
Chapter 826: Being plotted【Please subscribe】

  On the plain with clear skies, two huge fire crows were fighting fiercely.

  No...it should be a fierce one-sided fight.

  The second pillar only defends but does not attack. He neither uses the domain nor the esoteric level skills. He breathes fire and wind at will, and easily defuses the attack of the three-eyed **** crow.

  One wing fanned the continuous fireball spewed by the three-eyed **** crow, and the second pillar uttered a disdainful cry at the three-eyed **** crow.

  Even if Chen Wen and Er Zhuzi didn\'t have the same mind, he still knew the meaning of Er Zhuzi\'s cry.

That\'s it?

  Facing such ridicule, the Three-Eyed God Crow let out an angry cry.

  In an instant, the red slit between its brows opened, shooting out a bright white glow.

   This white awn is so fast that even epic beasts can hardly dodge it easily, but it is too slow for Er Zhuzi.

  However, the second pillar did not flash.

  It allowed the white light to hit itself, and let the white flame of nothingness ignite on its body.


  Being hit by the burning flames of the Three-Eyed God Crow, Er Zhuzi not only did not cry out in pain, but continued to taunt and stimulate the Three-Eyed God Crow.

  It seems that the scorching fire on its body is fake!

  Seeing this, the three-eyed divine crow let out an angry cry, frantically squeezing the spiritual power and aura in the body, and once again cast the burning heart flame on the two pillars, and quickly flooded the two pillars with white divine flames.

  On the grassland below, Gong Zikun glanced at Chen Wen worriedly, and said, "Will this hurt Er Zhuzi? After all, the Burning Heart Flame can directly attack the spirit..."

  He knew that Erzhuzi had already advanced to the legendary level, but the legendary beasts may not be perfect, and it would be troublesome if the spirit was injured.

   Chen Wen on the side saw this and said with a smile: "Don\'t worry, I won\'t ask you to pay for the medical expenses if I get hurt."

  While speaking, his dark and deep pupils were already glowing with golden light, and mysterious patterns appeared in the pupils.

   Under the vision of the eternal kaleidoscope, Chen Wen saw drops of ink-like spiritual power seeping out from the golden and black feathers of the two pillars.

  Under the scorching flames, these black droplets slowly evaporated, turning into black gas and drifting away.

  At this moment, Chen Wen seemed to see countless ghostly figures, heard the wailing of evil ghosts, and countless evil thoughts arose in his heart.

   After all, he possessed the spiritual power of a legendary beast master, so he soon woke up.

   "Is this the spiritual power produced by the magic thought?"

  Chen Wen\'s face revealed a look of bewilderment and guilt.

  He underestimated Er Zhuzi!

  Er Zhuzi came to look for the Three-Eyed God Crow, not for returning home!

   It was looking for the Three-Eyed God Crow, just to purify its spiritual power with the Searing God Flame.

  Erzhuzi possesses the two talents of Mannian and Sharingan that can use negative emotions, and can use negative emotions as resources to quickly improve one\'s spiritual power.

  With the blessing of the two talents, when the potential of the second pillar is still at the epic level, the speed of improvement is no less than that of Po, Orochimaru, and Mu Linger.

   Even, the second pillar is the link to Chen Wen\'s rapid increase in strength.

   It was it that allowed Chen Wen to quickly upgrade Sharingan to Eternal Kaleidoscope, and helped Chen Wen quickly upgrade his aura and spiritual power to the current legendary level.

   For this reason, Er Zhuzi paid a huge price.

   Although Chen Wen has also advanced to Sharingan, he usually relies on meditation.

  The two pillars are different, the improvement of its spiritual power mainly depends on the talent of magic thoughts, which makes it have a lot of evil thoughts in its spiritual power.

  Erzhuzi found that something went wrong, but he didn\'t say anything, but solved it silently.

  It wasn\'t until Chen Wen made his wish that it suddenly remembered the burning fire of the Three-Eyed God Crow.

  It realized that the Burning Heart Flame is not only a powerful skill to attack the opponent, but also a magical skill of pure spiritual power.

  As the evil thoughts in his mental power were eliminated by the Burning Heart God Flame, Er Zhuzi felt that the voices in his ears were much less, and the world in his eyes seemed to be much brighter, so he cried happily.

  The three-eyed divine crow, who was trying to maintain the scorching divine flame, was so angry that he couldn\'t breathe immediately, and fell down from the sky.

   Seeing this, Er Zhuzi let out a cry of disappointment, and then quickly absorbed the few burning heart flames left on his body.

  It is better to rely on yourself than to rely on others!

  After not being able to prostitute for nothing, Erzhuzi is ready to comprehend the scorching divine flame by himself, and refine the evil thoughts in his spiritual power by himself.

   This is not too difficult for it with the talent of Chaos Fire Spirit.

   While Gong Zikun was comforting the Three-Eyed God Crow, Chen Wen also waved to Er Zhuzi.

