
Chapter 332

“Something the matter?” stared blankly, “-I see no reason to be tactful for actions that could result in the kingdom’s sufferance. I’ve accepted to thy demands, there’s no further need to talk.”

“Quite the show,” spoke Intherna who locked arms with Staxius.

“Vixen,” fired the queen with a strong step forward.

“Don’t,” halted Staxius with an over the shoulder glare, “-don’t you dare point thy finger at me or Intherna. You made thy choice, and that is final. On a last note, do tell Ryul that I’ll be waiting at the guild – we need to discuss some business.” Hearing those words, her angered self calmed to one of a sheep.

‘He knows?’ she thought and examined.

‘I’ve struck a chord,’ disappeared down the hall, ‘-my guess was right.’


“What was that about?” asked Intherna very interested in the matter.

“A spat between the royal couple,” to which he winked, “-not that it matters. She’s her own person, and I’m my own.”

“Heartless, aren’t you, lord death?”

“Not that heartless,” he patted her head, “-I did give you thy will after all.”

“You say that as if it was a favor. Besides, we both know that if I go against you, my conscience will be wiped.”

“Fair argument, I suppose I am cruel.”

“Intherna,” close to a door leading out back, “-I’ve a favor to ask. There’s another vampire by the name of Serene who’s probably speaking to Queen Shanna. Make sure she doesn’t get hurt.”

“You said you wouldn’t order me around,” she frowned.

“Tis, not an order, I merely requested, please?” courteous, the eyes were ones of desperation.


Yonder to where the queen stood in the company of counselors, “-sage, what are we to do?”

“Ruslan, thou heard what the king demanded. Have the minister and general sent over to... the location was never told, was it?” missing information, he spun in hopes of gaining another few words.

“To the Adventuring guild,” said a flirty voice, “-he shall be waiting there,” out from the shadows of the corridor, Serene stepped out with a courteous bow.

“Serene,” lashed Xula, “-care to explain what all of this is?”

“I’m afraid not,” stared up with a smile, “-I’ve sworn my soul to the Blood-king. I do remind thee that nightwalkers are the only race that hasn’t sworn to her majesty. We’ve sworn to the council on orders per our king. Thou shall know best of what stands down this path of mindless whims.”

“You dare threatened me?” she yelled with an imposing stance, “-prophecy,” called upon the spirit, “-go take her head,” in a flash of light, unable to react, her weapon dashed forth with blade in hand. Serene, took by surprise, could but face away in hopes of a painless death.

*CLANG,* exploded in a burst of fire, red-hair levitated with the ends on fire. Eyelashes with the radiances of another worldly sun had the weapon fall back. “I would not be so sure,” hovered in a circle behind her head, multiple fireballs of differing hues.

“Who are you?” asked Prophecy with her physical self.

“Intherna,” she stared with terror burning deep inside, “-daughter of Rah, the sun god.”

“What does that mean?” a step forward, Prophecy stopped suddenly.

“It means that she’s a goddess,” said Xula who now stood before the spirit. “Have you come to fight?”

“Not really,” nonchalant, the flames extinguished with her face returning to beautiful and gentle. “I was requested to keep an eye over Serene,” to which she grabbed the secretary’s hand. “Have a good day, the wife of my master.”

“W-what?” disappeared into the abyssal corridor, Xula stared the sage and Ruslan in deep confusion.

“To be clear,” coughed Ruslan, “-she said the daughter of Rah?”

“I think so,” turned the sage.

“The king has a goddess under his wing,” biting her nail, “-how powerful does he want to become?”

“Majesty,” now knelt, “-please, think thy actions through. It shames me to say this but if the king and queen are to have a fallout, our province, which is already under heavy strain; might break apart.”

“Sage,” seeing her old friend knelt, “-I understand,” with a deep breath, “-I won’t be mindless of my actions,” facing the balcony, “-I’ve yet to forgive my husband,” to that, she vanished in turn.

“You suppose that worked?” asked Ruslan.

“It better have,” whispered the sage, “-after all the trouble of having her come here and Serene in the shadows. The goal was to have the royal couple talk and resolve the issue.”

“I guess we helped but aggravate the situation,” facepalmed the mustached vampire.

“Yeah,” giving a raspy chuckle to the point of suffocation, “-we know that the King isn’t going to back down easily. Did you see how he calmly answered to her will and found solutions?”

“I doubt it would have been possible if, you know, our king was lesser of influence. He’s renowned both in Arda and out. A reputation of which could scare a babe to sleep.”

“Let’s just hope for the best, I’ll fetch the ministers, you go take care of the general.”

Minutes turned to hours, Staxius sat in the adventuring guild awaiting a few guests. Stood beside him were Serene and Intherna. The latter was pleased to have shown immense strength; she loved the prospect of fighting, and even so of scaring away a potential fight. As for the former, redder colored lipstick with casual stares at Intherna had the duo bond rather unnaturally. In the middle, he sat with a cigar in mouth staring out the window.

*Knock, knock,* the door opened with two assistants leading the way for the guests.

“Majesty, have thy requested an audience?” asked the first guest with a gravelly tone. From casual to a sudden aura of fear, the guests stop shy with two ladies glaring. They seemed to judge every single movement the two made; intimidating to the point of a full stop.

