
Chapter 282

Skye, Tidas, Lucas, Petrie, the four Pixies, and Genie all sat at the largest booth that Alfred owned. Aero was pleasantly surprised when he saw that Alfred was also a Fae. Until they had actually arrived within the capital, the Fae King didn’t know that their people could be business owners.

Alfred bowed gracefully to the Royal Fae, then promised to bring them something special for their visit. Due to his tavern’s increased popularity, Alfred had to hire extra servers and cooks. He still handled the majority of the preparations, and made sure that all the food that left his kitchen was to his standards, but Alfred liked that he and Renee both had smaller work loads.

Renee was now the happiest person Skye had ever seen. She had a constant grin, and was hardly ever rude, except to those that disturbed their peace. Most didn’t really care about their relationship, but there were a few asinine comments here or there.

As they brought the food out, Skye’s mouth watered. Bits of shredded chicken and mushrooms in a garlicky white cream base covered six pastry puffs that had their middles poked in. An over-sized bowl of mixed vegetables sat in the middle for everyone to get their own portions from.

Baskets of fresh bread and butter sat at the ends for convenience. All the humans ate Alfred’s version of Chicken Ala King, and the Fae shared plates of Peggy’s signature salad, and a platter of fruits that had been coated in a strawberry jam-type liquid.

Alfred had tried Peggy’s salad at the palace, and insisted that he sell in at his tavern. She’d protested at first, but Alfred had literally kept it named Peggy’ Signature Salad, and sent her a portion of his profits from every sale. She was shocked, to say the least, when she’d received her first payment.. Turned out that people loved it, and it was an extremely popular item on his menu.

Everyone knew that the recipe had come from Princess Skye’s head servant. Alfred didn’t know if the draw was that, or if it was simply the fact that it was truly tasty. But he wasn’t going to look a gifted horse in the mouth to find out.

As they ate, Skye gave a few of her mushrooms to Celestia. She squealed in delight at the taste of the slightly salty cream sauce, then made Aero taste it. It was adorable to watch her coaxing him. It became flat-out hilarious to see the tips of his ears turn red in embarrassment when she fed him in the very public space.


As Skye giggled to herself, Tidas asked Lucas; “So you and Petrie are leaving right after this, correct?”

Lucas paused mid-shoveling to answer; “Aye, we are. We’ll stop wherever we need to, then depart right away.. Ima sorry yer mother couldn’t be here, lassie. She probably didn’t even know I came here.. I was on me way to Reinbolt’s for the weekend when Ralph and Petrie ran out in front of the stagecoach.”

Skye paused in her identical shoveling to reply to her father; “Tis fine, Da. From what I remember, Mother isn’t a fan of the Mage Trials to begin with..”

A touch of melancholy covered Skye’s features, prompting Lucas to assure her; “Ye would be correct, except I Know that she’s gonna be furious with me when she finds out I got to watch our bairn kickin’ arse without her.”

The cheeky smile on her father’s face made Skye lose any sadness on her features, but inside she still felt it. Tidas sensed it in her and gently squeezed her hand. To let her know that he was there for her.

Genie had been watching his former students with a soft grin the entire meal. She laughed and smiled like she always had, but there was something different about her.. Something he couldn’t quite put his finger on..

The tavern was packed, but despite the slow service time; everyone was in an excellent mood. A kind of jubilant aura filled the tavern, but it all seemed to emanate from Skye. Like she was the source of the joviality..

‘The legend says that the Catalyst will either unite the world, or destroy it. I think that if it’s actually Skye’s choice..’

Skye had noticed that Genie wasn’t talking much. He always did that whenever something heavily weighed on his conscience. As they finished up their meal, Skye pulled him aside and asked what was wrong.

With a slightly sheepish expression, Genie would only say that he had to talk to her later about an important request. When she inquired as to why he couldn’t just tell her, his expression grew pensive as he replied; “Not in a public setting.. Too many ears.”

“Aye.. Then how about ye come to our little house tonight? I got somethin’ I want to show ye there, anyways,” Skye replied with a cheeky grin.

Genie agreed with a weary expression. ‘I know that look.. She’s planning something.. Something she Thinks will be funny..’

As concern caused Genie’s brow to furrow, Skye and Tidas shared a conspiring look. Genie loved dragons, like most people that were raised in the Sai Republic. They were revered as wise and holy creatures, and Genie had always been particularly enthusiastic about anything pertaining to them.. ‘I canna Wait to see his face when he meets Zazzy!’


