
Chapter 549

“éclair is it possible to monitor the ins and out of Arda. Who’s traveling and who’s not?”

“Without problem,” said he proudly, “-the last visit gave ample time to sneak a few minions. I have control over the whole network. Shouldn’t be a problem. What about you, Lady Courtney asked for the death of Eira, did she not?”

“You know full well I’ll die if I fight her. The only reason I took on Orenmir and Tharis was in case of a potential war. I’ll need to defend myself if that happens.”

*Knock, knock,*

“Who is it?”

“Sir, it’s Lady Haru, she asks for you.”


‘Returning to the academy...’

It had been a few months, returning felt wrong. The journey there happened in silence. Just the thought had the mind uneasy, After all, Leko was murdered and the whole student body ignored it, said it was nothing more than an accident. A massive cover-up; aside from the working staff, no one really cared about the Trader’s Guild and their members. Reason more for pleading ignorance. What could Haru have done, the whole incident regarding Arda, and now this, nothing made sense?

Deep down, after casually watching her sleep, he knew, he knew she was in a bad place. The adorable and harsh, heart stealer, Haru, was in pain. Weighted down by responsibility and the loss of a friend. Her lips tightened, the brows knitted, the breaths prolonged as her body reacted to regain composure. Worry about her couldn’t accomplish anything in the greater picture. Hence, slowly tilting against the glass-window, the duo sat until the train station.

There, a transit from Rotherham till Rosespire from where they’d go down to Meke and another to the Adventuring Academy. All and all, it 10-hour journey. The capital came in the early hours of dawn. The sun rose shyly as to not cover the continent. The air was icy-cold, Haru’s ears reacted in a way to brace from the breeze.

“Let’s grab something to eat,” suggested he stepping off the train.

“Something to eat?” she thought, “-warm milk. Yes, warm milk and a cookie.”

“Are you sure?”

“Don’t make that face,” she pouted, “-why are you looking at me as if a child. Humph.”

“I apologize for my behavior,” he bowed in jest, “-shall we get something to eat now?”

“Fine,” lifting her chin, “-I suppose this little date is on thy tab?”

‘-Stingy,’ he scoffed,”-m-my pleasure.” Nothing more came of the little conversations. They ate, took the train to Meke, the longest ride yet, and slept. The quiet lounge didn’t give much in ways of speaking. Everyone held a dead-eyed expression. Either gobbling a book or perusing the Arcanum. At some point, Haru fell over to Igna’s lap and slept. She curled as if a little cat, her expression relaxed. ‘So innocent and exposed,’ he patted her head instinctively, ‘-well, guess she really is a feline deep down.’

*Beep... BEEP, BEEP, BEEP*

“Oh shit,” quick to silence the phone, “-must have dozed off. Still half-way until Meke. She’s still asleep.” Notification showed ‘Alicia the annoying manager.’

“Where are you.”

“Where did you go?”

“Are you still alive?”

“Hey, hey, Igna, did you abandon us?”

“Dude, reply to my messages already.”

“Annoying!” a return to her spams.

“Finally, where are you?”

“On a train, why, what’s the matter?”

“Are you dumb, why did you leave us alone?”

“Julius’s there, don’t worry about it. I’ve asked him to take care of you both. Have some urgent business to attend to, see you later.”

“Wait, WAIT!”

“éclair, mute her until further notice.”


‘Obviously,’ he exhaled, ‘-the urgent business is, a big ol’ nap.’

Skipping the arrival at Meke, a town still brimming with adventures and injured folks returning from the Azure Walls, they made for the Academy. ‘Here we are,’ the train slowly pulled into the vicinity. The station held a few students headed to the Azure Wall as part of training. Most were ignorant of who came and who left.

‘Wait,’ onto the platform facing the dormitory, ‘-they’ve made the short-cut an actual path.’ Before long, the popularity of crossing the park’s darker reaches became the norm. The amount of time-saving it did, went beyond a little dirt on one’s boot. The administration couldn’t ignore and so, after a petition by the students, a small stone-path erected as a short-cut.

“I need to check with the office admins,” said Haru, “-you’re ready to graduate. I’ll do what is right.”

“Ready to graduate?”

“Yes, can’t be tied down by the academy now, can you?” her figure joyfully hopped along the stairs.

‘Stop lying. Putting on a front, I know that smile is fake, the whole persona is fake. You’re fake, lady Haru, fake. Why don’t you accept someone’s help, why not reach out to anyone, look for a partner and support. Leko’s gone, she’ll be left alone. With my going away too, she’ll move to Arda and never see the light of day again. There’s no reason to tie her here. What a pain...’

Time showed 15:00 – it took longer than expected. Students scurried to the dorms. ‘I don’t want to go there,’ stuck on the third step, ‘-I don’t want to return to Leko’s resting place. How weak can I be...’ Despite that, he clambered on forward until the summit. A torrent of excited students made for the stairs. Narrowly dodging their march, the backdrop of the academy stood as a sad colorless picture. After the statues, he subconsciously headed for the gymnasium.

“I like you, please go out with me!”

“Not a chance, get a higher tier then we can talk.”

A young lady in uniform escaped out the back of the building. Her face and attitude showed confidence and pride. Her eyes locked onto him for a brief second then left with a tsk. Whimpering also second her walk. ‘Rejection,’ he cut the corner, “-pick yourself up, it’s not the end yet.”

