
Chapter 495

“Sorry about that,” sniffled Leonard, “-I’m better. My mind feels at ease, a heavy burden was just lifted.” The train headed for Rotherham arrived, the impromptu party unknowingly headed for the event which would carve their body and soul, questions about reality and what it meant ‘to be’.

Time became a luxury, the expedition party’s number dwindle. From around 20 strong to only, Lady Misna, Beth, and the students. Earlier, as the demon enraged to slay her companions, many of brave champions forced their wills onto the leader. ‘Getaway, we’ll buy time,’ said they with pride, a sense of duty. In those moments, heroes or villains didn’t matter. Where normal humans would resort to fleeing, the adventurers stood strong, casting spells, executing complex maneuvers to only end up dead. They sacrificed themselves knowing the family would mourn the deaths, knowing they’d leave behind a copious amount of hassle for the next of kin. Bravado that saved many of younger adventurers in the past. Mentor willingly died for their students, the tales were never-ending.

As luck would have it, Rena stumbled onto a crack in the dungeon walls. Beth quickly ordered the rest to follow suit. A barrier was summoned to prevent monster detection. A babe of fire burnt ever so shyly. Frost pressed his head against the ground, no footsteps and no other presence. They finally had a moment to rest.

“What’s the plan now?” asked Anna to the leaders.

“We wait,” said Beth, “-fighting isn’t an option.” Blood clots, mana exhaustion, low supplies, they were cooped up inside for more than a day. Rescue never came, Lampard boiled into a fever. Jen’s right arm began to turn dark, the skin-tone and look of despair on Rena was proof of the condition. Monster poison, infection from their dirtied blades. Frost was more or less fine, considering the situation. If a battle broke; only Beth, Anna, Frost, and Misna would be able to guard themselves. Rena’s strong personality cracked under the pressure. Seeing Lampard in pain ate from the inside.

“Shouldn’t the rescue team be here?” asked Anna.


“I doubt it,” said Frost,” -that’s if they made it out alive. I don’t think we hold much hope for survival. Either the monster kills us or we die of hunger.” The food ran out slowly to the point of single bites being a meal. The smell of rot soon permeated. Beth fought to keep her mental state sane. Rena fell first to the point where she’d sit in the corner and weep, giggle, and soil herself. Jen’s face blanked. Lampard fell into a deep slumber. The situation was dire, Frost and Anna forced themselves by regularly taking short naps.

The reality was, they had no clue how long they were stuck. Counting from when Anna found the crack, it took six to seven days for the news to reach the academy. Only on the eighth did éclair reveal the news to Igna which happened to be the 19th of February. Anna’s mana focused on maintaining the barrier and the ever echoey room plunged into darkness.

“We have to do something,” said Misna running to Beth. “Forget starvation, it’s insanity that I’m worried about.”

“I know,” said she, “-we don’t have any option. Going out there is suicide. I’m not going to hold any hope of rescue coming. I doubt they’ll agree to move and leave their friends behind. The choice is; Rena, Lampard, and Jen must be sacrificed if we plan on running.”

“And we can’t possibly have that. The rescue team has died, I think. Else, we would have had some clues.”

“The demon is still out there; I can feel her presence even now. She knows where we are but doesn’t attack.”

“Jen’s having a hard time,” whispered Anna, “-lady Beth, Frost sadly had to freeze her arm else the poison...”

“Yeah, I know. We can’t do anything,” cried Beth, “-please, someone, come and save us.”

20th of February, Rotherham came in sight after a long 6-hour trip. Night had long sprawled its shade over the continent. Time displayed 22:00, the station gave a feeling of uneasiness. Three blinking lights were spotted in the far distance.

“I’ve heard bad things about Rotherham,” added Cole.

“Really?” inquired Igna, “-it doesn’t look that bad to me.” The train departed; the station emptied to an empty street at the entrance. Few cars rode to and fro, no taxis and no information.

