
Chapter 236

Azure’s wall grew confident of the past few weeks – a change brought by the intervention of Blades End. The news about the first platinum quest did hurt their ego. That in mind, and with the prospect of getting ranked up; a team of five was dispatched. The back-up from Pegasus and the other guilds remained to this day. The Guild leaders came to a realization, fighting on that border would be both beneficial to the kingdom as well as their personal wealth and strength. More troops at their command – more building companies got involved, more mages were sent from the Order. Tis was only part of the bigger picture.

Another quest loomed over the horizon. A tower as tall, if not taller than the highest building out in Iqeavea. A place made of rock paired with veins and other natural materials. Rocks that seemed unbreakable. The top could not be seen with normal eyesight. An entrance, shrouded in mystery had opened itself. Each night, bone-soldiers, also known as low-tier Undead, would rush out said entrance and guard the vicinity. It became apparent that camp Updust would never be found. Many speculated that it was a dungeon. An exploration expedition was planned for March. Guilds that were directly involved with Azure’s wall planned tirelessly. A base had to be built first. The decision was made to continue the wall’s construction on the outer layer of the Tower. It would take more time and more materials – however, a worthy endeavor. The new outpost would take refuge a few kilometers to the north from where the old base stood.

With the announcement of a new apostle a few months prior, Rosespire had grown more popular amongst the believers. The god most prayed had sent an emissary. More money, and more faith in Gallienne’s rule. Having been forgotten, the Church which now only influenced Kreston alone – were livid. The Pope didn’t take lightly to the news. Awfully and menacingly, he refused to comply with the Queen. Many messengers were sent to negotiate and try to get said province into Rosespire’s good-graces. The efforts ended in naught. Drawing out the opposition wasn’t working out. Despite all that trouble, her majesty kept a cool and level head. Under her direct control, a special group of spies was sent as pilgrims into the land of the fanatics. An operation that had been launched on the same day the apostle was announced. No response had come through yet, patience was key. Gallienne waited, she waited for the day Kreston would make their move. Schemes atop schemes, both parties played a long and exhausting game of cat and mouse.

Away from all the conspiracies, a festival had the general populous excited. The inter-magical tournament. All the months of preliminaries and local tournaments were finalized. Ten students from different schools and provinces all around the continent were picked. An addition of four students from a branch of the Order in Vlaiwia, would also come to participate. Their names remained hidden till the opening ceremony. The tournament to decide the prodigy – the one who would be backed by many influential people. Rumors had it that idols and singers would be sent from the main-land. This included the pride of Hidros, Aceline. The latter had recently starred in a well-received television drama. It recounted the tale of a lonesome fighter who would climb his way to the top. She played the role of a little sister. On the surface, it was just another story about a reject becoming a hero, however, it touched many hearts. The realistic feel of the human interactions, the romance, and the grit of losing someone precious ??? an instant hit between men and women alike. For the past few days, Eira had asked for Josiah to make her training harsher. The dormant dragon whispered one thing, power. Her focus was on mastering its strength, a mere fraction could be the deciding factor between a win or a loss. Compared to her real objective, this tournament felt like childsplay. A faint silhouette of a man who got farther and farther away by each day. A dream, almost a nightmare, for the man was none other than her father. Rumors about idols coming to perform for the opening night had many hooked. Even those who weren’t necessarily interested in the tournament were intrigued.

Now for the Dark-guilds, the organization had been shaken up by the whole war against an invisible enemy. Renaud could have cared any less about that frivolous attempt. The Godfather had but one thing in mind; selling god’s ale. The quality that arrived on a weekly basis kept on increasing. Godfather Stanley, upon receiving the heads of the target he had sent over to Shadow, couldn’t contain his laughter. The man intrigued him a lot. A test that he passed for if it had failed, someone would have been sent to challenge in person. Elsa now captured; information about who was behind the UO grew abundant. She told all that they wanted to know – without restraint nor fight. Aiden died; Desmond was massacred before her eyes. She had but one thing in mind, to find out more about Shadow.

*Yawn,* through the hublot, the morning ray shone. Sleep broke, confused to what time nor day it was, Staxius sat on the edge of the bed and wiped his eyes. “Good morning,” Adete said in a fatigued voice.


“Good morning,” he stood and stretched. A quick glance outside revealed a sunny day, people were on the move. The clock showed 6:10, “-it’s Tuesday...” he checked his phone...”IT’S TUESDAY,” the state of drowsiness broke. “We need to move,” *Ancient Magic: Teleportation.*

*Boof,* a heavy noise of something falling echoed down the hall.

“Ouch,” a girly voice mumbled whilst in agony.

“Be more careful,” he stood.

“...” it took a few seconds, “-you’re back,” a cheerful scream followed by a hug.

“Yes,” he returned the hug, “-running in the hallway isn’t that smart if you ask me,” following behind, Auic with a towel.

“Good morning,” he greeted with another smile.

“Welcome back,” her eyes wandered up and down.

“What’s the matter?” he asked, confused by her reluctant gaze.

