
Chapter 133

“Isorin, I held you in high standards until now. Wagering everything for the sake of a kid who isn’t even a proper scholar – shame on you my friend, shame on you.” Another middle-aged man, dressed casually, placed his hands upon the desperate wizard’s shoulder.

“Don’t worry so much, investments aren’t made without risk. Long have I been a slave to the norms and rules set by higher scholars. The talent I saw today made me realize that there are people out there who can do things for the betterment of humanity,” he fired back with a tone of confidence and determination.

“We’ll see old friend, we’ll see,” after a few steps he turned, “Clarise isn’t someone to be taken easily, be on your guard and warn that prodigy of yours. This exam will be particularly tough – I feel bad for the other applicants. Because of that little stunt, today’s batch of promising alchemist may give under pressure,” the door opened and the figure vanished into the shadows.

Time went on without fail, the council did some last-minute revision to the papers. Clarise would have normally assisted with the questions, however, today that honor was given to the master alchemist. The guild was informed, to which upon hearing the name Staxius Haggard, no further question got asked.

“Isorin,” a door swung open, the wizard sat at the desk with a tired face. “What is it?” a sharp voice pierced through the moment of self-pity. “Just so you know, I’m going to completely destroy that student of yours. I dare not fathom the gut you had to compare me, a genius in both medicine and magic to someone unknown,” it was Clarise, her pride was wounded. “Keep all the talking to a minimum, what the hell is your problem,” a monotonous voice spoke from behind the closet. Long hair tied in a ponytail, shabby clothes, a symbol under the right eye and a face that could freeze over the world. “W-who are you?” seeing that man, Clarise’s stance faltered, the voice trembled.

“T-that’s your opponent,” Isorin voiced slowly. “Aren’t you supposed to be happy?” Clarise asked seeing the depressed state of the old wizard. “I was confident until he came, the boy refuses to even look at the book. Too simple and too easy is what he says,” Isorin held out a book titled; The Art of Alchemy. A standard, beginner book that only a few are given access too for its rather complex to understand.


“And I still stand by those words, the first pages are filled with magical symbols. They are there just for show – the author doesn’t even know how they work. A waste of time for both the writer and the reader.” Staxius voiced. From sleeping on Isorin’s bed, he stood and sat next to the depressed scholar.

“How dare you,” Clarise’s pitch increased, Staxius glared. “That book is a work of art, I won’t stand idly by as you calmly disrespect the author and the hours he put in,” she stepped inside.

“No need to get angry, I’m not disrespecting the hard work. It’s admirable, however, I can say what I want about the finished product. It’s out for all to see and honestly, there are mistakes littered all over.” Without fail, Clarice approached and stared, Staxius pointed out the mistakes. “Here and here, it’s the wrong order. The herbs are to be put in first then add the boiling water, not vice-versa. It may seem that the order isn’t going to matter, however, the slight difference in temperature can affect the natural flow of mana, plants are living beings just like us. We should handle them with care,” out of spite, Staxius closed the book – Clarise’s face remained stoic.

“I see,” she stepped back, “-I’m relieved to see the opponent isn’t someone useless. Though I disagree with that method you just described, we’ll meet again in the exams. Unless you score perfectly, Isorin may lose everything,” she chuckled, a little girl at heart, a harsh and egotistical one.

“That’s why you’ve been all depressed,” Staxius gave two hard slaps on the back, “-no need to worry. All the books you’ve shown me, their contents have already been assimilated with their mistakes and faults. Thus the main reason why the first healing potion came out defective, the authors were mistaken about the subtle processes happening in the background – away from the naked eye.” The wizard’s eyes lit back again, “-promise that you’ll defeat that girl. Her demeanor has always been like that; being from noble birth doesn’t help either,” he requested.

“I think you’re mistaken,” the cold voice returned, “-this isn’t to help you get revenge on some egotistical teenager. The reason for my visit is to get the title of Alchemist, a trader’s badge and a badge of authenticity. I hope you haven’t forgotten the terms I laid out,” a scroll fell onto the table, “-a gift for all the effort.” Footsteps were heard, “it’s about to start,” the door opened, “-you better get to work,” Staxius left.

A few twists and turns here, a giant room came into view. It was situated inside the magical guild; the building was bigger than at first sight. “Ones who are to partake in the alchemist exams, please stand in line.” A loud voice spoke, it echoed down the corridors.

To everyone’s surprise, the dozens of students present all left. No one remained, rumors spread that Clarise was going to take the exams as well. It spelled out trouble in bold, her reputation preceded her.

“Staxius Haggard I presume,” the man spoke loud and clear, the reply was a nod. “Go in, your exams await,” the man spoke in a smug way. An assistant wizard by first look. As calm as a painting, Staxius walked and took a seat. The few alchemists present quickly rushed to aid and explain how the test was going to take place. Sadly, nothing seemed as simple. The theory required: three papers on medicine, three on magic, two in astronomy and one in botany. It was then followed by practical exams in both medicine and magic. Then lastly, a practical test about brewing a potion.

