
Chapter 86 - Volume 2 Chapter 4

A small base didn’t have any guarantees or protections. It would be hard to avoid having some people see them as woman and trying to mistreat them. Yet being a prisoner, an exclusive property, a situation like that is still a lot better than this.

If they were to head to the big base, they really would have a lot more guarantee. However, they were all weak women and ordinary as well. Some of them were even a bit delirious. If they were to go to the big base, with the distance so large, how many would even survive the trek and actually arrive there?

Being able to survive and not go mentally insane would require the person to be not only smart, but have a high perseverance. With those conclusions, everyone understood clearly but no one said anything.

No one would take on this kind of mission to bring around a group of useless women.

Especially since within the group, a good number of them had already gone crazy. They would only drag them down. You only need to be a bit intelligent to know that bringing these women along was not a wise choice.

Yan Ruru felt a bit awkward as she looked towards Shao Qing. She also understood this point. Thus even though she pitied these women, she didn’t bring up taking them along.

If they were close to the base and she only had her superhuman squad then she might have been willing to say those words, but she was currently on a mission. Yan Pingsheng was her employer and she was only a hired mercenary. As a result, this was a decision she absolutely could not make.

Shao Qing was quiet for a long time, then she faced Yan Ruru and said: “Bring them out to look for Yan Pingsheng.”

This kind of headache was best handed over to Yan Pingsheng. After all, Yan Pingsheng is the employer; thus, it would be best to have him make the decision.

Yan Ruru nodded her head and let out a sigh. After dressing the women in clothes, they brought them out. Yan Pingsheng had already found the warehouse. While he was in the middle of commanding people to move the things, by his side, there were a couple of bound captives. Although the things they were carrying out were quite a lot, his face didn’t look happy at all.

Walking over, Shao Qing realized that the thing this warehouse had the most of were corpses. After being washed cleanly, these corpses were hollowed out of their organs and had their heads chopped off. After using salt water to soak them, they were split from the middle as if they were slaughtering a pig and were then hung on a hook.

A row on the left and a row on the right, there were at least fifty to sixty corpses hanging here. Some were tall – mostly likely to be adult males, while some were tiny and most likely not adults yet. It’s no wonder why Yan Pingsheng’s face was so unsightly. Anyone who saw this kind of tragedy would have an unpleasant face.

Seeing the captive beside Yan Pingsheng, they began to fume with rage between their gritted teeth. However, since Shao Qing and them didn’t say anything, those women also didn’t dare to rashly do anything.

However a woman of about thirty with a rather good figure threw herself forward. With disheveled hair, she threw herself forward and bit onto one of those peoples’ throat. Everyone present was able to clearly hear that blood-curdling shriek and the blood pouring into her throat.

Gu Lu, Gu Lu.

Another woman without delay rushed to say: “Please do not be angry. Her little sister while she was still carrying a baby, by this man was..... after that event, that man even cut open her dead sister’s belly to take out the child to see it’s gender. Afterwards he fed the child to the wolves. It was from that day that she became crazy.”

Shao Qing originally wasn’t angry. Using her vines she dragged the still living captives over. Pulling one at a time she asked these women: “Alive or dead.”

Those captives unceasingly begged for forgiveness and promised to repent. However the women were determined: “These kinds of animals, killing them is letting them off easy!”

Taking these captives, in front of these women, Shao Qing separated their bodies into pieces. Yet, no one there thought she was being cruel.

Having seen everything that has happened at this stronghold, everyone thought they should die for their crime.

After carrying the things out and burying the marinated corpse, Yan Pingsheng fiercely said: “I have to burn this place down to get rid of my fury!”

“Let’s resolve their issue first.” After simply explaining their history, Shao Qing gave the crucial problem over to Yan Pingsheng: “Right now they have nowhere to go. Since you are the employer, what do you say we do?”

Yan Pingsheng’s eyes widened, a bit stupefied. Shao Qing had really given him a difficult situation. No matter how they dealt with these women it would be a problem. If they let them run their own course, their conscience wouldn’t be able to forgive themselves. Bringing them along however would be too risky since there’s so many unpredictable dangers. In fact, if by any chance they do run into any accidents, these women would only drag them down.

Then Meng Shen suddenly spoke up: “I suggest we bring them. What do our two captains think? Although, I am the employer, I also highly value your advice.”

