
Chapter 513: Bipolar Reversal 【Subscription】

   "The phoenix and the griffin are easy to deal with."

   "Shadow wolf raid? Elite high-level shadow wolves don\'t have much lethality, it should be a cover."

   "The iron-eating beast has already escaped into the soil, Phoenix University needs to pay attention."

   "The Earth Dragon Beast used Earthquake to cover the Iron Eater?"

   "The Gale Blue Bird has changed its form..."

   "Not good! This is the bait! The phoenix has been drawn out!"

   "Three-eyed God Crow! Rare-level Three-eyed God Crow! Mysterious-level Burning Heart God Flame!"

   "The phoenix has been recruited, the bright bird is alone and helpless, where is the iron-eating beast!"


   "Why is the Iron Eater there?!"

   "Bright Bird... Bright Bird has been eliminated!"

  The on-site commentary was calm at first, but gradually became more serious and his eyes widened.

  When he said "Bright Bird was eliminated", he already exclaimed, and he even showed a hellish expression on his face.

  The director’s cutting screen was extremely fast, and accurately locked on A Bao who appeared from the stone chips in the sky, and captured all the scenes of his surprise attack on the Bright Bird.

  Seeing that the domineering and fierce dragon-shaped energy was about to bombard the seriously injured Bright Bird into blood foam, the referee immediately blew the whistle.


   "Bright Bird has lost its combat power and is eliminated!"

  In an instant, a faint blue void barrier stretched over the Bright Bird, absorbing the energy of the dragon-shaped dragon with its fangs and claws.


  Before the start of the second game, the entire Angel vs. battlefield was filled with jubilant cheers from the American Commonwealth audience.

  After the game started, due to the terrain, Phoenix University fell into a passive position.

   Despite this, they were still full of confidence and continued to cheer for Phoenix University enthusiastically, and from time to time booed Xichuan University, which was on the offensive side.

  When they saw Ah Bao appearing from the sky full of stone chips, countless people showed terrified expressions on their faces, or screamed, or opened their mouths and couldn\'t make a sound.

  In the blink of an eye, Bright Bird was knocked down and hit the ground unable to move. The referee blew a sharp whistle.

  For a moment, boos and screams filled the sky like exploding fireworks, scattered sparsely from the sky, and then disappeared into the air.

  The noisy angel battle suddenly fell into deathly silence.

  In addition to the audience from the United States, there were also 7,200 Chinese audiences.

  Before they were completely suppressed by more than 70,000 American federal viewers, this was originally the best time for them to show their existence.

  However, at this moment, they also opened their mouths wide and fell into silence.

   Not only the audience in the United States did not expect it, but even the audience in Huaguo was unprepared.

No one expected that the second round of the game would develop like this. Xichuan University, which suffered a disastrous defeat in the first game, would counterattack strongly, and eliminated the most important beast in Phoenix University\'s lineup besides Phoenix—Bright Bird in one blow. .


  The silence in the auditorium was broken by Nie Lin, the leader of Huaguo who was watching the battle in the front row. His sound like a thunderclap woke up the surrounding audience like a dream.

   "A Bao Niubi!!"

   "Chuan Daxiong rises!!!"

  In an instant, Chinese men with red paint on their faces stood up in the auditorium. They vigorously waved the red star flag and the Sichuan University flag.

   Immediately afterwards, countless voices sounded from all over the auditorium, and from outside the venue, sweeping the entire battlefield like a mountain roar and a tsunami, turning the entire battlefield into Huaguo\'s home field in an instant.


   "Po-Po! Po!"

In the Huaguo live broadcast room, Fang Xing slapped his hands on the table, propped up his body and said hoarsely: "My God! Ah Bao actually hid in Shifeng! The Bright Bird has been eliminated! Phoenix University has the key healing power of Bright The bird is eliminated! This game... has hope!"

   "Beautiful!" Gu Gu was so excited, "Beautiful! So beautiful!"

  The originally quiet live broadcast room instantly turned into a sea of ​​joy, covered with "666" and "Abao Niubi" of various lengths and colors, completely covering the live broadcast screen.

