
Chapter 100 The Tides Have Changed (4)

The Demon Realm.

A place filled with mystery and intrigue. Ever since the Gates connecting the two planets had been established, humanity had often wondered what kind of hellish landscape the Outer Demon’s home was.

Did it burn like the flaming embers of Muspelheim’s volcanoes? Was it an oceanic bed with millions of undiscovered creatures? Or was life there silicon-based and something beyond humanity’s imagination?

Researchers had often questioned the Demon Realm, with many attempting to invade it, just like how the Outer Demons did with the blue marble.

However, no matter how many times the combined forces of the planet had attempted to, they couldn’t comprehend the mysterious Gates and how the Outer Demons seemed to traverse it. It was as if they placed a one-way restriction, and an invisible barrier resisted anything from going against that rule.

Therefore, to their chagrin, researchers all around the world could only cover up their shame and surrender to the enigmatic intricacies of the Gates, leaving one to wonder…

What was the Demon Realm really like?

Alas, reality is often not as beautiful as one’s imagination.

The Demon Realm wasn’t an eternal hell that possessed flames no mortal could survive. And neither was it a foreign existence with unbreathable air or incomprehensible lifeforms.

The Demon Realm… was just like Earth.

It had mountains, trees, oceans, skies… It had everything humanity had, so much so that one would think they were the same planet. The only stark difference was the three moons that orbited around it.

At the highest peak of the Demon Realm, where the three moons met in the sky, there laid a simple throne. One that was made out of nothing but rubble and bark. It didn’t have any fancy jewels, and neither did it possess any ornate metals. All that it was…

Was an empty throne that no one dared to defy.


Thunder roared violently as lightning tendrils coiled around the solitary mountain. At the same time, the oceans started to rise with a dark menacing shadow arising from the depths. The winds howled with an incessant chill, bringing forth waves of destruction and tremoring fissures. It was akin to a hurricane triggering a tsunami and earthquake all at once.

The clouds parted, and the oceans split, revealing the two figures that were powerful enough to bring any ancient Vampire, S-ranked Hunter or Alpha Werewolves to their knees.

A silver serpent fell from the stratosphere like an Immortal descending upon the masses, coiling around with lightning wreathed all around it. Hooked teeth protruded from its draconic, scaly mouth as golden whiskers floated about, seemingly immune to gravity. Levitating in mid-air, the Serpent of the Skies glanced down at the mountain with its dreadful, yellow eyes before falling to a level beneath the empty throne.

Not to be outdone by the wingless Dragon, a horrid creature sent tsunamis crashing as it extended its head from the ocean. Grey octopus tentacles fell from its alien-like face while its disturbing-coloured scales covered the monstrosity from head to toe. Two devil wings spread out wide, covering the mountain from both sides and drastically increasing the Demon’s size. Just like the flying Dragon, it too glanced at the empty throne with its white, unblinking eyes before falling back in line patiently.

While the two massive Demons were too large to stand at the foot of the throne, the other two figures that appeared didn’t have that limitation.

A blob of black matter plopped onto the ground and turned into the shape of a cloaked humanoid. However, there was no flesh or bone. When it walked, it left no steps. When it moved, it could simply phase through walls and floors. It was nothing more than an incorporeal entity, and yet…

Just its appearance sent shivers down the two Demon Lord’s spines. However, neither the Dragon nor the monstrosity could focus on the black-cloaked humanoid for much longer.



A tear in the fabric of Spacetime occurred right before their very eyes. A portal, no, a Gate, formed at the foot of the empty throne. If any of the researchers studying the Outer Demons were present, they would remark how awfully similar that Gate looked to all the major Gates that appeared all throughout the world.

The Gate continued to sizzle for three seconds before it finally stabilised. And once it did… A white figure emerged from the emptiness of Space.

A veiled, female human. At least, that was the impression the Demon Lord was giving. It stood over three metres tall, with its entire body covered in white silk. And what little skin it showed was dyed completely porcelain white, making even albinos look dark. Each step it took sent ripples through Spacetime like a rock tapping on a lake’s surface. It had its face completely covered, but if one looked close enough, they could see a blindfold wrapped around its head and blocking both her eyes.

Although the Demon looked human, its innards were nothing short of inhuman.

The throne remained empty throughout the deities’ arrival and remained so when the feminine shape started to speak.

“I apologise for calling all of you here on such short notice. We’re facing an emergency.”

An ethereal yet human-like voice sounded out from the highest peaks, making it look like the three moons themselves were talking.

“Goddess, where’s the Sovereign?”

“The Demon Sovereign is busy. I’ll be leading the meeting today.”