“I have no opinion.” Yan Ruru quickly added.

Shao Qing took a glance at these women, then looked at Meng Shen in a different light. She indifferently replied: “If we are bringing you guys, then you guys have to take responsibility for preparing meals and cleaning. Other than that I have no opinion.

Those women were all surprised and quickly nodded their heads enthusiastically. Why would they have any other opinions? They were only extremely grateful for Shao Qing. Shao Qing made them feel that they still were still of use.

“Then we’ll bring them. In any case, it’s just 6 women. Yan Jie will bring three and I will bring three.” Shao Qing replied calmly. “Has everything been moved? If they have, then let’s head off.”

“Ok.” Yan Pingsheng nodded his head. The group of people then set off. Right before they did, Yan Ruru started a fire. It was only when they all bared witness to that wretched place being burnt to a crisp did they depart.

These women were secretly wiping their tears. They had suffered so much at that place. Losing their loved ones, they had nothing at all.

From her spatial dimension, Shao Qing took out some clothing to allow them to change out of the shabby rags that barely covered their bodies. Shao Tong even brought some special medication to treat their wounds. After being thanked, she turned completely pink.

After taking in these women, they entered the small town. Reportedly on a regular day, these women had to go with several regular people to water and take care of the vegetable garden. Thus, they were very familiar with the route.

Bringing some people along, Yan Pingsheng had them harvest the ready vegetables and definitely made quite a gain. Although in a bit they would be able to eat a fresh meal, no one was exactly happy.

Everything they had seen today was just too heavy. How could anyone bring themselves to smile.

Within the ranks, the women felt quite apprehensive. No matter the job, they would scramble to do it. For example, starting the fire or cooking. Shao Qing never stopped them because she knew that doing these things would allow their hearts to rest easy.

“Leave the cooking to Han Qing. His skill is amazing. You guys are already tired from the day. Go take a rest.” Shao Qing allowed her vines to retract the thorns to form a wooden bench shape. After making a row, if one were to sit on them it would even be a bit bouncy and cool and comfortable to the butt.

Er Dai was waiting on the side for the meal to be served. The three women feeling embarrassed only sat down after they set up the chopsticks and bowls. Seeing them all worried, Shao Qing didn’t say anything more. In such a short time, it was impossible for them to relax so quickly.

“Auntie, some candy.” Xiao Baozi taking small strides with his short legs offered candy to the women. Blinking with his enormous eyes, it was cute to death.

The three woman grabbed the candy. One of them was the one who had threw herself forward before biting off the throat of the man. At that moment she was so fierce with red eyes madly biting on to the man, but now she was like a little child. At a loss of what to do, she held on to the candy and then finally gently patted Xiao Baozi’s head.

Her movement was especially tender, very careful. It was as if she was scared if she put in even a little bit more strength she might injure Xiao Baozi.Please

Another mentally conscious women couldn’t help ask: “Is this your child? So cute.”

“You don’t have to say you. Calling me by name is fine. My name is Shao Qing.” Shao Qing replied quietly. “This is my son.”

“What’s his name?” The women felt they were inconveniencing her by asking: “He really is so cute. I really like him. My name is Xiang Ru. She is Zhang Xiaofen and that one is Tao Jingjing.”

Shao Qing froze. It was then that she had realized she had always just called him baby or darling. Up to now she had never given Xiao Baozi a proper name.....

With deciding a name being such a big event, it required her to rally carefully decide, to polish it over and over..... Of course, to a person who is a cripple at coming up with names, trying to decide a name was even harder than fighting a rank 4 zombie.

Actually.... I haven’t given him a name yet.... That phrase was something Shao Qing couldn’t say. Finally she vaguely replied: “His nickname is Bao Bao (baby/darling). You guys can just call him Baobao.”

“Bao Bao?” Xiang Ru cautiously asked: “May I kiss him....”

Before Shao Qing could reply, Xiao Baozi already took the initiative to move over and making a big smooching sound kissed Xiang Ru. Xing Ru cupper her face, unbelievably happy.Please support this novel by reading at

Shao Qing couldn’t help but have her lips lift up into a smile. Lifting Xiao Baozi up , she tilted the side of her face towards Xiao Baozi. Xiao Baozi immediately pounced over and gave her a mouthful of smooches.

