
Chapter 361

When she kept complaining, he had threatened to cut off her cream again, so she’d reluctantly dropped it. Shasta found it quite unfair that he could use that against her so often, but there wasn’t much she could do about it.

Lawrence had offered to pay for her living expenses, but Shasta had refused. Since they weren’t married, he wasn’t technically responsible for her yet. The idea of someone taking care of her made Shasta smile, but it also scared her..

‘To have my happiness entirely depend on one person again...I can’t do it. I love Lawrence, but I can’t give my all to him just yet. So it’s not fair for him to do it, either..’

The Ruscovic King had tried to shower her with gifts, but Shasta had sent most of them back. After his first few attempts, he quickly learned that material possessions weren’t something that Shasta cared about..

It took time, but Lawrence had wrote to his father, asking what kinds of things Shasta liked, other than cream. Magnus had reminded him of the orphanage that Shasta donated to, so he paid for renovations to be done, and dozens of outfits made in every size. That way, aside from food: the children were set.

Shasta couldn’t believe that he’d gone so far for her, and sent him a mixed letter about it. Half of it was praise for his kindness and generosity, but the other half was filled with suspicion. She had insinuated that he was trying to buy her off several times, then backtracked and thanked him.

When Lawrence and his children had come to Alcon for Yuletide, Shasta had been just as skittish, except for with his children. She sincerely loved the twins, and all but cried when they had slipped up and called her ‘mommy’ again.

Lawrence had contemplated getting her a tower of presents, but he’d come to learn that Shasta wasn’t like any other woman he’d ever dated. She didn’t want him to pay for things, except food. Anything she wanted, she could’ve had, but Shasta only wanted his time.. Which was his most precious thing.


Between his kingdom and children, Lawrence didn’t get much down time, but was willing to give every available second to her.. But Shasta belonged to Alcon. She couldn’t do more than visit a few days before she had to turn around and go home.

Their frustrations were made worse by Marco’s adamancy that Shasta remain in Alcon. His thought was since Skye and Tidas were gone, she shouldn’t even be allowed outside of the city, let alone outside of the kingdom while they were away.

Magnus had initially let her go a couple times, but had stopped once they received a report that the Sync kingdom was building massive amounts of ships again. They had tried to invade through Sai before, and had their fleet blown apart. The Sync King wasn’t known from being intelligent: just brutal.

He was the strongest mage on the continent, next to Skye. He was one of the few magic users that had multiple traits like Skye, and had three in total: Water, Tank, and Manic. Considering Sync was a seafaring kingdom, most found it odd that he was the only mage with an Elemental trait..

All other mages in the Sync Kingdom were either Tanks, Manics, Shamans, or Tamers. Not a single Elemental had been born in the kingdom for several generations until their current King came. It frustrated the tyrannical King to the point of buying up any Elemental slaves that came through their markets.

The growing threat to their southwest was the reason for Lawrence’s early visit. Usually he didn’t come visit until closer to the Summer Games, but the weather had been favorable enough to travel over a month early. Since he had dragged his children’s tutors with them, they could stay until the conclusion of the games.

As Lawrence, Anna, and Victor got out of their stagecoach, Shasta was the first to greet them. The children jumped into her arms, and she swung them around as they all talked over one another: saying how much they missed each other.

When their eyes met, Lawrence and Shasta smiled adoringly at each other. He then walked up to her, and kissed her in front of the nobles gathered to greet him. Many made hushed comments and noises, but neither of them cared about what others thought anymore.

All that mattered to them was that they were together again.

Magnus cleared his throat loudly, sending a warning to those speaking nonsense about his son. He didn’t care for the opinions of others on the matter, including Marco’s. The one time he tried to say something negative about it to his father, Magnus snapped at him.

The maids and guards had heard it, and spread the word very quickly that their King approved of Shasta. Since everyone knew of the incident overnight, Marco couldn’t use his magic to sway his father the other way..

Marco knew his father only approved of their relationship for three reasons: Shasta’s rank, Lawrence’s pre-existing children, and Lawrence’s title as a King.

If he wasn’t a King with secured heirs, Magnus never would’ve allowed them to have an open relationship. With that already present prejudice, Marco could’ve turned his father’s opinion the other way. He couldn’t directly change key personality points in a person with his limited magic, but he could manipulate the darkness that already laid within their hearts.