   After it fell down and became smaller, Chen Wen stepped forward and hugged it directly into his arms.

  Er Zhuzi froze for a moment, without moving his body, he felt himself entering a warm embrace.

   Then, it heard Chen Wen\'s apologetic voice.

   "I\'m sorry, I\'m not a competent beast master..."


  Er Zhuzi shook his head quickly.

  Although Chen Wen always said some exaggerated words, it knew that Chen Wen was to activate its talent and help it improve its strength.

  In daily life, Chen Wen treats all beasts equally, and provides them with sufficient training resources to help them awaken their talents.

   When encountering danger, Chen Wen took the initiative to take on difficult enemies every time, instead of hiding behind the beast like other beast masters.

   For such a beast master, what more could it ask for?

   As for not noticing that a lot of demonic thoughts had been bred in its mental power, didn\'t it mean that it didn\'t tell Chen Wen?

  Listening to Er Zhuzi\'s words, Chen Wen couldn\'t help rubbing its head, feeling deeply moved.

   The arrogant Erzhuzi is so sensible that it makes people feel distressed!

  Looking into Er Zhuzi\'s eyes, Chen Wen said in a serious tone: "If you have any problems, don\'t think about fighting alone, we are life-threatening partners!"

  Facing Chen Wen\'s serious gaze, Er Zhuzi couldn\'t refuse, so he nodded.

  Seeing this, Chen Wen finally showed a smile on his serious face, and continued, "Is the Scorching Heart Flame absorbed enough?"

   Er Zhuzi thought for a while, then let out a cry.

   It feels almost enough.

   "Where is there a similar one?"

  Chen Wen shook his head, then turned to Gong Zikun and said, "Old Gong, after the Three-Eyed Fire Crow has rested, let it roast Er Zhuzi with the Burning Heart God Flame."

   While speaking, he took out a magic core the size of a basketball and threw it to Gong Zikun.

  Seeing this, Gong Zikun quickly activated a special prop, forming a big hand with aura in front of him.

   Catching the magic core with a big hand with aura, Gong Zikun wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said, "Master Chen Wen, you want to kill me!

   This is a top-grade fire attribute magic core. If I get hit, I will either die or be injured! "

   "How could it be hit?"

  Chen Wen rolled his eyes, and then said: "Promise or not? If you promise, this magic core will be yours!"


  Gong Zikun\'s eyes widened.

  Chen Wendao: "When did I ever lie to you?"

  Gong Zikun\'s face showed ecstasy at first, and then hesitation appeared, and said: "Just let the three-eyed crow help, this is a top-grade magic core..."

   "Don\'t be a mother-in-law!"

  Chen Wen interrupted Gong Zikun\'s words, and said: "Captain Gong, the top-level spiritual materials are really not very precious to me, and I only killed nearly a hundred big demon kings a while ago.

   Moreover, the Burning Heart Flame is indeed useful to Er Zhuzi, and I don\'t lose it. "


  Gong Zikun let out a sigh of relief, and finally put the magic core into the Beast Familiar Space, looked at Chen Wen and said, "Thank you very much!"

  In recent years, secret realms have become very dangerous, not to mention gold-level secret realms, and silver-level secret realms will also appear from time to time.

  The three-eyed divine crow has long understood the laws of the fire system to the level of the first heaven, but the original aura is not enough to reshape the spirit body.

  With this top-grade top-grade magic core, the Three-eyed God Crow will surely be able to advance to the epic soon, and it can also support its cultivation at the epic level for a period of time.

  With the epic three-eyed crow, his safety in the Lion King Plain is guaranteed.

  Under such circumstances, Gong Zikun had no reason to refuse.

  He knew that with Chen Wen\'s current strength and status, he was almost useless. All he could do was to let the Three-Eyed God Crow try to increase the firepower as much as possible when roasting the second pillar.


   Just as Chen Wen was purifying the spiritual power for the two pillars, Chen Wen\'s avatar also brought the wood god\'s token and came to the secret realm of Tianhuang.

  Hua has nine cave-level secret realms.

  Among them, the Tianlong Secret Realm has lost control and has been introduced into the chaotic void.

  The three secret realms of Tianfeng, Tianma and Tiangui are still managed by the three families of the Dongfang family, the Ma family and the Wang family.

   Before visiting these three secret realms, the three major families need to give a certain amount of preparation time, so they can only visit the other five cave-level secret realms first.

  Chen Wen chose the most familiar Tianhuang Secret Realm besides the Tianling Secret.

  Of course, this is also the result of discussing with Takamatsu.

  Compared to other secret realms, there are few resources and personnel in the wild secret realm, which is easy to deal with.

  Wait until the large force of the secret guard army in the Tianhuang Secret Realm left, the blond Chen Wen came to the depths of the Tianhuang Secret Realm alone.

  As he went deeper, the blond Chen Wen noticed that the aura between heaven and earth was getting stronger and stronger.