“General Niroz and Minister Yael,” deep, he turned. “Why art thou still at the doorway, please, enter and take a seat,” said with the cigar smoke highlighted by the sun’s ray. Black hair, square borderless glasses, pointy short ears and dark-skin complexion, a dark-elf, Yael walked to sit rather timidly. Niroz, on the other hand, walked with a filled-out chest, heavy armor, the seat didn’t fit his stature.

“I’ll stand,” he said with hands now behind his back.

“Suit thyself,” turned to Serene, she leaned to give papers. Needless to say, being her, she couldn’t stop from showing a little cleavage, one that had the Minister flustered. Laughed internally, her torture ended with a wink. Accustomed to her ways, seeing differing reactions for people always brought a smile to Staxius’s face. That was, during a time where situations weren’t as complicated.

“Have a read, then we shall proceed.”

“Majesty,” first to speak out, “-are you sure this is right?” Niroz’s stance faltered upon reading the paper. It stated in detail what the queen had demanded.

“Yes,” staring up at Niroz, “-our queen has had a premonition of a possible war. That is why guards over the whole province are to return immediately. Gearing up to that eventually is a must.”

“I understand, however,” eyebrow raised with the ears twitching, “-calling the forces back to then be redeployed will have the populous at risk from monsters. In no way can we have that happen. Not that we blame the adventuring guilds, thee have been more of assistance than ever.”

“Tis were her orders, general,” monotonous, “-that isn’t why I’ve called you here.”

“Why then, majesty, what takes precedence over a possibly kingdom devastating premonition?”

“Thy queen had another idea. Funds are running low, I’m sure the other representatives know. We’ve always had the policy to let the people live with minimal taxation and freedom. Arda has to remain said way, therefore, she has ordered for our weapons to be sold to any who wishes to buy.”

“MAJESTY,” tone dowsed in worry, “-RECONSIDER, that’s... it would be as if telling our enemies where to strike.”

“That is why,” shrewdly, “-that is why, Phantom, an arm’s dealing company, shall buy the weapons. No need to worry, Phantom is my company – we’ll take said weapons to distribute amongst the adventurers who will most probably guard the frontlines in case of an attack. As of today, the universities in charge of weapon research and fabrication will be under my control. Many representatives and professors have accepted the contract. All I require is thine signature, as thou art the general.”

“What will happen?”

“The money spent on arms will go to the state’s coffers. Phantom will be at a loss,” to which he turned to the Minister. “That’s where you come in – Yael, we’ll also purchase the land around the vicinity of 30 kilometers radius for 200,000 gold. The miners will be paid by us, of course, and the ores, precious stones, extracted, will first cover Phantom’s losses.”

“Is that to counteract the queen’s plans on stopping the mine?”

“Yes, the money Phantom is to provide will suffice to last the kingdom a few months.”

“I see that the papers are in order; there’s also the condition of having lands around directly under her majesty’s command be given to thee, what does entail?”

“Development of paths able to have trucks and vehicles move from town to villages and so forth.”

“Will that not perturb the forest?”

“Of course, it will,” eyes sharp, “-sadly, if Arda is to survive, we need better ways of movement. It takes far too long to travel across our province.”

“What about the Dryads?” asked Niroz with a smile, the prospect of faster travel means easier deployment of troops.

“I’ve sent for someone; he’ll make contact soon,” reaching conclusion, “-what will it be, Minister, General?”

“Nothing more need be said,” Niroz stamped his seal.

“I trust that you have Arda’s best interest in mind,” accepted the Minister.

“May the goddess bless thee.” Glimmers of relief displayed across the faces told a story of him having won the first battle.

‘Sorry, Xula, sacrifices have to be made.’

“General, please have someone inventory the armory. The funds will be given through bank transfer.”

“Yes, sire.”

‘I own the land and armory of Arda. A good stronghold to have, the premise of helping the inhabitants worked charms. The mine will bring a lot of money – with the gold I crafted from alchemy, it should help cover a few of the costs. Now then, Queen, what is your next move. Are you going to keep up this needless fight?’

“Blood King,” spoke Serene, “-what is the plan going forward?”

“Serene,” turned to the secretary, “-tell me, what is the only wish a nightwalker would exchange his life to obtain?”

“That’s a tough question,” she paused. “I guess it would be to freely move around during the day. Especially since non-purebred are bound to the night, I think it would benefit everyone. Imagine, vampires, able to run during the day, that freedom would make us even more powerful.”

“I see,” turned to face the outside, ‘-a cure to have the populous be able to move around in the day. It should be simple enough,’ smirking, ‘-the Arcane Library – I could turn my blood, defragment it to have the protection against sun. Replicating it as a potion should do the job. Easier said than done; I need the vampires to grow fearsome.’

“Why did you ask?”

“Out of curiosity.”


Ended, the day would continue till dusk. Many rumors of the spat between the king and queen went around the noble houses. Most were dreading the outcomes; with a few having the spark of ambition turned into a blaze. At the risk of another faction amassing power, Staxius had Serene work behind the scene in gathering information on those heavily ambitious. A lesson learned through the incident during the inter-magical tournament. To squander any possible revolt before it grew out of hand. The premonition about war – though he thought to be a convenient excuse, stood true. Xula, many nights prior, had a dream of the people screaming, dying, and brought to ruin.

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