The white humanoid answered the Dragon’s question promptly. Within the congregation of Demon Lords, there was no conflict of alliances. They all served the Demon Sovereign, and their fates were tied together. There was no need for them to beat around the bush. Therefore…

“Eyghon has fallen.”

The Goddess delivered the news as succinctly as possible. The crowd received the information with mixed reactions, mainly through disbelief and, ultimately, anxiousness.

“Is that true?”

Cthulhu asked with a slight tremor in its voice. Not because it felt emotional of another Demon Lord’s death, but the implications its death meant.

“Yes, my connection with Eyghon has been severed. Given its unique characteristics… There’s no other way to interpret it.”

“I see…”

The four Demon Lords stood silently for a full minute to gather their thoughts. It wasn’t that they were unprepared for this day. It was just… They didn’t expect it to come this soon.

“If Eyghon is dead… Does that mean ‘he’ has been born?”

“… I’m not sure.”

“Why not?! Didn’t you divine everything up till this point?!”

“Don’t raise your voice, Baishe… It’s unsightly.”


The Dragon’s deep and hallowed growl reverberated through the massive mountain, making it sound louder than the thunderbolts that followed it around. It was only after the black cloaked figure’s warning did Baishe finally calm down to reassess the situation.

“Goddess, why can’t you divine that information?”

Contrary to Baishe’s brashness, Cthulhu had a little more tact. The Demon Lord respectfully allowed the female Demon to gather her thoughts before asking the crucial question.

“My power of foresight might be powerful, but it isn’t omnipotent. Especially when it comes to matters regarding ‘him’. If I wish to pry for his information, I will have to give up the remainder of my lifespan. And while I am more than happy to die for our cause, we will need my power in our battle against ‘him’.”

The two ginormous Demon Lords fell silent.

The Goddess was a faithful servant of the Demon Sovereign and, most importantly, the entity that served the Demon Realm the most. Her loyalty was never one to question. Throughout their lifetimes, Cthulhu and Baishe had received innumerable benefits from the veiled Demon, and most importantly, she was the Demon Lord responsible for the plan to save their race.

The Gates that connected the two worlds… The calculated plan to scout humanity’s forces with weaker Demons… And the final plan to eliminate their biggest threat.

They were all devised by Demonkinds’ second-in-command.

Uriel, the Goddess of Destiny.

“So what do we do now?” Contrary to his heinous image, Cthulhu asked an insightful question. “Eyghon’s purpose was to survey the foreign planet and seek out any potential threats. Now that it is dead, we’ve lost our most valuable asset.”

“Yes, we did lose a lot when Eyghon fell.” The Goddess didn’t bother to refute Cthulhu’s claims. “But we’ve also gained much from its demise.”

“What do you mean?”

“Eyghon was designed to be impervious to magical and physical attacks. The most perfect counter to the residents of the foreign world. And throughout the years, it has gathered valuable data.”

The artificial Demon Lord had proved to be the Demon Realm’s greatest asset. It was a scout and, at the same time, a tank. It mapped out the planet that the Demons wished to invade, and most importantly, it recorded the progress of humanity’s strength. Now, the forces of the Demon Realm knew exactly how powerful their enemies were.

In the past, the Demons were unable to fully invade and exterminate every single lifeform that stood in their way due to the immense resistance in the fabric of Spacetime. They couldn’t fully commit their armies to conquer Earth, and neither could they send entities that were too powerful through.

That’s why even though the Gates had appeared throughout the years, the Demon Realm never sent their three most powerful Demon Lords, while Cthulhu, Baishe and Eyghon could only appear at sporadic intervals.

As a consequence, the Demon Realm had been biding their time. Masterminded by their eternal Goddess, the Demons continued gathering information on the planet they wished to conquer, especially on the biggest threat to their existence.

And Eyghon spearheaded that charge. But, now that it is dead…

“Baishe, Cthulhu. We’ll be sending you two there soon.” The Goddess gave the command. “I’ll be designating you to different parts of the globe. You’ll be joined by an army of your choosing. Bring at least a hundred thousand. You are free to do as you please when you are deployed and can kill whoever resists you. But remember… You’re not going there on a slaughter mission.”

“… What then?”

The Goddess’ face was blocked by her white veil, making it impossible for anyone to make out her expression. However, the shiver in her body and the black blood that dripped down her face revealed all that one needed to know.

She was afraid… excited… and even… uncertain.

She had been preparing her entire life for this very moment. Everything she did thus far was for Demonkinds’ future and the one goal she had ever since she awakened her powers.

“Find any traces of ‘him’, and once you do… Kill him.”

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