
Chapter 121

“Where am I?” a voice whispered, the eyes slowly opened. A figure sat right beside her, a figure that she remembered, Eira awoke. Staxius had remained in her room despite Jona asking him to leave. The man was adamant about being the first his daughter saw. “f-father?” she spoke with a feeble tone, “don’t strain yourself,” he replied and patted her forehead. “I’m glad you’re doing well,” a smile shone.

“Why d-did you s-stay behind?” Eira tried to continue the conversation. “Because of you,” he fired back and stood. “I know not how but I have a gut feeling that you hate the way I always disappear without saying a word,” he slowly stepped and stood at the foot of the bed. Her eyes tracked him all the way, never did it leave and wandered off. “Guess, this is where we part,” he sighed. “-I honestly enjoyed the time we spend together. May it have been only a few days – I was glad to see that my precious daughter doesn’t hate me,” he took a pause and gathered his breath. “This is our goodbye then, please stay safe and trust Josiah – that man may be strict but the knowledge he has is a thing of legend. Learn whatever you can, pour your soul into studies and do what you want to. At the end of the day, you’re the one responsible for thy own happiness. Thus, if the time arises when my help is needed – I’ll rush to your side no matter what.” The footsteps echoed slightly, *click,* the door to the dimly lit room opened. “Goodbye Eira, I shall see you another time,” it closed, she could not but watch Staxius leave once more.

Hence, Staxius finally said goodbye and not disappear. The time indicated six-thirty as shown on the wall by a large squared clock. ‘Guess I have time to spare,’ he thought, the feet guided to the outside – where noise from the academy was heard. ‘Aceline,’ he wondered, ‘-show me what you meant.’ Dressed with a bloodied shirt and slightly ripped pants, Staxius climbed the freezing hill. A gust of wind blew past, it sent shivers down the spine. Tiny pricks that felt like a thousand needles. *Pwoosh,* he blew into the hands that curled into one entity.

The closer the academy got, the louder the cheers grew. It went on, Staxius fought the cold till the first arena where they fought came into view. It felt empty, the lights were off inside but the display outside advertised her new album named; Snow-Flakes. A crowd of diehard admirers wore similar clothes, her name was written on the back of their jackets. ‘How famous is this girl?’ he wondered whilst trying to secure away inside. The hair tied in a ponytail and with a symbol underneath the eye, Staxius was more than inconspicuous. Many people remember who he was for he had won the tournament not a few hours ago. Some smiled whilst others snarled, though it didn’t affect him.

“Hey mister,” a childish tone grabbed onto his shirt, “excuse me?” he asked in a formal but friendly way. “Hey mister,” the kid spoke yet again, the face felt blissful. “Yes, how may I help you?” the tone remained the same, Staxius waited. “Could you please sign this picture,” the child handed him a photo. A photo of himself taken during the fight. A photo that perfectly showed him unsheathing the sword, a strange mist could be seen around. Said picture was a work of art for the child – Staxius looked very imposing and cool.

“May I ask where you got those?” confused, he inquired. “Oh, my mother took it for me,” he pointed to a lady whomst face remains hidden by the night sky. After checking, he looked back at the kid – it felt strange. That child had an aura to him, something that felt familiar – not to mention the fact that the kid resembled someone Staxius knew. The interest peaked, he tried looking for the mother but the latter had vanished. The kid stood oblivious, “sure, let me help you out,” Staxius replied with a smile.


The picture got signed, “here,” he showed the boy what he had done. Staxius drew a small man instead of an autograph, a well-drawn one at that. The kid’s smile couldn’t be contained, “Wow mister, that picture is awesome,’ the face perpetually held a smile. “My name is Staxius Haggard, what’s yours?” he knelt to make the child at ease, looking up at someone and talking must have been hard.

“I know mister, mother has told me a lot about you,” he paused and looked around. “-she often says that you’re some kind of hero who saves people that are in need.” That statement sent the mind into a state of confusion. “Also, my name is Axius Hag...” a piercing voice yelled. “Sorry but I have to leave,” the boy scurried off and disappeared.

‘What just happened,’ he stood, ‘Axius Hag. I can’t help but think that Axius is taken from Staxius and not to mention the last name, Hag, really?’ the crowd grew bigger, ‘guess I’ll just forget about what happened,’ the second stadium came into view.

“Master,” Avon waved, they stood under a tree. “Good evening,” Staxius greeted, “good evening to you too,” both added. “What’s the situation then, aren’t you going inside to watch the concert?” Staxius stood next to them.

“We wish we could but sadly the fee is a bit high.” Achilles pouted. “Is that all?” Staxius chuckled. “-don’t worry about money. This day is your day off, consider it my treat. Avon, better go get those tickets – we’ll wait.” With a flick of the wrist, he ordered Avon.

The moment he left, Staxius engaged in small talk. Achilles’ fondness could be sensed in the way she spoke. Her eyes had a glimmer that would put anyone to shame. She looked as if a child getting a present. “We best go inside,” Avon signaled them from afar – the tickets were bought.

“So, this is a concert,” a podium was placed square in the middle. People sat and some even stood at the front, up close to all the action. Being himself, Staxius chose to sit rather than stand. Avon and Achilles rushed the middle and waited for the show to start.

