
Chapter 138

“Who stands there,” the guard spoke, the voice firm and direct. “A traveler, I’ve come to stay the night, is there any way I can gain access?” Staxius asked, the voice normal and casual. “Definitely, all are welcome in this town – from demi’s to elders, we greet with open arms,” quite a change from the tone they used. Deep down the guys who stood to watch were friendly; the atmosphere of the town did its job.

“Thank you very much,” the car started back up and drove inside. It now became more apparent, most of the buildings were build at the foot of the hill. Though the slope wasn’t left out in the open either. Filled with construction with the castle as the main jewel. It stood rightfully atop and watched. A few turns were needed, Staxius got lost, this place was denser than imagined.

“Isn’t that road headed to the castle?” the girl pointed to the left. “Well spotted,” sleep caught up – it grew harder to focus.

At the castle itself, time was around eight. Many came back from work. The tavern was filled completely, though this didn’t matter. Walls were broken down to allow more people to enjoy the unique trait of this place. “Julius, it’s time to call it a day,” Millicent spoke, he napped with a pile of paper on the table. “I-its t-time already,” a yawn later, the Silver guardians, Fenrir, Autumn and Millicent headed out for dinner. Another unwritten rule was made, a circular table that could hold the noble council was always left free. The latter was located at the bottom just as one entered, it rested on the left.

“The usual for that table,” the lady in charge yelled, to which many maids rushed out and served food and drinks. From traveling adventurers to craftsmen, traders and many more, the place was packed. Kids ran around whilst playing tag, smiles on the faces could not be faked. Genuine happiness – life grew to slowly turn comfier as time went by.

“Millicent, you should really cut it out with the drinking,” Adelana added in jest. “Leave me alone,” she pouted. “Come on guys, time isn’t for petty arguments – food is on the way,” Julius added to which the rest nodded. “Gosh I’m hungry,” Fenrir’s ears moved, her tail wiggled – just the anticipation made her mouth water.


“Sorry for the wait,” one of the many maids delivered meats and veggies. “Here is the rest,” the others arrived – the table filled completely. This wasn’t the only table; for many others were just as and if not fuller with morsels of food, stew and bread loaves.

“Why aren’t you digging in?” Alyson asked; Fenrir’s face changed. “Are you alright?” Ayleth asked – the wolf’s eyes changed. *Clomp, clomp,* “this scent,” she mumbled. “What do you mean scent?” Autumn asked.

“Has this place always been this cold,” a familiar voice spoke, a figure walked in, time felt as if it stopped. Strangely, everyone stopped, this figure stole the breath away. A silence whelmed the room, “what is happening?” Klaern followed close behind. “No clue,” said silence broke – murmur filled and the loudness returned.

“... Julius?” Adelana called. “It’s impossible,” he replied. “MASTER,” Fenrir dashed. “NO WAY,” Ayleth stood. “Calm down,” Staxius hugged and patted her head – though they both laid on the floor. Fenrir unwillingly ran and speared him into the ground.

“Hello everyone,” a gentle smile portraited itself. “Welcome back,” Julius rushed over and help the old friend onto his feet. “It’s good to see you, Julius,” both embraced. “Hello master,” the silver guardians all stood in line, an old habit. “No need to be so formal,” one by one, Staxius greeted all with handshakes and kisses.

A few minutes went by, he was seated on the same table with the elf right beside. Drinks after drinks were ordered, food was devoured. They all conversed, it was mainly about how the town came to be this joyous place. It went on and on, the questions were relentless – information about the business side assimilated itself. Julius happily explained the inner working. The others focused on eating and drinking until Adelana spoke out.

“Care to explain where you’ve been?” it had been so long, none knew when nor where the man had been. “In Arda – didn’t I leave to solve the misunderstanding between our provinces?” a bite of meat later, Adelana spoke again, “Yes, that problem has been solved for quite a while now. Though, it does raise the question to why so long,” she finished.

“Well things changed,” Staxius spoke, “-I grew to be weaker with each passing day. It all began on the day that meteor flew over Hidros – details would be too much. To make it simple, I was defeated thoroughly, no hope, nothing – I stood there powerless and waiting for death to take mine soul away,” he took a sip.

“What do you mean defeated?” Julius asked; the voice perplexed for the image of Staxius being beaten could not be accepted. “That is true, dear friend. I was bested by someone I know not the name nor face.” It took a turn for the worse – hearing about the loss made some anxious. Mostly, the thought of the man who he admired falling so easily could not be justified.

“You’re here sitting with us and having a pleasurable meal – it mustn’t have been that hard,” Julius spoke. “Well that is all thanks to someone special I met along the way,” the tone felt reminiscent, almost blissful and beautiful. “I was sent to meet the queen to rectify our misunderstandings. Despite this, on that fateful day all crumbled, I awoke in a room – a room given to me by her majesty the queen. Her influence was pivotal in how I stand now before you all, to that I’m grateful. Thus, my absence for so long – I’ve been training and helping Arda in any way I can. The rise of monsters did also add another thing to be worried about,” he paused and looked around. The way he spoke felt romantic, each had unconsciously gotten closer. After a sigh, “I’ve got another news.”