“There’s no one here,” commented Ila, “-looks like a ghost town.”

“It is a ghost town,” added Leonard, “-Phantom controls the area around here. Mother told me about their activities once – the dark-guild.”

“The dark-guild?” gulped Cole, “-the rumors are true.”

“It’s only rumored,” said he, “-I’m no way going to vouch for my mother’s words.”

“Enough of that,” said Igna ambling down the short stairs, “-standing isn’t going to accomplish anything.” A two-lane road carried onto the horizon accompanied by regular lamp-lights. The poles weirdly rose to then disappear, ‘-hill.’

“Igna,” said Ila holding his shoulder, “-hold on a minute. We came here thinking you knew Xenon. Please don’t tell me...”

“You’re right,” he laughed, “-I was told to come here. The rest is...”

“IGNA!” shouted Leonard, “-how can you be so irresponsible,” the would-be rant stopped short. “-I mean,” the head lowered, “-our comrades are in danger. We need to help them as quickly as we can.”

“No need to tell me twice.”

Soon, the sound of the engines rumbled over the hill. Numerous headlights drove towards the station. Distant to then up close in a matter of minutes, “it’s the dark-guild,” whispered Cole, “-look at those cars, they’ve come for us!”

“Stop joking. There’s no way to see who’s behind the wheels. Maybe it is an escort for some VIP.”

‘She’s right,’ thought Igna, ‘-the name reads...’ the interface revealed the truth. The cars turned right and went around a building to stop at their foot.

“We should really get going,” whispered Cole taking a step back.

“Yeah, I agree,” they shuffled to the station, “-Igna, are you coming or not?” shouted Leonard.

“Leave him,” said Ila. The row of cars reflected the starry-nights; multiple doors opened at once. Blonde hair exited the middlemost car, Igna didn’t seem phased. “Ila,” paused Leonard, “-wait.”

“What now?” she reluctantly held onto Cole’s bag, “-who are they?”

“Royalty,” said Leonard. Guards armed to the teeth gathered around the duo. “Igna doesn’t know how powerful they are,” he stomped towards the crowd, “-opening his mouth will offend the prince. He might get killed.” The urgency showed in Ila’s compliance.

“Why did he have to get involved in the upper class?” cried Cole jogging to match Leonard’s long strides. Two-armed figures halted further advancement, “-let us through,” begged Leonard, “-my friend is in danger.” The mountainous figures made no such moves. The handsome man graciously fixed his hair. Eye to eye, Leonard thought of the worst-case scenario. Not bowing, a blatant disregard to his social standing, ‘-we’re done for.’

“Cousin Igna,” said he.

“Cousin Julius,” they hugged, “-I didn’t think you’d come to receive us.”

“Cousin?” the jaws dropped, “-IGNA, IGNA,” screamed Ila, “-you owe me answers,” she forced her way inside, “-what do you mean cousin, how can someone like you speak to a prince so casually?”

“My apologies, young lady,” fired Julius, “-might I ask why you use such a patronizing tone whilst addressing Igna?”

“Highness,” she knelt, “-pardon my manners. I got carried by the confusing sight of such a meeting.”

“I’ll disregard the blatant disrespect,” he turned to Igna, “-cousin, is she your friend too?”

“No, far from it,” he smiled.

“Good. There’s no benefit from associating with people of her kind. What of the two boys over there?” the circle broke as he walked to stand at their face.

“Acquaintance,” said Igna, “-Leonard here is noble.”

“Yes, I know,” he smiled, “-Leonard Goldberg, the boy who gave all for the sake of love. It’s the courage I admire.”

“I’m flattered, highness.”

The short conversation was an obligation. “-Igna, I need to discuss the matters further, shall we head to the hotel?”

“Lead the way, cousin.”

Shy of his car, “-what of those three. I’ll allow the boys to accompany us. The girl is welcomed to stay the night under the starry sky.”

