
Chapter 542

“Seriously,” they parted. One powered walked until the tree, “-can I have a seat?”

“Sure,” he shrugged and slipped into a cheeky nap.

‘So carefree,’ thought she resting her head to stare at the scares spots of grey. Green seemed darker, the wind, fuller and more aggravated than those of memory.

“Nona Isabelle.”

“Y-yes?” she startled to a stand.

“You look in a rather bad shape,” a handkerchief laid an arm’s length away, “-please, wipe the tears. Not my place to say so, yet, the mess brought by said culprits will surely mistake a photoshoot for a horror movie.”


“Thank you,” she sniffled and blew fully into the white piece of cloth, “-a mild way to say I look horrible.”

“Only said what was on my mind.”

“Sorry for the trouble,” she turned to give her fullest of attention, “-you’re Igna Haggard, right?”

“Yes,” said he nonchalantly.

“Can I ask a favor?”


“Tell of this to no one?” her hands hid to show a great deal of distress.

“Whatever do you mean,” returned he slightly baffled, “-the shade and breeze have me sleeping the devil’s nap.”

“Devil’s nap?”

“Yes, afternoon naps are a thing to love and hate. They give a moment of rest in the early stages. Thing is, the moment one wakes from the day-dream, the body feels worse, the mind wants more, and the limbs refuse to move.”

“Oh,” she chuckled through the teary eyes, “-never heard anyone use the term before.”

“Precisely,” he stood, “-tis a matter of utmost concern!” and pointed to the sky with an imaginary sword.

“A hero,” she laughed.

“Good,” eased on overdramatic voice, “-a smile suits the face better than tears. Let’s hang out another time,” he bowed and held a hand, “-sweet lady guitarist of Vorn.”

“Yes, at another time, hero.” A fearful smile and marred cheeks had him a little annoyed.

“Excuse me,” reached closer, “-the make-up is getting worse,” wiping her face softly, as tedious a job it was, a loud exhale marked the end. “-there, presentable now.”

“Igna!” wind carried the screams of an annoyed Alicia.

“I ought to go,” he bowed once again, “-see you later, Nona.”

Up the slope and at Alicia’s side, the latter gave a stern talking while he tried imitating a turtle retreating its neck.

‘He’s right,’ she breathed slowly, ‘-this place is nice and ripe for napping. The casting couch,’ she stared the leaves, ‘-does it always end up the same place. Why can’t people accept us for who we are, and not something to be played with. I’ve decided, not going to have it affect me anymore, damned them.’ Her explosiveness seeped into her expression; ‘-I’ve cried too much. It’s the first time someone’s treated me like a lady and normal folk,’ her phone showed Igna’s contact information, ‘-maybe I’ll take up on his advice and hangout.’

And so, the day went on without much happening. The photoshoot ended with Lady Sally being more pleased about the performance between Cartney and Igna. All of Vorn partook in the same shoot. Ikoen asked to have them showcase and pose for better reception. Vorn’s fanbase was ‘unnatural’ to put it mildly.

17:00, a very exhausted Alicia sat face down to her knees, “-good job today,” clapped Sally.

“Good job to you as well,” said Igna, “-my Manager’s feeling a bit under the weather.”

“Hey there, Igna,” waved Thomas leading forth Vorn.

“Great job out there,” returned he courteously.

“You too, young guitarist. I’m sure Alicia’s grateful to have such a talented boy at her side.”

“Oh please,” her head rose, “-he’s lucky to have me.”

“There, there,” patting her head as if a child, “-there’s no need to fight.”

A painted bus arrived, a day of hard work for those in the entertainment industry. The glitz and glamor were second to the effort those at the top put in. Rumor had it, many overcome by the pressure resorted to narcotics, and some ended dead as a result. ‘A very convenient excuse,’ thought he with her resting against the thighs.

