
Chapter 376

“Well,” inside the showroom with the boys still peering in, “-I sort of saw Julius and I in those two. We weren’t that close, but it seemed familiar. Anyway,” the head shook in dismissal,”-I rather not think of the past,” paused before an ever slick red and white sports bike, “-this one?”

“Yeah,” she nodded.

“Isn’t red a bit loud?” they debated with an assistant close-by. The latter gave a many o’ glances trying to figure who had come. The car outside drew attention; the first impression was of someone important, very important.

“Excuse me sire,” mustering courage, the girl spoke politely, “-is there anything I can assist with?”

“Yes actually,” he flat-out ignored Courtney’s argument for sticking with the red, “-do you have this model in black?”

“The Monif-4T?”


“Yes, the 4T,” interjected she boldly, “-excuse me, but I’m the one who’s going to ride the steed.”


“Go ahead,” he spoke trying to reassure the assistant, “-she’ll be the one discussing of what to have. Be sure to call on me for payment,” the sentence ended with a nod. He moved to a lounge area off to the right – the suit-jacket had the bottom button untied to allow ease of movement.

In a blueish-glow, the smartphone displayed a peculiar interface. Those assisting Courtney were too busy meeting her demands to pay heed. ‘Time to see what has been happening around the world,’ many o’ sources and many o’ information was neatly sorted and laid to rest. The handy work of éclair, the spirit behind the AFR.

‘Companies declaring bankruptcy, what a shame. The economy sure is crashing.’ Whilst collecting thoughts on the matter, a transaction of arms was seen via a small window, ‘-I forgot about tonight. There’s a big shipment of weapons heading to Iqeavea; Elina wants to arm-up. I don’t see anything abled to create havoc at the moment. Starting a fight will destroy both parties – I sure hope the rulers know what they’re dealing with,’ scrolled one after the other, ‘-found it. The duty assigned, so, we have the Jefferson’s Family fighting against the Lerado’s. How’s she going to resolve this conflict. The Jeffersons are Godfather Stanley’s close allies whilst Lerado’s are under Renaud. Peacefully settling the issue is a far-stretched. The Lerado family have it tough – I’ve heard their activities revolve around importing and never re-selling. They’re left out of the money being made. The Jefferson’s are renowned for being one of the more violent families out there. No wonder Stanley loves them so much. I can see it ending only in bloodshed,’ a message blinked from Cake, ‘-I see,’ he smiled, ‘-Lerado know they’re going to lose; that’s why Shadow is being called as reinforcement. Her presence alone should discourage the Jefferson’s, not that I need to worry. If push comes to shove, she might kill a few lackeys and destroy their house. No killing, as Renaud said, no killing other prominent family members.’


“Y-yeah,” the hovering screen toggled off, “-what’s the matter, did you need something?”

“Time for payment,” a massive grin made her look like a clown.

“How much?”

“1,000,000 Exa.”


“Don’t you dare say no, I didn’t complain when thee spent over three million on a car.”

“Fine,” with no grounds to argue, the paperwork and payment were complete.

“Who the hell are those two?” wondered a sale-man roaming left to right impatiently.

“No idea,” said the lady who assisted them, “-they all but bought the bike as if it were nothing. Guess there’s no limit to how much wealth a rich person can acquire,” the door opened with the bike readied to leave.

“Hey sire,” came a boyish voice.

“What is it?”

“What did you buy?” asked he who had a charming personality, the frankness was admirable.

“A bike,” he pointed to the street where Courtney readied herself to leave.

The engine growled as she stopped, “-I’m off, see you later, boss.”

“Wow,” said the boy as she burnt along the asphalt, “-the Monif-4T, sire, you’re very much rich.”

“One could say so,” he climbed aboard the car, “-be sure to get home soon. The bigger the light, the bigger the shadows.”

Soon came the next day, the prior night was spent at the heart of the capital. A press of the button had the curtains part to show the idyllic scenery. A call later, waiters brought over a succulent breakfast. Stood on the balcony, the sky seemed constrained by the planes.

*Ring,* vibrated the phone onto the bedside table. Coffee in hand and wrapped in dressing grown, “-hello?” he spoke with a touch of fatigue.


“Emperor Sultria, good-morning, what can I do for you?”

“Did thee forget of our prior night’s engagement?”

“Are you referring to dinner?”

“Yes, obviously – I convinced my sister with much wait to have her be present.”

“And my sister was adamant about getting a new toy. The whims of fellow siblings are issues we must deal with. What’s the reason you called, surely it’s not to rant of something so frivolous.”

“Point well made,” the voice trailed as he backed away physically, “-where are you?”

“At Melmark.”

“Good, wait for me – we have much to discuss.”

“Before hanging up, about lady Loftha, is she perchance in the AHA?”

“No, we refused her since the job is far too dangerous.”

“Such a waste.”

“Excuse you?”

“Do I have to repeat myself?”


“Good,” said Staxius, “-I’ll be waiting at the town-square. Make sure you reach by 11 o’clock, don’t dilly-dally.”

“Alright,” the phone hung.

“This is a view worth admiring,” said Adete half-awake.

“Not from my point of view,” he stared at her face.

“I know, I know...”