   This caused many viewers to quickly turn off the barrage, so as not to miss the next exciting game.


  The player passageway.


  Hearing the referee\'s announcement of Bright Bird\'s elimination, Hong Bo let out a loud cry and threw his clenched fist into the air.

  The semi-finals of the national competition team competition is not only a regret for Chen Wen and others, but also for him.

   It was he who designed the tactics against Lan Yanfengniao, and he was also to blame for the loss of the game.

  This game was a redemption for Gong Zikun and others, so why not for him?

  Seeing that Bright Bird was eliminated, he could finally breathe a sigh of relief.


  In the battle between angels, the audience in the United States gradually regained their senses.

  Listening to the cheers from the audience in Huaguo, thinking of his shocking performance just now, he was a little shocked for a while, and then a little angry.

  This is the United States Federation, but the Angels are fighting the battlefield. How can they "occupy" the Chinese people here.

  In an instant, many American federal audiences shouted and screamed again.

  Then, tens of thousands of people cheered and cheered again, and the entire battlefield was once again ruled by the United States Federation.

  After the Huaguo audience was suppressed again, they did not fight against the American Federation audience in vain. They stared wide-eyed at the central battlefield and at the big screen hanging from the dome.

  At this moment, there is light in their eyes.

  They should save energy, cheer for Sichuan University\'s next wonderful performance, and cheer for Sichuan University\'s possible victory.


   On the battlefield.

  Chen Wen and others could not hear the cheers outside, nor did they pay half their attention to the auditorium.

  Hearing the referee\'s announcement of the elimination of the Bright Bird, everyone only showed a few hints of joy on their faces, and no one cheered and celebrated.

   They all know that the game is not over yet.

  In the arena, after Ah Bao eliminated the Bright Bird, he fell to the ground and disappeared directly into the soil.

   At the same time, the Gale Blue Bird and the Three-Eyed God Crow also retreated towards the stone forest while the phoenix was chasing away the Burning Heart God Flame.

  As for the shadow wolf attacking the lava lion and flaming lion, it was just the shadow wolf\'s clone.

   One hit to make meritorious deeds, fleeing thousands of miles away.

  The beasts of Xichuan University, who were attacking in an all-round way, retreated into the stone forest in the blink of an eye, and only the beasts of Phoenix University were left on the messy battlefield.

   On the other side, LeBron Johnson\'s face became very serious.

He glanced at his companions who were still in a daze, and cursed: "Wake up! This is the semi-final of the Global Competition! The opponent is not a **** university, but Hogwarts, Moscow Such a top school."

  Everyone in the Phoenix University heard the words, and suddenly woke up like a dream.

   After all, they are beast masters who have been trained for a long time. Almost all of them have experienced life and death in the secret realm, and they quickly adjusted their mentality after being awakened.

   Soon, the phoenix retreated to the griffin beast, and the four beasts gathered together.

  Then, LeBron Johnson\'s brows burst into fiery red light, and he shouted: "Heavenly fire destroys the world!"

  Nishikawa University’s all-out attack just now has indeed achieved results, and the Bright Bird was monstrous because of this, but the pet beasts such as the Gale Blue Bird and the Earth Dragon Beast also consumed a lot of aura because of this.

  He will not give Xichuan University\'s pet beast a chance to recover its aura.

  Phoenix University and several people had a tacit understanding. They immediately understood LeBron Johnson\'s plan and immediately displayed their talents.

  In an instant, the three fire-attribute pet beasts on the side of Phoenix University in the field seemed to become erupting active volcanoes, and countless hot fire-attribute auras gushed out of their bodies like magma.

  At the same time, the Griffin roared and hovered in the sky, countless wind attribute auras gathered, and gusts of wind visible to the naked eye were quickly generated.


  Following the roar of the phoenix, the fire-attribute aura on the battlefield immediately gathered towards it like a baby swallow returning to its nest.

  With the gathering of a large amount of fire attribute aura, clusters of brilliant golden flames instantly appeared around the phoenix, and crimson fire clouds appeared in the sky above.

  In an instant, a red sky seemed to appear on the battlefield.

