
Chapter 460

‘It’s over,’ some breathed sighs of relief others bragged about not being defeated. Combat classes came to an end. The instructor for today was a passing member of Pegasus, he came to the academy per orders of the director.

It had been a few months since enrolling. Date, Wednesday 4th April of X100. The new year happened without much celebration. As the academy was in process of recruitment with the new batch, the classes and training had made the celebration a thing of the past.

The same couldn’t be said about the rest of the world. Films were announced, many idols made come-backs, some retired, and the news of a breakthrough in Magiology shook the core of the research society.

“Damn,” breathed Lampard heavily, “-I smell like ass,” said he sniffing his socks.

“That’s nasty, said Leonard pinching his nose. “-I still can’t believe the time has gone by so quick.” Both peered to the battle-arena where Igna was called to do additional drills. “A bit unfair isn’t it?”

“I don’t know,” shrugged Rena returning from the changing room, “-he’s skipped combat class ever-since the first battle. I knew the academy would track him down.”


“Well, it can only mean the best,” said an opportunistic Jen.

Later on, they joined at a local café inside the academy village. The owner became well acquainted with Rena. Her innate ability to befriend people of any age and races was scary. Their table rested outback surrounded by a quaint small white-fence presiding over a garden. Emphasis was on nature, and so, parasol covered seating had the boon of fresh air from the trees.

“Damn, Igna, I didn’t think you’d be gone so long,” voiced Lampard, “-what were you up to?”

“Nothing much,” said he calmly taking a sip, “-tell me about you, I want to know what happened ever since.”

“Oh, so and so,” Lampard gave way to Leonard who summarized the events. Most of them revolved around Military-Arts having failed more than half of the students. The time spent in rustication didn’t help in studies, and thus, when the exam came those who weren’t present were kicked without a shred of doubt nor mercy.

“What about you, though?” asked Jen with her fork deep inside a slice of cake.

“Waiting on the answer.”

“Answer?” wondered they with Lampard helping the maid in bringing the tea.

*Message from Lady Haru.*

‘Hello Igna, I’ve heard from Leko about the opportunity to train under another chef. Considering our manpower is lacking when it comes to the world of food, I’ve figured this is the best plan moving forward. What do you say?’

‘As long as you give me your blessing, I shall do as is needed.’

‘Very obedient,’ replied she with a dancing cat sticker.

‘Learnt it from you.’

‘Alright then, I shall have transport be readied. Pack your bags and wait for Leko’s call. Expect to leave by later 22:00 tonight. Say goodbyes and all that stuff. Don’t leave them hanging, they deserve to know where you’re headed.’

“Will do, ma’am.’

“Hey, Igna, everything ok?” wondered Leonard puzzled by his expression.

“Yeah, I got my response,” stood with pride, “-I’ll tell you more later tonight. Lampard, here,” he gave the address to the gymnasium, “-I want you to meet me up there at around 17:00.”

“Sure...” and so, the boy left leaving all baffled. Their meal resumed without Igna, something they grew to accept.

The day continued with Chef Leko in the kitchen. Igna and the master worked tirelessly in trying new dishes. Most of which came out repugnant. The two could but laugh at the reaction of the taste-tester. Some had bad stomachs for days – borderline food poisoning.

A semblance of peace swept over the white-floor, lunch-time was over. “-Chef Leko, I need a favor.”

“What is it?”

“Can I bring over a few friends tonight? I want them to know what I have planned for the future.”

“Friends?” he paused, “-bring ’em in, I’ll have a table reserved. Don’t worry about paying.”

“Are you sure, sir?”

“Yeah,” he pushed back his glasses, “-a gift from your mentor.”

“Thanks,” and thus, the afternoon turned evening.

“Guys,” mumbled Lampard, “-Is this appropriate?”

“I don’t know,” shrugged Leonard, “-that’s the dress-code he sent.” Outside came the orangish glow of the passing time. Room 60 of Block D made noise.

“You sure they’ll be alright?”

“It’s fine,” laughed Leonard, “-girls take longer to get ready. Let’s wait outside till they are done,” from room 59, which was casually lent by the other friends, the duo left in very formal suits. A dashing look for both, especially Leonard, he cleaned up the same as a noble or a prince. Lampard didn’t fail to impress either, tall and dark – the staple of ‘hot’.

“What’s the point of this?” wondered Rena finishing her makeup, “-aren’t we going to look like fools?”

“I don’t think so,” smiled Jen, “-I do enjoy wearing a nice dress from time to time. Besides, Igna said to wear formal attire, I’m surprised the school had the funds to provide.”

“You’re wrong, it’s not the school that got the clothes. Comes from the Trading Guild,” her head shook, “-well, what’s done is done.” They stepped outside and walked to the center.

“Stunningly beautiful,” commented Lampard, “-Rena, would you please let me escort you tonight?” the glow of the setting sun couldn’t have complimented his approach farther. On one knee with a handheld out, her face blushed instantly.

“My lady,” bowed Leonard in turn, “-may I please have this evening in thy company.”

“With pleasure,” curtsied Jen happy of the experience. The grim of the classroom, battlefield, and field studies, a very opportune moment for change. Arms locked, the two couples chatted casually as the walk to the gymnasium came to an end.

“This is new.”

“I know, we never visited the restaurant in the gym, did we?”

“No, don’t think so, the cafeteria pretty much had us bound.” A robust shiny door stood open with red-carpet along the stairs. Two butlers stood with smiles; “-might I ask for reservations?” came the elder.

