
Chapter 551

“You would have fooled me,” said Igna, “-the mouth says one thing, the face says another. I guess my coming so good a thing,” stood to breathe the dusty air, “-nothing much really, came to assist Lady Haru. I’ll be graduating soon per her words. We won’t be saying much of one another. Goodbye,” no visible irritations nor discontent, the visage was clear as crystal. The same couldn’t be said of Rena in particular, her underlying tone of not wanting to accept remained. Given what Igna had done for them, time and time again, no matter how much he tried, they never really accepted the kindness.

“Rena, that’s enough,” fired Leonard. “Igna, wait!” he held out a hand, “-please, I have something to say.”

“About what?” stopped without facing back, “-if it’s not important, I’ll take my leave.”

“Listen,” said Jen joining Leonard’s plea, “-we have something to say.”

“And?” he remained steadfast on not giving them any more attention.

“THANK YOU!” their shout echoed about the arena, “-lady mother told me all about what you’ve done,” said Leonard, “-if not for you, she would have never accepted Jen and I’s relation. I had resolved to make it on my own, part of me was hesitant, even during the rescue, I was scared... if not for you and your friends, I’d have died a fool’s death not even joining the battle.”


“No, you’re wrong,” instead of being filled with emotion like Leonard, Igna kept a cool face and tone, “-the honor is for my mother. Tis she who pressured the Goldberg’s into reconsidering. Besides, we’re not part of the Federation anymore. Save the manners for someone who deserves it.” Another step forth came with greater shouts.

“STOP!” shouted Jen, “-I’m thankful for what you did. My arm, I thought I would be a burden my whole life, I thought I’d have to rely on Leonard who was already in pain from the family issues. Part of me wanted to die that evening, when I woke and saw everyone so battered and bruised, I wanted to die and not be a burden. It was you, Igna, you stayed and gave a sliver of hope, thanks to which, I can now stand today on my feet.”

“Wrong again,” said he coldly, “-I’m not the one responsible. It belongs to Lady Clarise and her team.”

“STILL!” she stomped forth, “-without you, we’d all have died,” hands-on his shoulder, “-don’t dismiss what you’ve done,” she pulled, “-Igna.”

“Are you done?” he stared with a frozen expression; “-my intentions were made clear. Rena showed me the true reason; there’s no way I’d accept such a frivolous relation. Lying to please another, what an appalling prospect. What happened was a mere whim. I couldn’t care much for a group that looks down upon others without warning. Girls who’d alienate an innocent boy for being part of a group, he who did nothing, he who tried, it was you,” fingers to her face as well as pointing to Rena, “-I endured a lot of shit because of you both. So much trouble for damned strangers. You never saw me as friends, the instant you realized feelings of love, thee saw fit to push me aside as if I were nothing. That, that,” he glared, “-is what I don’t accept. I did what I did for my own satisfaction, I don’t want or need an apology. Leonard, Lampard, as far as I’m concerned, I have no interest in you guys or your lives. I’ll leave the academy sooner or later,” smiles turned into saddened arched lips, “-excuse me, this fa?ade is long overdue.”

“Igna, wait up!” cried Frost grabbing his wrist, “-come on man, don’t be like that, just look at them.”

“Strangers should stay out of other’s business,” a murderous side-glance froze the energetic step. “-And,” halted for a second, “-that stranger is me. I should mind my business. Take care of them, Frost.”

‘What was that about?’ turning to the group, “-guys, are you ok?” he rushed over.

“Igna’s such a jerk,” added Anna.

“Don’t,” said Leonard, “-I get where he’s coming from.”

“Are you saying?” tears flowed.

“Jen, there’s no reason to start a waterfall. He said that to avoid us from being hurt. Igna has always cared for us, it’s out of responsibility?”

“What responsibility,” sighed Rena.

“He was once our friend,” said Lampard, “-even now, even if it’s fake, he’ll always do what’s best. ”

“You girls should have realized it by now,” mumbled Lampard, “-you girls are the ones who made him so, and we bare part of the blame. Man, this is awkward,” he stretched, “-I’m more than happy to see him well and good.”

“I agree,” said Leonard, “-we always admired him.”

Breaking relations, giving up on people who never really cared. An easier way of thought than action. Newer problems faced him, there was no time saying what is associated with the past could do. The decision was made long ago, resolve to break ties with the Academy. Time and time again, the people always found ways to sneak back into his life.

“Are you sure about that?” inquired Haru sat in the company of Fletcher.

“Yeah, moving on is another part of life. About the graduation?”

“Tis where I come in,” said Fletcher stepping forward, “-we’ll be heading on an expedition to the Azure Walls. The grading will be done by the adventurers and Wall-Guardians. Is that acceptable?”

“Wait, isn’t that supposed to be done by lady Haru?”

“Yes and no,” said he, “-to graduate, one must be judge by two qualified instructors. As for now, only lady Haru gave the highest grading. Either fight or take an exam, I recommend the former.”

“I guess,” he sighed, “-when’s the trip?”

“Later this afternoon,” said he, “-you’ll be part of the Adventuring Class,” pointing back, “-those six there are this year’s best students. You’ll work with them, no questions asked.”

“Yes sir, may I leave for preparation?”

“Gladly,” smiled he.

Breaking into the long-empty corridor circling the arena, -the ground is cold,’ thought he on barefoot. ‘-Can’t return to the Eatery. Only one guy I know will help.”

“Igna,” voiced éclair, “-about the choice of attire. I have a recommendation.”

“Which is?”

