
Chapter 140

The balcony door opened; a rush of cold wind blew inside. “Freezing,” she yelled. “It’s fresh and pure air, SMELL IT,” he remained adamant. Today was the last day in Arda – the task self-assigned grew to be nearly completed. Each got dressed, had a bath together then exited the royal chambers. Though now a King, to see so many maids and butlers waiting to serve felt nerve-racking. The dirtied white shirt and pants were swapped for ones more formal and better looking. The day began in the dining hall – a hefty breakfast with no attention to table manners. No one stood to watch Staxius stuff his face with meat. The sight of how eagerly the husband ate, Xula joined in – it got messy really quick, both laughed. In no way meant he didn’t know table manners, the thought of being formal and uptight around Shanna didn’t seem right.

“Dearest disciple,” the sage teleported into the throne room – breakfast ended a few minutes ago. “Good morning master,” he greeted with a courteous tone. “Good morning to you as well,” the former smiled. “I’ve got news about the Aebalar – the boy whomst sister you’ve brought back is ecstatic. He requests to audience with you – apparently, bringing the girl back gave him hope.”

“I’ll head there as soon as possible, thank you for answering my childish demands,” guilt surged. Staxius made the sage who he admired so much do some lowly work – degrading. “No need to worry, a teacher can help out a student whenever needed – tis my privilege,” with a quick hug, the sage vanished.

“He has taken quite a liking to you,” Xula spoke whilst seated on the throne. “I guess, the sage is very special to me – thanks to him, the knowledge about magic and what I knew since birth were altered for the better. It makes more sense now, how mana and the elements react and intertwine – though it’s extensive and tiresome.”

“Anyhow I’ve got duties to attend too – they’re some people dying to speak with you again,” her eyes looked upwards to the nobles. “Before you go,” she interrupted, “-I’m guessing you are to leave later in the day?” her voice felt saddened. “Sadly, yes, the task given hasn’t been fulfilled yet,” their gaze met.

“Promise to come back soon,” she stood and walked down the podium. “Considering I’m living in the capital as opposed to the noble district where the portal is located. The journey will take a few days – precious time which I can’t afford to lose,” the concern voiced, her answer came as a surprise. “Since we’re married, and not to mention the Guardian of Arda – I’ll bestow upon you, dearest husband – a spell and gift past down to only members deemed worthy,” her face came closer, the lips locked. Her green hair turned white, the eyes lit, the face boiling and an outline of wings on her back. “There,” a gentle smile later, Staxius felt something burn from inside.


A blueish aura emanated from the hands and feet. “Don’t’ tell me,” teleportation came to mind. “That’s correct,” she smiled, “-you now are one of the few individuals with the ability to create portals and teleport from places to places at will. I can’t stress how much power that single spell has, combat, transportation and much more – this is the epitome of Ardanian spellcraft. Use it wisely and try not to let too many people know about its existence,” her eyes winked. “...” he stood; the mouth speechless. “Now, there’s no excuse,” she whispered in the ear,” no excuse to not visit me later at night,” with the demeanor of a playful child, she stepped away. “Don’t worry about coming daily – come back whenever possible; though I miss you already.” Without another word said, the queen headed into another room. ‘Let’s try this,’ *Ancient Magic: Teleportation.* Instantly, he appeared before her majesty who nearly choked. “Wha...?” the sentence cut short for Staxius kissed her again. “Pretty handy,” he stepped away and vanished. “Idiot,” she mumbled and both parted ways.

‘This teleportation spell is going to be very useful. Infiltration, spying, and not to mention combat prowess. From what I’ve sensed so far, there’s no limitation apart from the mana it uses – which should not be a problem.’ Standing near the empty throne, Staxius began to experiment, from teleporting ten times in one second to opening portals and sending shoes inside – all that could be done were learned. Better to know one’s strengths and weaknesses before a fight.

“Greetings your majesty,” Staxius climbed up the stairs, only two people remained seated. The always mysterious Nox clan leader and the Great Mother. “Greetings Lord Balthazar and Great Mother,” he took a seat.

“I solely apologize, but I’ve got business to attend too,” she left both men to their own devices. The footsteps went further till it muted completely.

“Ahh, King Staxius,” the vampire stood and walk closer, “-it has been a pleasure to witness the things you’ve been doing in the capital.” Curious, Staxius stared up at the pale looking gentleman. “No need to be so harsh, I’ve but got a few spies here and there dotted around the kingdom. It’s effective to say that nothing can escape my eyes,” the tone felt boastful. “I see,” he answered nonchalantly.

“This goes to say that tis not out of malice or ill-intent, I’ve been captivated by you for a very long time now. Secretly, I’ve watched how the fates of many people were changed due to thy intervention. Though it pains me to say – it did bring change, and partly for the better. The tone always remained secretive and deep.

“Therefore?” Staxius had enough,”-don’t get me wrong, I enjoy a few mind games. However, ones that are painstakingly long and have no clear goal in mind don’t interest me in the least. Either be frank or I shall be on my way,” the words seemed harsh but the tone was polite. “I do apologize, a force of habit,” he chuckled. “No need to worry, I just wanted to say that I’ve got eyes around the whole kingdom. An ability you could stand to gain if only you’d hear this old decrepit man.”

“Sarcasm does suit you, Lord Balthazar,” the tone smug, “-and how is that going to help?” he asked.

