
Chapter 276

Hosted in the noble district, inside the largest mansion in Claireville, preparation for the party began. Countless numbers of servants and butlers were brought over by many nobles. Gifts, food, and much more. Since Royalty would be in attending – security grew tighter.

“There was an issue that needed to be resolved,” said as vague as possible, he sipped tea whilst eyeing the town-square.

“Are you sure?” she leaned, “-even if I can’t read your mind,” she squinted, “-I know something is up.”

“Fine,” he gave, “-you know the whole assassination of Ernis? Well, it was something related to that. I found the culprit and had to tie up loose ends,” the cup emptied, “-happy?”

“There’s no need to seem so agitated,” she backed away with a baffled look.

“I’m sorry,” feeling guilty, “-I’m speaking the truth. I had to do some vile inhuman things to get the desired results.”


“Care to elaborate?” she asked, genuinely wanting to listen.

“Well,” he sighed, “-the bullet that was fired didn’t come from the Goldberg,” whispered so that only she could hear, “-that was a sniper I employed. The real target was Eira,” the gaze felt cold, “-the order I gave was for her to get shot,” to which, he backed off.

“I’m sorry,” she held his hand, “-I’m just glad everything worked out,” a gentle smile followed.

Time continued, as usual, no stop, nothing major. Nobles, dressed in expensive attire with accessories arrived one by one. The party was set to begin at 19:00.

“Is this good enough?” Xula screamed across the hall – the voice echoed to the study since they returned to Rosespire.

“Sure, looks great,” he fired back.

“You haven’t seen it,” she sighed.

“I did, a red gown, isn’t it?”

“How did you know,” she covered her chest.

“All-seeing eye,” he yelled without much interest.

“The ultimate peeping tool,” to which she giggled, “-I’ll be ready in twenty minutes. Sure is hard without maids around,” she complained.

‘Heh,’ he chuckled, ‘-Xula’s trying her best to make me laugh,’ stood inside the room where lessons were given, he watched; flash memories of Lizzie sitting and sometimes napping played as if movies. ‘You were going to pass that exam...’ her notebook, opened, was closed. ‘I’m not resting till Snow is taken care of. Tormenting the one responsible did give a sense of closure. Still,’ the door locked behind, ‘-I’ve only begun,’ dressed in a royal-blue suit, he headed downstairs. Void, currently parked at Claireville Academy, waited patiently.

Twenty-minutes turned to thirty-minutes, “-we’re going to run late,” it showed 18:15.

“Yeah, I’m coming,” radiating, she climbed down with a smug look.

“Someone is happy on her appearance,” a snarly remark.

“And someone feels less tense than before,” she winked. Using Teleportation, the duo sat inside Void, “-we’re off to the mansion,” it roared into life.

??My lady,” bowed the head-butler as nobles were escorted inside. The mansion, massive with high-walls all around. As soon as one drove through the entrance, it went around in a big semi-circle towards the left. There, another identical gate. The road made a separation between the mansion and its garden – the ways of the nobles still surprise most at times. The mansion itself, as big, if not bigger than a four-story building out in the town, continued towards the back of the property. On its right side, a place to park one’s car. In front of which held a pond with trees that reflected dusk.

One by one, walking on a red carpet, one entered inside a very well-lit hall with portraits. It held a giant stairway that split and went toward the upper floors. The party itself was hosted a few steps behind, the ballroom. The latter was unlike anything one had ever seen, at the far right – a live orchestra of talented musicians playing mournful melodies. They rotated from that to peaceful and sometimes joyful. Waiters went around with plates holding drinks – refreshments were placed along the wall immediately to when one walked in. Doors led out to masterfully crafted balconies that overlooked pleasant scenery. Close to it, the social gathering of people from the ranks of Dukes and higher, including Gallienne, the queen-mother, and Piers Riverty. The Prince consort made it back in time.

“We’re late,” shaking his head, the car entered.

“I’m I the one to blame?” Xula asked sarcastically.

“I would never dare to say such a thing,” he covered his mouth as if having said something disrespectful.

“Whatever,” she glanced over to the left, away from where he sat.

“Whatever indeed,” he mumbled, *mwah,* “-what was that all about?”

“A little present,” she smiled.

“A present for what?” the car stopped.

“Quit it with the questions,” her voice trailed off. The real reason why so many questions were asked was to vex Xula. Teasing to see what reaction he could get – a ball of fun.

“Majesty,” seeing the Ardanian Royal couple arrive, the butlers and waiters bowed diligently. All the back and forth stopped, to which, after handing the key, the car was parked in his stead.

Meanwhile, in the ballroom, Gallienne stood outside with a woeful face.

“Why do you look so out of it?” asked Piers, “-the nobles want to see you,” he urged seeing that Sely was the one doing all the talking.

“I’ve no idea myself,” she rested against the balustrade – local artists performed inside the arena. As for the rest, the idols called it an early night since tomorrow would be the final day. “These past few days were tough; I don’t even know how I’d have managed to survive the ordeal without help.”

“You mean the King of Arda?” he asked, “-I heard of him from Adelana. She doesn’t have very admirable views towards him. Apart from that, the others seem to love his company, Julius included. He who waged war against the Clyfford family for the sole purpose of clearing a friend’s name, I’ve no idea why he’d talk so fondly of someone.”