Xiang Ru sad down by the side, completely envious. After quite a while did she lightly laugh and say: “Having such a precious treasure beside you, you really are blessed.”

”En...”Shao Qing’s eyes became gentle. Xiao Baozi was her life’s biggest strength and motivation.

The cleverest housewife can’t cook without rice. Since there were limited ingredients, the things Yan Hanqing could make was also limited. Now that there was a richer amount of source, in one instance he made six dishes and a soup. Although they were all vegetable dishes, they smelled, looked, and tasted great. It would make anyone’s mouth water.

A ring of people eating dinner caused Yan Pingsheng at the side to start drooling. After all, between chefs there are still differences in ability. The chef on their side compared to Yan Hanqing was like comparing a beginner with someone who has gone through systematic schooling.

Those women were hesitant to begin eating. Taking one bowl after another, Shao Qing filled it with rice and passed it over to them and even placed some vegetables inside: “There’s lots of dishes. Take it yourself. Only after you have eaten will you have enough energy to clean up.”

After eating dinner, they didn’t continue on their journey. Instead, they decided to stay in the small town for the time being to rest and reorganize. At least the small town was rather tidy and few zombies were around. Following the streets they were even able to find a three story building to rest for the night.

These days of constantly being on the move, if one said they weren’t tired it would be a lie. After all, the thing that is tired isn’t just your body. There’s also the high amount of alertness they had to have constantly. Being able to rest for a while would definitely be beneficial for the last part of the journey.

After eating, Shao Qing returned to her room. Then Shao Qing and Er Dai circled the trash can to puke. After puking, they brought Xiao Baozi along and began absorbing a pile of crystals. For Xiao Baozi’s situation, he was able to absorb some of the high calorie food, the things with high nutrition. As for them, they were unable to eat food and definitely weren’t willing to eat flesh, so they could only use crystals to help maintain their strength and power.

For the entire day and night, they continued to absorb crystals within their room. It was only when it was time to have a meal for the afternoon did they reveal themselves.

She ate very few things and they were all forced down. In a bit she would have to puke it out. If it wasn’t to fool everyone, she wouldn’t even want a bite.

Early the next morning because Shao Qing didn’t require much sleep, she awoke quite early. However when she awoke, three women were already tidying things up.

Frowning, Shao Qing came down the stairs: “It’s 5am.”

“Sorry, did we wake you?” Xiang Ru was a bit alarmed. Shao Qing shook her head, speaking to them: “The things you guys need to do is get a good rest. Later when we are on our way then will you guys have energy and can focus. I don’t need you to be so hardworking. I just need you guys to not hold us back.”

The things she said weren’t pleasant to her and the tone of her voice was rather indifferent. But Xiang Ru quietly said: “You...... are a good person......”

Shao Qing was stunned. There has never been a time a person had given her a good person card. Her teammates usually said that she was someone who deserved trust and was depended on; a person viewed as the pillar of the group. Enemies would way that she is cruel, a lone wolf. People who didn’t know her would say that her cold and detached appearance would make her hard to approach. Being labeled as a good person, Xiang Ru was the first.

She couldn’t help but shake her head, her face still expressionless yet her earlobe was slightly flushed: “How am I a good person? Did you guys not see the part where I murdered people?”

“You..... really are a good person.” Xiang Ru couldn’t help but lift her voice, a bit eager: “Although your facial expression is cold, compared to those people who use words to console us, you are even more considerate. Moreover, you are hot-blooded and righteous. You truly are a really really good person....”

Shao Qing sneered: “You guys are so tired you must be hallucinating. Quickly go to bed. Nap for a bit before we head out.”

Xiang Ru looked at Shao Qing’s departing figure. Pulling her two not so quite there sisters she said in a low voice: “Really.... We really are grateful....”

Shao Qing laughed. What part of her is a good person? After she had tortured those mandits, Blazing Flames and Yan Pingsheng’s people were scared of her.

They really were too naive, to go so far as to think she was a good person. She was clearly a cold blooded, emotionless, selfish person. How could she give off any feelings of a good person?

Right when Shao Qing stepped out the door, she saw Meng Shen sitting outside the door wiping a dagger clean. His eyes were focused as if he was at a laboratory doing a task that allowed for no mistake.

Seeing his attitude towards his weapon , once again pleased Shao Qing. This caused Shao Qing to feel a bit better towards Meng Shen.

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