
Chapter 253

When Randy saw this, he was flabbergasted to find out that these people were not humans.

In the next second, almost as if she had just discovered him, the long-eared beautiful woman’s face twitched all of a sudden before a deep frown appeared on her cold yet beautiful face.

The next moment, she slammed her slender hand on the table in front of her and shouted in an annoyed tone: “Who dares peek into my room?!”


Everyone within the auction was shocked to hear the feminine voice once again coming from one of the VIP rooms.

To their bewilderment, this time, the feminine voice sounded more aggressive than inpatient.

Right away, they began whispering to each other regarding the identity of the owner of that feminine voice.

When the guards heard her calling out to them, they quickly arrived in her room with solemn but fearful expressions on their faces, as they did not want to offend someone of her caliber.


“H-How may we be of assistance, esteemed guest?”

“Cut the crap! Someone was observing me in my room just now. I want you to find who that person was! They should be close to my room!”

“What?! That’s impossible! Who would dare to-”

“I don’t care what’s possible in this place! I want you to find out who they are and bring them to me! I will deal with that obnoxious person myself! If not because this is your auction’s establishment and I don’t want to cause trouble in this place, I would’ve razed this place to the ground and would’ve searched for them myself!”

The next second, the long-eared beautiful woman exuded this mysterious yet incomprehensible power from her body, causing the surroundings to feel as though they were standing in a swarm, as the guards felt the room turning slightly damp and uncomfortable.

The guards trembled on the spot as they immediately felt a chill run down their spines when they heard her cold words which carried a sense of unmasked intention. This gave them an uncanny sense of foreboding threat.

‘She’s not joking around! This woman would definitely raze this place to the ground if we don’t find the one she is talking about! Not even the master would be able to stop her if she decides to act!’ The guards inwardly cried in apprehension.

“W-We’ll see to it right away!” The guards didn’t dare to stay for too long and immediately set out to search for the culprit who dared to peek into their esteemed guest’s room. They had to find them at all costs. When they find them, if possible, they will beat them to appease that personage.

Meanwhile, Randy heard everything that was said in the other room, and he immediately scowled.

Although he might’ve been wrong to casually peek into her room, it was not as though he peeked into her bedroom or anything like that. Since that wasn’t the case, why the sudden hatred toward me? Randy felt like this woman was either too hotheaded or too unreasonable to reason with.

He was intending to apologize after his transgression just now. However, upon hearing her words that sounded like she wanted to kill whoever dared to peek at her room, he gave up that thought instantly.

However, he was also well aware that he couldn’t defeat this unreasonable person as she was much stronger than anyone he had ever met thus far. Not to mention that she also wields that mysterious power that the green-clothed young woman- Sylvana was using during her dire straits before he arrived to save her.

‘What is that power? Is it a power exclusive to this world?’ Randy couldn’t help but wonder.

Randy also wondered if it wasn’t a power unique to this world, but a type of mana nature similar to light and dark attributes.

This was the second time that he saw and felt this mysterious power. Furthermore, it was from two different races- Sylvana, who was clearly a human, and this long-eared human, who looks just like those elves that inhabited part of Earth- where he came from.

However, Randy could tell that this long-eared human looked slightly different from the portrait of elves he saw back at his academy. The one noticeable difference was that this long-eared beautiful woman’s ears were slightly shorter than the elves in his world.

But that was not relevant right now. He needs to get away from his current location before those guards arrive in search of him. With that in mind, he immediately planned his next course of action.

Moments later, a group of guards with stern and grim expressions came knocking on his door. However, there was no answer after many attempts, almost as if there was no one in there.

When the guards realized this, they immediately kicked down the door to the room, and to their surprise, there really wasn’t anyone in the room. This confused them because the room clearly stated that it was occupied.

To double-check, they looked around the room a few more times just in case. However, they couldn’t find anyone inside the room no matter how hard they searched, so they had no choice but to leave moments later.

Unbeknownst to them, Randy had already left the room the moment they kicked down the door to the room.

He was already outside the building at this moment, as he pretended to have just arrived at the entrance of the Auction House. Not even the young lady who greeted him at the entrance saw his figure as he left the building.

As these guards were not particularly strong to sense his presence, he was able to fool them completely using his Traceless Form Technique combined with his Absolute Stealth skill.

Randy sighed in relief when he discovered that his Absolute Stealth skill and Traceless Form Technique were not completely useless.

Although the last time he used this combination of technique and skill together he was seen through by the black-horned demon, that was only because that black-horned demon had a unique innate ability to sense danger, which was why he could tell his location right away.

The Absolute Stealth skill is only at level 1 and the Traceless Form Technique was at maximum comprehension the moment he learned it with knowledge points.

The only thing limiting the Traceless Form Technique was his current power level and control. This was because the stronger he got, the more uses the Traceless Form Technique will have in battle besides hiding his aura and breath.

As for the Absolute Stealth skill, it was an awakened skill, so he could only increase its level to know its full effect.

That aside, he turned his attention to the grand building- Crescent Moon Auction House, as he had been hearing some commotion within the building for a while now.

A short while later, the commotion seemingly died down and a group of people came out of the building, all of whom ignored Randy’s existence almost as though they couldn’t see him there.

Randy waited until everyone in the Auction House exited out of the building before undoing both his skill and technique.

He then proceeded to walk inside the building once again. However, he immediately stopped at the entrance when he realized that the woman with long ears and her entourage had yet to leave the building.

Randy hesitated for a moment before marching forward as naturally as possible. Regardless, whether or not that woman was inside the building or not didn’t matter to him, as he only cared about the refined elemental essence crystals that she had exchanged for that ornamental-looking bow.

Moments later, Randy entered the establishment once again as he approached the young lady from before.

Once in front of her, he asked: “Has the auction ended?”

“Eh?” The young lady’s eyes widened with shock when she saw him coming from the front gate.

Randy knew what she was thinking and casually replied: “Sorry but I had left for a while because of an emergency, so I couldn’t watch the entire auction. Sorry for not informing you when I left.

The young lady was still suspicious as she was there the whole time and she didn’t see him leaving the establishment, so what is he saying?

She then thought of the commotion just now. However, she shook her head and thought to herself, ‘There’s no way that he was the one they were looking for right? I mean his assigned room was right next to that personage, after all.”

To confirm her doubt, she asked: “If you don’t mind me asking, when did you leave? What item was being sold at the time?”

“The miraculous potion.” Randy calmly responded.

Naturally, he was aware that the young lady still doubted him, but it doesn’t matter as he had already prepared his excuse before coming back inside.

He then continued: “Anyway, since it appears the auction is over, can I now purchase the elemental essence crystals that you traded?”

“Who wants to purchase my elemental essence crystals?”

A voice suddenly resounded from behind.

“Who?” Randy instinctively muttered without turning around.

At some unknown point, a figure silently appeared behind Randy, and they proceeded to glare at him as soon as they appeared.

The voice did not respond and instead said in an interrogative tone: “Are you the one who wanted to buy my elemental essence crystals? How did you know that they traded elemental essence crystals? What do you need them for?”

At this point, Randy had already recognized the owner of this voice and he turned around, and sure enough, he knew the identity of the owner of the voice.

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