A loaded day began. Seated inside the car, Staxius drove around the capital to explore and see what brands were well-seated. ‘Here we are,’ he stopped shy of a luxurious shop, the large windows with clothes and accessories of which held a massive price-tag. The other shops paled in comparison, a direct show and assertion of power. ‘Meldorino, the business has been slow since Elkdo came onto the market. A fall from grace, Elkdo has the same clothing style with its prices affordable to the regular joe. Luxury brands and whatnot, Meldorino doesn’t have anything to distinguish itself. A bloated brand passed its time. The owner is going through a lot, a wealthy divorce, and a lack of business. They had to shut-down shop in Iqeavea and Hidros – Alphia is the only place where a few of their product can be found. Look at the workers, opposed to smiling, they hold woe – such a shame, what a waste of manpower,’ as if fate, a phone call came with Cake’s details as the caller.


“Hello, Boss,” she said rather blissfully.

“Yes, what’s the matter?”

“You’re not going to believe it.”


“It’s about Dorino, I’ve news he’s in Alphia trying to salvage the company.”

“Didn’t the divorce hurt him?”

“He had more funds hidden and invested in property, the same as we’re doing now.”

“How reliable is this information?”

“Comes straight from one of his maid’s mouth.”

“Don’t you tell me,” he paused, “-Godfather Libra?”

“The information broker, yes, he owed us a favor.”

“Where’s he right now?”

“Melmark, at the Monfae building.”

“I see, he’s renting office space. What’s the plan, were you not going to outright buy the rights from under his foot?”

“Yeah, I tried.”


“I was stopped because of their diligence.”

“Fine, no need to get into details, what about now, surely we can take scheme our way.”

“Thing is,” a little giggle escaped, “-Godfather Libra gave us a freebie, a crucial piece of information detrimental to a person’s reputation. Most of all, it comes with proof,” *ping,* an explicit video played. It involved what seemed to be an underage boy and precarious objects as to not get into details.

“This is going to be fun. Give me more information, the guard details, who he deals with, the right-hand man and all.”

“Sure, here,” the details came in form of files.

“Wait,” the eyes locked onto a strange figure exiting a limousine, “-I see Dorino.”

“What do you mean?”

“I meant what I said,” the call hung suddenly. ‘Typical man like him are egocentric. I should be able to make an impactful first impression. What’s the correct way to make it so I’m both feared and respected. The two are such bad-traits to have, yet, in this case, it’s a must for him to acknowledge my presence.’

“Intherna,” a sudden jolt of inspiration.

“Hey, master, what’s up?”


“I need you to attack that man over there. I’m going down the cliché route, in no way do I have time to scheme something better. Conjure the fire-spirit and have it attack the man, I’ll swoop in and destroy it, we’ll see how it goes from there on.”

“Are you sure it a wise idea?” voiced Gophy feeling left out.

“Anything better to suggest?”

“Why not hold off the first-impression. Haste isn’t the answer for most live’s troubles.”

“And waiting will all but waste an opportunity. It’s a gamble, the goal is to make a strong impression. There’s no need to speak to the man.”

“Are you serious?” she paused, “-actions opposed to words.”

“Just checking, I only need to scare the man, right?”

“Yeah, make sure he doesn’t see you. I’m counting on you,” *Ancient Magic: Teleportation.*

“About the fire-spirit,” smirked Gophy, “-how much power are you thinking?”

“I’m going all out,” laughed the daughter of Rah, “-in no way am I passing up this opportunity.” *Heed mine call o’ spirit who dwells in mine soul, o’ spirit serve mine blood, o’ spirits who very ire could melt the world, come to me, Onix,* a screech from a bird echoed down the road. The hot gust had the rubber tire give, windows shattered on the car – Dorino stood flustered to the point of trembling.

“Idiot,” *Death Element: Magical Barrier,* he leaped conjuring a triangular barrier. Onix, the fire-spirit in a humanoid shape came to a hover to blow fire. ‘Why does Intherna’s personality ail me so,’ the mark of the death-reaper lit mildly.

*Monster detected: Calling the AHA Unit. Please, Evacuate, Monster Detected, Threat level S+.* An announcement came from out of nowhere. *Monster detected: Calling the AHA Unit. Please, Evacuate, Monster Detected, Threat level S+.* It repeated more than a few times – surprisingly, the people in the close vicinity left in stride.

‘Damn it, here I thought I was going to have a little private show,’ a cold glare had Intherna whistle nonchalantly.

“Director, please, let’s evacuate,” a subtle voice had taken the hand of the middle-aged man.

“Fear not citizens,” came a presumptuous voice from the back, “-I’ve come to help,” the star-filled outfit sparkled.

“There’s no need,” *Death Element: Mana Cancellation.* No additional effort required, the Onix dissipated into fine ashes. The link was cut, thus the end.

“Pardon my asking,” spoke the man in the star-outfit, “-are you the adventurer?”

“Yeah,” an uninterested reply with eyes on the man behind. The experience startled him a little and startled he was to strangely admire the one who jumped as a hero. ‘Good, the emotions I sense are of fear and gratitude.’

“Seriously,” replied the Hero, “-Platinum Adventurers are no joke,” said he with hidden jealousy and envy. “Taking down an S+ class monster without the need for backup.”

“Backup?” many o’ figures were on the roofs staring where the incident was reported.

“Yes, backup,” said he, “-backup, the AHA, heroes who are willing to risk their lives as to protect our continent. People with extraordinary abilities – our DNA is what makes us proud.”

“I can see that,” the car was soon to drive over with Gophy at the wheels. The windows rolled, “-get in master,” said she.

“I do admire the fast response. See you around, hero,” door shut, they drove to disappear after a turn.

“Who was that man?” asked Dorino with sheer will-power.

“No idea, Director, should I bother to find out?”

“Yes, do, please, I must repay the kindness shown.”

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