervene,’ Hans thought. He thought he should keep his mouth shut as long as he could, but he couldn’t continue to just watch. After all, Lara was his lover and above all, she was his companion. She was a member of Zich’s party and part of the infamous crew of dragon slayers and Bellid subjugators. Thus, while carefully minding his words because of his recent critical thoughts about Zich’s behavior, Hans spoke to Feijadiru who was still babbling nonsense.

“I’m sorry to intervene, but are you perhaps talking after knowing the exact value of a piece of a dragon?”

Feijadiru frowned to see that Hans was suddenly intervening. Anyone could see he was offended, but he answered. It seemed like he had gained confidence after cornering Lara with his words. “Of course I do. However, no matter how high the value of these goods are, it still can’t be higher than the grace our parents showed her by giving birth to her and raising her in a bountiful environment. My foolish sister crushed all of this, and I am willing to forgive her with just a single item. If you think about it, we are the ones who have to deal with the losses.”

“I see that’s how you think.” Though Hans wanted to immediately tell Feijadiru to stop his bullshit, he just thought that he shouldn’t act like Zich.

Hans repressed a great urge to make a snide comment and carefully asked, “Then, when Lara hands you the dragon’s body, would you be willing to donate it to the Karuwimans?”

“…What are you talking about?” Feijadiru was taken aback by Hans’ completely unexpected question, and Lara also looked back at Hans with confusion.

However, Hans remained calm and continued, “Sir, you just said that Lara must sell you the dragon’s body to repay the grace and benevolence of her parents who gave birth to her and raised her in an affluent family.”

“Yes, that’s right.”

“But how can her parents and family compare to God Karuna’s grace and benevolence? If Lara must sell you the dragon’s body for those reasons, then shouldn’t she donate the dragon’s body to the Karuwimans serving God Karuna?”

“…” Feijadiru shut his mouth. His eyes frantically moved around as he tried to think of a reply. “…I don’t think that’s something an outsider like you can say…”

“For your information, I am a Karuwiman Honorary Holy Knight.” Hans showed his Honorary Holy Knight badge, and Feijadiru shut his mouth again.

“Although I’m not an official knight, I deeply revere God Karuna, and if you, Sir Browning, have any intentions to offer the dragon’s body in God Karuna’s name, I’ll be extremely delighted. Ah, perhaps, are your thoughts shared by the whole Miftil Kingdom? I heard that the Miftil Kingdom is collaborating with the Karuwimans for this festival. Perhaps, was that also to repay God Karuna’s abundant grace and benevolence?”

Hans’ interpretation of Feijadiru’s words gradually became broader and more expansive, and Feijadiru’s agitation increased accordingly.

“If that’s the case, I’ll directly relay your thoughts to the Pope or the Saintess. I’m sure that those two will also be extremely delight—”

“W-wait!” Feijadiru quickly cut off Hans’ words. If Hans really followed through with his words, he would be passing over a priceless treasure to the Karuwimans.

“How can those mean the same thing?!”

“Hmm? That’s strange. Haven’t you been talking about repaying the grace and favor this whole time?”

“We have to consider family matters and faith separately!”

“Perhaps, Sir Browning, do you deny the grace you’ve received from God Karuna?”

“That…!” Feijadiru couldn’t agree with what Hans said. He couldn’t deny Karuna’s grace in the city where the Karuwiman main temple, Yuras, was, especially while the Miftil Kingdom was collaborating with the Karuwimans. Moreover, at a time when the Karuwimans’ power and prestige were at their peak, he might be excommunicated even if he was the next heir of Marquess Browning’s family.

“Hmmm, it seems that you don’t agree with me, sir. Well, I admit that I might have gone a little too far.”

“W-welll, yes! That’s what I’ve been wanting to say!” When it seemed like Hans took a step back, Feijadiru’s face brightened up. However, Hans’ subsequent words immediately made him scowl.

“Then you must have realized that what you said to Lara also was too big of a leap.”

“How can that be…!”

“Hmm? Shall I speak to His Holiness and the Saintess?”

“…” Feijadiru gritted his teeth. However, he couldn’t make a hasty rebuttal when Hans intertwined religion into the conversation.

“Sir, it seems like you understand me now.” Hans knew all about Lara’s family situation. It was probably true that her family received significant damage from Lara running away. However, considering the way Lara was treated by the family, Feijadiru’s request was ridiculous.

‘I can relate to Sir Zich’s feelings.’ After hearing the treatment his girlfriend received, Hans was finally able to not only understand but empathize with the treatment Zich received from his own family.

“Then, why don’t we get to the main offer?”

“…Main offer?” Feijadiru looked at Hans with complete confusion.

“I mean, I’m sure you wouldn’t have truly thought of buying the dragon’s body by using your family’s debt and grace.” Hans thought this was probably, no–definitely, Feijadiru’s way to earn an advantage in their final negotiations. Was there anything as meaningless as a family’s grace and debt to a person who ran away because she hated her family? Hans was certain that Feijadiru had a different offer in mind.

Of course, judging by Lara’s attitude, it seemed like she wasn’t planning to sell the dragon, but since they were already conversing like this, Hans thought he might as well hear what Feijadiru had to offer. Lara also seemed to think the same as she folded her arms and watched their conversation. However, Hans’ prediction was completely off.

“What nonsense are you spouting?! Of course, she has to repay her family and parents’ grace!”

“Yes, you’ve done enough of that sir, so why don’t you start offering your real price…”

“There’s no such thing! Besides, I’m already offering such an exorbitant amount of money!”

“…Is that really all you prepared? It wasn’t a strategy to prepare for a full-scale negotiation?”

“What more should I prepare?!”

Hans stared at Feijadiru and said, “Sir, I’m asking this because I really don’t know, so I hope you don’t misunderstand.”

Hans paused briefly and slowly asked, “Are you two really siblings? Is there perhaps a family secret that I’m unaware of?”

“…What are you talking about?”

“No, your intelligence…is, I mean, way too low compared to Lara.”


“I’m sure Lara must have beaten the shi…ah, I apologize. My expression was a little too rough. It\'s just that I heard that you were beaten by Lara without ever being able to land a hit on her in every practice duel.” Although Hans fixed his wording, the content of his words remained the same. Rather, the fact that he tried to revise his remarks was even more irritating.

“If your skills are that lacking, I thought at least your brain might make up for it, but judging by your actions right now, your brain is also no match for Lara…no, not to Lara, but even up to an ordinary person’s level. So what I mean is, I’m a little suspicious whether you two are really blood-related siblings.” Shockingly, Hans had no ill will as he said all this.

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