
Chapter 619

“Nothing wrong?” the smirk dropped to a frown, “-explain me this,” multiple images and videos boomed her phone, the sudden jitter had her shudder. Wide-eyed onto the notification, her fingers tightly formed symbols, the screen unlocked. The phone’s hue scrolled along with her glistening pupils, the lips jarred in subtle ups and downs.

“What’s the matter?” retorted Igna, “-am I to assume those videos are fake?”

“Obviously not...” she exhaled, “-the truth is out,” her shoulders slumped into disarray, “-I can’t believe I’ve been found out,” she dropped onto the engulfing couch. The tension increased, what they referred to was countless late-night dates Alicia had, from the heir to the Patek, someone she adamantly said to have no connection, to Laven Enda, the dubious director. “The evidence is too much to be explained by words,” she sniffled.

“Ha-ha,” escaped mild chuckles. Vanesa’s tiny hands retracted to her normal naps. The other two had no clue what was happening, they but sat crossed legged and played rock-paper-scissors.

“What’s so funny,” her upper-back dropped onto the headrest, “-what I’ve done can’t be undone. And so is you,” with a marred inhale, “-we ought to separate,” the hands clambered to a feeble stand.

“Sit back down,” fired Igna


“What now,” she grudgingly agreed, “-will you chastise my actions?” her tongue clicked.

“Am I so petty a person?” a disappointed shake of the head followed, “-frankly, I know the full story. You’re trying to get information on up-and-coming idols, all in effort to help Apexi. Going on dates and using thy charm is but an excuse, a spy through and through.”

Her face lit, “-if you knew, then why?” her hands pressed as in prayer, “-why be so judgmental?”

“No, no, no,” the index bobbed in a rather smug manner, “-let me remind, Lady Alicia Raze was she who vividly said I cheated. You didn’t have the stomach to face the truth, what’s this, an inferior complex from the sharped tongue manager?”

“Stop,” she bit her lip in annoyance, “-My actions were pure and meant for our company’s success, what about you, bringing three children...”

“Good,” he sat opposing her faded sense of rebuttal, “-how did it taste?”

“What?” she narrowed across.

“The taste of not having a chance to explain oneself. Deep down, even if the actions were ultimately for the greater good, the journey towards said goal is what people seek after, they care not for results.”

“...” her complexion eased, “-are the children not yours?”

“They are,” he retorted adamantly, “-not my biological kids, however.” Her expression gave the green light to explain, “-Draconis was born to someone I’d say is more frivolous than him. Vanesa followed suit and was in the same sort of situation. Lastly, we have my dearest Saniata, a spirit who’s deeply offended as I’ve ignored her for so many years,” he kicked up his legs, “-Alicia,” deep and thunderous, “-it’s better we separate as a couple,” he drew on a cigar.

“What?” her expression said no other, “-what brought this on?”

“I’ve changed,” he added solemnly, the crimson pupils burnt into her soul, “-I’ve traded my heart and emotions for greater power. I thought we would make a great couple... well, it doesn’t seem as if I’ll be able to make you happy.” The trio ran to give a tight embrace.

“Pops said he’ll care for us until we die,” snorted Draconis.

“For that,” yawned Vanesa, “-we’re grateful.”

“I’d advice so,” said Saniata, “-pops isn’t in shape to care for someone else. A burden of a lover will be arduous.”

“What they said,” he completed their little speech, “-my fate lays in chaos and destruction,” another message lit her phone, “-I’ve killed 7 thousand people and forced many into heart tearing torture. I didn’t once blink to the people I killed,” he resettled into a formal posture, “-how I see it, getting caught up in my life will bring woe and despair. We should separate for your own good.”

“My good?” she shrugged, “-what gave the right to decide what’s good for me?”

“I did,” he smiled, “-Alicia Raze, it’s been a pleasure,” he gestured to Vanesa, her palm rose, “-she’ll change thy memories. Opposed to being lovers, we’ll be friends, close friends. The bonds we shared shall be erased.”

“NO,” she leaped backward, “-I’m not giving up on my memories or you,” her high-bun stood above the couch, “-do what you want. I don’t care about being good or evil, get involved in the underground for all I care, as long as you return to me, I’ll be happy.”

A soft breeze blew across her cheeks, “-are you certain?” he whispered to the right ear.

“YES!” she snapped to the right, ‘-where’s he?’

“What if you have to kill someone?” whispered the left ear.

“I’ll do it,” she snapped to the other side,’-where’s this voice coming from?’

“What if my companions are mainly ladies?”

“Then?” she gently faced the front, their noses met, her heart sank, “-I-I-I,”

“What then?” he peered into her whole self; the immobile pupils bore the truest of intent.

“As long as you have feelings for me, then I don’t care!”

“Good,” he leaned closer, “-then I accept,” they pushed against the sofa and dropped into a tender embrace.

“Stop,” she managed to escape a few words, “-stop,” the reunion grew intense, “-what of the children?”

“A demon, the mistress of sickness, and a strong spirit,” the approach amplified, “-all above eighteen.”

Minutes turned to hours, the guest rooms locked, at 17:00, the door finally clicked. Draconis and Saniata were hard at work watching the television. Barefoot tapped the wooden floor, “-you guys ok?” yawned a fatigued Igna, “-I’m going to make dinner,” he stood shirtless with messy hair.

“Dinner!” cheered Vanesa, “-food, food, food, food.”

“Draconis, Saniata...” he fired across.

“Just cook,” returned Draconis, “-I don’t care,” he stuck to a pillow.

“Don’t interrupt us,” cried Saniata, “-it’s getting to the good part.”

“Suit yourself,” the stove fired, ingredients chopped. Vanesa managed to stumble her way to a stool adjacent to a marble ledge.

