
Chapter 381

Amidst the endless tall-offices, skyscrapers, each differing per their finance, one stood equal to many o’ offices. One owned by the imperial family, one named Alpht. It was here were meetings concerning states and such were discussed. The Emperor held the highest floor of the building. Rare was it for people to go up and meet him for it was a privilege.

“-May I ask to see the man who saved my life?” asked the man courteously.

“May I know who you are?” said Amber, the famed ruthless medium to the Emperor. It was impossible to get one’s point across to her strict and vigil personality. Brought up to be but mindful of others, she trusted none, not even blood. Cynical to her very heart – nothing, and it meant nothing, would ever get by her.

“Director of Meldorino, Dorino,” he said with authority.

“Ah, the company on the verge of collapse. Pretell, have thy come for sympathy or?”

“Nothing of sorts, my lady, we made acquaintance yesterday, have thy forgotten?” said with underlying frustration, the face kept strong.


“I remember,” she said sat further back into the chair with cross-arms, “-I asked the emperor of knowledge for the man you spoke of. I got no response, so, I can but say one thing, do leave us alone, there’s no time to be wasted on a manhunt of an imaginary man who punched an S-class to death.”

“You jest, I saw the whole scene unfold, I can have hero Starlight vouch for my claim.”

“Starlight,” she gnarled, “-the presumptuous showman who thinks about popularity opposed to being a hero, what a joke. Words from his mouth are tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.”

“Enough!” hands slammed against the table, “-disrespect me as you may, the heroes are people to be held in high regard. I can not for what thy opinion is on the matter, what I believe stands firm, if it wasn’t for heroes, we’d not have seen such a peaceful life,” pushing aside the chair, he dashed for the door.

“Mind thy step,” said a man in the doorway.

“What a surprise!” said Dorino stopped short of blowing a fuse, “-fate does has its way into one’s life.”

“Yes, yes,” said Staxius peering the lady behind the desk, her face was emotionless, a boulder none moved for years, “-Mr. Dorino, may I ask why thee here?”

“Surely the truth mustn’t be so blinding.”

“You’ve come to meet me?” he shrugged.

“Yes, more precisely,” an invitation card glimmered with the light, “-it’s a soiree organized for celebrating the new-years. Many guests of interest would be present, I’d appreciate it if you were to accept the invitation.”

“A social gathering, I graciously accept,” with a nod, the man left with his bodyguards.

“Are you simply going to stand there gawking or are you coming in?” said Amber insolently.

“Cut the attitude,” said Staxius, “-is that a way to treat an acquaintance.”

“Please, even though we’ve worked together in the past, it doesn’t mean we’re friends, and anything closer to that.”

“Hard to get,” he said mockingly, “-nevertheless, Amber, thou need be vigilant. Mr. Dorino may come off smug, a smugness based on fact for he’s successful. There are many things to consider during a tête-à-tête, best learn, the great-wall of Alpht isn’t as sturdy as in youth.”

“Here’s the more reason I despise you, King of Arda, always lecturing and treating me as if I were a kid.”

“You are one,” he took a seat, “-one as hard as a mull and as dumb as a doorknob.”

“How flattering,” a few gasps of laughter escaped provokingly, “-why are you here?”

“I’ve come as a counselor to thy brother. We’re family now,” he stood, “-bear that in mind on my next visit, Amber.”

Well-lit and spacious, he headed to the elevator. ‘An invitation to a new year’s party,’ thought Staxius as it opened, ‘-I made better progress than I thought. Taking over Meldorino is the next goal. Establishing good relations is a priority. 31st of December is in five days.’ Opened to a large hall, turned to the left, a red-cushioned double-door stood from the minimalistic décor.


“Emperor,” opened to an even bigger room. File cabinets were to the right in rows as if allies in a super-market. To the left were taller bookshelves arranged alphabetically. Before Sultria’s desk stood another more casual, couches with a little table for keeping nonessentials.

“It sure is dimly lit here,” commented the king.

“No worries,” a push of a button had the curtains parted with minimal effort. As if unveiling a treasure, the landscape behind was of the blue sky with spots of white. Brighter compared to the sky in Hidros, a little difference changing the perception of many.

After seeing Godfather Renaud off, Staxius took to the capital in haste. Mr. Dorino came for a visit, he wanted to see the savior. Instead, as Sultria reported over the phone, the efforts were in naught. The Director was met with the great-wall. Amber’s mood was of no joke, she didn’t care who or what stood before – sentence after sentence, the modern-day Gatling-gun, each word she spoke pierced the fragile soul of visitors and potential partners. A few hours later, he arrived at an already empty office. Thoughts of how to restart the connection with Dorino took most of the previous night away. Surprising was it that the man was persistent. ‘I’m so glad for the mentality of not taking no for an answer,’ thus the day continued.

“What now?”

