
Chapter 78

“Gurdan, we need to report this to the guild as fast as possible,” Edward shook his shoulder. Gurdan was lost in thought, he wanted to avenge the people hurt; his ideals, his morals, everything turned upside down. He no longer wanted to see them suffer – at heart, he thrived for something greater, he wanted to become a hero. A hero heard in stories, a hero who helps, a hero who protects, a hero present and ready to serve, a hero born without prejudice, a hero who raises up every time humanity needed him, a hero of legend. “Edward,” Gurdan’s voice changed, the look in his eyes was one filled with vigor and pity. “-if this is what we must come up against, I’m ready to stay here and protect the others. None will die on my watch; those beasts shall pay for the suffering they caused. I care not about being a hero, I want to save those kids, they have a life ahead of them. Please report to the guild on my behalf, I’ll stand watch, my body is pulsing with emotions I’ve never encountered before. Behind that fog, I can feel it, someone has come forth to wreak havoc onto our already torn island – please, my friend, do me this favor.” His hands already grasp the handle of the long-sword he used. “Gurdan, you’re spouting nonsense about being chivalrous at the worst possible time. That’s the reason I like you, my friend, I shan’t leave until the night is over – we must still secure those kids a future, don’t we?” Edward jumped and stood right beside Gurdan, the duo was ready and waiting for the next attack.

“We don’t have time to grieve over the lost ones, my brethren, follow the example of those who still stand before that mist: lets fight for us, lets fight for our hometown, and let’s protect this province. Their safety remains in our hands and our hands alone, anyone who still draws breath, pick up your weapons and follow Blades-end to the battle. Forgo your ego and emotions, adventurers unite.” A tanned, tall and well-built man spoke. He bore an emblem, an emblem hidden by bloodstains. He held a great sword, his voice resonated with all, it filled them with a new will to fight – it was one of the many other mysterious skills; Rise-up. A skill that motivates anyone who has lost the will to fight, a skill only certain guild leaders have. The crowd drew closer to him, weapons in hands, they all cheered. The beast’s aura grew close, everyone felt it. Their eyes burnt with the thought of revenge, adventurers were all people that defied the laws of nature. Their morals were something spoken in legends, the ancient text depicted this as the morals of the chosen one, the one who fought back hell’s invasion onto the Earthly domain. The will to never give up, the will to always protect their friends, the will to become stronger.

“ON GUARD,” Edward felt an army march behind him, the adventurers came to provide back up. “Ready,” eyes glowed through the mist, growls, snarls, and screams. The real fight now began. Birds flew, and it started, the same wolves charged out of the mist. This time, the ones defending were ready and waiting. The battle commenced, everyone fought, but this time, they were united. Subconscious people helped one another without speaking, they reached another level of understanding. Everyone had a small flame inside them; that flame was there will. Their resolve to save all, the will to protect. Only a few could see that flame, and the intensity at which it burnt almost went to astronomical heights.

Swords clashed, guns fired, spells, explosions, it all echoed. The people fought with all their might, some felt their strength increase, after killing each beast, their movement speed augmented. The more they defeated the enemies, the more powerful they grew, everyone felt it. This only served to reignite their passion, the swords swung without mercy, the guns fired with dead accuracy and the spells healed and created diversions. This was the first-time guilds united under the same cause. Leading the charge, two boys, still recruits, Edward and Gurdan. The former, reserved, and quiet while Gurdan had the grit of someone who charged in without fear. He fought the beast despite them being twice as big; everyone stared at his valor, they were motivated by how he fought. Every time he blocked or got pushed back, he rose up as if a man possessed. He got clawed, but was healed by the people, they had his back. Trust built up over the few hours till the sun rose.

The sunlight broke through the gloomy night, everyone’s faces were covered with blood, sweat, and tears. The monsters came in hordes that increased with each passing hour. At the crack of dawn, however, they all retreated; a strange rumbling made those monsters run away. Stood on the road with his sword chipped and broken, Gurdan panted. Edward stood right behind him, they fought as one. Each one compensated for the other’s mistake, their bond was unrivaled. Around them laid the vanishing corpses of their foe, ones who nearly wiped the adventurers out. The battlefield lit, body scattered all around, many lives were lost. The remainder of the survivors all knelt beside their lost comrades. They didn’t cry nor shed a tear; a smile was what was seen through most of their faces. Even Gurdan and Edward smiled, the fight they had fought was one of many.

“We did it,” Edward replied monotonously. “We sure did but to what ends, look behind us. We may have won the battle, but lost many of the people who unwillingly helped us. Just look, my heart, it’s still not fulfilled. I want to do something to help them, this feeling of regret can’t be quenched, I want to do everything I can, but alas I’m weak.” He said with a regret-filled tone. A tear flowed down his cheek. “No, my friend, we did everything we could – a war can’t be won without sacrifices. Those who died for us shall be remembered, burn this image in your heart, you will need to carry their wishes into future battles. It’s a given, I might have laughed at your ideals of being a hero, but I now see that you are truly different from us. You fought harder than anyone present, you defended me, you took full on mortal injuries and your sword broke; despite that, you stood strong. For our sake, you were the first line of defense we had, I dare not think about how that is possible. A recruit like you fighting off horde after horde with only determination, I’m impressed my friend – very impressed.”