  The lava lion and flaming lion also burst into flames, each roaring and casting powerful skills.

  The lava lion and scorpion split open the ground under their feet, leading out pillars of magma fire reaching the sky.

  The Flaming Lion took a deep breath, then opened his mouth and spewed out a large amount of high-temperature flames one after another.

   These flames stretched endlessly, and in the blink of an eye, they turned into crimson flames against the wind, slapping away like a wave in the direction of the stone forest where Xichuan University\'s beasts were hiding.

  At the same time, a terrifying aura erupted from the Griffin beast, and the flapping of its wings generated gusts of wind visible to the naked eye.

  The wind fuels the fire, and the strong wind pushes the cloud of fire in the sky and the sea of ​​fire on the ground.

  In an instant, bursting fireballs fell like meteorites, molten magma dripped down like rain, and burning flames swept across the ground like sea tides.

  For a while, there was almost no peace in the sky and on the ground in the battlefield.

  Looking at this natural disaster scene that seemed to destroy the world, Chen Wen took the initiative: "Let me do it!"

  Compared with A Bao who has his own charging treasure, the aura of beasts such as Gale Blue Bird and Earth Dragon Beast are more precious and need to be used on the blade.

  After the words fell, the center of his brows had already blossomed, and the sharing of his talent had given A Bao a lot of aura.

  Receiving the aura supported by Chen Wen, Ah Bao immediately jumped to the highest peak of the stone forest.


   Roaring at the crimson sky, the space around Ah Bao\'s body seemed to vibrate, and his figure rapidly swelled and became bigger.

  After doubled, Ah Bao immediately mobilized the mighty aura in his body, and waved his arms.

  In an instant, accompanied by the sound of the dragon\'s roar produced by the sound of muscles and bones, a terrifying aura erupted from A\'Bao\'s body.

   Immediately afterwards, eighteen dragon-shaped qi energies emerged from his body in the blink of an eye, and turned into a lifelike giant dragon against the wind, rushing towards the ignited sky and the engulfing sea of ​​flames with overwhelming momentum.

  Boom! boom! boom! —

  The moment the dragon-shaped energy rushed into the sea of ​​flames, countless fireballs exploded, and then the hot magma directly wrapped them, followed by a real wave of flames.

  The energy of the dragon shape is like a dragon.

However, this is not an ordinary river, nor is it an ordinary sea. In this sea of ​​flames that is hotter than magma, the eighteen dragon-shaped energies that are constantly bombarded by fireballs quickly become blurred and transparent, and directly turn into a chaotic mess. Aura.

  At the same time, the fireballs, magma rain, and sea of ​​flames pouring towards the stone forest also became chaotic in the dragon-shaped explosion, scattered in all directions irregularly.

  In spite of this, the stone forest where Abao and the others were located suffered a near-destructive attack. The tall stone peaks were all broken, and Abao and the others had almost nowhere to hide.

  The flames and magma flying all over the sky decorated the entire battle field gorgeously, presenting a rare beauty.

   However, Chen Wen didn\'t have time to appreciate the beautiful scenery.

   Glancing at the phoenix and other beasts who took advantage of the situation, Chen Wen quickly commanded: "Cover! Combine!"

  With the simple four-word export, Gong Zikun and others immediately understood what Chen Wen meant, and quickly communicated with the beast.

  Earth Dragon Beast didn\'t care about recovering its aura, doubled again and stomped on the ground.

  In an instant, a condensed wave of earth attribute energy rippled from his feet like ripples, sweeping towards the lava lion and flaming mad lion.

   At the same time, the Gale Blue Bird had turned into wings and inserted itself on A Bao\'s back, while the shadow wolf shrank into A Bao\'s shadow.


  Transforming into the form of a flying bear, Ah Bao immediately stomped on the ground, vibrating the blue wings behind him.

  Great force came from the ground, assisted by the strong wind, and Ah Bao instantly transformed into lightning, flew across the sky at an extreme speed, and shot towards the direction of the griffin.

  Its speed is so fast that it surpasses the energy wave rapidly spreading on the ground in the blink of an eye.


