
Chapter 226 - Prep Her Mind

Dan-Han watched Eun-sun while she slept on the couch, she looked so peaceful. He felt bad for making her wait this long. She was probably tired after the day\'s job and she definitely haven\'t had dinner and he had made her wait this long.

He had a meeting which had stretched out for six long hours. It had to do with the centenary project which was the biggest project the company was investing in. He had barely been able to keep his head in the meeting because all he thought about was Eun-sun and what he had discussed with In-Ha. They had both agreed to prep her mind before telling her the truth. How they were going to do that, they still didn\'t know.


Dan-Han walked closer to her and brushed a few strands of hair from her face and that stirred her up. She flickered her eyes open and she saw his handsome face looming over her.

"Hey" She called in a groggy and hoarse voice as she tried to sit up. Dan-Han helped her up and sat by her side.

"I\'m sorry I made you wait." He sincerely apologized. Eun-sun turned to him and flashed him a small smile, "It\'s okay. I knew you were busy. So how did it go?" She inquired.

"It went fine. Just a few more paperwork and one last round of site inspection by the bureau then we can commence construction." He told her while she nodded.

"You\'ve done well. I\'ll reward you." She said as she leaned forward and shyly pecked the corner of his mouth.

Dan-Han cocked a brow at her, "That small?" He asked making Eun-sun look at him quizzically.

"Your boyfriend have worked so hard, so he should get more than that right?"

"I don\'t think you\'re my boyfriend yet." She interjected him making Dan-Han lift his eyes at her.

"You promised to officially ask me out last Sunday but you didn\'t. You also promised me a date but you didn\'t take me, so I think that\'s good enough for you." She told him firmly.

Dan-Han sighed when he heard her. Yes he had indeed promised to do all those things and he had been looking forward to it until he got an emergency call from one of his sites and he had to rush over, when he returned it was late and he couldn\'t see her. Dan-Han felt bad for that. He had been the one eager to go on a date with her, now he was the one stalling.

Dan-Han caressed her cheek with his hands, "Honey, I\'m sorry. I\'ll make it up to you. How about I take you on two dates and then I\'ll accompany you wherever you want to go this weekend." He negotiated but Eun-sun was sure she had not heard more than the first word.

Eun-sun looked at him with a stunned expression, her cheeks were bright red, but not because of what he had said but because of what he had called her. \'Honey?\'

Blinking her eyes a couple of time Eun-sun opened her mouth, "You...just called me...Hon–" She couldn\'t even say it because her cheeks flushed even more and it felt so embarrassing to say. Dan-Han chuckled when she blushed like that. She was just too cute.

He leaned closer and pecked her lips. "Yes I called you that, you should call me that too." He told her making her cheeks to color even more. The thought of calling Dan-Han with endearing names kind of felt weird. She hasn\'t done that before and she kind of thought it was cheesy when she saw others do it. She shook her head to protest, she couldn\'t do that, "I like calling you Mr Lee." She told him.

"But I don\'t like it. It makes me look old." He complained.

"But you\'re not."

"Then call me honey, or baby or sweetheart or–"

"Mr Lee." She chipped in making Dan-Han to shoot a mock-glare at her. He let out a resigned sigh, there was no arguing with this girl.

"Have you had dinner?" He asked and he wasn\'t surprised when she shook her head.

"Come-on you must be hungry. I\'ll make you dinner." He told her as he stood to his feet while Eun-sun looked at him confusedly. \'Make her dinner? How? They were still at the office\' She reasoned.

"Where?" She asked. He wasn\'t going to take her to his place right? To be honest she has missed going there, those beautiful ceiling of his with an aquarium, she couldn\'t get enough of it\'s sight. She longed to go there one more time.

"In the cafeteria." He told her when he saw her quizzical look.

"Chef Alex is gone." She reminded him, just in case he has forgotten.

"I know, and I can cook."

"But you don\'t know how to cook." She told him as a matter of factly. He hasn\'t tried cooking for her before but from the mess he made in the kitchen on saturday she was more than convinced that he had no idea how to make noodles.

"And who told you that?" He challenged her, his brows evenly cocked at her.

"Isn\'t it obvious?" She asked back.

Dan-Han sighed as he bent down and scooped her up into his arms making her yelp, "I don\'t know what you\'re talking about, but all I know is I\'m making you dinner." He said before walking away from the office with her in his arms.

"Dan-Han put me down." She snapped.

"Then you\'ll carry me. Your choice." He told her making Eun-sun too narrow her eyes at him. He didn\'t mean that right?

Seeing the look in her eyes and she being relunctant to hold on to him, Dan-Han loosened his hold on her almost making her slip out of his hands. Eun-sun squealed out in fright as she hooked her arm around his neck.

"That\'s more like it small woman" He teased her making her smack his chest. "Dan-Han you\'re evil." She cussed.

"But I still love you." He teased.

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