“Why not pay homage to Kniq.”

“Homage to Kniq, there’s something I never thought I’ll hear again. Is the uniform a fashion statement now?”

“No, we found it alongside old items at the mansion. It has thy name written on it.”

“My name?” paused to think, “-did I order one myself... can’t remember, happened so long ago. Whatever, if it’s there, can you bring it?”

“No worries, I have a messenger on his way.”

Mechanics clanged away at their products. Most of the shops stood close except Gayae’s. Three knocks, “-coming!” returned a female’s voice.

“So sorry about the inconvenience,” stood with injuries and battered clothes, “-is Gayae around?”

“You’re Igna?” she paused with her long hair.

“Yes, can I see him?”

“Yeah, over there,” she pointed, “-under the tree.”

“Alright, thanks,” tipping the head – a slumbering mechanic laid upon healthy grass.

“Slacking off?” commented he in jest.

“Igna?” lifting his cap, “-it is you,” he sat with a yawn, “-welcome back. How was the journey?

“My state says it all, doesn’t it?” he facepalmed.

“What brings you here?” wondered he more or less pleased by the sight.

“Came to ask for some help.”

“You want to freshen up?” he stood, “-should have said so earlier,” playfully messing the hair, “-come on, let’s get you dressed and pampered.” An hour later, after the shower and a cheerful talk around a warm bowl of soup, the door knocked with a well-dressed man. He handed over a case to then leave without much explanation.

“Hey, Igna,” yelled Gayae, “-this came in for you.”

“My clothes,” said he, “-thank you for the help.”

“Don’t mention it,” the door opened, “-just lock the door once done, I’ll go check on my girl.”

“Have fun,” he winked.

“You know it,” he returned the wink – a secret message between youthful and growing men. Neither big nor small, sufficient space for two people to live in. As far as the clothes on the sofa and mess dotted about were concerned, they lived as one.

‘Waking every day beside someone special. Fighting, loving, helping and supporting, must be nice having a partner. I can only draw on the experience from spending time with Xula, what a shame, people move on and so must I. Can’t help feeling betrayed. Whatever,’ flipping open the case, “-this is old. Still has the maker’s information. Did I somehow forget?”

A white envelope laid amidst the folded clothes, ‘-letter?’

“To our dearest Guild Leader, we know time’s been hard on you. Here’s a little gift of appreciation from everyone, we all saved up and got the money to buy the uniform. After all, Kniq can’t exist without its wings, and you are said wings for us. From everyone, please accept this little token of gratitude, we hope it finds you in good faith. Remember we’re all glad to have met thee. Especially young Lizzie, she’s very eccentric. Avon and Auic are growing into a lovely couple, Achilles’ a little jealous of it, anyway, I best leave. Good luck on the journey ahead, guild leader, we wish you the best for the future.” Signed by everyone. Their names were written with different styles and illustrations. ‘What’s this?’ the nose warmed; ‘-how did I not see this?’

“Must have been kept hidden until the appropriate time. Don’t know much of thy past, suppose all came to an end hastily?”

“Yes, too fast I’d say.” Dawning the outfit, dark-grey pants striped with black neatly tucked inside black boots. A leather belt perfect for carrying weapons and items, a black-shirt embroidered with the emblem, to top it off, a grey jacket. An emblem at the front and one at the back. Tharis holstered nicely inside the jacket, Orenmir’s stained scabbard strapped to the belt. Lack of potions and scrolls left empty spots around the waist. ‘Fits perfectly.’

“Settle down,” shouted Fletcher, “-I hope everyone’s prepared for today’s monthly expedition.” Those previous in Military-Arts were granted permission to join the Adventuring class as well. The talents left untouched didn’t please the higher-ups.


“What is it, Leonard?”

“How long will the trip last?”

“No idea,” said he strongly, “-it depends on the status of the Azure Wall. Things have gotten rather delicate; the trips will be made more frequently as you’ve all entered the third year of training.”

“Thank you, sir.” Sharp and earnest, many witnessed the terror of monsters and vowed to study harder. Friends butchered like animals; traumatic experience for anyone involved.

“On another note,” he stared the door, “-we’ll have a new student join the class from today. He’ll be under special watch from the instructors and team-leaders. An early graduation for an exemplary student,” it slid open, “-welcome the newest addition.” Stern and strong, a step weighted heavily on the students.

“Greetings everyone,” stood at the center, “-Igna Haggard from the Trader’s Guild.”

“Good,” said Fletcher, “-your uniform, does it have special meaning?”

“Yes, sir. It’s a gift left behind by my uncle. He was unable to make use of it.”

“Good,” giving a faint smile, “-ready everyone, we’re leaving in ten minutes.”

*Clop, clop, clop.*

“Damn,” the aura lessened, “-Instructor Fletcher’s harder now that he was at the start.”

“Shush, don’t make noise, idiot. Get your shit ready.”

“Yeah, yeah...”

“Excuse me,” said a girl with short hair, “-Igna, can I help you?”


“Yes, is there anything I should be doing?”

“No, no,” her face flushed, “-use my chair.”

“I appreciate the offer, truly. Yet, I cannot afford to have a lady go to such trouble for my sake. Please, let me help if tis not too much to ask.” Charming and kind, an arrow struck the hearts of many, less could be said of the boys.

“Could you help us pack instead?” her hands coyly hid behind her slender back. She faced the floor as not not match Igna’s gaze, “-c-can you?” an embarrassed hiccup escaped.

“Sure, please lead the way,” said he with a nod.

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