“Is it your return to Dorchester?” Julius tried to guess. “Not that, I’m afraid that I can’t do anything for this town anymore. Julius and every single one of you have built a haven from the ground up. The right to come and change the order of things is nullified. More than that, I rather enjoy the pleasures of a place my friends made. I want no part in how it’s ruled – everything is in thy capable hands.”

“Are you going to abandon us again?” Adelana yelled out, “-just like sixteen years ago?” her tone felt furious. “It’s always like this, you make a colossal effort to start something, then when said thing starts to become somewhat manageable – you vanish. Leaving the rewards for the others to reap; what the hell is wrong with you?” her truest feeling came out. It took them by surprise, this sudden outburst – very out of character. The sisters remained silent and watched, none wanted to add a word.

“Heh,” he chuckled, “-spot on, Adelana, spot-on,” he took a deep breath. “yes, I do have a habit of leaving the things I worked for behind – that’s part of the fun,” the mouth said something and the brain thought another. ‘I can’t tell anyone about this curse I have. The curse that everything I cherish is to crumble and burn. This is part of the reason why I leave without saying anything – to lessen the shock and pain of saying goodbye.’

“Staxius,” Julius held his shoulder firmly, “-if you’re serious about leaving Dorchester to our rule. Then I must ask of you to formally abdicate from the position of Baron of Dorchester. ” the tone cold and direct. “Which means I have to give you my crest?” Staxius asked. “No, the crest is rightfully yours. What I want is for you to stand and formally say that you want no part in how Dorchester is to become.” Autumn pinched, Adelana tried to stop Julius but it was set in stone.

Without remorse nor regret, Staxius stood. “I, Staxius Haggard,” the others tried to interrupt, “-formally relinquish my title as a baron for the province of Dorchester. From this day forth, neither of my actions will have any effect on decision making. Duke Julius and Duchess Millicent, I seek your permission to abdicate myself from the esteemed position of Baron.” The other two accepted the terms, “I, Duke Julius Garnet, accept thy refusal to follow thine responsibilities.” Millicent said the same.

“Well, that should fix many things now. From today forth, Dorchester is officially out of my reach. Julius, I thank you for being a supportive friend. Though it saddens me to relinquish that title,” the voice remained normal.

“Seriously...” Adelana mumbled, “SERIOUSLY?” she yelled again. “It’s official then, Staxius has left the noble council, what a joke,” the anger now palpable – he smiled and sat.

“Adelana,” Julius called out, “-I think you misunderstand,” he smiled. “What don’t I understand? Does this mean that he leaves and never comes back,” the face filled with hate.

“No,” Staxius said, “the reason goes deeper than one may think,” the overly angry Adelana sat and listened. “Without saying a word, Julius trusted my actions and words. Don’t you think it’s hard on him as well, after all, I just gave the man more responsibilities to handle now. A town much less a province, can’t be ruled without allies,” a gentle smile later, “-I’m not abandoning the place I was born in just yet.” *Cough,* he cleared the throat.

“That’s all well in good, but how is that of any help when one doesn’t have a word to say in the decision making of said province?” Ancret asked to which Staxius stood again.

“I’ll formally introduce myself, dearest friends.” The posture changed into one more dignified. “My name is Staxius Haggard, King of Arda as well as second-in-line to the throne,” with a wink later, they all stopped.

“K-king?” Ancret asked, “K-king,” Julius choked, all muttered the word king. “How in the world did that happen?” Adelana asked. The shock went on for hours, not knowing how to behave in front of royalty took the reins. “No need to worry about courtesy, I’m still the one known as Staxius,” he sat.

The conversation continued, from the marriage to where he stood now, most got explained. The elven lady whomst journeyed alongside joined the fray, all spoke. With the title of Baron gone, Staxius’s freedom expanded. Helping Dorchester grew to be easier as an ally. Julius spoke on and on about what the alliance could do, Staxius suggested things. Their path diverged once again, but it was to be expected. Each friend helped the other in ways none could guess.

“Thanks for supporting my decision,” they both stood atop the castle wall. Basking in the cold night breeze as the sublime sight of millions of stars twinkled overhead. “No worries, I did expect such a thing from earlier on,” the tone friendly and calm. “Still, I’m sorry for having you do all the work in my stead. Taking care of this town is more than difficult. Just hang in there for a while – this town will be the focal point in the prosperities to come. The day isn’t far when Castle Garsley grows to be autonomous – the people here are all friendly and compassionate. ”

“What about Arda?” Julius asked; the eyes looked towards Brisnet Heights. “Thing is shaky – we haven’t the luxury of adventurers hunting monsters. This is why I’m planning on starting a guild, I’ve already got a necklace to prove it. “Silver ranked, impressive – but doesn’t it require more than three members?”

“That isn’t an issue, the party is already established. Soon, my friend, soon – we’ll become fully functional,” Staxius turned around, “there’s something you need to know,” the hands grab the shoulders tightly, “the being who defeated me isn’t to be trifled with. The apparition of monsters isn’t just coincidence – I’m confident that thing has something to do with it. Be on guard, the world is to change sooner or later – gather up forces, become strong and adapt.”

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