A countdown began, the lights cut off. Aceline’s voice could be heard – Staxius watched with arms crossed. *Beep,* it reached zero, the light lit simultaneously and shone onto her, music also began to play. The people jumped and yelled ‘hey, hey, hey, hey,’ in sync with the instruments. The song she sang wasn’t in her album but one that was loved by many throughout the kingdom. Aceline looked like she had fun, they smiled and cheered. The air was filled with happiness and joy, Staxius’s eyes fixed onto the one who made such a change.

Everyone came together with the power of music; she sang her heart out. The musicians accompanying her jammed their life out, the spectators screamed their minds out. ‘Amazing,’ he grew to like what he heard, not the song in particular but how the people felt.

Minutes turned to hours, Staxius watched – the concert became a huge hit. It surprised him when adventurers and mages alike showed up to watch her performance. Time reached nine, Aceline stopped. It ended; her face glistened with sweat.

“Thank you all for coming here tonight,” she spoke, the crowd shouted, “especially the people who fought earlier. This is my way of entertaining those who entertained us prior. Without you guys, I’d have never been able to stand here today. I’m having the time of my life, thank you all for the amazing support. I promise that your lovely radio host will never stop making music,” she winked and did a peace sign.

‘Reminds me of Avon,’ Staxius laughed. “Let’s all hope for a better future, together,” her hands held up high, fireworks followed and went off. The night sky lit with vibrant color, the mind froze. “Such beauty,” he mumbled, the eyes faced the stadium yet again.

“What do you want,” Staxius moved his lips without making a sound, Aceline stared right at him. “I can see you,” she did the same, Staxius was impressed by her eyesight. “Good job, you’ve proven your point,” he stood and left.

‘I told you didn’t I, this is what entertainment is supposed to be. Not fight and gore, but music and peace – this is the world I want to create. Enough with all the fighting – even if I have to make this dream on my own. I’ll do it, believe me,’ Aceline looked to the sky, ‘this is for you, mother, I swore that I shall change this world for the better. And change I will, nothing and no one can stand in my way,’ the lights shut off.

Though strangers to one another, Aceline was one of the few people who wanted to see the world change. A change that Staxius wanted to make happen but by force rather than dialogue. He had one goal, the goal to have a place where people could roam around the streets without fear. A place where children and women weren’t abused, a place where demi-humans were accepted. A place similar to Dorchester, a place that thrived on solidarity and compassion.

The outside felt empty, Staxius waited for the companions to leave. No longer was the need to stay at the academy a priority. Time was here for the party to leave. “Staxius,” the shy glass wearing man approached he who crouched under a tree at the back of the stadium. “Who is it?” he asked, with the eyes heavy from exhaustion. “May I have a moment of your time?” he asked, to which Staxius replied with, “make it quick. If it’s interesting then I shall think about it, otherwise tis a big no from yours truly,” the tone felt snobbish.

“Actually,” Scott stepped closer, “tis lady Aceline, she wants to speak to you at this instant.” In the background, Avon and Achilles exited, “sure, take me to her,” unwillingly, Staxius stood. He waved to Avon who then proceeded to follow them inside.

*Knock, knock,* the door to her changing room opened. “A bit fancy now isn’t it?” Staxius walked in, Avon and Achilles followed. “What is the meaning of this, Scott,” she was in the middle of removing all her make-up. “-I thought I told you to bring Staxius alone.” He didn’t notice the two people behind him. “I apologize,” he knelt and begged.

“Aye, don’t be so pitiful,” Staxius grabbed the collar and pulled him off the ground effortlessly. “So, did you call me here to brag about how popular you are?” he asked whilst holding onto her assistant. “I shall ignore the people behind you,” she stood. “I’ve but a question,” she approached, “how strong are you?” her eyes opened wide, it reeked of vengeance. “I’m average at best, I think you’re overestimating me,” he stepped back.

“I can sense the lies,” she stepped back and turned in a dramatic way. “Ok I’m bored, let’s go,” without hearing her out, Staxius reached for the door. “NO PLEASE WAIT,” flustered, she grabbed his shirt. “Get to the point already,” he faced her square on, “also, trying to make me fall for you isn’t going to work. I’m already married to the best wife one could ever hope of marrying. I must sadly say that you don’t even come close to her,” he pulled out his tongue – somehow messing with Aceline felt like the best choice.

“Sure...” she replied, “anyways, I wanted to ask you about why you fight. Do you have a special reason?” the conversation turned to one more serious. “Yes, I fight for one reason alone. I fight to protect, and I fight for the ones who are dear to me. I wish to bring about change but for that to happen I must first change myself. Sadly, spilling blood is all I’m good for. Therefore, I shan’t backdown from killing anyone who stands in my way. I’m no hero, I’m the worst person one can hope to meet,” he said what he needed, Aceline stood speechless. “Let me guess, you want to change the world using music,” the hand reached for the doorknob. “It’s a good weapon, I wish you luck,” it opened, “however, my weapon is but a sword. If the time arises where my help is needed – please contact the guild, I’m an adventurer after all,” with a wink – he left.

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