‘Wait,’ after Vorn, over yonder, hidden in-between stone-pillars, ‘-isn’t that the same guy from earlier?’ It showed as Nona’s pink hair hung solemnly.


“Too late,” said the spirit, “-he’s gone.”

“A slimy one,” sighed he, “-Mrs. Sally, I think we ought to leave now.”

“Wait a moment,” smiled she, “-Cartney wants to have a few words.”

“I’m here,” said a glimmering forehead.

“Why are you in such a hurry?” inquired she in a motherly manner.

“I feared missing Igna. Let’s exchange contact information contact,” he smiled, “-we might have had a bad start and our values aren’t the same. I think there’s a chance we can become great friends, speaking as a musician to another musician.”

“Sure,” a handshake firmed the newly made friendship.

“Igna...” groaned Alicia, “-home, I want home.”

“I do apologize for this,” said he, “-she’s gotten sicker. Suppose today’s the first and last day of the shoot. Was a pleasure, Mrs. Sally.”

Arms over the shoulder, “-you’re such a mess,” commented he towards the car.

“Leave me alone,” she walked fatigued by all of today. No questions asked the door opened, “-sleep in the back for a while.” The metal steed darted off towards the car and overtook the Vorn’s transport. A visit to the medical cabinet was in order. She ultimately came down with a cold.

Melmark’s mysteries halted, Cobb’s agency went on for a few days without any job requests. The lady of the dune asked for a time to enjoy the city and cleanse her mind from the troubling past. Naturally, leaving her alone would be a mistake – thus, the whole of the Agency trailed and stayed in the shadows as bodyguards. Odgar often made trips to the red-light district in hopes of finding answers to the abduction of young women.

‘There,’ stood on a four-story apartment configured to suit the desires of the district, ‘-the nonchalant meat delivering truck.’ He’d been tailing a lead for quite a while now. During a rather bloody questioning session, a hoodlum accidentally hinted at a particular butchery who’d supply for one of the familia. When pressed further, the man revealed said company’s involvement in human trafficking.

‘There they are,’ content to observe, the truck parked at the back into the darker alleys. Over the edge and all was shown. The meat was unloaded and nothing else. The latter was normal considering the rumor. Still, the way they moved and acted, the whispers, and careful study of their surroundings cause reason for concern.

“Bring ‘er here,” said a fedora-wearing man.

“You sure?” came a quieter voice.

“Yee, are you scared about the cops?” he coughed, “-ain’t no way they care about this place. Bring ‘er already.”

“Alright,” a cleaner dragged a lady by the legs. Her clothes were not to be seen, bruise and unhealed cuts on her stomach and neck.

“God almighty,” cried the man, “-did you have to do such a messy job?” her head slowly scrapped the dirtied alley – a bullet wound in the middle of the eyebrows. “This is why I tell the boss to not hire you, Iceht.”

“Come on old man,” clopped another smartly dressed personage, “-not every day I get tasked to slaughter a prostitute. What’s the reason now?”

“She got a little too comfortable with the boss,” explained the old man, “-you know how he is, always paranoid about leaking information.”

“Whatever,” he holstered his pistol, “-tell him to wire the cash. Got another job; see you later, old man.”

“Fuck you.”

The truck went on its way seamlessly. Leftover blood cleaned using some foaming agent.

‘Iceht the hitman. The company is involved, the question remains about which family. Iceht’s a freelancer – doubt he knows anything.’ Next thing, they were on a plane heading to Odgawoan.

The day; Saturday 27th of February. It had taken longer than anticipated for the agency to make its move. Nevertheless, hours before they landed, “-they’re inbound for the city.”

“Good, contact him right away.”

“As you wish.”

*Caller Unknown,* ‘-who’s it at this hour?’ mid-way into the flight, cries from a babe push multiple on the edge of insanity.


“Hello Odgar Codd,” spoke the same deep voice, “-I hope the flight is well and good.”

“Pluton,” he smirked, “-I was waiting.”