“You smell like blood and iron,” Lizzie took a step back, “-I know that smell very well,” she stared up, “-you killed, didn’t you?” her voice serious and eyes cold.

“Must have been tough,” Auic added whilst covering Lizzie’s half-naked body. “Just look at the state of thy clothes, master. Torn, covered with dust and blood,” she chuckled, “-I’m glad you didn’t get hurt.”

“It doesn’t matter,” Lizzie went over and gave a quick kiss on his cheeks. “-Be sure to clean up, today’s a special day since my guardian has to attend the school meeting,” she scurried down the stairway.

“School meeting?” he turned and asked Auic for a clarification.

“It’s a meeting between parents, students and the school. Though not mandatory, you’ll get the chance to ask questions about how the student is doing and such. It’s a good way to get acquainted with the other parents – a way to make a good impression. Happens twice a year, at the start and the end,” she approached, “-please take care of Lizzie. She might be a ball of joy, though her heart is fragile. Yesterday, her demeanor had us all worried. I mean, you disappeared without telling anyone. She thought that you had left and gone back to Arda with her majesty. In no way am I telling you how to live, but do be careful, master, girls are most fragile at this age,” she headed for the stairs, “-in any case, we’re glad that you’re back,” she disappeared on the way down.

‘I did it again,’ with a sigh, they entered the shower, ‘-I left without telling anyone. It’s a force of habit, I can’t help it. Need to get my act together, for Lizzie’s sake. She’s honestly like a daughter now. Eira’s the responsible one, I can trust her with everything I have. She was brought up by Undrar and the Silver Guardians. She’s stronger mentally and physically,” the showerhead turned on, ‘-it’s different for Lizzie. Having fought so much to stay alive, being rejected, and treated like trash. I’m such a fool,’ he laughed, ‘-there’s much more to learn.’

“Why are you laughing?” covered in soap, Adete asked as if implying he was a lunatic.

“Nothing much,” a few minutes later, both exited with light and fresh bodies.

“Welcome back,” two voices came from out the hall, it was Avon and Deadeyes.

“Thanks for taking care of the mansion.”

“Don’t mention it, master, it’s our home too, we need to take care of it,” Avon replied with a wink and scurried off into the shower.

“I must say, your wife sure is beautiful, king of Arda,” Deadeyes said in jest then entered the bath in turn.

‘They’ll never change, will they,’ with a smile, he entered the bedchambers and got ready. ‘A meeting between parent and the school. Guess I’ll dress smartly,’ the closet opened, revealing the same grey uniform that Arda had made. The one that screamed of rich and famous. ‘It’s good to be back,’ a nostalgic scent came from the suit, memories about the time spent so many years ago rushed. ‘It all began with me joining and studying at Claireville Academy under Sophie’s tutelage. That life was never meant to be. The plan was to study and graduate, get a job, and try to clear my father’s name. It all changed the day I met Undrar – so many fond memories. I wonder how Dorchester is doing these days.’ Hair tied in a pony-tail, with the adventuring necklace, as well as the dragon crest and the new guild-card. The emblems of being an Alchemist as well as a trader were left behind. ‘Can’t forget these,’ he reached inside and grabbed Tharis and Orenmir. Holstered inside the jacket whilst Orenmir was concealed on his belt, it was time to head out.

“Good morning everyone,” he entered the kitchen.

“Now that brings me back,” holding a dish, Undrar said in a nostalgic tone.

“It sure does,” he stepped in and helped.

“Master sure is looking smart and handsome today,” now sat around the table, everyone began to point out the outfit.

“Flattery isn’t going to work, dear Avon,” he returned in a joyful tone. The rest spoke and joked, none asked to where he had been yesterday, it was best to not pry.

“It’s time for us to move,” he stood, everyone else finished breakfast at the same time. ‘Time to go out and see what the school is all about, I guess. I need to make a good impression on the other parents. If it’s a hierarchy driven school, I’ll have to establish my prestige from the get-go. Nobles are far worse than devils.’ Few steps away from Lizzie, he looked with a gentle gaze, ‘-I’m thy guardian. I’ll do whatever is needed to be done for you to have an easy life,’ a warm smile portraited itself out of habit.

“Let’s go,” Lizzie energetically grabbed onto his hand and returned the same smile.

“Have a good day everyone. Drop by the shop later, I’ve some potions and scrolls I need to give to you all,” with a wave, Void, shiny and clean, turned on, and headed out.

“Time for us to move out,” Undrar took charge and jumped into the RFS, “-we’re going out on a quest outside the capital today,” she gave a quick summary.

“Where’s master?” still in pajamas, Emma rushed down the stairs.

“Did we miss him?” Emmy followed behind.

“Yes, he just left,” a pat of the head later, “-he’ll be at Pandora soon. You can use the portal up in the attic. Don’t overdo it, you need rest,” the RFS headed out as well.

“Shall we go to sleep?” Emma turned and asked.

“Yes, sister, lets,” they climbed back up, and thus the day began.

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