“Being able to see everything and paired with the teleportation her majesty just bestowed onto you. Doesn’t that combination mildly pique your interest?” the voice now genuinely curious. “I do relish the thought,” Staxius paused and breathed, “-there’s a catch isn’t it?”

“Well said, there’s absolutely a catch,” the tone raised in pitch due to excitement. “-many of my kinfolks, the vampires set off for the capital a few months ago. Many never came back – their aura vanished; something quite impossible for the immortals. Despite this, with the ability to see all – I could never really gain any closer to that mystery. Plaustan is the primary concern, I could only go so far as seeing a blurred image of the supposed God-slayer.” Hearing that title, Staxius’s face changed to which the vampire quickly rectified, “-the information network our clans have built over millennials isn’t that weak, heir to the god of death,” he sighed. “Thus, it’s my will to finally bestow this curse of mine onto another. It’s been far too long; this never-ending life has been boring until you arrived. Staxius Haggard, I want to help thee in thy quest in becoming the strongest entity in the whole universe,” a quick pause was taken.

“That’s good and all, but why now, why me?” Staxius remained apprehensive. “It’s simple, vampires are powerful but at night – we have limitations. And this power doesn’t work on anyone besides the ones with our blood running inside. You’re different, that immortal body, the strength of an army, the wit that defies normal limits and first and foremost, the ability to endure just about anything. Don’t look surprised, I’ve sensed the number of curses that dwells inside that soul of yours. It’s so dark and vile I know not how one can even wake in the morning.”

“No need to say anymore, Lord Balthazar – I’ll graciously accept thy offer. Does this mean I’ll have to become a vampire?” a sensible question. “No, an exception can be made, only the power of the all-seeing eyes is going to be given. But before we progress, this is not a boon but a curse, one of torment and pain. One that shall take away the restful night of sleep – are you willing to take that risk? It’s nonreversible. ” the voice serious and demanding an answer.

“Another curse, another day. What’s a single drop of water in a cup? Nothing,” he added. “A single drop can overflow said cup if not careful?” the vampire fired back. “That isn’t an issue if said cup is big enough,” Staxius smiled. “You win,” the old man laughed, “-I see that you are just the man I thought you’d be.” Without warning,” fangs sunk on the right side of the neck, the reaction remained monotonous. He didn’t even flinch, “are we done?” he asked whilst touching the bite mark. “Yes, there’s a small amount of ancient and noblest blood running in thy vein. It isn’t nothing to be worried about, your teeth might get a little sharper but that’s all,” he smiled, “-and now for the curse,” he took off the white glove. It revealed a shrunken hand with the bones and veins exposed.

It got placed atop Staxius’s. A black aura manifested, the nails grew pointy, *slash,* it pierced his hand, blood overflowed, the table grew wet. Jolts of electricity ran up and down the arm, it made its way into the right eye. The latter twitched uncontrollably, everything turned dark, “The curse has now been activated, welcome to hell, the inheritor of the curse of Nox – One who is to become the strongest entity.”

“IT BURNS,” the pain built up, screams, the eye could see beyond the room, it went from flying overhead to animals on the ground. It jumped from living beings to another, even monster wasn’t excluded, “WHAT IS THIS?” he screamed, the sight jumped from all over. The agony grew with each jump, tears flowed, blood, the pupil burned from dark brown to scarlet red. The excruciating pain lasted for about a few hours, it reached noon. *Huff, Puff,* the breathing now erratic, the mind regained consciousness.

“How was the initiation,” the vampire sat with a book in hand. “Is this really a curse?” Staxius asked. “Depends on what you define as a curse. The pain you endured was the worst of all, now it should constantly hurt whether it’s used or not. The perpetual headache of being connected to every single living creature. As long as blood runs through its vein, you can see through its eye. “Are you serious?” Staxius asked in a childish tone. “Yes, I did say the pain would be excruciating,” a page got turned.

“This is the supposed pain, honestly, I feel nothing. Is it actually working?” the book closed. “What do you mean you don’t feel pain,” the vampire rushed over. “The curse is in full effect, the right side of thy brain must be screeching with agony right about now,” the face came closer. “Show me the right eye,” he asked. “I-impossible,” a step back was taken. The eye was of a scarlet color with a pentagram inside – small but easy to spot if one came close. It burnt with a black and white flame, it merged with the dark aura from the death element. Though the color changed slowly, the fiery red turned purple and then white. It cycled through those three colors slowly. “The All-seeing-eye merged with the power of a would-be god, how amusing,” a smirked portrait itself.

‘Getting a hang of this is going to be a pain,’ he thought whilst using the newfound power. ‘this place is familiar,’ *Ancient Magic: Teleportation.* Unknowingly, Staxius teleported inside the royal chambers, “STOP WITH THE JUMP SCARES,” Xula yelled. The left eye closed, “Wow, this is like looking into a mirror,” he mumbled and waved the hands randomly. What he saw was through Xula’s eye. “Don’t tell me,” she walked closer, “-you were given the curse of Nox haven’t you?” she sighed. Both eyes opened, the power stopped.

A few minutes of experimenting sufficed, the power didn’t work with both eyes opened. It worked when only the right eye could see. When both eyes closed, the ability to see and sense aura worked. This opened a whole new world of possibilities when it came to combat.

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