
Chapter 11 - Future Plans

Syryn had used his powers to save Alka and Magnus. In doing so, his demonic breeding was revealed. It was no secret that demons were reviled in the world, and for good reason. They were harbingers of plague, war, violence, and nothing good ever came out of dealing with a demon. That was a fact that even the youngest of children knew.

"What are you thinking Magnus?" Syryn\'s curious eyes were on the fire mage whose expression was shuttered. He couldn\'t tell what was going on inside the mage\'s mind but the tension between them grew thicker by the second.

Magnus chose his words carefully. "Syryn, would you like to attend King Hill School?"

Of all the questions, accusations, or even insults that he could have expected, this one wasn\'t it. Syryn was a little disappointed.

"Come with us to Elysium." Magnus wasn\'t teasing or joking. He was being completely serious. "Bring Lucien along too."

"Luci!" Magnus\' words suddenly reminded Syryn he had left Lucien at a safe distance away from the fight.

Lucien was still where Syryn had put him with a minor protection spell to ward off further attacks from the vegetation around him. The red-headed child was sat on the ground, hugging his knees to himself like how Syryn had found him in the cage. Lucien resembled a clay doll, eyes in a daze, and distant. Seeing the mound of bodies, the nightmarish monster, and then having to experience the terrifying fall from the cliff, the kid just couldn\'t catch a break.

Even their cat Milky who had disappeared from Syryn\'s pocket sometime during the run-up to the fight was now rubbing its head on Lucien\'s arm, attempting to coax the child.

"Luci, you\'re safe now," Syryn spoke in the gentle manner he imagined Rowan would use to comfort his niece. He didn\'t have the strength to get up just yet so he spoke to Lucien from his sitting position.

Lucien blinked and faced his guardian. Big brother Syryn had jumped after him. Big brother Syryn had killed those monsters that were looking at him like he was food. Because of Lucien, big brother had to jump off the cliff. Lucien was weak. He couldn\'t do magic, useless.

"Luci, you look like you want to cry. You\'re allowed to wail and cry and be a baby sometimes. Stop holding it in, you\'ll get constipated." Syryn was aware he wasn\'t doing a good job of it but he was trying! He wished he had a handbook for this.

Lucien was immediately distressed by Syryn\'s words. His small pink lips wobbled despite the child\'s attempt at holding in the emotions he was feeling. His soft but messy red hair flopped in his face when Lucien shook his head, denying his desire to cry.

"Luci, I\'m telling you it\'s okay. Cry, cry as much as you want. Even if you cry the whole day, I won\'t get mad. I promise! Big brother will be right here to wipe the snot off your nose." Syryn\'s exhaustion was replaced with something else. Was this what it felt like to be a father?

The hesitation in the child\'s eyes gave way to timid hope. And when Syryn opened his arms and beckoned for Lucien, the floodgates that held back his tears burst like a dam. The child flung himself into Syryn\'s arms, sobbing with intense sorrow, so much so that it hurt Syryn\'s heart.

The red head\'s body was wracked with violent shudders as he cried into Syryn\'s clothes. The older boy held him for many minutes while Lucien gave vent to the fears and horror he had just experienced. This was no way for a child to grow up and it became the defining moment that Syryn realised he couldn\'t drag Lucien around the world with him. There was no security in that. King Hill School, perhaps the idea was a good one for both of them.

"Alka, enough pretending. Come here and heal my wounds." Magnus demanded with a chuckle. His laid back, teasing manner of speech was back in place.

The way Alka sat up and patted the dust off his robes made Syryn think of a necromancer raising a corpse to do his bidding. A slight flush on his cheeks, Alka explained himself. "I just didn\'t want to interrupt the moment you were having."

"You\'re so socially awkward that you\'d let me bleed to death. Al, what happened to the corny lines you were spouting?" Magnus had a shit-eating grin on his face as he teased his best friend.

"You won\'t bleed to death." Alka\'s soothing voice had Syryn feeling like they hadn\'t just experienced a life and death situation. "But I\'m very stressed at the moment. Please bear with it, this might hurt a little bit."

Syryn watched Alka pull out the herbal medicine that they\'d purchased from him. Alka did not add a numbing agent to it which would counter the sting from its potent ingredients.

"Damn it Alka! Are you trying to kill me?!" Magnus moaned in pain. No animalistic growls this time, it was just a sad whimper. Magnus could be cute too, Syryn thought.