“Young man, he who has stood firm for us, I thank you.” A familiar voice spoke, it was the same guy who motivated everyone else to fight. “Blood, sweat and tears, I applaud your valor. You’re one who had the gut to stand up against the unknown.” The emblem hidden by blood could be seen. The emblem, a horse, a mythical one at that – Pegasus.


“You’re from Pegasus?” Edward’s jaw dropped. “Indeed, I am,” the well-built man answered. Pegasus, the second most powerful guild compromised with only the best of the best when it came to fighting. A full out mercenary guild, with a rather low member count. Despite this, their strength rivaled Blades-end. “Time isn’t right for idle chatter; we’ve lost too many people by the claws of the beast we’ve never seen before. Just look at the battlefield, most of the people who died were young adults that hoped to find fame and glory.” He shook his head in disappointment. The man spoke the truth, only a handful of people drew breath.

“Yes, and I’m sure you’ve noticed it, but after slaying them, the monsters vanished. In their stead, coins are left behind.” Edward pointed out what he had found. “I agree, at first I blew it off as the beast having swallowed people with coins. But now I’m certain, each one drops two-copper coins. There’s no face nor anything inscribe on it. This is pure copper.” He held out the coin, it looked flawless – no trace of any imperfections. “The purity means that no kingdom is implicated with this. Another question is raised now if this is indeed pure copper, how will the market and bank react. Most importantly, how will the guild respond?” Edward continued to examine the coin, “I mean, I’m no expert on the matter, but you could probably exchange this copper for two standard issued coins by the kingdom. We’ll need to check the purity of the metal first – the guild will handle this I’m sure.” He gave up, the situation was dire.

“Edward, my friend, now isn’t the time; we need to give the people who died a proper burial. We can’t leave them out for the likes of the Merchants of death.” Gurdan said while still gazing at the people who grieved.

“I agree, take off their guild collar, we’ll have to report back the death count.” The well-built man, whose name is still unknown spoke, the two recruits agreed. Everyone helped, things of value were removed, armor and weapons were left on the lifeless bodies. The swords if sharp, were broken down to the point where none could use it. After the grave was dug, the corpse was covered. One hole for one person. Atop said grave, the now broken weapon got used as a marker, they were imbedded deeply. And for their helmet rested on the handles – this battlefield soon changed into a cemetery. Countless swords, bows, spears, and other weapons sprouted off the ground as if they were plants. The grave wasn’t dug out close to the road, rather, it was made deep into the forest, on a small plain hidden by enormous trees. Everyone agreed on said location. With their final respect and prayers said, the remainder of people set off to their respective guilds.

“Hey, mister, this isn’t a place to sleep.” An innocent-sounding person gently tapped his cheeks. Half-heartedly, Staxius awoke; he slept under the same tree. The sun had reached its highest peak. “C-could you give me the time please?” Staxius asked, his face still gloomy. “It’s nearly about noon, you should really get going. You’re lucky I’m the one who found you, the teachers in this academy are pretty rude you know.” The voice felt refreshing, Staxius’s mind felt at ease. “I apologize, I just dozed off,” he smiled gently and took a good look at whoever woke him. Light brown hair that covered the eyes, a pointy nose, and freckled cheeks. “isn’t it time for class though?” confused by what he saw, Staxius engaged in conversation to try and find out more about this person. “Not really,” he replied, the voice had a hint of masculinity in it. “You have my thanks either way,” Staxius stood up while using the trunk of the tree as an aid. “You look in bad shape there, do you need help?” the boy asked, “I’m fine, honestly, thanks for looking out for a total stranger.”

“Louis, where are you?” a fading shout was heard from afar. “My friends are looking for me, I’ll see you around, mister.” The boy ran off, he gave off the same feeling as Avon.

“I’ll see you later, yeah.” Staxius’s voice changed into one of a man suffering. The moment he tried standing up, every part of his body froze, it sent jolting pains throughout. A part of himself felt strange, he didn’t know what was happening; the fact that his body was growing weak remained true – he became aware of it. “What is happening to me, I don’t feel normal, I can barely even think – my body hurts so much. This is the first time I’ve felt anything like this. I can’t describe it… oh, I think I know, it’s like having a toothache but imagine that ten times stronger and throughout your body.” Staxius struggled, he rested his back against the same tree and stared to where a small garden was built. “I need answers, but most importantly, I need to continue putting on an act of being strong. I can’t look weak even for a second, it will ruin everything otherwise.” He sighed, the cold wind brushed against his lifeless face.

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