“I’ll wait at the airport personally, have you arranged for transport?”

“No,” said he, “-was thinking of a taxi or bus.”

“It shan’t do. Worry not, I’ll have cars readied. You should leave the safety of the girl to the others, we need to speak.”

“Alright, I’ll be waiting.”

Cars were called from Unda’s Inc. In about an hour, three cars laid in wait for the agency. ‘Alright,’ parked, ‘-let’s go meet this Odgar.’ Three suited men, the drivers, and members of Phantom stood in line and waited.

‘This is a nice view,’ thought he peering over to the coming crowd of passengers.

“I see,” scanned, “-that’s Odgar.”

“Boss, are you sure about this?” interjected Camilia slightly on edge.

“Is this Pluton a trustworthy person?” squinted Aki reaching for an imaginary pistol, ‘-shit...’


“Don’t worry,” returned he coldly, “-everything happens for a reason.”

The suited men stood strongly. A pin on the showed their allegiance, “-Hello, I’m Odgar from the Codd’s Agency.”

They exchanged glances and nodded, “-this way,” said they heading for a spiral staircase.

“These guys feel strong,” gulped Tensy, “-the auras are murderous.”

“I know,” firmed Aki, “-they must be don’s or something.”

“What’s their leader like?” wondered Camilia.

Passengers moved about the food court. Prices were beyond the average. Most opted for the cheaper options, considering it cost a few Exa’s less.

Panthea’s café, a relatively posh establishment. A restaurant host to heart-warming food and an amazing view of the airport. Inside or out, the place sure was mighty and subject to dreams of the common.

“Ok, this is weird. Why are we here now?” inquired Aki, “-is it a ruse or something?”

“Shut up,” mumbled Camilia.

“Greetings,” smiled a lavishly dressed man, “-take a seat.” The striking appearance cut the breaths.

“Greetings,” they accepted, “-might I ask who are you?”

“Odgar Codd,” sipping coffee, “-don’t you remember,” he smiled, “-tis Pluton.”

“I mean no disrespect, didn’t expect a gentleman like yourself to be Pluton.”

“Oh, it’s no matter,” he smiled, “-there’s no need for concern. Might I presume she’s the unfortunate lady?”

“Yes,” replied Aki, “-Dian Paroth.”

“Does she have no tongue,” fired he coldly?

“Dian Paroth, sir,” said she startled by the display.

“Good. You there,” pointing to Aki, “-mind taking a trip to the brewery downstairs?”

“Excuse me?”

“Alas, do you not have ears as well as common sense?”

“Forgive him,” interjected Odgar, “-tis the first time they’re meeting a noble.”

“I’ll forget this once,” laying the cup softly, “-lady Paroth, I’m sure your family waits impatiently for the return.”

“Aki, Tensy, Camilia, have her escorted to her mansion.”

“But boss, we can’t leave you here,” argued Camilia.

“Whatever is the quandary in said prospect?” tilting the head slightly, “-do you not trust me?”

“N-no,” her heart boomed, “-it’s n-not that.”

“Then, the matter is final. You have my word,” a calling gesture to the guards, “-drive them safely.”

“As you wish,” they nodded. The table cleared to have only Pluton and Odgar. The tense atmosphere had the latter confused about what to do.

“They’ll be fine,” said Pluton breaking the ice, “-shall we discuss business?”

“Please, I’m curious about what services a small agency like us can accomplish.”

“Simple really. I need information and eyes around the continent. Have you ever heard of Aceline, the Pride of Hidros?”

“Yes, who hasn’t.”

“Good, then, do you remember how she died?”

“By a gunshot in the nature park, right?”

“No, wrong,” he laughed, “-she survived the incident. The whole ordeal was played in such a way to bring out the culprits in the open. Regardless, it’s been half a decade since then – there was a plan to have her relaunched in a movie and exposed the untimely death.”


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