All those exams made Staxius tired before even starting. Clarise sat right beside, “I hope you’re not overwhelmed. This is the hardest exam to date, normally only brewing a potion and a few theory works is needed. However, since I’m to be partaking the same test and poor Isorin has put all his research about scrolls on the line, it’s a fair test. Don’t want it to be easier than it already is,” she smugly added, the thought was to intimidate her foe.

“Thanks for the heads up,” the gaze met hers, “however, I’m more worried about when I’ll be able to leave. Time isn’t a luxury,” with haste, a question got asked. “Are all the theory papers here?” the voice firm and direct. “Y-yes,” one of the assistants replied. “Awesome, can I ask a favor?” the tone now innocent and shy. “What is it?” the alchemist who presided over, spoke. “Can I have all the papers at once?” a quick pause to check the reactions,”-should not be an issue seeing as only Clarise and I are here,” Staxius ended.

“Should not be a problem,” the alchemist smugly replied, “however, practical’s are over in the other room.” A faint sigh was heard.

The clock showed noon, and it began. Each paper was filled with complex questions, it took everything out of the student’s mind. Innovation was a big part, most of the questions required critical analysis and deduction. One after the other, the papers were filled out rapidly. The answers were so long, additional papers were given; Staxius worked hard. The conscience slipped into the realm of knowledge yet again.

‘What is wrong with that guy,’ Clarise looked over and saw a dead face.

Minutes turned to hours, the clock read four, “finished,” the trance broke. “Excuse you?” the alchemist coughed, “I’m done, can I please do the practical now?” Staxius asked, to which an assistant guided him to the other room.

“I can’t believe it,” whilst gathering the answers, “master Clarise, this boy is very talented. The thought of the master alchemist personally examining these answers are exhilarating,” the overseer smiled.

“I’M BEAT,” the door opened, Staxius fell, the time displayed six. “Welcome back,” a familiar voice spoke, Isorin stood beside Avon. After waking, the spirit tracked his master to the guild. Then met up with Isorin who remained depressed and worried, they spoke before realizing each knew Staxius.

“W-what are you doing here?” the tired man asked, “-came to pay my master a little visit,” Avon replied with sparkles in the eyes. “How did it pan out, was it difficult?” Isorin asked. “Not really, it was cleverly crafted, especially the medical one. Apart from that, all the rest were fairly simple, I’m confident.” He stood, a few minutes later, Clarise stepped out. Her eyes looked dead; the face frowned.

“Is everything alright?” the wizard asked, “-do I look alright to you?” she fired back and left. The examination ended, Staxius soon headed to the hotel. Isorin kept watch, the suspense stole the calm night of sleep. On the same day, all the answers were reviewed, results would be given the next day.

“Watch out,” rock covered with rocks, an old friend had made its appearance. “Call for backup, Gritt is here,” one of the guards yelled. With haste, Undrar and Achilles joined with the rest of the adventurers. The highest-ranked among them was Emerald; tier-six while the others were Steel; tier-eight.

Not to arise suspicion, Undrar remained in her human form. It limited her full capabilities, however, despite this, the strength she wielded as a demi-goddess wasn’t to be played around with. “We didn’t make it in time,” a pack of wolves, goblins and a few hobgoblins all appeared from out of nowhere. Gritt, the earth elemental led the charge, swing after swing from the hobs, people were crushed. Gritt took care of the long-range, the wolves and goblins acted as a backup, they circled around and attacked weak spots. Up to now, monsters were thought of as unable to communicate. Though now, all moved as if a single unit.

“Don’t falter guys,” Achilles yelled, the adventurers got massacred. *Earth Element: Ground Breaker,* from the back, Undrar used magic to support and slow down the advancement. A spell that momentarily created ravines in the ground, high-tier magic. *Light Element: Divine Light,* a protection spell that gave a small shield and partly healed the injured. The spell was cast on everyone standing.

“We need healers, take the wounded, I’ll hold back this elemental,” Achilles yelled, her footsteps echoed around. *Blade whomst served me in countless battles, I, thy master asked for thy assistance in battle,* the blade manifested, she leaped, the elemental conjured a weapon in turn. “DIE,” a downward swing, her eyes fired up, *CLANG,* the impact noise screamed all-round the battlefield. The strike was so powerful the ground beneath the monster cracked and formed a meter-tall hole. “I guess you are impervious to damage.” She fell back, nothing was lost, *Shadow Element: Eternal Slumber,* Undrar cast yet another spell. It blinded the monster, all it saw was darkness. An imprisonment spell that blocked out the vision and perception of everything real in this world. Paired with that, *Ice Element: Frozen Lake,* the hole Achilles made was filled by ice as hard as iron if not harder.

“It’s now your chance, everyone CHARGE,” Achilles yelled, the adventurers obeyed. With the main threat restricted by a demi-goddess, there was no way that beast would ever get out. One by one, led by the ancient hero herself, Achilles beheaded hobgoblins after hobgoblins. Everyone followed the example, the fight only just begun.

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