  Seeing that Po turned into a flying bear form, LeBron Johnson immediately issued a reminder and commanded the phoenix to intercept Po.


  With a loud noise, the two beasts collided.

  A Bao suddenly used the mighty power of ten dragons and ten elephants, and directly knocked the phoenix flying upside down, but its speed was also slowed down.

  Just as LeBron Johnson was delighted to prevent Ah Bao from attacking the Griffin beast, the live host from the perspective of God discovered the anomaly.

   "Not good! Flaming Lion!"

  Following the host\'s exclamation, everyone instantly focused their attention on the Flaming Lion.

  Then, they realized that the path of Ah Bao flying to the Griffon beast happened to pass above the flaming mad lion.

  At this moment, Ah Bao is just above the Flame Lion, and its shadow coincides with the Flame Lion.

  In an instant, the two intertwined shadows on the ground suddenly moved, and black and solid lock ropes emerged from them, which bound the limbs of the flaming mad lion at once, and then spread to other parts of its body.

   "Flaming Lion!"

  The beast master of the Flaming Lion immediately exclaimed, and then immediately cast the beast master talent.

In an instant, the fire aura surged in the Blazing Lion\'s body, and violent and blazing flames burst out from his body, and his body suddenly swelled up. In an instant, several dark ropes were broken, and the thickest ropes were also burned. Vague.

  However, before the Flaming Lion could break free from the shadow, the earth attribute energy waves spreading from the ground had already swept under its feet.

  The Flame Mad Lion felt that his feet were empty, half of his body sank into the ground, and then sharp soil thorns pierced from all directions, piercing holes in his body like spears.

   After all, it is a multiplied rare beast. The Flaming Lion has rough skin and thick flesh. It was not completely pierced by the soil thorns, but it was also restricted by multiple soil thorns piercing the body.

   While it was howling, a domineering dragon roar sounded.

  Everyone looked at the top of the flaming mad lion in unison.

   "Iron Eater!!"

  Amidst the exclamation of the on-site host, a lifelike dragon-shaped energy flew out of A Bao\'s palm, and slammed into the head of the flaming mad lion with its teeth and claws.

  The Flaming Lion is strong in offense and weak in defense, and at the moment it is inevitable to avoid it. There is absolutely no reason to survive under one palm.

   Therefore, the referee blew the whistle again helplessly.


   "The Flaming Lion has lost its combat power and is eliminated!"

  When the referee blew the whistle, the United States audience was stunned again, while the Huaguo audience all jumped up from their seats and raised their arms and shouted.

  If the elimination of the Bright Bird means that Sichuan University has a chance to win the second game, then the elimination of the Flaming Lion means that Sichuan University has the advantage.

  Everyone has seen the light of victory.

   "Ming Xiu plank road secretly Chen Cang!"

  In the Huaguo live broadcast room, Fang Xing yelled proudly: "Wonderful tactics! Beautiful cooperation! A Bao eliminated the flaming lion, and Sichuan University made another victory!"

   Gu Gu on the side was so excited that his head was muddled, and he said uneducated again: "It\'s beautiful! Ah Bao is doing well! Jianglongzhang is invincible!"

   Countless viewers trembled with excitement, wanting to share their feelings.

   However, the battle continued on the field. Everyone was afraid of missing the wonderful moment, so they all suppressed their desire to share and stared straight at the screen.

  Chen Wen and others did not disappoint them.

  After eliminating the flaming mad lion, Ah Bao released the real dragon incarnation to attack the griffin beast, while he flapped his wings and entangled the bird.

  Yes, this time it will be Po pestering the phoenix.

  With the cooperation of the real dragon incarnation and the three-eyed **** crow, the griffin was soon eliminated.

   Instantaneous, two-stage reversal.

  Phoenix University is two against five, no...

  With the real dragon incarnation, it is two against six.

  LeBron Johnson wanted to learn a game of guerrilla warfare from Po, but Po immediately stopped playing with him, and directly besieged the lava lion with other beasts.

   With the Lava Lion out, LeBron Johnson puts an end to the pointless resistance.

  In the second round, Sichuan University won!

  (end of this chapter)

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