It was how Marco still won against Tidas whenever he was intent on his ‘equality kicks’. In Marco’s mind, the best way to keep people subservient was to keep them from thinking to deeply on things..

Karena was a great help in that aspect. She had started making ‘trends’, which directed the way people thought or viewed something as popular. She had no skills or talents, or anything to offer the kingdom other than a pretty face and domineering attitude.

She said how to act and what to wear, and people did it. As the future Queen of Alcon, most wanted to please her, or at least stay off of her radar. Without Skye around, she had gone back to being controlling, and targeted anyone who still wore Skye’s fashions.

Shasta was the only one brave enough to wear the clothes that she and Skye had designed together. Karena had complained to the King about how she ‘made everyone uncomfortable with her dressing choices’..

Magnus laughed in her face, and told her that If she made it to being Queen, having Shasta on her side would be pivotal. He ordered her to leave her alone, but it was Karena..

Without Skye to plot against, Shasta had become her new target.. ‘A Fae marrying a human King?! Not in My kingdom..’

Marco had considered stopping his wife, but if Shasta would kill her, it’d give him a valid reason to detain her. Having Shasta alive and on lockdown guaranteed Lawrence’s cooperation. After their father died, Marco got the feeling that he wasn’t the brother that he’d be backing for the throne.

His first thought was to go after his children, but he couldn’t do that until after his father died. Otherwise Magnus would officially pass the crown to Tidas. He needed the majority of the nobles to back him when the time came. And even if they liked Tidas better as a person, they would follow the laws, and the evidence...

As Marco watched his younger brother enter the palace from a hidden window, a dark smile stretched across his face. As he went to go down and meet his wife, one of his guards appeared before him with a bowed head.

“Did you find all of them?” Marco asked with his usual flat tone.

“Yes, Your Grace. All members of his family have a tracker. When you give the signal, they will be brought to the palace dungeons at once.”

Marco motioned for him to stand; “And what news from the north? Is my brother keeping my future wife safe?”

The guard stared at the amulet around his king’s neck, unable to meet his eyes; “The Princess is fine, but Tidas discovered two of our spies. He knows that you are watching him..”

The Crowned Prince scoffed, but kept a neutral expression; “If he didn’t assume that to begin with, he’s dumber than I thought he was. How did my foolish little brother discover them?”

“The first was discovered by the Princess, the second by your brother..”

After the guard gave the full account to him, Marco actually smiled; “So dragon’s fire works against Ether and Dark magic? I’m sure the doctor will be interested to learn that..”

“Tell him all the details that you’ve told me, and tell him to come up with a countermeasure for our trump cards. I want him to have a solution ready for when we get the materials he needs.”

“Yes, my King. Do you have a message for our remaining two spies?” the guard asked.

“Tell them to keep my wife safe, but if the opportunity arises without giving themselves away: kill my brother.”

After a quick nod, the guard jumped back, and disappeared. Marco smiled to himself as he continued down a thin hallway, then stopped at a wall. Peering out a hidy-hole, he didn’t see anyone, so he pressed a button, and walked through it.

The technology had come from his supporter in the Fire Nation, and was extremely handy. The machine temporarily destabilized matter on a molecular level, and allowed him to pass through solid objects.

Marco inwardly laughed to himself when he thought of the expressions that those annoying little House Brownies got whenever he disappeared on them. Looking up with a small smile, he saw a young maid at the end of the small hall; staring at him with shock.

“Uh-oh... Someone saw something that they weren’t meant to see..”

Before the woman could scream, Sheri came out of nowhere, and covered the lass’ mouth. She held a blade up to her neck, and waited for her King’s orders..

Marco slowly walked up to her, then dragged his finger down the side of her cheek. Her eyes clouded over, and her breathing became steady. Sheri released the girl, and disappeared again when Marco waved her off.

Bending slightly, Marco whispered in her ear; “Such pretty red hair you have.. Go to my room, and wait there. Talk to no one, and tell no one. Strip down, and wait for me on my bed.”

The lass nodded, then immediately left. Marco smirked inwardly as he thought about the fun he would have later.. ‘ How I hope those two idiots can kill Tidas before they return. I’d much rather break Skye than that girl, but she’ll have to do for now..’

As the thoughts crossed his mind, Macro met up with Lawrence. He grimaced at his older brother as he said; “You seem pleased with yourself. Something good happen?”

Marco nodded; “I just had my midnight snack arranged, is all..”

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