“We were invited by Igna,” said Leonard confidently.

“Master Igna,” they nodded, “-please, come on this way.”

“You’re not scared of them, are you?” whispered Jen, “-I froze at their aura.”

“Oh, not used to the noble-style of living?”

“Are you?” whispered Rena from the back.

“Well yeah,” he turned blankly, “-I’m from a Duke’s family...”


“Quiet,” sighed Lampard.

“Yeah, I belong to the Goldberg’s,” upon saying so, the upstairs door opened to a fine establishment of dim lighting. Candles atop tables, people dressed in fancier clothes murmured to one another.

“Dude, I’m scared,” whispered Lampard, “-don’t we stand out?”

“Don’t worry,” said Leonard, “-there’s nothing to fear when it comes to fine dining. I’m confused how Igna managed to get us here...”

“Yeah, who’s paying?”

“Gentlemen and ladies, please, have a seat,” their table stood at the better area. A place with direct sight into the kitchen.

“Hello,” came a charming man with gelled black-hair, “-are you master Igna’s guests?”

“Yes,” nodded Leonard.

“Might I ask why everyone has been referring to Igna as master?” wondered Jen.

“Oh,” the sharp brows ease into a gentle smile, “-everything will be apparent soon. Please, have a look at the menu and order.”

“Pretty weird...” mumbled they slowly seeping into a debate over the food. Luckily, Leonard was present to answer their questions.

Inside the kitchen, things heated. The orders began to come in one by one. Glancing over the shoulder, the manager whispered something inside Leko’s ears to which he said, “-Igna, the guests are here. I’ll let you handle their orders.”

“No sir, I shall help the same as I’ve done for the past few months. I invited them to show instead of telling,” a spark of fire flashed across the face, the chef could but hold back tears. The question of how someone developed into a seasoned chef did cross the mind more than a few times. Lady Haru answered with, ‘-Igna is special. He can learn and remaster anything you teach him. Things that take years to master take him more than a few months. Trust me, a boy like him is unique – we can only guide his want of learning.’ The symphony of food preparation filled the kitchen, orders came one after the other, and dishes left one after the other.

“Igna, take care of table 4’s order.”

“On it, chef,” focused on bringing his best, the hands moved at an astounding speed all the while being gentle.

“There’s so much pressure,” said Lampard resting against the table.

“Don’t do that.”

“Wait...” he rose with a shock, “-were we not told he worked in a kitchen?”

“Who?” wondered Rena.

“Igna, who else,” to which he pointed, “-look, that’s him!”

“Hold on...” squinted the others, “-it is him!” everything fell into place and soon their food arrived. The plating was appetizing and the aroma ravenous.

“Compliments from Master Igna,” said the manager gently checking the other guests.

*Gulp,* “-this is food made by him...”

‘Igna,’ paused Leonard, ‘-I’m used to fine dining. Our friends might not know how to judge the food, I’ll be the critic instead.’ *crunch,* an explosion of flavors balanced each other. The bites followed without stopping as the plates whispered, ‘eat me’.

“Wow,” an hour passed, “-I’ve never had food like this.”

“Leonard, why do you look so confused?”


“Rena, this isn’t normal food... this is something I’d expect at a noble home or expensive restaurants. Not a restaurant in a gymnasium, I don’t buy it, who the hell prepared this?”

“That would be me,” said Igna with his apron folded and over the shoulder. “I’ve been meaning to say this but time wasn’t a luxury.”

“Out with it already,” snarled Rena.

“Chef Leko took me in as his apprentice. An opportunity came to learn more about cooking from a certain chef, her nickname is Viper of Lordon. No idea why or how it came so. Long story short, I’m going away for six months.”

“Six months...” silence loomed over the table, “-man, we never really got to know you. You always came to the room late and sometimes not at all. The mornings were the same; I sort of figured you wanted to avoid us.”

“I know,” interjected Jen, “-Lampard is right. I’m glad it was work that took your time, and not you ignoring us.”

“Igna, are you sure you said Viper?”

“Yeah, why?”

“Idiot,” a heavy facepalm shook the table, “-she’s the first-ever to introduce the meat of exotic creatures in fine-dining. Every disciple she teaches ultimately becomes one of the best in the world. I heard only the best are chosen. How did you manage?”

“I owe it to Chef Leko, he brought them to taste, and here we are a few months later. Now, how was it, did you enjoy the meal?”

“Obviously,” they laughed.

“Master Igna,” came a man in suit, “-transport has come to fetch thee.”

“Transport?” inquired Jen softly.

“Yeah. I guess I wanted to say my good-byes with actions as opposed to words. See you next semester,” on that, the boy vanished into the doorway.

“He made us proud,” smiled Lampard, “-Igna’s found his calling. We need to do our best too!”

“Guys... It’s not that simple. The Viper isn’t her nickname for nothing. She’ll devour just about anything, and that includes her disciple. The Lordon’s are shady, I hope he’ll be ok.”

Thus, the journey of a Kinless boy took to the vast capital of Rosespire. A luxurious car came to fetch with lady Lordon personally waiting inside. She sat seductively.

“Welcome, dear Igna.”

“Thank you for the opportunity, Lady Lordon,” he eased into the big leather seats.

“We’ll see if you’re thankful after I’m done with you.”

“Excuse me?”

“Nothing, driver, please.”

‘Learning cooking from a legend. I guess this is better than staying in the academy.’ The streetlights reflected along with the shiny car. The ride went smoothly, ‘-let the adventure begin.’

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