Having had his revenge, Alka slapped on the other poultices with a bit of numbing agent in them. The Shapeshifter had a natural healing capability that came from his panther genes so no hemostatic potion was required. A little bit of disinfection and he was good to go.

Lucien had soon calmed down considerably in Syryn\'s arms. Cheeks and eyes puffy from all the crying he had done, the child still looked as cute as a steam bun. He clung to Syryn like a sticky piece of gum but the older boy didn\'t seem to mind it.

"Syryn you\'ll make a good mother," Magnus observed good-naturedly while Alka rummaged in his satchel.

"You\'re not afraid to say that to me?" Syryn countered, a bit incredulous at the guts that Magnus had to tease him, knowing of his dark inclinations.

"I\'m willing to go against the grain of my beliefs and accept that you aren\'t like any demon or halfbreed I\'ve ever seen, and heard about." Magnus replied, "you\'re incredible, Syryn." And for a moment, Magnus looked, really looked at him. It was a whole new level of attention, one that made Syryn feel like Magnus was reading his mind and dissecting his intentions.

"You could have left us to die but you came back." Alka inserted himself into the conversation. He faced Syryn with his brand of seriousness. "You may not be entirely human, but I\'ve never sensed any hostility or malice from you. Consider the suggestion that Magnus made."

"Hear hear, the council has voted in favour of Syryn and Luci coming with us." Magnus drawled.

The sun was setting and it was a testament to their abilities to adapt that the boys were now so relaxed next to the corpses of monsters and a literal graveyard of murdered people. Even Lucien had a peaceful look on his face as he settled against Syryn\'s chest with a piece of fruit that Alka had dug out of his satchel.

Something stirred inside Syryn and it was sweet, heavy, and warm, like honey that had been in the sun. He wrapped an arm around Lucien and propped him up higher so Luci wouldn\'t accidentally choke on his food. God forbid if that happened after all the trouble Syryn had gone through for the kid.

"Magnus, I\'ll be bothering you then," Syryn replied as he thought about how to make money so he could pay for both of their education. Making money wasn\'t difficult, not with Syryn\'s skills. What bothered him was the amount of time he would take to make and sell his products.

"I can give you a loan so don\'t worry too much," Magnus informed Syryn languidly as if he could read minds.

"You shouldn\'t be so nice when dealing with demons other than me." Syryn cautioned. "They might take it as a sign of weakness." He would at a later time come to find out that Magnus was a wolf disguised as a panther. It was the demons that had to be careful of Magnus, not the other way round!

"Syryn, to be honest, I\'m doing this for a selfish reason." The ever-present smirk on his face made it look like Magnus was scheming something.

"There is an insufferable friend of mine from the neighbouring Academy for Anti-mages. Ever since he showed up 4 years ago, King Hill has had to bow in shame at losing to Winter Fortress in the annual friendship meet between the two schools." Magnus did a lazy version of an eye roll at the mention of the friendship meet.

"You want me to beat him?" Syryn cocked his head in interest.

"You have the potential to. Whether you beat him or not isn\'t important. I just want to see Rowan go all out, for once, at least this one last time before he graduates from Winter Fortress." Magnus wasn\'t aware of the momentous wave of shock that his words were and how they crashed into Syryn, knocking his breath out and leaving him at a loss for words.

This was Rowan they were talking about. It couldn\'t be anyone else. Rowan fucking Windwalker, the bane of his existence, and the panacea to all of Syryn\'s problems. He was, of course, very eager to meet his old friend. What he wasn\'t ready for? A younger Rowan, one who would look at Syryn with no recognition. How the thought of it hurt him.

"Are you listening? Syryn?"

"Yes, I heard you. I\'ll fight this anti mage who thinks he\'s all that." Syryn responded immediately.

He was beginning to feel a sharp thrill of anticipation at the thought of fighting a young Rowan. Syryn was a realistic person. No way would he ever have the ability to beat a Rowan in the prime of his strength. The experience, maturity, and patience that came with age served as a foil to the immense anti mage powers that Rowan Windwalker wielded.

But in his youth? Oh, how Syryn itched to get even for that particular fight he had lost so spectacularly that he ended up getting locked away like a princess in the dragon\'s tower. For 18 years, 18 long years!! No hard feelings of course! Syryn was just a petty demon out to vent a little.

"Nice," Magnus dragged out the word. The two mages smiled at each other, shared wicked grins that were loaded with anticipation for a fight that would rock the students of both academies.

Alka cleared his throat politely from the side. "Is it wise to expose Syryn to Rowan? After all, he IS the future champion of Eos, goddess of light.. "

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