“Pops, did you have fun?” she asked in a supposed smirk, her lips broke into a smile and frown.

“Fun?” back to her face, “-I guess so,” vegetables flew. “-The misunderstanding’s settled.” Another pair of feet scurried into the kitchen, her hair awry down the shoulder, a baggy white-shirt belonging to Igna cover down to her waist, where she wore shorts and discolored socks.

“Igna,” she slumped onto his back, “-promise me that you’ll never leave.”

“Stop with the sentimental drama. Promises are the bane of human relations. You said you wouldn’t leave, therefore, tis no matter.”

“Back off,” fired Vanesa, “-pop’s back is my private bedchambers.”

“I’m sorry,” she escaped to hug Vanesa instead, “-you’re so adorable, the melancholic dead-eyed look, I love it.”

“You’re warm,” said she, “-and comfy pillows,” the lids shut to a nap.

*Knock, knock,* Alicia made for the entrance, she nonchalantly opened the door to a pink-haired lady.

“Who are you?” she frowned.

“Isn’t it common courtesy to give one’s name before asking?” returned the unsolicited guest.

“Now, now,” interjected a gentleman, “-tis no way ladies should interact.”

“Julius,” her expression swapped for one friendlier, “-come on in.”

“Well thank you,” tightly gripping Malley’s hand, the latter gave a smug once over and followed on inside.

“Don’t mind us,” said to lavishly dressed ladies, their entrance had her shudder. An aura of dread followed on inside. Next to them, arrived lighter-green hair in the company of the prodigious Lizzie. The living room sure filled with interesting people, mainly, Malley, ‘something about her ticks me off,’ gawked Alicia.

In attendance sat; lady Courtney, lady Elvira, Julius, Malley, lady Shanna and lastly, Lizzie. Quite the ensemble of people, Igna paid no heed, the mind solely remained on the preparation of food.

“I’d have never thought we’d all have the same idea,” added Julius beside Igna, the open area made for easier conversation. Malley and Alicia took on seats at the counter.

“I’ll go first,” interjected Courtney,”-Julius Arnet Haggard,” strong and threatening, “-come here right this instant.”

“Good luck,” whispered Igna over the frying pan.

‘I’m in deep,’ he moved to the where Draconis and Saniata blatantly ignored the others, “lady aunt,” he bowed respectfully, “-might have I perhaps offended you?”

“Most definitely,” her arms crossed.

“You,” fired Elvira, “-girl with the pink hair, stop gawking and come.” Prior animosity towards a fellow lady turned to fear, such auras from two imposing figures. She followed orders and dropped to her knees.

“What’s this?” she whispered to the prince.

“She’s Duchess Courtney Haggard, Igna’s lady mother, my aunt, and the head of our dynasty.”

“Quit the murmurs,” said she with emphasis,”-now,” shifted to Shanna, “-will her majesty approach?”

“Dear me,” she gracefully arrived, “-what could the matter possibly be, dearest Courtney?”

“Your son,” said she rapidly, “-he’s brought back a fiancé.”

“A fiancé?” the room shuddered, “-Julius, tell me son, is it true?”

“Brother has gotten a wife?” voiced Lizzie, “-please tell me it’s fake.”

“I know, lady mother, I know,” the head hung low, “-my duties were to marry into a noble family and increase our family’s reputation.”

“No, tis not the matter,” said Elvira strongly, “-the object of criticism is thy claim on the Ardanian throne. The change of rulership has all refuted the prior decision. If ever the Ardanians are to be independent, someone from lady Shanna’s bloodline will take the throne. First, it was Eira, then you, lastly Lizzie. If not for them, we have close blood ties to the king, the fourth in line is Igna Haggard, though he won’t force said claim.”

“What’s happening over there?” inquired Alicia cuddling Vanesa.

“A talk about the Ardanian throne’s future. Julius’s the next candidate to be the real ruler of Arda. Mother isn’t pleased by the choice of lover. A priest from the Empire, one stained by a dirty past isn’t in the least fit to be queen. The people won’t accept such a marriage easily, yesterday’s enemy tomorrow’s friend? Yeah, no, not going to happen.”

“Tell me, son,” she patted his head, “-do you love her?”

“Yes, mother, I do,” he glanced to a comforting expression.

“Then you have my blessings,” she smiled, “-Courtney, Elvira.”

“If her majesty has no qualms, then why would I be against the marriage,” said Courtney, “-may thee have a bountiful future together.”


The audience cleared a little, white locks faced the kitchen, “-Igna,” her eyes sharpened, “-anything you’d like to add?”

The new couple escaped to the back where they made small talk to the queen and youngest princess. ‘-How fearsome are their family?’ choked Malley, ‘-I never thought they could be so powerful, Queen Shanna’s here and is my mother-in-law out of all things. I pray she doesn’t hate my past and looks to the future. A priestess of the Dustina’s church shouldn’t be granted such a light sentence.’

“Me?” the fire dimmed to a stop, “-I do apologize for my appearance,” he confidently ambled to the living room, “-I’ve performed my duties as a son of the Haggard’s,” he dropped to one knee, “-albeit, the journey’s far from over.”

“I understand you’ve brought children along?” she glared.

“Yes,” he returned her aura, “-Draconis, Vanesa, and Saniata. éclair must have reported their origin and how they came to pass?”

“You’re surely confident,” her aura intensified.

“I ought to be,” returned he, “-I must make my mother proud,” the presence matched hers.

“Good,” she broke into an embrace, “-welcome back, I’ve missed you.”

The reunion continued over to a full dinner table. The guests enjoyed the chat and discussed politics and various other matters. One constant was the simmering conflict between the puppet masters. Spoken in code, Igna and Julius understood the matter, a meet would tell of the greater picture. Currently, they contended with a nice dinner in the company of family, a rare treat in retrospect.

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