“I suppose we should head to the AHA?” said the Emperor rhetorically.

“It’s not supposed, we must go to the AHA. I’ve yet to forget the reason I’m here,” facing the door, “-let’s go. You’ll explain the situation in the car.”

Silence to thunderous, they drove north. AHA’s headquarters were the exception. Their headquarters were to the north, a long drive, a very long drive away.

“Emperor, could you plot down all the airfields on this map?” a holographic display came from the phone.


Melmark, the capital city, was located inside the province of Scaica. Directly north were two provinces, Dostein and Subrea after which came another named Whuotan. Those were the four-provinces consisting of the North-Alphia.

‘There’s an airfield close to the border, the drive there will be a day or two at most. AHA’s headquarters are in the far north of Subrea. Going from south to north will take a week or not two, at most. The sheer-size of Alphia is grand – the best is to travel by air.’

“Is there something the matter?” asked Sultria.

“I spaced out for a bit,” said he stuck in traffic. The number of vehicles on the main-road was vexing.

“I didn’t expect us to be stuck in traffic this late in the afternoon.”

“We’re going to AHA right?”

“Yes, by car I presume?” the tone didn’t match the expression and aura, there was a feeling of not wanting to travel.

“No, we’ll take a plane at Subrea. I have an engagement to attend on the 31st, in no way will I lose on such an opportunity,” without a moment wasted, he reached for the phone.

“Hello Cake.”

“Good afternoon, boss, what can I do for you?”

“I need a jet, have them fly over to Subrea, the coordinates have been sent.”

“I just received them, what model would you like?”

“Don’t we only have the V12?”

“No, Midas created the V12-Mk-2. It comes equipped with the AFR as well as the new jet-engine. It should go twice as fast as the prior version.”

“What of the V12 then?

“We sold it; a client offered around 25 Million Exa for it.”

“I’m hoping you didn’t?”

“No need to say anymore, Boss, the V12 was stripped of all classified components. We did leave a good enough engine, in case of breakdown, they’ll come to us. There should not be a cause for concern.”

“Have them sent over,” he smiled, ‘-a new plane developed by Midas, this will be interesting.’

The name Midas, chosen as a homage to an age-old story. Similar to GateSix, Midas was part of Phantom’s Research Organization. Their focus was on research and development of Air-based vehicles and weapons. The latter being kept confidential for security purposes. Producing a few planes per year, inconsequential parts were outsourced to factories in Alphia, a reward for being allies. Put into action during the war, Midas was a cornerstone in turning the war into the Federation’s favor. The supreme leader in air-based technology and combat. Rumor had it that a genius, a once in a century scholar, specializing in the field of aeronautics was in charge of their operations. Phantom had more than let to believe.

“Are we there yet?”

“No,” said Staxius pulling close to the hill-station. Similar to Marrowy, going to Subrea meant going around the mountains, and dangerous were the narrow fog-filled roads. “We’ll stay the night here,” said he.

“Hello travelers,” said a lady behind a brightly colored counter, “-what would you like?” Menus were displayed on the wall behind on screens.

“Is there the possibility of lodging for a night?” asked Staxius courteously.

“Yes, we’ve a motel around back,” giving a once-over, “-may I wonder to who you are?”

“No one particular, just the same as thee, workers trying to make a profit in the less than the loveable economy.”

“That much is true. Go on, take a seat, I’ll have someone tend soon,” off they were to a window-seat.

“Was it wise?”

“Wise what, in no way does she need to know our identity. Take the habit of eluding the question, the more fame one has, the harder it is to be private.”

“Fine, fine,” said he checking the menu. A glance around showed few seats and fewer people. The roads outside weren’t frequented that much. If it wasn’t for this hill-station, it would have been a hassle to find food.

“Hello, may I take your order?” asked a boy in his sixteen. Sultria kept on order till the boy ran out of space to write.

“Is that all?” asked him with a smile.

“Yes, should be plenty.”

He left with a skip. Showing the order to the lady, both hugged in relief. “That was nice of you,” said Staxius.

“What do you mean?”

“Business is slow. It’s obvious, just look around. I’m sure making a living is tough. Ordering all that food will be beneficial, more so than you think.”

“I had to do something.”

“Well, the new problem is how are we going to eat all of it?”

“No need to fret,” came a seductive voice.

“We’ll help,” came another less womanly but more charming.

“Don’t forget me!”


“Gophy, Intherna, and Adete. I’m so glad you’re here,” he smiled and called on the waiter. The trio caught the eye of a few of the customers. Not that it was apparent, both Gophy and Intherna were beautiful, beautiful enough to put the stars and idols to shame. Tis why Yuri was impulsive at the funeral.

“Yes sire, how may I help?”

“I want the order to be tripled, my friends here are starved.”

“T-tripled,” he stared blankly, “-with pleasure.”

“And you say I’m the one who’s nice,” added he in jest.

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