“Stop joking,” laughed Igna.

“I’m merely teasing,” he gave a handsome smirk. A gesture instructed the guards to accompany the guests. Throughout the journey, the cousins made small-talk and laughed loudly. They grew close over social media.

“He really said Cousin Igna?” wondered Cole, “-I didn’t mishear, did I?”

“No you did not,” sighed Leonard, “-didn’t he have amnesia. What is he hiding from us?” then and there, the memory of a silvery-white-haired lady flashed, “-his mother. I remember something along those lines.”

“Being related to royalty, doesn’t that make him a noble too?” wondered Cole.

“I don’t know,” turned to Ila, “-what do you think about this?”

“I don’t care,” she pouted, “-I can’t believe Igna is related to the prince Julius. A retired idol that reached world-wide success alongside lady Emi. The story is fascinating. Apparently, he joined Manager Scott’s tutelage after graduation. Phantom acquired the crumbling Apexi and began there. He decided to study the art of management before going onto the stage. The first-ever show performed was alongside the youngest princess of Arda, the virtuoso. He matched her beautiful notes into a...”

“We get the idea. Don’t go fangirling on us.”

“I’m such an idiot,” slow soft headbutts against the car window followed until Phantom’s compound. It arrived at a beautiful reserved hotel. Green, flower-filled archways headed the road. They stopped after a round of the statue.

“I can’t believe you used to sing.’

“Yes, yes,” they walked shoulder to shoulder. “Butlers, please take care of our esteemed guests.”

“My lord, my lady, please follow us this way,” the grey-haired man damning force the trio out of the area.

“I need to speak with Igna.”

“Do so at a later time,” luggage was carried to the skyscraper facing rooms. Each was twice the size of their dorm-room at the academy. Igna and Julius moved to an office on the higher floors. There, a hovering display rested above the desk.

“Cousin Julius, can I ask a question?”


“Why are you here?”

“Oh, yes. I guess it’s weird for royalty to welcome guests. You know my uncle is the owner of Phantom. Sister Eira is the next-in-line to the throne, I’m second. I don’t care about the mantle of king, honestly. I rather work here, makes me feel closer to my father. Lady Elvira has been at the top, I’m just an assistant. She tasked me to over see the Guild Program. You know, as a test of some sort. Tell me, I know the general idea of what happened, why do you want our help?”

“I’ve come as a customer. I don’t expect to be given free treatment. It’s business, I know. Name the price, I’d like to hire a team to clear Coria’s dungeon.”

“Clearing a dungeon,” the arms crossed, “-quite a tall order. Aren’t you asking a bit much?”

“How much will it cost.”

“The look of determination,” he smiled, “-that’s what I like about you, cousin. The deal, Xenon will pull all their resources into clearing Coria’s dungeon.”

“Naturally, I’m coming with.”

“Clearing a dungeon is hard enough, we’re not going to promise you or anyone’s safety.”

“Deal,” a handshake affirmed the deal. He phoned multiple o’ people, giving single sentences of explanation. “We’re going by air. The train will waste our time. The departure is tomorrow at 10:00. I’ve received the money from éclair already.”

“Already? No matter,” he stood, “-this place is truly amazing.”

“You said it,” the formal tone dropped, “-it’s all the work of a single man.”

“I wish I met him,” said he, “-King Staxius Haggard. By the way, this might be overstepping boundaries...”

“Go on, no need to hold back.


“What’s the state of Arda. I’ve been wanting to ask about the queen. Princess Eira did say something about her being ill?”

“Mother...” a long silence loomed.

“Actually, I’ve lost interest.”

“Don’t,” the door opened, “-I’m not opposed to telling you. It will have to remain between us.”

“Wait, how can you trust me?”

“You’re a Haggard, aren’t you?” he laughed, “-if you didn’t realize, Haggard is also my family name as is Lizzie and sister Eira. You have a right to know the family problems.”

“Then I’m all ears.”

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