“Dear God,” she sighed, “-Piers,” her voice seemed exhausted, “-what’s the name of the king?”

“Staxius Haggard isn’t it... wait,” the eyes lit, “-we need to hide. That’s the man we blamed your pregnancy on, he’s coming for revenge.”

“Astute as you are, you do act rather foolishly,” her woeful expression changed, “-all that has been handled. I’ll explain everything at another time,” to which – a gasp was heard inside.

“Did something happen?” she asked and walked over.

“Ladies and gentlemen, the King and Queen of Arda,” announced the butler who then bowed and left.

‘Talk about being overzealous,’ time felt as if it stopped, many were awestruck, Xula wore the flashiest gown that evening. Adorned with real diamonds and precious stones, “-I forgot to ask,” he turned, “-how expensive is that gown?”

“This,” they walked, “-if I were to guess, considering the quality, and all the precious stones, I’d figure around 10,000 Gold.”

“Ten-thousand gold,” the eyes opened, “-and did you pay for that?”

“Of course not,” she laughed innocently with dignity, “-it’s just one of the many outfits that were crafted especially for me. Don’t you realize that Arda is the richest province in this continent, we’ve so many resources that if we were to seriously get to mining, our chest would overflow.”

“Aren’t I lucky for being married to a Queen,” he fired back in a polite tone.

“Speaking of attire, yours didn’t come cheap either, not to mention those overly precious looking buttons and crest.”

“Fine, it’s around 2000 gold, tis was a gift from Noctis’s Hallow,” the conversation, playful in nature, ended.

Not even Gallienne’s gown could come close to his suit; the Ardanian couple made a definite impression. Too scared to even approach the duo, the music resumed; Barons and Dukes alike turned their head in fear of offending them.

“That’s the man?” asked Piers.

“Don’t be disrespectful,” gracefully, Gallienne walked inside to greet Xula and Staxius.

“Tis a pleasure to see you,” added Staxius.

“Likewise, dearest friend,” she smiled and turned her attention to Xula.

“G-good evening,” flustered, Piers lost composure and held out a handshake, ‘-I messed up,’ his face seemed worried, handshakes were meant for people of equal standing. Before lowering his hand, Staxius caught his grip, “-a very good evening to you as well,” he smiled, “-don’t lower your head, look at me straight,’ he whispered.

“Do as he says,” elbowed Gallienne, she knew why Staxius did so. All eyed them, if the prince consort would look down and retreat his hand from the handshake – it would mean that Hidros were lower than Arda.

“Why not continue our reunion out on the balcony,” he offered, butlers came in with wine-glasses.

“Lead the way,” asked Gallienne.

“I-I’m sorry about that handshake,” outside, away from prying eyes, Piers went off. “It must have been so humiliating to formally greet...”

“Please,” he interjected, “-there’s no need for such formalities,” the tone, comforting, helped relaxed the prince. “We’re all friends here,” behind him, stood Xula and Gallienne, both got along very well.

“Do mind my asking, but are you THE Staxius Haggard?”

“If you mean a boy who was wrongly accused of rape and thrown into a dungeon, then yes it’s me. I’m also the man who took care of thine child – honestly, if it wasn’t for the passage of time, I would have still had a grudge.”

“About the announcement,” added Gallienne, “-I’m sorry I had to tell everyone about her lineage.”

“No harm is done; you did make it painfully clear that Eira had no claim over Hidros’ throne. She’ll abdicate her claim, willingly, on another date. For now, let’s just take the time to sit back and relax,” he took a sip, “-the people involved have been dealt with. The Dukedom of Goldberg, what’s the verdict?”

“I’ll strip the traitor’s rank and make their family Knights. They’ll become the perfect example of what it means to lead a coup against the royal throne.”

“About the lady,” Staxius leaned, “-she’s cursed to forever suffer. The rest is up to your discretion, all loose ends have been handled. The powerful houses won’t ever dare to make a move,” to which they laughed.

Staring one another, Xula and Piers shrugged.

“How have you been,” the curtains parted, Sophie, Silvester, and Meriel appeared.

“Brother,” the siblings hugged one another, “-it has been a long time,” they smiled and chatted.

“Good to see you,” voiced Sophie. Her and Gallienne were related, hence the familiarity.

“Majesty,” the Clyffords bowed out of respect.

“Well met,” he smiled, “-Good to see that you’re doing well,” Staxius nodded.

“Likewise,” smiled Silvester.

“Meriel,” since the others found companions to engage with, he turned to the little girl left alone.

“Hello,” hands behind her back, she tried to be formal.

“Hello,” bent over, *snap,* glitters materialized out of thin air, given it was blood-crystal, the girl laughed. “Watch this,” with the girl fully unguarded, a few movements whilst concealing the blood being used, “-a rose made of crystal,” shiny and pure – redder than a ruby; blood that went beyond being ordinary. “A lovely rose, for a lovely lady,” he offered with a smile.

“Thank you,” she took the ornament, her eyes sparkled.

“You sure know how to entertain an angel,” commented Sophie as a compliment. Before he realized it, their conversation was stopped since his interaction with the child became more interesting.


“They for once don’t lie and speak their mind,” the posture straightened.

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