When everyone had returned to the palace, most of the delegates were just about to leave. Few stayed past the Mage Trials because winter always came shortly after. Being the Northern-most kingdom; most of the delegates weren’t used to such cold temperatures.

The representative from the Fire Nation was particularly having a terrible time, which Skye found amusing. Every time she turned around; he was there watching her. He reminded her of a suaver, less menacing version of Marco.

All of the Alconian Royals lined up to bid the delegates farewell. Celestia sniffled as she and Skye hugged, unfazed by their differences in size. Aero attempted to only shake her hand, but Skye easily pulled him in for a hug.

He thought it was highly inappropriate, but smiled and hugged Skye back all the same. As they left with their centaur guards and a Wyvern flying overhead; Celestia beamed at her husband.

“I think that was the first time I’ve seen you smile so much while in public, love.. I liked it..” Celestia trailed off into a sultry smile.

Aero grinned at his beautiful wife as he simply replied; “Did I? Well.. I can’t be a stick in the mud all the time.”

Celestia laughed and wrapped her arms around Aero, then they practically danced through the air as they flew home. The centaurs grinned as they sped to keep pace with their Queen and King...

Skye was sad to say goodbye to her father and Petrie. She’d barely gotten to spend time with him, but was grateful for the little she had gotten. He wasn’t supposed to attend the trials this year, but wound up here anyways. Looking up at her namesake, Skye thanked whatever mysterious force had timed their meeting so well.

Ralph and Petrie wouldn’t have been able to make it in time to inform Magnus and Tidas of the mess brewing in the Highlands without Lucas. They would’ve likely been stuck in Moonshire for the entire winter, and the raid would’ve waited until the first thaw.

Tidas didn’t like the idea of going to the Highlands in the beginnings of winter, but they had no choice. If Murdoc was killed, war with the Highlanders was inevitable, and Tidas wanted to avoid that at all costs.

Petrie didn’t say it outright, but had implied several times that the Highlanders weren’t as primitive as the Alconians had thought. As he and Skye chatted, Lucas told Tidas that he had recognized and named everything that they had walked passed in the R&D department.

Considering that the first section was akin to a giant museum; the remark had made Tidas very apprehensive.. ‘The north is known for having a high amount of archaeological and historical finds.. What if they found a high-powered weapon? Or a cash of them?’

The reasons for the Highland Raid kept piling higher and higher, but his original goal was still at the forefront of his mind. A darkened expression overtook Tidas’ features as he thought about finally catching up with his uncle, and ending his nearly life-long endeavor..

“Out yer head, love.. Yer place is here, with me..”

the phase brought Tidas out of his dark thoughts, and into the blinding light that was his wife’s adoring smile. It was gentled with concern, but still beaming in nature as she softly squeezed his hand.

Tidas looked at Skye as a gentle breeze lightly played at her hair, and the fading sun illuminated it. It looked like golden fire with the reds and oranges from the sunset cast against it. Also making it look close to her original color..

His breath caught in his throat as Tidas stared at her. Skye had grown so much, but changed so little. She was confident now; in herself and her place in the world, and it showed. She shined brighter than any star to him, and she loved him wholeheartedly..

Cupping her cheek; Tidas leaned in and kissed Skye so sweetly that her knees grew weak. She gripped his arm to steady herself as she also leaned in with matched passion..

A cough that was clearly meant to gain their attention came from Genie, who was now standing next to them. Skye blushed prettily as she remembered that they were in public, but Tidas looked irritated that they were interrupted. His sour expression brought a devilish grin to Genie’s face as he asked; “So, lovebirds.. Where to now?”

Tidas smiled cheekily as he glanced at Skye. She nearly had the same expression, but slightly less maniacal in nature than her husband’s.

“Well be headin’ to our wee home in a few minutes. I just need to go check on Peggy first. She was startin’ to get sick, and I wanna make sure that she’s restin’ properly,” Skye replied, then they bid Magnus and Marie farewell until later that night.

When Skye turned down her hall, the first thing she saw was that both their closet door, and bedroom door were open. Skye immediately started to mutter under her breath as she first poked her head into the closet, then her room..

Peggy was sitting on their couch; sniffling as she folded or hung clothes. Skye walked up behind her, leaned down by her ear, then spoke in a tone that made both Genie and Tidas shiver..

“What do ye think yer doin’, Peg?”

Peggy yelped as she shot out of her seat, and nearly fell over the coffee table in front of her. She whirled around and instantly gulped when she saw the stern expression on Skye’s face. She smiled and chuckled lightly as Peggy shrugged and muttered; “Shit..Busted..”

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