   At the same time, he also noticed that the attraction of heaven and earth to the vitality in his body was getting stronger and stronger.

  As long as he doesn\'t restrict it, the vitality in his body will inevitably be lost quickly and disappear into the world.

   Soon, he came to the central area of ​​the unexplored realm.

  In the label of the Secret Defense Army, this is the red area, which contains innate aura, and it is the place where the pet beast advances to the epic.

  Blonde Chen Wen landed on the top of a mountain, and said directly: "Chen Wen, my junior, was entrusted by the wood **** to visit an old friend. If the **** is here, you might as well show up and see him!"

   After finishing speaking, he took out the wooden god\'s token.

  As soon as the wood god\'s token appeared, a green light shot into the sky.

  A moment later, a "green" character appeared in the sky.

   "It\'s not the word \'wood\'. Could it be that the wood **** was originally called Qingmu?"

  Blonde Chen Wen muttered when he saw this, and then began to wait.

  Time passed by every minute and every second. Just as Chen Wen was about to put away his token and turn around to go to the next cave-level secret realm, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

   Space is trembling! The aura is surging!

   In a short while, a giant black snake with condensed spiritual energy appeared in front of him.

  The body of the black giant snake is extremely huge, the erect part alone is several thousand meters high, and the ferocious snake head is like a huge cloud covering the sky and covering the sun, directly covering Chen Wen in the shadow.

  The moment he saw the giant snake, the blond Chen Wen felt as if he was being targeted by the **** of death, and the life force locked in his body was rapidly draining uncontrollably.

  Even so, the blond-haired Chen Wen remained unchanged, and saluted the giant snake: "The wood **** asked me to say hello to the god!"

   "The wood god?"

  The giant snake opened its **** mouth wide, and made a strange sound that seemed to be a smile but not a smile, as sharp as a female voice.

  After the words fell, a gray light shot out from its eyes, and shot directly into the token.

   Then, the giant snake began to become unreal.

  Seeing that the giant snake was about to disappear, the blond Chen Wen hurriedly said, "Respect God, go slowly!"

  The body of the giant snake still faded rapidly, only a pair of vertical pupils hung high in the sky, staring at Chen Wen penetratingly.

  Looking up at the huge pale yellow vertical pupils in the sky, the blond Chen Wen shouted loudly: "The juniors come here, there is no credit but hard work, won\'t the gods give you something?"

  As a clone, he is not afraid of death, let alone shameless.

  Anyway, it is only the main body who is cast aside after losing face, and has nothing to do with him.

  Hearing Chen Wen\'s words, the huge vertical pupils in the sky showed a playful look.

   "Interesting... hiss..."

   "Since you want a reward, then I will give you a reward."

  Accompanied by a voice from nowhere, a gray-black strange aura suddenly filled the surrounding world.

   These auras quickly condensed together, and then turned into a strange rune and shot into the forehead of the blond Chen Wen.

   After the rune entered the golden-haired Chen Wen\'s divine sea, it disappeared immediately.

  The blond-haired Chen Wen touched the center of his brow, felt it, and then looked suspiciously at the pair of vertical pupils in the sky.

   However, the vertical pupil disappeared directly, and the giant snake never responded to him again.

   "Isn\'t it a gift? Why is it missing?"

  The blond-haired Chen Wen scratched his head, put away the wooden god\'s token, and flew towards the exit of Tianhuang Secret Realm.


  Lion King Plain.

  Erzhuzi is receiving the second roasting of the three-eyed **** crow\'s burning heart.

  Besides, Chen Wen closed his eyes and concentrated on analyzing his talent runes.

  Suddenly, he felt a change in his divine sea.

  The next moment, a passage seemed to appear in the sea of ​​gods, and then a gray-black rune suddenly appeared.


"How is this going?"

  Chen Wen was astonished!

  He practiced hard, why did the word "death" appear in the sea of ​​gods, which was made up of special law spirit patterns?

  The word "death" is not the word "death" in Huaguo, but the word "death" in the world of mountains and seas.

   Before Chen Wen could figure it out, a special gravitational force erupted from the gray-black rune, and it began to swallow life force like a black hole.

   "Who the **** **** me up?"

  Chen Wen cursed loudly, then quickly took out various spiritual materials from the Beast Familiar Space and began to gorge on them.

   As soon as the spiritual materials that shone with various colors of aura were swallowed from his throat, they instantly turned into aura of various attributes and poured into his dantian, pouring into the blue lotus in the dantian.

   After a while, drops of life force condensed liquid dripped from under the lotus.

  As soon as these liquids appeared, they involuntarily flowed backwards and flowed into Chen Wen\'s divine sea.

  Feeling that the balance between the production of vitality and the consumption of vitality in the body has been achieved, Chen Wen then focused his attention on the newly appeared runes in Shenhai.

   "Damn it! The spirit pattern of the law? It seems to be the law of death?"

   "Who is so generous?"

  (end of this chapter)

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