
Chapter 72

The moment the two demons located Blake’s position, they gave a little nod that was only noticeable to each other before putting their focus on Blake who was still moving around the area.

Blake was still wondering what the two demons were doing and how they made the set of runes that they drew to stay afloat in the air without manifesting the spell when suddenly he saw the two demons lock their eyes on him.

Blake, of course, noticed the two demon’s eyes on him.

He didn’t know what they wanted to do, but he was sure that it would be anything but good news for him.

So Blake quickly drew another single darkness tendril rune and aimed it towards another tree branch some distance away.

But as he finished drawing his set of runes in just a second, Blake finally saw the two sets of runes that the two humanoid demons held in the air finally flashed and disappeared into thin air.


Although Blake still didn’t know why those runes were not manifesting themselves a second ago, the runes flashing and disappearing into thin air could only mean one thing and that was the spells were finally about to manifest.

And just as Blake planned when he saw and recognized the runes that the brownish demons drew, Blake quickly tugged the single darkness tendril that he had just cast and pulled himself upward towards a tree branch to avoid making direct contact with the ground below where there might be an earth spell being thrown at him.

Blake’s body flew upward as the darkness tendril pulled him away from the ground and Blake’s eyes were glued to the ground where he was standing just a second ago.

Blake heaved a sigh of relief as he felt quite a significant amount of nether gathering at the ground beneath him before he saw the ground that he was standing on started shaking the moment his feet left the ground.

Blake expected that he would either see an earth spike or an earth wall, but when he finally saw what came out of the ground, Blake couldn’t help but to stare at the ground with his mouth slightly agape.

The things that came out of the ground were neither an earth spike nor an earth wall nor an earth ball, nor anything related to earth at all.

What came out of the ground instead were in fact, roots.

Green blackish, two fingers thick, bendy, roots.

Those looked fairly similar to Blake’s darkness tendrils, but their dominantly green color, sharp thorns all over their long bodies, and the way they naturally bend just like a real plant certainly gave them a very noticeable difference compared to Blake’s darkness tendrils.

The dark green roots sprouted from the ground beneath Blake’s feet a second ago and they started flailing around as if they were searching for anything they could latch on to.

But with Blake’s body already being lifted up from the ground, the roots could find nothing but air after they fully sprouted from the ground.

The spell almost looked the same as the darkness binding spell with the difference only being the roots came from one point on the ground and they still moved around even when they didn’t find anything to latch onto.

Different from the darkness binding spell that just came from many different points and angles on the ground and completely stopped moving after the spell finished manifesting.

Blake stared at the roots that kept on flailing around on the ground beneath him, but then he noticed something was amiss.

‘This root spell must have come from that green demon since there’s nothing earth related in that spell other than the fact that it came out of the ground.’

‘But that means there was only one spell being cast...’

Remembering that he saw two sets of runes, one from the greenish demons and one from the brown demon, Blake quickly scanned his surroundings.

And it didn’t take Blake too long to find where the other spell that the brown demon cast as the ground all around where the roots had sprouted shook for a split second before a circular earth wall that encompassed all the roots jolted from the ground.

The speed that the earth wall appeared out of the ground was almost instantaneous as it made about a 5 meters tall circular wall.

And the way there was enough distance between the circular wall and the roots made it so that if anyone were able to somehow dodge the initial roots, they would run onto the wall and the flailing roots would soon catch the creature.

It was a very elaborate trap that could trap Blake if he only jumped away without using his darkness tendril to pull himself out as fast as possible.

If Blake had only jumped away, he might be able to dodge the roots, but with the 5 meters tall wall, Blake would crash headfirst if he were slow or his feet would be caught by the wall if he were not fast enough.

After landing on the tree branch, Blake quickly gulped as he released a huge sigh of relief for his decision to beware of the ground beneath him and took dodging the spells seriously.

“That’s quite a killer combination...” Blake muttered as he had his eyes locked on the two demons.

Blake had already put extra caution on the two demons that could cast spells between the five humanoid demons.

But now that he saw what they could do and how truly dangerous it would be to be caught in their spells, Blake decided to place even more attention on them.

The two demons saw their usual combination attack had missed and although they were quite shocked about it, it wasn’t their first time missing their spell.

The two of them quickly started drawing the same set of runes, thinking that they would choose a better timing this time to catch their target off guard.

But little did they know that this time, when their fingers were moving in the air to draw their runes, a certain humanoid demon had his eyes practically glued to their fingers.

Watching every straight line and curve that their fingers made.


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