“Oh,” nervously hiding tears, “-I didn’t get rejected. I just have to get stronger!”

“I never asked that,” he paused at the metal staircase, “-give it your all.”

“Thanks for that, stranger,” after which, the boy bolted opposite the path she took.

Long fingers wrapped around the doorknob, ‘-should I or not?’

“Come in,” said another opening the door, “-are you a recruit?” wondered a man dressed in a chef’s attire.

“No,” the expression eased, “-just a returning student of Chef Leko.”

“I see,” the cheerful greeting swapped for tact, “-you know of the news?”

“Yeah,” taking a step in, “-can you tell me where?”

“Over there,” he pointed to the dish-washing station, “-they found him there. I don’t know what business you have but still, pay respects and leave. I can’t afford to waste time and effort.”

“I appreciate it.” He moved over, “-say, how did he die?”

“By accident. They say he slipped and fell onto a knife.”

“Does the student body know?”

“Not really,” said the man preparing ingredients, “-a few instructors know of the truth. To be frank, no one cares what happened. Besides,” glaring back, “-are you done?”

“Just a little moment,” facing the station, “-éclair, scan the room.”

“On it.”

Bit by bit, he combed the whole kitchen to no avail. Not a lead nor a piece of evidence. The chef grew annoyed. “Thanks for the visit,” the door slammed.

‘Did I just get kicked out?’ turning back with a confused look, ‘-can’t help it,’ wind against the face, upon cutting the corner, *bam,* “OUCH!” yelped a lady who felt square on her bottom.

“I’m so sorry,” holding a hand, “-I wasn’t paying attention.”

“Damn it,” she gritted, “-can’t you see where you’re going?” The eyes met a long crimson hair, an expression of utmost disgust.


“Igna?” taking his hand, “-is that you?”

“Yes, you don’t look so pleased.”

“Obviously not,” she frowned, “-what brings you to the academy?”

“I’m a student here.”

“I forgot,” she let out an exasperated sigh, “-how very gentlemanly of you.”

“Cut the crap,” cried he, “-see you later.”

“Hey, wait!”

“What now?”

“Stop,” she held his hands, “-I’m sorry.”

“I don’t care,” shaking her grip, “-whatever is done, is done,” the distance increased.

“Go meet Anna, she’s at the battle-arena!” shouted she before vanishing into the crowd.

A lot of things have changed ever since the departure. Mostly the ex-group of friends. Leonard’s family accepted him and his decision. The choice of picking love as opposed to family touched their hearts, or so said Lady Goldberg. Jen’s bionic hand was as good as new. Rena and Lampard officially entered a relation. Frost and Anna were rumored to be dating since they spent more time with one another.

Not being able to carry a sword in public meant having Orenmir hidden inside a bag. Thanks to éclair, they were able to give a pouch of some sort, a bag perfectly fit to carry a weapon around one’s back.

*Inhale,* stood at the entrance, “-the smell of dust and metal.”

A practice bout divided the arena in two. On one side stood Frost, Anna, and Leonard. The other held, Rena, Lampard, and Jen.


“Don’t get cocky,” an explosion levied Anna’s side of the arena. “Frost, focus on countering Lampard, I’ll take care of defense. Leonard, draw Jen’s attention. She’s a monster with that bow now.”

“Roger.” For the most part, each team was on equal standing, the mages were great addition against close-quarter fighters. She slyly kept Rena and Lampard from teaming up.

Even so, Lampard didn’t yield for he stormed Frost, created an opening that Jen used to launch another attack, *BANG.*

“Look at them,” said lady Haru, “-so strong in their youth. Want to join them?”

“I don’t know,” he stood, hands in pockets and an overall none caring stance.

“Join them,” said she,”-it’s a practice bout. None’s going to say anything if a certain someone joins. That is to say, only if that someone manages to win.”

A few people dotted around the arena, team practices like these were very common. “Let’s say,” he smirked, “-a demon lord’s joined the fight.” *Woosh,* a giant leap had him smiling, ‘-this is going to be fun.’

“WATCH OUT FOR HER ARROW!” screamed Leonard, “-if not, FROST’S GOING TO DIE!” The scene moved in slow motion, inches away from Frost’s blue eyes, a mysterious figure landed with a force to crack the very ground. Hands still in the pocket, the dust settled – giving time for both teams to gather.

“Who’s there?” voiced Anna, “-it’s a joint practice, we have the arena booked.”

“Joint practice?” the dust cleared. White hair mixed with black, a stoic expression, and a very nice tailored suit, “-sounds like fun.”

“Igna?” remarked Leonard, “-is that you?”

“Yes, the one and only,” he smirked, “-don’t lower thy guards just yet,” a sprint had him behind Lampard, “-I’ve come as an enemy, show me what you can do.” A kick sent him flying across.

“WHAT’S WRONG WITH YOU?” screamed Rena.

“Don’t you get it?” he glared, “-consider me an enemy, I’ve come as a Demonlord.”

“Demonlord?” she broke into laughter, “-stop joking around.”

“I’m not joking,” two steps and he stood with a gun to her head, “-go on people. Tis an open challenge, show me thy strength.”

“We accept,” screamed Lampard crawling to a stand, “-Demonlord.”

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